
=== mike_ is now known as Guest53527
crystal_waterI have updated lubuntu 19.10 tot lubuntu 20.04 but in the upgrade process my machine lost power and now can i not boot my machine to lubuntu. how can i fix this problem07:38
apt-ghettocrystal_water: What do you mean with "cannot boot"?07:53
crystal_waterif i will start up my machine to boot i get a error machine after typing in the grub passwaord07:54
apt-ghettoYou have an encrypted installation?07:55
crystal_waterwith the standard tool in the lubuntu setup07:55
apt-ghettoYou can start a livesystem and then chroot into the installed system07:56
crystal_wateri have now boot in a livestystem of lubuntu  20.04. what's the next step?07:56
apt-ghettoUEFI or BIOS?07:57
crystal_waterBIOS i think07:58
mikecool818well i used Rufus in ISO mode to boot up an Pentium 4 pc07:58
mikecool818lubuntu boots up, goes through the pre-installation hoops07:58
mikecool818and its stuck right after the Scanning CD/ROM07:59
mikecool818what could be the issue for the screen not showing up anything after that07:59
mikecool818i tried to set the kernel to nomodeset. idk what it does but it didnt help08:00
mikecool818so..could it be that after scanning CD/ROM (boot media) part,  the blue screen  staring at me..08:00
mikecool818...could sparkle up with further steps after waiting for like 15 mins..08:01
apt-ghettocrystal_water: Open a terminal and type: `sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdXY cryptlvm`08:01
crystal_waterin the livesystem?08:01
mikecool818yes sir08:01
mikecool818live USB boot08:01
apt-ghettocrystal_water: yes, from the livesystem08:02
crystal_waterMiecool818: i have i to apt-ghetto08:02
apt-ghettocrystal_water: After opening your encrypted device, you mount the installation `sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks-<UUID> /mnt08:04
crystal_waterapt-ghetto: i have put the exact code in the terminal and the output is : Device /dev/sdXY doesn't exist or acces denied.08:04
apt-ghettocrystal_water: Well, for X you should use the name of the disk and for the Y the number of the partition, in your system it should look like sda1 or sda5 or whatever08:06
crystal_wateri will try that08:06
apt-ghettocrystal_water: Check with `lsblk -f`08:06
apt-ghettocrystal_water: In the FSTYPE column of lsblk you should see "crypt_"08:08
crystal_waterand copy the ' sum'  after  crypto?08:09
crystal_waterit say that it is already mapped or mounted08:09
apt-ghettoWhat is the mountpoint?08:10
crystal_wateri have solved it. i had the file manager open en decrypt there08:11
apt-ghettocrystal_water: What is the mountpoint of your luks device?08:14
crystal_wateri get the error again. i have sda-sda1 crypto. and use sda1 or sda1 cypto and give the same error: Cannot use device /dev.sda1 which is in use (already mapped or mounted)08:15
crystal_waterwith lsblk -f i see no device with the name luks08:15
crystal_wateryes now i see it08:16
apt-ghettoOk, then do: `sudo umount /dev/sda1`08:16
crystal_waterit is onder sda108:16
apt-ghettoAnd after that remount it with `sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks` press TAB to autocomplete and then ENTER08:17
apt-ghettoSorry, I mean `sudo mount dev/mapper/luks-..... /mnt`08:17
crystal_wateri say that it is not mounted and after i will decrypt the device i say it is mounted or mapped08:18
apt-ghettoWhich command did you type?08:19
crystal_waterfor unmount (sudo umount /dev/sda1) and for decrypt (sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 crypto cryptlvm)08:20
apt-ghettocryptsetup luksOpen is not necessary08:21
apt-ghettoYou have to mount it to /mnt, so that we can prepare the chroot08:21
crystal_wateri take now a break i will comeback soon08:21
crystal-wateri am back from the break. What is the command to mount sda1 to /mnt?09:08
apt-ghettocrystal-water: sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks-.... /mnt09:12
apt-ghettoYou can press TAB for the autocompletion09:12
crystal-waterat the dots i need to type sda1?09:13
apt-ghettono, `ls -l /dev/mapper/` shows you one device09:14
apt-ghettoIt is a unique identifier09:14
crystal-waterdo i need root root 10 or root root?09:15
apt-ghettono, just start typing and when you wrote luks- press TAB once or twice09:15
crystal-waterok i will do that09:15
crystal-watertab do nothing09:16
apt-ghettothen check it with ls -l /dev/mapper and write it. The command will then look like sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks-5abc4532-9229-a03a-29299302902 /mnt <= just an example09:19
