
virtuosoj[m]Will Ubuntu studio PPA get latest version of Ardour?03:12
Eickmeyervirtuosoj[m]: It will have to be a separate PPA from the normal Backports PPA since it can break existing Ardour sessions. We want people to be able to add it when they are ready.03:42
=== nuuro is now known as ajan
chullec32greetings from Chile!04:19
ranzhi all. new ubuntustudio user. need suggestion to access googledrive in a similar way as ubuntu classic. anyone?16:30
OvenWerksranz: no clue what that means16:39
OvenWerksgoogle drive is just a website, no?16:40
ranzactually, not only.  In Ubuntu classic you can map gdrive as a disk on your file manager, and use it as if it's local (but not using local space) it's a good tool16:41
ranzI have more than one for different jobs16:42
OvenWerksSo is that a part of nautilus?16:42
OvenWerkstry running nautius from command line, it will either come up or give you a: Try: sudo apt install <deb name>16:43
OvenWerksother than that, maybe ask on #xubuntu16:44
ranzpart of the system settings there is an "account manager" that is not available in Studio, this toll manages the login. tried to install in Studio but fails16:44
EickmeyerDifferent desktop environment. Xfce vs GNOME16:45
OvenWerksagain that is one of those things best asked in #xubuntu16:45
ranzgood point, thanks16:46
OvenWerksranz: if you prefer ubuntu vamilla, you may wish to install Studio over top of ubuntu desktop16:46
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | ranz16:46
ubotturanz: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller16:46
ranzthis is new for me.  I used to add audio tools on vanilla UBUNTU, but not really stable. that's why changed16:47
OvenWerksinstaller adds some system tweaks that can be helpful.16:47
ranzthanks OvenWerks.   If will not succeed whit pure Studio, will come back tu LTS Ubuntu and tweak it.  another day....16:49
IAEONany here have a running realtime kernel?20:12
Eickmeyer!rt | IAEON23:55
ubottuIAEON: The RT kernel is the Linux kernel with special realtime patches applied. It is not available in Ubuntu. See also !lowlatency and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel23:55
EickmeyerTL;DR: Realtime kernels are a BAD IDEA.23:55

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