
mwhudsonvorlon: gugh https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#r-cran-lwgeom00:19
mwhudsonvorlon: do you know what mix of packages that needs to be triggered with?00:19
mwhudsoni thought autopkgtest was supposed to retry with all-proposed by itself if the test deps couldn't be installed, has this regressed?00:59
vorlonmwhudson: when I tested it I had -proposed enabled but I didn't fully upgrade the container hmm01:06
mwhudsonvorlon: i think it just needs proj01:06
vorlonmwhudson: php-horde: a bunch of it has been removed from Debian; some of it has been reintroduced01:09
mwhudsonvorlon: bryce filed a bug to remove it again and blacklist it01:09
mwhudsonvorlon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-horde/+bug/188077601:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1880776 in php-horde (Ubuntu) " Please blacklist and remove php-horde and php-horde-* from groovy" [Undecided,New]01:09
vorlonso r-cran-sf being the other package in -proposed that is also failing on s390x, yeah probably works if you just test against proj from -proposed01:10
mwhudsonvorlon: i guess i forget how transitions work https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#pbcopper01:10
mwhudsonvorlon: are the "old binaries left" a problem? i thought they'd get cleaned up from nbs after the package has migrated01:10
vorlonmwhudson: well, most of the php-horde stuff is removed in Debian as well, therefore I had removed the blacklist; for packages that have been reintroduced in Debian (having gone through source NEW), I don't see the point in blacklisting since someone in Debian is actually maintaining them01:12
vorlonmwhudson: the old binaries need cleaned up because they're in -proposed01:12
mwhudsonvorlon: ah01:13
mwhudsonvorlon: can you remove those pretty please? and the armhf binaries from release01:13
mwhudson(i filed a bug for that, where did it go)01:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1880674 in pbcopper (Ubuntu) "please remove armhf binary" [Undecided,New]01:13
vorlonmwhudson: no need for bug reports for binary removals, these always follow directly from archive consistency rules rather than being developer decisions01:14
mwhudsonvorlon: hm even when an architecture becomes unsupported?01:16
vorlonmwhudson: as long as it's just us following Debian, yeah01:16
mwhudsonwell actually we are fractionally ahead of debian here01:16
mwhudsonunless the ftp-masters have been busy01:16
vorlonI will be generally reticent to remove binaries on an arch due to "unsupported" before Debian has at least filed the removal request bug01:17
mwhudsonanyway i should get on with rebuilding rdeps i guess01:17
vorlonmwhudson: and, uh, blasr just ftbfs on amd64 for the pbcopper no-change rebuild, enjoy01:17
mwhudsonvorlon: hooray01:17
mwhudson libpbcopper-dev : Depends: libpbcopper1.6.0 (= 1.6.0+dfsg-1ubuntu2) but it is not installed01:19
mwhudsonwhat did i do wrong01:19
vorlontouched a package that uses d-shlibs01:19
mwhudsonit doesn't though01:19
mwhudsonwhich is why the binary package name was wrong01:19
vorlonI thought it did previously :)01:19
mwhudsoni uploaded an attempt at using it but it didn't work01:20
mwhudsonmaybe i should forget about all this until it passes debian NEW01:20
vorlonmwhudson: the log shows both libpbcopper1.30 and libpbcopper1.6.0 being pulled in, so perhaps something else that blasr build-depends on needs to build first01:20
vorlonyeah libpbbam-dev01:20
mwhudsonffs https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pbbam/1.0.6+dfsg-2build2/+build/1936165801:21
mwhudson../tests/src/test_BamWriter.cpp:40:34: error: call of overloaded ‘CigarData(const char [1])’ is ambiguous01:21
mwhudsoni would like to register a complaint01:21
vorlonI will not buy this tobacconists it is scratched01:22
mwhudson"bam" fits the mood though01:22
vorlonmwhudson: https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/britney/hints-ubuntu/+merge/384590 is patching the middle of a block marked as "# BEGIN GENERATED BLOCK #', did you regenerate it?01:23
mwhudsonvorlon: no, is there a script for that or do you just paste it in?01:23
mwhudsonvorlon:  i don't have access to a machine with /chroots/groovy/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_groovy*Sources01:24
mwhudsonvorlon: if you can just regenerate it and reject my MP that would be better i guess01:24
mwhudsonah fails in debian too https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=95964301:25
ubot5Debian bug 959643 in src:pbbam "pbbam: FTBFS: ../tests/src/test_BamWriter.cpp:40:34: error: call of overloaded ‘CigarData(const char [1])’ is ambiguous" [Serious,Open]01:25
mwhudsonwell there's a new upstream version, let's see if that helps01:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected rustc [source] (focal-proposed) [1.42.0+dfsg1+llvm-1ubuntu2~20.04.1]01:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted strongswan [source] (focal-proposed) [5.8.2-1ubuntu3.1]02:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: docker.io (focal-proposed/universe) [19.03.8-0ubuntu1 => 19.03.8-0ubuntu1.20.04] (no packageset)06:40
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, I'm asking about groovy TBH06:41
RikMillsISO builds look poorly today07:27
RikMillslockfile: Sorry, giving up on "/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/etc/.lock-archive-sync"07:27
RikMillsTimed out waiting for archive sync lock!07:27
sil2100tjaalton: looking at those today o/07:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted git-remote-hg [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.1~ds-2]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-mime [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.11.0-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-scheduler [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.3-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-service-gravatar [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.1-7]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-service-weather [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.5.4-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-syncml [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.7-6]07:39
