
=== narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac
babbageclunkwallyworld_: is this the raft bug you were talking about? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/188075104:29
mupBug #1880751: flapping HA controller machine with lease issue on 2.8-rc2 on GCP <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1880751>04:29
wallyworld_babbageclunk: yeah04:44
babbageclunkCould the events be getting blocked by the error being logged by the hubwatcher?04:52
babbageclunk(I mean the lease operations)04:52
wallyworld_babbageclunk: i haven't looked at it at all so have no insight04:56
babbageclunkwallyworld_: ok, I think that's the issue from reading the hubwatcher code - it waits up to 10s for the other end to accept the event but all the lease ops queued after that time out after 5s.05:08
babbageclunkDon't understand why the machineUnitsWatcher isn't unwatching though05:09
wallyworld_babbageclunk: is there a suggestion as to how to fix?05:10
wallyworld_manadart: would appreciate a review on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1880797 to fix bug 1880797 for inclusion in 2.7.7 (customer issue)05:11
mupBug #1880797: model migration fails from upgraded 2.6 model to 2.7 controller <juju:In Progress by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1880797>05:11
babbageclunkwell, the fix would be to make sure machineUnitsWatcher always unwatches the ids it watches05:12
mupBug #1880797: model migration fails from upgraded 2.6 model to 2.7 controller <juju:In Progress by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1880797>05:12
wallyworld_babbageclunk: i need to read the code, can you point me to the file with the watcher?05:12
babbageclunkyup yup - the watch call is at state/watcher.go:245505:14
wallyworld_babbageclunk: HO?05:16
babbageclunkyup just getting dressed05:18
tlmquick PR if anyone has a few seconds https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1162905:27
hpidcocktlm: approved05:57
manadartwallyworld_: Will look in a bit.07:33
eloxIs there something wrong with the charmstore? I'm just released my next revision of nextcloud charm, when I try to deploy it, it can't seem to find it.08:07
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stickupkidmanadart, The last piece before I tackle the machiner API https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163111:41
manadartstickupkid: Yep.11:42
=== Guest25091 is now known as skay
rick_hstickupkid:  manadart either of you free to give me a demo hand with an issue please?12:25
manadartrick_h: What's up?12:26
rick_hmanadart:  agent stuck in "initializing" and restarted it but blanking on unblocking it12:27
rick_hmight be doomed I guess https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/nWKnmXyhfK/12:28
rick_hthe other unit had a different error, trying restarting but not sure how I can kick it as it's not in an error state to retry https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/vMj23Zfp5z/12:32
manadartrick_h: Not doomed in the first case. Can the machine access the controller? When doing the fallback connect, if you get any error such as a time-out, it appears to bug out.12:37
rick_hmanadart:  yes, the machine 1 is a controller machine12:39
rick_hit's a monitoring setup on a controller12:40
rick_hthe fact that it thinks it's a bad auth and unusable I wasn't sure how to get it to retest that assumption12:40
rick_hI'm trying to get rid of the telegraf but it's also not removing as it's stuck in a bad state that Juju won't try to touch it, it seems12:40
rick_hof course this is my controller so just blasting machines is :( as it tears the rest of the demo work down12:41
manadartrick_h: Yes, I see.12:41
rick_hok, going to tear down. I need to get another build started asap12:45
manadartrick_h: Sorry; stumped.12:53
rick_hmanadart:  yea, all good just bummed, second controller to have to diaf :/12:53
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rick_hpetevg:  howdy, just wanted to check in if you get time for demo sync17:12
petevgrick_h: in a meeting now ... want to sync up in fifteen minutes?17:15
rick_hpetevg:  rgr17:18
petevgrick_h: I'm in the juju daily.17:30
rick_hpetevg:  sorry, on calls on my end my bad, timne slipped away17:31
petevgrick_h: no worries. I'm going to go get some lunch. I've got a MicroStack running Kubernetes for you, but as I went to share the controller with you, I realized that it's all locked inside MicroStack's private little network. I'm working on rewiring said network so that you can get to it from outside the box. (Doing a test run with some local stuff first, because it's easy to kill network access, and I don't want to start17:33
petevgall over again.)17:33
pmatuliswhy is it that even after this command: 'juju model-default default-space=public-space' i still get deploy errors like:18:31
pmatulis<< no obvious space for container "0/lxd/0", host machine has spaces: "public-space", "undefined" >>18:31
rick_hpetevg:  did you run across this at all? https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/t6nW9jykPK/ any hints on what it's saying?19:26
petevgrick_h: I did not run across that message. Interesting.19:29
petevgrick_h: I did most of my testing w/ three keystone units. I'm 99% certain that I did a final deploy w/ the one unit bundle I sent you, though ...19:30
rick_hpetevg:  hmmn ok, tear down and try again19:37
petevgcool cool19:38
rick_hpetevg:  almost have the CMR version of the bundle going wheeee19:38
rick_hthough I should dress it up some more with telegraf/etc but one thing at a timne19:38
rick_hpetevg:  hmmm, I expect this isn't a CMR ready application ugh19:44
rick_hok, different tact19:49
rick_hpetevg:  ok, CMR is ready. I'm goinmg to walk the dog but will you be around in 30 to sync on the openstack/etc?20:47
rick_hpetevg:  if the k8s kills it just leave it out20:47
petevgrick_h: congrats! I've got a release standup @ 17:30, but I'm around before and after then.20:48
rick_hpetevg:  ok cool ty, will ping when back from the walk20:49

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