
=== tomwardill_ is now known as tomwardill
tomwardillsigh, whoopsied and `git clean`ed my wheels directory09:11
* tomwardill waits for everything to rebuild09:12
cjwatsonpappacena: I updated dogfood and reran your push job.  https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/8tW3jn8fBz/ - looks good now I think?09:27
tomwardill"Found node-sass binary"09:53
tomwardillproceeds to rebuild it09:53
cjwatsonI remember that taking some work to get right on SCA but don't quite remember the details09:56
tomwardillI think I've just run into the same problem as I did there09:59
tomwardillit needs to be an absolute path and only works in the config file09:59
tomwardillmight have to copy it to somewhere like /tmp/ and then reference it09:59
pappacenacjwatson: it looks good now! :D10:53
pappacena`docker run -it --rm pappacena/foo-image:edge bash` seems to be fine too :)10:58
cjwatsonExcellent.  Shall we mark green and deploy then?11:00
cjwatsonpappacena: ^- above question was to you BTW :)11:58
pappacenaAh, sorry. I thought I have marked. Just marked it now12:20
cjwatsonpappacena: OK - can you work with Tom to sort out a deployment then?  I updated the docs this morning so you should only have a single place to look12:34
pappacenaYes, I'm taking a look at the document right now. Maybe we can do it together after the standup, tomwardill ?12:34
tomwardilloookay, closer14:36
tomwardillnow just to work out why my Make isn't working14:36
tomwardillcjwatson: any idea why `NODE_ABI = $(call lazy_eval,NODE_ABI,nodejs -p process.versions.modules)` is returning empty if I put it in a LP Makefile?14:38
cjwatsontomwardill: What's lazy_eval defined as?14:40
cjwatsonI thought that might be it :-)14:40
tomwardilldefining it14:40
tomwardillthat's a thing14:40
* tomwardill might try that14:40
tomwardilloh, look, a value!14:41
cjwatsonCan anyone review https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384556 for me?14:44
tomwardillnode-sass installation: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384644 and dependencies: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/38461415:04
cjwatsonLooks very familiar, I suspect the lazy_eval stuff was originally me :)15:07
tomwardillit was :)15:07
tomwardillall of that preamble was yours15:07
tomwardillI forgot that you made it actually none-hardcoded after I just plonked a bunch of version numbers in there15:07
cjwatsonDependencies URL should be https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/lp-source-dependencies/+git/lp-source-dependencies/+merge/38464315:08
tomwardillmain difference is that yarn uses the environment variable, where npm uses a cli switch15:08
tomwardillcjwatson: oh yes, copy paste fail15:08
cjwatsonWhat a lot of dependencies, but that's node for you I guess15:09
tomwardillI haven't attempted to prune them or antyhing, it's just the result of `yarn add node-sass`15:09
=== mup_ is now known as mup
tomwardillfrom the SCSS docs: "Prefer @use over @import as it is deprecated"16:41
tomwardillwhat they don't say: "only the dart-sass implementation actually has a working @use"16:41
* tomwardill just uses @import16:42
tomwardilloh hey, it works now!16:43
tomwardill17k of CSS, lovely16:58
tomwardillyet the old one is 86k17:01
tomwardillhmm, what have I missed17:02
tomwardill130k now17:03
tomwardillthat's... more believable17:03
tomwardill92k in compressed mode, that's probably close enough17:04
* tomwardill -> EOD17:04
cjwatsontomwardill: diff -w I guess17:27
cjwatsonWell, -bu maybe17:27

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