tjaaltonsil2100: ah, good07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-test [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.6.3+debian0-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-thrift [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.3-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-wicked [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.8-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted libla4j-java [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [0.6.0-2]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-service-facebook [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.10-5]07:39
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-sesha [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.0~rc3-5]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-text-filter-jsmin [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.0.2-7]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-xml-wbxml [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.3-7]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-passwd [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.7-5]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-template [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.0.3-8]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-service-twitter [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.1.6-5]07:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted php-horde-whups [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [3.0.12-5]07:40
cjwatsonRikMills: I killed one that's been stuck since yesterday afternoon; that should probably help to clear things07:50
RikMillscjwatson: aha. makes sense. thanks!07:50
sil2100Yeah, the server one for bionic seemed to be hanging for long07:56
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!08:03
LaneyCould someone SRUy look at mesa/bionic in the queue please? It's to fix image buildability due to a component mismatch08:12
sil2100Laney: yes, it's on my list for today o/08:19
=== tomwardill_ is now known as tomwardill
sil2100Got a ping from Timo yesterday08:20
sil2100Such an obscure dep-change indeed08:21
Laneythanks sil2100!08:21
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted mesa [source] (bionic-proposed) [20.0.4-2ubuntu1~18.04.2]08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [amd64] (bionic-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.1]08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [i386] (bionic-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.1]08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [s390x] (bionic-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.1]08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [armhf] (bionic-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.1]08:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted llvm-toolchain-10 [ppc64el] (bionic-proposed) [1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1~18.04.1]08:23
sil2100tjaalton: I also accepted all the llvm binaries ^ But sadly arm64 FTBFS08:23
sil2100tjaalton: can you take a look and see if a retry would help?08:23
tjaaltonah, sure08:28
tjaaltonhmm no build log08:29
tjaaltonrestart it is then08:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: drop-seq [amd64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [2.3.0+dfsg-2] (no packageset)08:30
LocutusOfBorgmissing build on armhf: python3-pybedtools (from 0.8.0-3build1)09:22
LocutusOfBorgsomebody removed bedtools without cleaning up reverse-dependencies first?09:22
LocutusOfBorg^^ vorlon  please?09:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted drop-seq [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [2.3.0+dfsg-2]09:25
xnox1LocutusOfBorg:  thanks for fixing up my upload09:29
LocutusOfBorgyou are welcome :)09:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: grub2-signed (focal-proposed/main) [1.142 => 1.142.1] (core)09:43
LocutusOfBorgI did quickly because it breaks people using proposed on their system ;)09:43
=== chihchun is now known as rextsai
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted chromium-browser [source] (eoan-proposed) [81.0.4044.129-0ubuntu0.19.10.1]11:46
tseliotsil2100, hey did you have the chance to have a look at nvidia-graphics-drivers-440-server and nvidia-graphics-drivers-418-server in groovy?12:29
sil2100tseliot: hey! Looking now!12:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted net-snmp [source] (bionic-proposed) [5.7.3+dfsg-1.8ubuntu3.4]12:34
parideSo in the end what's holding back the mysql-8.0 migration is this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-8.0/+bug/187750412:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1877504 in mysql-8.0 (Ubuntu) "new version of libmysqlclient21 8.0.20-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 causes mythtv-set, mythbackend and mythfrontend to segfault on exit." [Undecided,Confirmed]12:38
paridewhich happens when libmysqlclient21 is used to connect to a mariadb server12:39
parideand mysql-8.0 triggers a libdbd-mariadb-perl autopkgtest which fails because of it12:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted dahdi-linux [source] (xenial-proposed) [1:2.10.2~dfsg-1ubuntu4]12:43
coreycbhello archive admins, please can we get python3-ironicclient promoted to main for focal+? it's py2 counterpart was in main in the past. this will help unblock heat from focal-proposed.12:53
