[01:08] good morning [01:27] Morning callmepk [01:27] morning duflu [02:35] hi duflu , callmepk ! [02:35] Hey pieq [02:54] hi pieq [02:55] So my desktop is still on 18.04. /home is on a different partition from /. What are the odds that I completely destroy everything if I install 20.04 and just replace / ? :D [02:56] (if I remember correctly, there is a "format" checkbox that is unticked by default, so if I point /home to my current home partition and leave this checkbox unticked, I should get all my files and configs back after the install, right?) [03:03] pieq: You should keep your *user* configs and files (although backups are recommended, always!), but is there any particular reason not to just use `do-release-upgrade`? (You'll need to pass an option to make it consider 18.04→20.04 before we release 20.04.1) [03:05] RAOF, good question. A vague feeling of "it's cleaner this way". Also, last time I tried this (16.04 → 18.04), the laptop I tried it on miserably failed (a bad graphics driver issue I guess, I had no more X.org so it was very hard to recover) [03:05] RAOF, When is 20.04.1 due? Beginning of August? [03:08] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule says “End of July” [03:09] RAOF, OK. I might just try the do-release-upgrade and see, then. It's a desktop with an AMD GPU and nothing too fancy (no wireless, no BT, ...), it shouldn't be too bad in terms of support [03:10] My understanding is that `do-release-upgrade` is expected to *work* now, but we let the release see the first round of SRUs and soak for a bit. [03:10] If you have any problems, please file bugs 😀 [03:11] RAOF, I will, don't worry (I'm a QA engineer, filing bug is my passion! :D ) [03:11] filing bug*s* [03:12] RAOF, I found some pulseaudio issues when upgrading another laptop from 19.10 to 20.04, but yeah, it was on a laptop, I don't expect to see this kind of issues on a desktop (but you never know! :)) [03:12] RAOF, anyway, thanks for your answers! [06:14] good morning [06:17] Hi didrocks [06:18] hey duflu [06:41] good morning desktoppers [06:41] happy Monday! [06:55] Hi oSoMoN. Happy Monday [06:55] hey duflu, how are you? [06:58] oSoMoN, going well. You? [07:14] duflu, yeah, I'm good and very relaxed after a 4 day week-end [07:23] salut oSoMoN ! [07:29] hi all [07:30] salut jibel [07:31] salut didrocks, ça va bien? [07:33] salut didrocks, jibel [07:34] jibel: ça va, et toi ? [07:35] didrocks, bien, toujours l'été ici, on en profite d'autant plus que les touristes ne sont pas là [07:35] natation et rando pour rattrapper le retard dû au confinement [07:35] certes :) [08:16] Hi jibel [08:16] good afternoon duflu [14:16] didrocks, jibel: hey folks, one thing just came to mind re: zsys - think it'd be possible to annotate the snapshots with what caused them? like what `apt` command was being run, stuff like that? [14:20] Saviq: it’s an idea we had but we didn’t capture that on a bug report, mind doing so? (I’m afraid on a stable release that most of them will be "do-release-upgrade" and won’t really help though) [14:25] didrocks: I just setup a fully encrypted zfs laptop by hacking around the zsys ubiquity script, that was easy. need to play around with it more, but looking good [14:25] didrocks: The updating grub menu at apt install end is a bit slow [14:26] The installer experience was odd - it first formatted sda2 as / (ext4), and created a swapfile in it, before reformatting it as swap (sda3 was bpool, sda4 rpool) [14:26] Just to give you my impressions :) [14:27] (write speed seems to be about 60 MB/s in encrypted rpool, vs 100 MB/s in the unencrypted bpool; but they also have different recordsize [I increased recordsize to 512K in rpool]) [14:28] juliank: we need to test recordsize impact. The installer experience is unfortunately hackish, but normal users won’t see the trick ext4 then ZFS [14:28] juliank, we couldn't bypass partman, so we let it do it's thing then overwrite with our layout. That's weird indeed but didn't find a better way. [14:28] its* [14:29] which is unfortunate due to how ubiquity does with partman [14:29] ack [14:29] juliank: which encryption did you use? [14:29] didrocks: aes-256-gcm [14:29] ack, the next default one :) [14:29] yeah [14:29] just checking you didn’t shoot in your feet :) [14:50] didrocks: no worries, will log :) [14:51] thx! === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson === Mike[m]7 is now known as mikeinspace