
brycemwhudson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-horde/+bug/188077600:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1880776 in php-horde (Ubuntu) " Please blacklist and remove php-horde and php-horde-* from groovy" [Undecided,New]00:07
mwhudsonbryce: thanks00:07
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cpaelzerparide: on +1 maintenance if you could check with the others if one is looking at qtbase-opensource-src that would be great07:31
cpaelzerit entangles a few other things, it looks desktop'ish but I'm unsure - so checking if one is looking at it would be kind07:31
cpaelzerall tests are good but https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt reports some uninstallabilities if I read that correctly07:31
cpaelzerwell actually that might be part of a full kde transition reading the pkg names07:32
cpaelzerwgrant: from your experience on update_output is riscv listed so often because it is actual issues on riscv - or is it just because it reports just one arch (avoiding duplication) and riscv happens to be the one picked?07:33
cpaelzerhmm "Arch order is: amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x"07:34
cpaelzerdoes that mean if risc islisted it would have worked on the others before it?07:34
wgrantcpaelzer: The problem with e.g. yara looks riscv64-specific, unless I'm misinterpreting the output07:38
wgrantstart: 111+0: a-7:a-7:a-8:i-2:p-7:r-72:s-807:38
wgrantorig: 111+0: a-7:a-7:a-8:i-2:p-7:r-72:s-807:38
wgrantskipped: yara yara-python (0, 0, 32)07:38
wgrant    got: 138+0: a-7:a-7:a-8:i-2:p-7:r-99:s-807:38
wgrantBut I'd expect that to be broken on all arches; libguestfs needs a rebuild for libyara4 afaict07:38
mwhudsontransform: couldn't project point (-81.4728 36.2344 0): No such file or directory (2)07:42
mwhudsonhow can this possibly happen07:42
mwhudsoncpaelzer, paride: i haven't looked at  qtbase-opensource-src specifically but my impression is that everything is horrendously tangled together07:44
paridemwhudson, I will try to have a look today08:09
RikMillsmwhudson et al. : yes, the Qt transition is entangled via qgis (depending on proj etc). also entangled with re2/perl transition due to a QtWebEngine rebuild in proposed for re2, while QT was still not migrated.08:10
RikMillswebengine could perhaps be rolled back by an AA to the unentangled version for a brief time if that helped the rest (Qt + proj) migrate08:12
mwhudsonheh i have my head in proj right now08:13
dokoparide: better fix the failing proj test08:13
dokoor r-cran-lwgeom, triggered by proj08:13
parideack doko08:13
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RikMillsmwhudson paride: FYI, in case you had not seen, the original r-cran-lwgeom s390x issue with version 0.2-3-1 was reported as https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=96121108:22
ubottuDebian bug 961211 in src:r-cran-lwgeom "r-cran-lwgeom: autopkgtest failures on s390x" [Serious,Open]08:22
RikMillsI don't know which is the worst evil. that or the 0.1-7-1ubuntu1 we have now08:22
mwhudsonyeah i'm not sure either08:34
mwhudsoni think i can see why the autopkgtest is failing with  0.1-7-1ubuntu108:38
mwhudson(master)mwhudson@anduril:~/src/pkg/plus_one/r-cran-lwgeom$ git diff upstream/0.1-7 upstream/0.2-4 | wc -l08:43
dokocpaelzer: deepin-terminal is the same category/error as terminator, a package providing x-terminal-emulator08:45
cpaelzeryes doko08:46
cpaelzera false positive, but we should find a way to get it out of the reports08:46
cpaelzerI haven't looked at the code yet (not even which code it exactly is), but I have a feeling this will go into the guts of things and not be nice&easy08:48
mwhudsonRikMills, paride, doko: ok uploaded a fixed r-cran-lwgeom09:01
mwhudsonit's a bandaid though09:01
mwhudsonthe tests will probably fail initially, can someone retrigger them with all-proposed=1 when they get the chance?09:14
RikMillsmwhudson: will do if I am by a PC when results come09:17
RikMillsmwhudson: poked the tests, and so far retries seem to be passing. proj is now a valid candidate12:42
RikMillsalso poked a couple that were stopping perl being a valid candidate (stuck in test in progress status, but never did get run)12:44
mdeslaurI need to package a new upstream version of something as a security update, it's going to be newer than what debian has, but it's a dfsg package, so I'll likely collide with debian's tarball when it comes out...is there any good practice for this, or do I collide away and sync back up with the next upstream release?13:20
rbasakI'm not aware of anything apart from trying to coordinate with the Debian maintainer13:21
mdeslaurI thought about just not adding the dfsg suffix to the package version, but it will need to be removed from the symbols files too, so I don't really want to do that13:21
rbasakYeah not worth it IMHO13:22
rbasakToo much potential for confusion13:22
cjwatsonif the Debian maintainer is active then sometimes you can manage to agree a tarball13:22
cjwatsonwhich I guess is what rbasak said13:22
mdeslaurok thanks rbasak, I'll send him an email see if he responds13:23
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks, I'll try that13:23
cjwatsonalso I don't suppose that uscan's mangling is reproducible?13:23
rbasakEven if it is, it seems unlikely it pass through tar and the compression reproducibly?13:23
mdeslaurhe just refactored all the code that does that, so I'm not even sure we'd be using the same code13:24
mdeslaurI'll ask the maintainer13:24
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=807270   rats13:25
ubottuDebian bug 807270 in devscripts "mk-origtargz: create reproducible tarballs and --mtime option" [Wishlist,Open]13:25
cjwatsonthat would seem like the ideal option13:26
cjwatsonbut since it doesn't exist ...13:26
rbasakbryce: I've injected a reimport request for logwatch. Let's see if that works OK. Assuming it does, I'll do the same for coreutils and php7.4.16:53
rbasak^ FYI to anyone else interested, the git-ubuntu branches for these packages will be rewritten shortly.16:54
rbasakI'll announce more widely when I start doing bulk reimports.16:54
rbasakIf all goes well, we'll reimport everything just once, and then the branches (and tags) for the unapplied part of the imports will be stable.16:55
bdmurraymarcustomlinson: I'm working on another update-manager bug so let's coordinate our uploads / SRUs.18:30
marcustomlinsonbdmurray: sure I’ll ping you tomorrow19:05
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