sil2100tseliot: ok, I think -440-server is looking okayish, the only nitpicks I would have for a future upload is: bumping copyright, as debian/ is for 2018, and I guess the git branch that debian/control is pointing at is not existing yet13:09
sil2100Let me accept it13:09
sil2100tseliot: as for -418-server, I didn't promote nvidia packages before, so question: is there an MIR filled in somewhere?13:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers-440-server [source] (groovy-proposed) [440.64.00-0ubuntu1]13:12
sil2100Since we were requested to fill one for a different package that we wanted to promote from multiverse to restricted13:12
sil2100But maybe nvidia has some exception?13:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: nvidia-graphics-drivers-440-server [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/none) [440.64.00-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)13:22
tseliotsil2100, no, there is no MIR, since all the nvidia drivers belong in -restricted13:23
tseliotsil2100, I can update the copyright in the next upload13:24
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected docker.io [source] (focal-proposed) [19.03.8-0ubuntu1.20.04]14:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: docker.io (focal-proposed/universe) [19.03.8-0ubuntu1 => 19.03.8-0ubuntu1.20.04] (no packageset)14:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: nvidia-graphics-drivers-440-server [amd64] (groovy-proposed/multiverse) [440.64.00-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)15:08
vorlonmwhudson: refreshed the list; it doesn't have to be /chroots/groovy, that's just an example path :)15:27
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: python3-pybedtools sorted15:43
LocutusOfBorgthanks and for pegjs migration please?15:44
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: your message was not clear what you needed an archive admin for re: pegjs/groovy15:44
LocutusOfBorgpegjs/groovy has "Provides: nodejs" which is OBVIOUSLY WRONG. the new pegjs/groovy-proposed is failing to migrate due to this15:50
LocutusOfBorgbecause it increase the uninstallability count on riscv64 (nodejs is not built there)15:50
LocutusOfBorgbut we cannot satisfy nodejs installability with pegjs!15:51
LocutusOfBorgsame for focal of course, I would have SRUed with more changes if possibile, to keep it in sync with groovy (the bugfixes are useful, and not breaking changes, I'll update the SRU report)15:51
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted plasma-nm [source] (focal-proposed) [4:]15:54
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: so this is about binary removals on riscv64, ok16:56
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: done16:58
LocutusOfBorgsomething around that lines :) thanks!16:58
LocutusOfBorgdo you think you can accept the same as SRU? assuming I change the bug report?16:59
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: we can't remove the binaries from the release pocket as part of an SRU; but under the circumstances we could accept an uninstallability increase on rcisv6416:59
LocutusOfBorgsure thanks17:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: pegjs (focal-proposed/universe) [0.10.0-1 => 0.10.0-3~ubuntu1.20.04.1] (no packageset)17:01
LocutusOfBorgnow the SRU bug is more coherent with the upload17:05
LocutusOfBorgalso, remmina seems to need a kick to go in release because of riscv64 nox libraries not built there?17:06
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: remmina is a candidate despite the unsatisfiable depends17:07
vorlon(and is already uninstallable in the release pocket, not a regression)17:08
LocutusOfBorgoh ok, wonderful to know!17:08
* vorlon pokes at r-cran-sf/s390x with more involved triggers17:08
LocutusOfBorgI also have a libsdl2 sadness on i386 I couldn't really parse https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libsdl2/groovy/i38617:08
LocutusOfBorgprobably a force hint is needed?17:08
vorlonlibsdl2 is in the i386 whitelist; shouldn't be a force hint, at most a badtest, but I'll look at it first17:09
vorlonsince it seems to be a regression in testability on i38617:09
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: it's declaring test deps on the toolchain directly; if this is changed to depend only on build-essential, autopkgtest will fix it up for cross-arch testing17:10
vorlonso we should do that instead of regressing test coverage17:10
LocutusOfBorgbut there is a new test using clang...17:11
vorlonyeah that's not fixable via build-essential17:11
LocutusOfBorgI mean, the old test is also testing a build with a clang compiler17:11
LocutusOfBorgclang ${DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE:+--target="${DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE}"} -o use-sdl use-sdl.c -DWRONG_INCLUDE_PATH -lSDL217:12
LocutusOfBorgclang ${DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE:+--target="${DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE}"} -o use-ttf use-ttf.c -DWRONG_INCLUDE_PATH -lSDL2 -lSDL2_ttf17:12
LocutusOfBorgthis ^^17:12
vorlonhow was clang being installed in the old test?17:12
LocutusOfBorgit was not tested at all17:12
vorlonyou said the old test is testing a build with a clang compiler17:13
LocutusOfBorgno, the old test is testing "hey, this example file works with gcc"17:13
LocutusOfBorgnow the very same test with the very same filename is testing both gcc and clang17:13
LocutusOfBorgtests are build and deprecated-use17:14
vorlonright, so.  It's possible a dep on clang:native would DTRT17:14
LocutusOfBorgmmm interesting17:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/none) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/none) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [s390x] (groovy-proposed/none) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [s390x] (groovy-proposed/none) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:15
