
wallyworldthumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163300:15
* thumper looks01:42
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11635 for some more cleanup05:42
thumperwallyworld: I'm heading inside, you may need to get kelvinliu or tlm to approve the 2.7 merge forwards into RC branc05:43
wallyworldalmost done landing in 2.705:43
tychicuswas running through the 20.05 openstack install and hit the following error, which seems like maybe a charm configuration issue05:46
tychicusExecuting changes:05:46
tychicus- upload charm cs:ceph-mon-48 for series focal05:46
tychicus- deploy application ceph-mon on focal using cs:ceph-mon-4805:46
tychicusERROR cannot deploy bundle: ceph-mon is not available on the following series: focal not supported05:46
tychicuswhen I look here focal is listed a supported https://jaas.ai/ceph-mon/4805:47
wallyworldtychicus: unless the charm declares it supports focal, you will need to use  --force and hope it works regardless05:47
wallyworldhmm, interesting05:48
wallyworldmaybe the bundle has some series config which conflicts05:48
wallyworldoh, what release of juju is this05:49
wallyworldah, you may need a later version. 2.7.6 is recommended05:50
wallyworldi think focal was added around that time, can't recall if it was 2.7.1 or 2.7.205:50
tychicusthanks, I'll give that a whirl05:51
wallyworldif no luck let us know05:51
tychicusWill do, thanks for the quick response05:52
tlmwallyworld: need me to approve ?05:58
wallyworldstill waiting for 2.7 to land, then forward port05:58
wallyworldsoon hopefully05:58
wallyworldFFS, another trasient failure06:01
tychicusso I updated the client and controller to 2.7.6, but I get the same error that focal is not supported06:09
wallyworldtychicus: can you share the bundle being used and repor steps? a bug would be useful so everything is together in one spot06:12
wallyworldit maybe a set up issue or whtever, we can comment on the bug and close it if it gets resolved06:13
tychicusjuju deploy ./bundle.yaml06:14
tychicusshould the bug be filed against the charm or the bundle?06:14
wallyworldbundle looks ok to me at first glance06:15
wallyworldyou could try and work around it by setting the series in the bundle to bionic and see if that helps06:16
tychicusI can give that a go, that will just tell MaaS to deploy a 18.04 machine rather than 20.04, is that correct?06:18
wallyworldmight get you unstuck until it is figured out06:18
wallyworldtychicus: you definitely have focal images in your maas?06:19
wallyworldit does look like a juju error message though06:20
tychicusyes indeed 20.04 is synced on MaaS06:21
wallyworldweird, no idea at this stage without digging into it06:22
wallyworld--force will work also i think06:22
wallyworldjuju deploy <bundle> --force06:22
tychicusI'll give force a try and in the mean time I'll get a bug filed06:23
tychicuswallyworld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/188107106:40
mupBug #1881071: ceph-mon-48 does not support focal <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881071>06:40
tychicusif there is anything else that you would like to see in the bug report please let me know06:40
wallyworldmanadart: sorry, got a bit over zealous getting bugs in order for the rc3 release, lining up those that will be in 2.8 since we're forward porting 2.7 for rc307:28
manadartwallyworld: If we are doing RC3, I would like to back-port some performance patches: 11570, 11606 and 11608. This is a nice combo that deliver performance improvements.07:35
wallyworldmanadart: just looked at those, they look fine to me for backporting07:38
manadartwallyworld: How soon do we need the hash?07:38
wallyworldi'm currently landing a cmr fix in 2.7, after which i have a forward port lined up to pick it and a couple of other small fixes07:38
wallyworldi was hoping to have rc3 ready for QA in a few hours but am having issues landing the 2.7 patch07:39
wallyworldtimeouts etc in some full stack tests07:39
wallyworldif we can get it to QA for their SOD that would be good07:39
manadartwallyworld: Let me do the hack we've been using. It's `dep ensure` for the 2.7 branch that takes all the test time.07:39
wallyworldit's the tests themselves :-(07:40
wallyworldlast run was some container init tests07:40
wallyworldand before that some agent ones07:40
wallyworldalways happens when you need to get stuff done urgently07:41
manadartwallyworld: OK.07:42
wallyworldmanadart: so the rc3 trigger was bug 1881021 which i diagnosed and fixed but as per email from tim, we also need to confirm that the other observations are fixed or not07:42
mupBug #1881021: inappropriate "relation-joined" for unit bounces untiter repeatedly <cdo-qa> <cdo-release-blocker> <foundations-engine> <uniter-worker> <vsphere-provider> <juju:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881021>07:42
wallyworldi ran out of time to go and dig07:43
stickupkidmanadart, did you see my updates?08:03
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163108:04
manadartstickupkid: Will look in a bit.08:04
wallyworldstickupkid: here's a foward port of 2.7 into 2.8rc to pick up a few key PRs for rc3. you guys may have one or two more to land, but landing this now will ensure the diff is a bit more managale https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163608:10
wallyworldty in advance :-)08:10
stickupkidwallyworld, "##[error]state/cleanup.go:1227:54: undefined: machineId"08:12
wallyworldstickupkid: ah, missed that, one sec08:13
wallyworldstickupkid: fixed, there was obviously a variable rename in the uprade series cleanupjob and that instance was from a change added in 2.808:15
stickupkidwallyworld, looks good to me08:18
manadartwallyworld or stickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163708:30
stickupkidwallyworld, another failure around params package https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11636/checks?check_run_id=71601394308:30
tychicusis there any way to force the mysql-router to bootstrap?08:34
tychicusMySQL Router not yet bootstrapped08:34
wallyworldmanadart: lgtm08:35
tychicusjuju actions mysql-router reports08:37
tychicusERROR application "mysql-router" not found08:37
wallyworldtychicus: i assume mysql-router is a deployed charm for which you want to list the actions?08:40
tychicusyeah, I thought it was part of the bundle but it looks like maybe not08:41
tychicusjuju deploy mysql-router08:42
tychicusLocated charm "cs:mysql-router-0".08:42
tychicusDeploying charm "cs:mysql-router-0".08:42
tychicusso it looks like there is a mysql router for a number of services09:01
tychicusmaybe these questions are better aimed at #openstack-charms09:02
stickupkidmanadart, ping10:50
manadartstickupkid: Pong.10:52
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
stickupkidmanadart, at some point in the future https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1163916:26
madFrenhello everyoneapologies if this has been asked before, however i've searched the net far and wide and still can't get my issue fixed.i'm trying to deploy openstack from a charm bundle (tried various revisions of openstack-base and openstack-telemetry) and juju doesn't bind the applications to network spacesi keep getting `failed to start machine16:47
madFren0/lxd/0 (unable to setup network: no obvious space for container "0/lxd/0", host machine has spaces:`16:47
hpidcockwallyworld: any merge conflicts on the 2.8-rc -> 2.8 pr?22:17
thumperhttps://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11635 awaiting someone to approve it22:33
tlmI can take a look thumper22:34
thumperthanks tlm22:35
Eryn_1983_FLhi guys23:48
Eryn_1983_FLwe keep getting ovn errors on our openstack roll out23:48
Eryn_1983_FLcurrently we got certificates missing errors.23:48
Eryn_1983_FLany ideas of whats going on..23:49

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