
callmepkGood morning03:40
jameshhi callmepk 03:44
callmepkhi jamesh 03:44
dufluOh hi callmepk and jamesh 05:54
didrocksgood morning06:20
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:20
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:20
didrockssalut oSoMoN 06:20
dufluSalut didrocks, oSoMoN 06:22
didrockshey duflu 06:23
callmepkhi duflu didrocks oSoMoN 06:30
didrockshey callmepk!06:38
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk jamesh duflu didrocks oSoMoN06:53
dufluHi marcustomlinson 06:53
callmepkhi marcustomlinson 06:53
jameshhi marcustomlinson 06:54
oSoMoNhey duflu, callmepk, marcustomlinson, jamesh 06:56
didrockshey marcustomlinson 07:13
dufluo/  \o  o/  \o  o/  \o07:15
oSoMoNgood morning luna_ 07:51
marcustomlinsonhey Laney08:03
didrockshey Laney 08:04
LaneyHI marcustomlinson HI didrocks 08:13
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oSoMoNmorning Laney 08:31
dufluMorning luna_ and Laney 08:33
Laneyhey oSoMoN duflu 08:36
Laneyblerg, constant jackhammering outside08:37
pieqduflu, hey! The other day you pointed to this URL to monitor fractional-scaling related problems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=xrandr-scaling09:31
pieqduflu, do they include X11 and Wayland, or only X11?09:32
duflupieq, only X11 which 'xrandr' refers to09:32
dufluOr things closely related to it09:32
pieqduflu, ok, cause I've seen some of the issues there on Wayland as well09:32
pieqlike the cursor that de-doubles09:33
duflupieq, interesting. Please comment in the relevant bugs09:33
pieqduflu, will do09:35
pieqduflu, the good news is that at 100%, Wayland seems to work pretty well on my desktop (AMD RX580 GPU)09:38
pieqand no tearing even when watching 4k videos! \o/09:39
duflupieq, yeah the tearing issues are all Xorg-specific09:40
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hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:09
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 15:30
hellsworthhi there oSoMoN 15:30
ricotzhellsworth, hi19:22
ricotzhellsworth, why did you not use the final version for libreoffice 6.4.4?19:25
hellsworthwell the final version wasn't built in the ppa because it wasn't available at the time i uploaded... the arm builds had to be resetarted several times and then there was a final build so i chose to not rebuild19:26
hellsworthwell i rebuilt the tarballs with the final build and that is what I"m pointing marcustomlinson to19:26
ricotzhellsworth, ah, so your google drive upload contains the repack19:27
ricotzalright :)19:27
hellsworthi took a look at the top two new patches my ppa didn't have and it didn't seem worth rebuilding in the ppa and rerunning autopkgtests19:27
ricotzhttps://people.ubuntu.com is likely a better place to upload files19:28
hellsworthand i know you can't see the google drive but i wanted to keep you in the loop19:28
hellsworthhmm that's a good idea19:28
ricotzhellsworth, thanks that is appreciated19:28
ricotzhellsworth, jfyi, the git history regarding the help-bug patch is a mess while Rene decided to pick it up at some random point19:33
hellsworthi saw that19:34
hellsworthi wonder why Rene picked it up since debian didn't have a faulty help19:34
ricotzhellsworth, debian's binary uploads of 7.0 alpha were affected too19:35
hellsworthah ok19:35
hellsworthi don't have perms to upload to people.ubuntu.com it seems19:35
ricotzsame issue using amd64 to provide the arch-all packages19:35
ricotzhmm, you launchpad ssh key should work19:38
marcustomlinsonhellsworth, haven’t looked at your stuff yet but I assume since you’ve not opened an SRU bug for this yet that the changelog is missing a bug reference.19:42
hellsworthit is...19:42
hellsworthi thought maybe i would just force push the change after the sru was opened19:42
hellsworthbut ok thanks. i'll always open the sru first. 19:42
hellsworthi just didn't want the sru team to look at the bug before the packages were ready19:42
hellsworthand libreoffice takes a long time to build..19:43
marcustomlinsonYou’ll need to rebuild the source packages for me19:44
hellsworthi know. working on it now19:44
marcustomlinsonhellsworth, the SRU team don’t know about your bug until they see the upload in the unapproved queue19:45
marcustomlinsonthat’s what triggers them19:45
hellsworthaaaaah ok. i thought they watched bugs with [SRU] in the name mabye19:45
marcustomlinsonhence the need for the bug reference19:45
marcustomlinsonhellsworth, they might do that too, but if the status is in progress they’d leave it anyway right19:46
hellsworthok sure19:46

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