LocutusOfBorgI uploaded that17:15
LocutusOfBorglets see how far we go before committing in debian17:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [amd64] (groovy-proposed/none) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ivar [amd64] (groovy-proposed/none) [1.2.2+dfsg-2] (no packageset)17:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [amd64] (groovy-proposed/none) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [armhf] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: cat-bat [armhf] (groovy-proposed/universe) [5.0.5-1] (no packageset)17:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: flash [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.2.11-1] (no packageset)17:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ivar [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.2.2+dfsg-2] (no packageset)17:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ivar [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.2.2+dfsg-2] (no packageset)17:34
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: local test here, changing to clang:native the build test passes (but may be doing amd64 instead?), and the deprecated-use fails18:06
vorlon+ clang --target=i686-linux-gnu -o use-pkg-config-clang-dynamic use-sdl.c -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include/SDL2 -lSDL218:55
vorlonwell that's a good sign at least18:55
vorlon/usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/SDL2/SDL_platform.h:179:10: fatal error: 'begin_code18:56
vorlon.h' file not found18:56
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: ^^ that's curious, AIUI this should be found at /usr/include/SDL2/begin_code.h so no idea why clang is unhappy18:56
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: ah, I was testing wrong, and picking up the binaries from release pocket instead of proposed, oops19:12
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: ok when I test against the binaries I'm meant to, seems to work fine by just switching to clang:native, cool19:21
mwhudsonvorlon: does it make sense to remove the riscv binaries from release for these packages? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/html/auto-gsl.html19:40
vorlonmwhudson: do you know why they're failing?19:47
mwhudsonvorlon: no, the tests are hanging19:47
* mwhudson checks calendar19:48
mwhudsonvorlon: maybe the +1 maintenance person could look into it!!!19:48
vorlonmwhudson: :P19:49
vorlonmwhudson: working on gdal currently which is higher priority :)19:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [amd64] (eoan-proposed/main) [5.3.0-56.50] (core, kernel)21:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [ppc64el] (eoan-proposed/main) [5.3.0-56.50] (core, kernel)21:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [s390x] (eoan-proposed/main) [5.3.0-56.50] (core, kernel)22:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [arm64] (eoan-proposed/main) [5.3.0-56.50] (core, kernel)22:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rustc [s390x] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.43.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp1ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)22:02
vorlonN | flash Component: universe Section: science Priority: OPTIONAL22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ivar [arm64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.2+dfsg-2]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ivar [riscv64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.2+dfsg-2]22:07
vorlonwho came up with that genius use of the namespace22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [armhf] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [armhf] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ivar [amd64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.2+dfsg-2]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pbbam [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.0.7+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [arm64] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [arm64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pbbam [amd64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.0.7+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [riscv64] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [riscv64] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:07
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted cat-bat [s390x] (groovy-proposed) [5.0.5-1]22:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted flash [s390x] (groovy-proposed) [1.2.11-1]22:08
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rustc [ppc64el] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.43.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp1ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)22:33
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pbbam [arm64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.0.7+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)22:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: pbbam [riscv64] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.0.7+dfsg-0ubuntu1] (no packageset)22:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-azure-4.15 [amd64] (bionic-proposed/main) [4.15.0-1084.94] (no packageset)23:02
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-azure [amd64] (eoan-proposed/main) [5.3.0-1023.24] (core, kernel)23:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rustc [i386] (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.43.0+dfsg1+llvm-1~exp1ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)23:21

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!