
=== timothy is now known as Guest39963
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest59128
=== Guest59128 is now known as JOE333
rosikaHi. Is it true that with the shift from LXDE to LXQt Lubuntu 20.04 has become a bit more resource-hungry?12:44
santimir[m]have been trying to install wow-usb, with no luck at all. The problem is that one of the dependencies isn't installable20:50
santimir[m]woeusb: Depends: libwxgtk3.0-0v5 but it is not installable20:51
lubot<teward001> are you on Focal?20:53
eddyizmjust upgraded to focal here.20:53
eddyizma nice upgrade from 19.1020:54
lubot<teward001> i was asking santimir20:54
lubot<teward001> santimir: if you're on 20.04 then the packaging for WoeUSB needs to be updated first20:55
lubot<teward001> the package names changed i think20:56
santimir[m]yes, i can't  get very well what you mean, sorry20:57
lubot<teward001> ahhh, wait a minute20:57
lubot<teward001> GTK2 support is gone, so I think part of the problem is that WoeUSB is not properly supported on 20.04 (it has GTK2 bindings)20:57
santimir[m]i don't know how to install windows then20:58
santimir[m]need it for work :-(20:58
santimir[m]i'm trying to build woe from source but it won't run20:59
santimir[m]from source it's running at least21:07
kc2bezsantimir[m]: you would have to contact the ppa maintainer to update the package.21:10
santimir[m]i'm confused about what update means, isn't lubuntu outdated according to the previous comment?21:11
kc2bezThe opposite actually. The ppa package was built before focal was released so the package didn't keep up with what was available to build with.21:13
wxlsantimir[m]: the reference is to the ppa being outdated21:13
=== dudeMan is now known as Guest45690
wxloh jeez and it's webupd8 too so that's concerning21:14
wxlif they're not up on the maintainence that's a bad sign21:14
kc2bezIt is concerning.21:16
wxloh dude it's using wxwidgets21:16
wxlwhich is indeed still on gtk2 yuuuuuuuuuuuuuck21:18
kc2bezAdmittedly I have never tried but isn't it possible to write a Windows USB using dd like you would a Linux iso?21:19
wxlor maybe stopped being updated after 11.04? https://wiki.wxpython.org/InstallingOnUbuntuOrDebian21:19
* wxl shrugs21:19
wxlwindows is worth having… in a virtual machine21:20
* kc2bez shrugs21:21
wxlso supposedly wxiwdgets SHOULD now handle gtk3 but my guess is they packaged it specifically around 2.6 to allow them to support the widest possible variety of versions21:21
wxli mean gtk2 SHOULD still be around21:21
kc2bezIt looks like there has been some activity on GitHub.21:22
wxland that package that supposedly can't be installed is a gtk3 version21:22
wxlsince woeusb seems to depend on a disk image, i bet it's easily used in a vm21:24
kc2bezThe GitHub repo dropped libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev21:24
kc2bez10 days ago21:24
santimir[m]i completely forgot you could install windows in a virtual machine21:30
santimir[m]it was successfully  installed though21:31
santimir[m]using the github version21:31
santimir[m]just out of curiosity; for an installation in a VM all we need is virtual box, windows.iso and some partition ain't it?21:41
kc2bezYou don't need to partition, it will use your current storage. The new vm wizard should walk you through.21:42
kc2bezVirtualbox creates a disk image on your file system for your VM.21:44
=== genii_ is now known as genii
santimir[m]thanks for this, it took just a couple of minutes to get the same result22:52
santimir[m]is there any reason why you prefer vms rather than a normal install of windows?22:53
wxlsantimir[m]: because windows is a security nightmare and rather annoying to deal with anyways23:30

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