[00:26] [telegram] Congrats on the successful upgrade! And, sorry for being so grumpy earlier. 😳 (re @MrkiMike: When is Focal going out of 'devel', in regard to do-release-upgrade? [00:26] [telegram] My bionic install (which I upgrade from zesty->artful->bionic) says that there is no 'next release', I had to run d-r-u with -d to get it to upgrade to focal) [03:58] Bashing-om, aarg.. bad err in 19.10 & 18.04 running linux 5.3... it's 19.10 not 19.04 [03:59] & please drop the LTS too - sorry [04:03] minor comment following 9to5 article too [04:04] guiverc: Meet me in news channel ? [04:06] sorry everyone, I thought I was in -news, apologies [04:07] * Eickmeyer points and laughs at guiverc [04:11] [telegram] How can I get into the news channel? I like news. Or other channels that have conversations about Ubuntu that aren't appropriate for this channel? [04:12] :) Eichmeyer [04:30] @Zechariah It's more of a collaboration channel for those that work on Ubuntu Weekly News. [04:31] [telegram] Oh, the news writers. Got it. [04:39] ubuntutestingbot: But if you have an interest in contributing - we *DO* accept help ! [04:48] @Zechariah ^ [06:23] [telegram] Sure! I'm a Google Local Guide and I already write extensive reviews, so I could certainly write news articles. [07:33] [telegram] No worries, my reaction could have been not so 'drama queen' either :) At least you pushed me into right direction! :) Thank you for that, and again, sorry for being annoying. (re @Eickmeyer: Congrats on the successful upgrade! And, sorry for being so grumpy earlier. 😳) [09:49] [telegram] got a link to where we can see these reviews (re @Zachariah: Sure! I'm a Google Local Guide and I already write extensive reviews, so I could certainly write news articles.) [13:33] [telegram] They are Google reviews, so I can share the individual links or screenshot them. I think only I can see my whole list at once. I'll pick out a few good ones and put together a set of links for you. (re @philipz: got a link to where we can see these reviews) [20:08] [telegram] @philipz I saved several of my reviews to Evernote so I can easily share them. Where do you want me to send them? [20:21] There sure seems to be a whole lot of problems I run into setting up a dev env for Tensorflow2 with CUDA & etc.. settings, no network, USB issues everywhere, and on and on. I don't think 20.04 was ready. (IMHO, of course) [20:24] I meant the problems I ran into compared to the previous 3 installs of 18.04 LTS. I think I'm going for a 4th (5th?) install and back to 18.04 LTS. [20:30] [telegram] What kind of hardware? I run nVidia and 20.04 has worked pretty well for me. I got it running on a little Lenovo 11" convertible all the way up to a Z390/i5-9400F/16GB/GTX1070 machine. No issues with WiFi, Ethernet, I can play Starcraft II in Wine, and everything seems to work. [20:32] [telegram] Ubuntu Pi is very unstable [20:32] [telegram] It should stay in beta [20:34] [telegram] I can't speak to Ubuntu Pi, although I have always wanted a Pi. I just have too many x86 computers! And extra Android phones and Android boxes. [20:44] [telegram] The Pi 4 actually has x64 support (re @Zachariah: I can't speak to Ubuntu Pi, although I have always wanted a Pi. I just have too many x86 computers! And extra Android phones and Android boxes.) [20:51] [telegram] Yeah, that's the one I was going to get. A Pi4 4GB. At one point I was looking into doing IoT stuff and had in mind to hook some sensors to one to build smart devices. I already do SmartThings coding and have apps that talk to smart devices. [20:54] [telegram] I think the Pi Zero would be better for IoT projects (re @Zachariah: Yeah, that's the one I was going to get. A Pi4 4GB. At one point I was looking into doing IoT stuff and had in mind to hook some sensors to one to build smart devices. I already do SmartThings coding and have apps that talk to smart devices.) [20:54] [telegram] I'd only recommend Pi 4 for desktop or server use [20:54] [telegram] I was going to get one of those, too! For $10, how can you go wrong? [20:55] [telegram] Even better, it's actually $5 [20:56] [telegram] Oh yeah, they went down in price. I've also seen little battery packs for them, which makes sense if you want to integrate into something that moves around, like a smart-backpack or something like that. [20:58] [telegram] Cool! Have you also considered Arduino, too? [21:00] [telegram] Yes. I have a friend who got into the Arduino and those tiny 1" screens. He built a digital dash for a 1950 Ford Truck he is restoring. He programmed his own little Ford logo so when it starts up it looks like a new one. We have a 2020 F-150 so we know exactly what that looks like, but he did it all himself! [21:01] [telegram] That's a great idea! Does it connect to the car itself? [21:03] [telegram] Yes. It reads the speed, oil pressure, battery voltage, etc. [21:05] [telegram] [21:12] [telegram] @GalacticLion7 We've gone outside of what is appropriate for the channel. No one else is here, but if you want to continue this conversation, feel free to DM me. [21:13] [telegram] Fair enough. Thank you for sharing!