
sharky_piHi folks, anyone up for a quick chat about fstab docs?17:42
sharky_piok well in case people circle back to this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab17:46
sharky_pi1. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#Pass_.28fsck_order.2917:46
sharky_piPass: I feel it would be good to add a line of context to guide users on how and when to use pass. This is already begun, ("In practice...") but could be completed by giving a bit more info about whether one SHOULD fsck drives. The impression I get is that the value should be 2 for ext2/3/4 drives, and 0 for ntfs drives. But I'm not confident about17:48
sharky_pi2. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#Options17:49
sharky_piCommon options, 9: "user" - in all the examples below and elsewhere on the web, the nearest term used is "users". Is "user" therefore a typo, or are these different things?17:50
sharky_pi3. Options 3.1 "I advise" doesn't mention uid or gid, perhaps it should given they're in the examples?17:51
sharky_pi4. Examples, gid=100 is given but gid=1000 is the norm, as I understand it. Again, is 100 a typo when it should be 1000 in the examples?17:51
sharky_pi5. For 20.04 and feasibly prior versions, should one install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config before editing fstab? This is advised in old fstab guides but I don't know if it's now moot or if these are included in the OS by default17:54
sharky_pi6. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#New_Technology_File_System_.28NTFS.2917:54
sharky_piFor ntfs, explaining how to get locales is helpful. It might be nice to also add a line of context explaining why one might want to set these, e.g. from ArchWiki17:57
sharky_pi"Locales are used for rendering text, correctly displaying regional monetary values, time and date formats, alphabetic idiosyncrasies, and other locale-specific standards."17:58
sharky_pi7, finally: on the contact y'all page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Contact) the URL for this chat is http://java.freenode.net//index.php?channel=ubuntu-doc but that timed out & failed for me. Might work for others. But perhaps the https://webchat.freenode.net/ would be better?17:59
pleia2sharky_pi: everything under /community is a wiki, so you can edit it yourself if you join the wiki editors team, let me get the link18:02
sharky_picertainly happy to do so but wanted to bounce some of this off others first, as a MASSIVELY don't want to make edits which are wrong! haha18:03
pleia2others can't update it for you, since we're not experts on everything :)18:03
pleia2your edits do seem reasonable though18:03
sharky_pitotally fair enough. just wondering if anyone would mind looking at these proposals and18:03
sharky_piyeah exactly that, just seeing if i'm getting completely the wrong end of the stick somewhere18:04
pleia2these were just written by folks who have a bit of time, so there's always room for improvement18:04
pleia2details aren't ommitted intentionally18:04
pleia2thanks for your help!18:05
sharky_pithanks pleia. I'll sign up with the link (thanks again)18:06
pleia2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide has more information about contributing and how things are organized18:08
pleia2I'll warn you, it's sometimes a little tricky to log in and sometimes you have to clear caches to get rid of the Immutable Page link once you're re-logged in after you're added to the team18:09
pleia2a lot of protections had to be put in due to bad spam :(18:09
sharky_piinteresting, i'm literally looking into that issue now18:12
sharky_picompletely fresh system, any time i go to login.ubuntu.com I get the ubuntuOne signin page which prepopulates with my old email & password, then flashes to my new email, then old, about 10X in 1 second, then stops at my old email. This isn't stored in firefox, the new working details are stored in lastpass, so I have no idea how the old details18:14
sharky_piremain, and subsequently I frrequently can't login and typically give up18:14
sharky_pi(I try populating with new details manually or using lastpass but upon clicking submit, it's overwritten by the old info)18:14
pleia2it sometimes takes me a few tries to log in, but usually I am facing timeout issues x_x18:15
sharky_pican you think of who might be responsible for this section of the site? I've been bamboozled by this behaviour for years now18:16
pleia2the folks in #canonical-sysadmin18:17
sharky_piI figure it *HAS* to be stored within the site itself, since I have an empty firefox password manager and a blank cache18:17
sharky_piooh, is that a freenode channel? thansk!18:18
pleia2they're very aware of the problem, but there is no investment or resources for improving the situation18:18
sharky_piahaa. Boo.18:18
pleia2it's been like this for a few years18:18
pleia2the real solution is switching to wiki software that can handle the scale of the wiki, MoinMoin wasn't built to be as big as the Ubuntu wikis go18:18
pleia2but that's a massive project :(18:18
sharky_piyup. alas :(18:19
pleia2sorry to be a downer!18:20
sharky_pihey not at all - MUCH rather get confirmation of bad news than continue in ambiguity! I'm asking the sysadmin channel now, so fingers crossed they can tweak it on the backend18:22
pleia2I think a large chunk of the team is in the UK, so hopefully you can get someone's attention18:23
pleia2if you strike out, you can also submit a ticket to them via rt@ubuntu.com18:23
sharky_pigreat stuff, will do, thanks again18:23

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