
parideblackboxsw, ec2-f was supposed to be enabled: https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/12017:07
blackboxswparide: hahah, oops was mapping that to minutes incorrectly :.17:08
blackboxswthanks approved17:08
blackboxswparide: and landed17:09
blackboxswparide: two more back at you https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/12117:15
blackboxswparide: last one from me: https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/12217:20
parideblackboxsw, merged, thanks!17:22
blackboxswparide: it's probably past your EOD have time for me to put up another for  adding curtin-g CI jobs and cloud-init kvm|lxd-g  jobs too17:23
blackboxswwe may load the CI machines to near breaking point17:23
paridetorkoal will explode :) blackboxsw I am going out, but I can review/merge tomorrow morning17:28
blackboxswok one more cloud-init https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/123  for lxd/kvm groovy17:28
parideok just in time17:28
blackboxswheh see ya paride tomorrow it is17:28
paridelet me see17:28
blackboxswthanks again17:28
blackboxswif an issue, I'll blame the new guys :)17:28
* blackboxsw is looking at falcojr there :)17:29
blackboxswfalcojr: I may have a couple of minor CI branches for you to look at today17:29
falcojrHeh, sounds good17:31
parideblackboxsw, merged, thanks17:33
blackboxswthanks paride have a good one17:33
* paride declares EOD for real :)17:33
blackboxswfalcojr: on the hook from here on out ! :)17:33
blackboxswfalcojr: as a note, our jenkins is behind a firewall at https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/17:34
blackboxswso you'll  need VPN up to access it17:34
blackboxswand any job changes we make are auto-syncd to jenkins every 15 mins, but we can manually pull with the job: https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/job/admin-jobs-update/17:35
blackboxswso if we break something we can fix quickly if needed17:35
blackboxswfalcojr: for you if you end up having time today https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/12417:44
blackboxswif not, no biggie17:44
falcojrI should be able to today17:49
blackboxswthank you sir.17:59
falcojrwhat does proposed mean in the context of these jenkins jobs?18:04
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blackboxswfalcojr: sorry missed this, proposed for the jenkins jobs means to           pull-lp-source curtin "$RELEASE"-proposed18:39
blackboxswit means we are testing the debian source bits that have been uploaded for curtin to the xenial-proposed bionic-proposed etc. deb pocket18:39
falcojrgotcha, thanks18:40
blackboxswso it is testing what we plan to SRU, as those bits get queued in the $release-proposed pocket for testing and verification for an SRU until SRU verification is fixed18:40
blackboxswthen when we pass verification the bits get published to $release-updates pocket18:40
blackboxswfalcojr: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html lists packages that are currently queued in the *-proposed pockets and haven't cleared SRU verification yet18:41
blackboxswgenerally there'll be links to a project bug  (or multiple bugs) related to that SRU verification that needs completion18:41
blackboxswanother minor ci branch if anyone wants to grab it https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/40019:08
blackboxswour cloud_tests need to allow us to support groovy release19:08
blackboxswawesome falcojr https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/124#discussion_r432033139  and thanks you are right19:10
blackboxswpushed fix19:11
rharperblackboxsw: I reviewed the ubuntu/bionic;  I had a question in the review;  I wasn't sure if what you've pushed to ubuntu/bionic is the *final* form (it looks like my local branch following your steps has a diff from yours)19:18
blackboxswahh rharper I held off on my manual patches, will apply them now and push19:46
rharperblackboxsw: I see19:46
rharperlemme diff to my previous commit19:46
blackboxsw+1 rharper I'll wait to push19:46
blackboxswok awesome sauce. pushing manual changes in 2 mins19:47
rharperok, then I'll refresh19:47
rharperthough I think your commit message will need more than "test patches"19:48
rharperfor what you're pushing to ubuntu/$release right ?19:48
blackboxswrharper: fort pushed19:50
blackboxswforce pushed rather19:50
blackboxswyeah rharper I manually did the following19:50
blackboxswgit commit -m 'd/control: drop python3-nose and python3-unittest2' debian/control19:51
blackboxsw git commit -am 'changelog: add content for dropping python3-nose and python3-unittest2'19:51
rharperOK, +1 on your update; we diff the same there as well19:51
blackboxswthen I git rebase -i HEAD~5 and reordered the commits squashing the debian/changelog ones into 3703b789d3ad3a0495b204118a44a19ed8b31da1 the new-upstream-snapshot changelog entry19:51
blackboxswthanks rharper19:51
blackboxsweoan and focal are more straightforward19:52
rharperblackboxsw: ok, ping me when you've got them up, I'll review20:01
blackboxswrharper: their up20:01
blackboxswfocal: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/39820:02
blackboxsweoan: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/39720:02
rharperblackboxsw: in your eoan PR, you show applying the patch first, then new-upstream-snapshot ? any reason for that ?20:04
rharpershouldn't that go after the snapshot ?20:04
blackboxswrharper: if we apply it first, then new-upstream-snapshot takes care of it in the right order without a rebase afterward20:05
rharperhrm, ok20:05
blackboxswI end up manually rebasing after to make sure the commit is in the changelog before we tag it anyway20:05
rharperwhy did we not do that for xenial ?20:05
blackboxswrharper: we could have and should have landed it first, I only though about it after we got through bionic20:05
blackboxswbut either way is reasonable. I can redo xenial and bionic if you like , but in xenial and bionic we have to rebase anyway because we re-order the debian/changelog content lines after new-upstream-snapshot is 'done' anyway20:06
rharperblackboxsw: ok20:07
blackboxswso I'll still need to rebase -i and squash the manual re-order of debian/changelog commits20:07
blackboxswbionic and xenial only20:07
rharperblackboxsw: ok, I'll review eoan and focal;  we can re-review xenial/bionic if we want to re-do20:20
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blackboxswhrm rharper so on eoan I forgot to push my changes. done now21:41
blackboxswand focal push fixed https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/39821:47
blackboxswrharper: benefit of patching before new-upstream-snapshot is we can add the ~20.04.1 suffix so new-upstream-snapshot knows to redact bug #s and require an SRU_BUG_NUMBER21:48
blackboxswfor focal specifically21:48
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rharperblackboxsw: ok, I'll re-review eoan/focal now22:38
blackboxswthanks powersj for jumping in on all the flake stuff22:45
powersjblackboxsw, no worries wanted a couple easy ones :)22:49
rharperblackboxsw: ok, eoan/focal good to go22:54
blackboxswthanks rharper23:07
blackboxswrharper: thanks I think I missed a review on ubuntu/xenial23:20
blackboxswbut otherwise all others are uploaded23:20
blackboxswif you get a chance to double check that'd be great23:21

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