crystal-waterif i do -l /dev/mapper i get no output that looks like 5abc4532-9229-a03a-2929930290209:21
apt-ghettoDid you reboot the live system?09:21
crystal-waterno i have not reboot wil i was on this irc09:22
apt-ghettoDo you see control and something else?09:23
crystal-wateryes by crw------- 1 root root 1009:24
crystal-waterand there under i see cryptlvm -> .. dm-009:25
apt-ghettoAhh, okay, then use sudo mount /dev/mapper/cryptlvm /mnt09:25
crystal-waterthat works but i see nothing09:26
apt-ghettoThat is good09:26
apt-ghettothen we continue: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev09:27
apt-ghettosudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys09:27
apt-ghettosudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc09:27
apt-ghettosudo cp /proc/mounts /mnt/etc/mtab09:27
apt-ghettosudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash09:27
apt-ghettoExecute line by line and after that you are in your installed system09:28
crystal-waterby the thirth from above comammand i get ( cp: '/proc/mounts' and '/mnt/etc/mtab' are the same file'09:29
apt-ghettoYes, no problem, you can continue09:29
crystal-wateri have typed the command's in the live system.09:30
apt-ghettoThe command prompt has changed?09:31
apt-ghettoThen you can execute: apt update09:31
crystal-wateryes to root@lubuntu instead of green lubuntu@lubuntu09:31
crystal-waterupdate is now ready09:32
apt-ghettoin the output of apt update you should see the word focal?09:32
crystal-wateryes the files that are donwloaded'09:32
apt-ghettothen do: apt full-upgrade09:33
apt-ghettoThe Lubuntu installation was a fresh installation with 19.10?09:33
crystal-wateri get a error that i need to execute 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to solve the problems09:34
apt-ghettoGood, do that: dpkg --configure -a09:34
crystal-waterwoth sudo?09:35
apt-ghettoYou are root in the chroot, so you do not need sudo09:35
crystal-waterif it is a fresh install i need to make a back up first?09:35
apt-ghettoIf your data are important for you, you always need to have at least one backup09:36
apt-ghettoIf you don't care, than you don't need a backup09:36
crystal-waterthan i will make a back up now. i will take a couple of minutes'09:37
apt-ghettoI go offline in a few minutes09:37
apt-ghettoBut now you have the steps to chroot into your installation09:37
apt-ghettoAnd if you need help, there are certainly other people here, who can help you09:38
crystal-wateroke then i will ask a nother person.09:38
apt-ghettoCan you please tell me, which was the original Lubuntu installation? 18.10? 19.04? 19.10?09:38
crystal-waterthanks for all the help it is very usefull and i takes a lot of to search on the web09:39
apt-ghettoThat is good09:39
InHooomanguys. quick question. anyone knows if you can change the keyboard layout on a bootable usb installation?09:40
apt-ghettoInHoooman: If you have a GUI, then `setxkbmap it` would change it to the italian keyboard layout09:40
crystal-waternow i can't see the the hard drive in my machine now is it because if have mounted it with my live systems?09:41
apt-ghettocrystal-water: You should see it under /mnt with pcmanfm-qt09:42
InHooomanthanks. i guess i'll need a keybind to change between the two layouts. thanks09:42
InHooomanthanks again*09:42
crystal-waterapt-ghetto and after that remount it for the fresh install?09:42
apt-ghettoInHoooman: It depends, if you are talking about a live system or about an installed system09:42
apt-ghettocrystal-water: If you have your backup, then you should try to reinstall Grub inside the chroot with: grub-install /dev/sda && update-grub09:43
apt-ghettocrystal-water: And you should try to fix the dpkg errors, so you don't need to reinstall the system09:44
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=== fran is now known as Guest55161
lubotItzSwirlz was added by: ItzSwirlz16:46
lubot<ItzSwirlz> looking to install c++ library QMainWindow16:46
lubot<ItzSwirlz> installing qtbase5-dev isn't working :/16:46
lubot<ItzSwirlz> #include <QMainWindow> … File not found.16:52
lubot<ItzSwirlz> running files-everything is fine16:52
akemItzSwirlz Maybe it's looking for Qt4 ?16:54
lubot<ItzSwirlz> doubt it16:54
akemIt's definitly qtbase.16:54
lubot<ItzSwirlz> i'm going back to it later16:54
lubot<ItzSwirlz> yeah16:54
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