[13:29] man... rpi4 8GB now... i think it actually could make an effective workstation replacement for me. [14:34] Yeah, no kidding [14:40] https://keivan.io/the-day-appget-died/ [14:40] WAT? [14:40] oh, i read that as aptget for 2seconds [14:41] Yeah [14:41] It's not quite that, but it's still fun times with Microsoft [14:41] TL;DR: Microsoft released WinGet (Not to be mistaken with AppGet) earlier this week as part of their Build 2020 announcements. For the past few days, I’ve been collecting my thoughts figuring out what actually happened in the past 12 months. [14:41] TLDR; I’m no longer going to be developing AppGet. The client and backend services will go into maintenance mode immediately until August 1st, 2020, at which point they’ll be shut down permanently. [14:44] meh, i don't have much sympathy for the guy. [14:45] except for his lack of continuous followup on travel reimbursement [14:45] they owe him that. [14:51] And this is why I'm using the GPL. :) [15:02] if it were GPL, they never owuld have called him, but would have created the same winget without ever talking to him or offering him a job. [18:06] podman might actually do what I was complaining that docker doesn't. [18:57] Wow, they screwed that guy. I'm not surprised. [19:08] did they? how so? [19:09] No credit. I mean they could have at least thrown him some cash for the idea too. Not like they're hurting for cash or anything. [19:10] Still better than Apple at least. They'd have just invited him over and kicked him in the balls then spat on him slamming the office door on their way back in. [19:14] is that so? [19:15] Well, Apple are notorious dicks. Maybe not that extreme now that Steve is gone but they're still pretty bad. Toxic corporate and client culture IMO. [19:17] they make some great shit. [19:17] damn shame they make it worse while making it better. [19:19] Tell that to Louis Rossmann. [19:21] I wish he'd stop livestreaming so much crap though. I miss the old videos and now he follows the format of taking forever to get to the point to maximize viewtime. [19:21] pfff [19:22] anyone, louis rossmann or anyone else who thinks they can repair a product that is sold as something unrepairable and disposable is a fool. [19:22] it is no different than buying a spoon and complaining htat it isn't a knife. [19:23] to hold contempt for someone for such a thing is foolish. [19:23] Yet he somehow manages. They just don't want to repair it because they want that money. [19:26] or, designing for repairability hurts both design look and profit and so it isn't done. [19:26] . [19:30] They're Apple, they don't need to worry about profit so much. As far as design goes I don't see why you can't have both [19:32] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K98JYRBGyrg I mean yes, backups would fix that but not everyone is great with that. [19:35] making it so it could be taken apart would require design compromizes. clips and latches and stuff all take space, removeable parts need to be manufactured to a might tighter spec if you don't want them to feel loose. think about old phones that had removeable batteries, they never felt like a solid single item [19:36] glueing and lamination allows them to make phones thinner and lighter, while also making the separate parts all feel like one solid item. they also ensure that heat dissapation is more consistent [19:38] Yeah, it's a pain to find a phone with a removable battery these days too. My current Nexus 6 doesn't and that's years old now. Every phone I had besides that which did felt pretty solid to me though. [19:39] Had a Galaxy Note 2 that I removed the back off of quite a few times and lost some clips but still held on like a champ. [19:49] smh [20:04] I feel the same way :P