[00:06] * Sven_vB goes study the manpage. [00:11] I renamed my server (a year ago) but i'm still seeing the old name come through in certain situations (like for example how it identifies itself to my router/DHCP) can anyone help me figure out how to scrub the traces of that old name? [00:12] actually, maybe I'm confusing this with a different machine [00:12] ignore me pls [00:12] sometimes those 'remembered bits' are actually on the dhcp server [00:13] router lease .. [00:14] I once had such a huge problem getting some *hardware* to work that I named the server 'lilbastard' or something similar, figuring it'd be five minutes to change it when it was all set up... it was not. I couldn't track down all the places that knew that name, and wound up needing to reinstall from scratch after wiping the disk. great fun. great lesson. [00:14] no it's a new connection (switched router), maybe I never changed it at all, /etc/hostname has the old name still [00:15] ahh :) [00:15] do you usually set the hostname to an fqdn, or just the first bit? [00:17] i bet before I just ran sudo hostname foo and it only lasted until the restart [00:19] I only ever set the first part -- none of my machines have internet-reachable names anyway :( [00:20] sarnold btw re: lilbastard, if you think linux has lots of places, mac is worse [00:20] GunArm, the default (boot time) hostname is in /etc/hostname afaik [00:20] i had to port an client application to mac one time, part of it was about reporting it's pc name to an application server, which on windows is like there THE HOSTNAME [00:21] mac has like 3 different competing things that want to be that, and can have independant values [00:21] GunArm: this was an SCO system; not even their UnixWare product, but the horrible thing that predated UnixWare [00:22] GunArm: sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [00:22] GunArm, one of my VPS has h28#####.st###r.net in /etc/hostname so I guess FQDN [00:23] leftyfb Sven_vB thanks! [00:24] GunArm, same format in /etc/mailname [00:24] oo didn't think to look at that one [00:25] best ls /etc/*name :) [00:25] good call === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [01:16] i installed guiscrcpy, enabled debugging, connected my android phone to my laptop ubuntu 20.04 sees the phone i can move files, but clicking the start button on the gui says scrcpy dosnt find any devices [01:17] Greenfrog, via snap? [01:17] yes [01:17] ver 3.9 [01:17] check softwarecenter > installed > snapname > permissions [01:17] ok thanks === Israphel is now known as Guest5057 [01:18] * universal answer to connection and permission issues, files/mic/webcam.. === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel [01:21] should work ootb, adb build in .. https://snapcraft.io/install/guiscrcpy/ubuntu [01:27] wow, that was it. i didnt know i needed to give permissions in ubuntu, it works now big THANK YOU :) [01:27] have fun! [01:27] you made my day :) [01:28] oh is that a gui thing to connect the snap things? [01:28] * sarnold things ALL the things [01:28] yes, unhandy place for snap permissions, some give a dozen... [01:29] I didn't even know we had a gui for it. whatever it is is probably easier than trying to find the snapcraft page about it, hehe [01:29] yeah, no install --classic anymore [01:30] still, there are a lot of options for snap package developers [01:31] where does flatpack store these credentials? hmm? [01:34] oerheks: something like this? https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/issues/311 === coffeeguy is now known as zenguy [01:35] hmm that would be nice too, to keyring. [01:36] not sure snaps have that option too.. [01:39] https://snapcraft.io/docs/password-manager-service-interface [01:39] I wonder what it grants [01:43] is "desktop containment" meant as a sandbox in the security meaning? [01:43] or rather just compatibility? === zbenjamin is now known as Guest63092 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [01:46] Sven_vB: I think the hope is that when wayland is more mature, it'll be able to provide some security [01:46] Sven_vB: but in the meantime, this probably still works https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/42320.html [01:46] ok === conjo is now known as spagettios [02:09] does anyone know what landscape on premise price is, for more than 10 machines? [02:13] cgi: I *think* that landscape on-prem might be as low as $25/year for desktops, https://buy.ubuntu.com/collections/ubuntu-advantage-for-infrastructure-essential -- servers and vms are more [02:23] Is there someplace I can look up package version numbers that were in EOL ubuntu releases? I'm trying to isolate a bug that was introduced in ubuntu disco, and it would help if I knew the version numbers of a certain package in both cosmic and disco, so I could narrow down the search in the package's upstream git. [02:24] forest: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ [02:24] forest: old packages are on http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ [02:25] forest: and it's not super convenient, but each release has a mail list like this one https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/disco-changes/ [02:26] forest: the ../dists/ directory of that mirror link would let you get to the Packages files with the version number to release mapping.. that may or may not be less pain than the -changes/ lists [02:32] sarnold: Thank you. http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/**/Packages.xz contained the version numbers I needed. [02:32] nice [02:32] * mason mopes. [02:32] aww :( [02:32] sorry mason [02:32] heh [02:38] sarnold, I thought if i am running on premise, it wont be per instance based - it would be per server that runs landscape - I am guessing that is not true? [02:51] Can you help with rfkill: input handler disabled and then enabled and loosing keyboard input in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? When it happens I have no choice but reboot. === leaftype2 is now known as leaftype [03:26] Hey everybody Ubuntu 20.04 Cinnamon Remix rocks [03:26] Anybody in here from that project [03:31] Hello [03:34] hello, i'm trying to get a dual boot setup going and i'm having a bit of trouble. windows boot manager is an option in my grub, but it only brings up the recovery mode diagnostics screen, and the only way to get into windows is to manually boot it from the bios [05:25] Can I install a browser only on top of ubuntu-server? A browser only I mean? [05:25] and then run it via putty too as in terminal? [05:28] Intelo: a graphical browser using X? [05:28] Intelo: or would a text mode browser suffice? [05:29] matsaman, graphical browser [05:29] like firefox, chrome [05:30] Hi all, I posted about this issue here a couple of days ago but I have some more information. More often than not, when I log in, I get an error message saying that Samba has crashed. The title is "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in __strlen_avx2()" I've only been getting this crash since I installed the latest update about a week ago. The share still [05:30] seems to be up but I've experienced some issues when transferring files to the share from Windows where it will tell me that the transfer has failed and would I like to retry. [05:30] Intelo: you can install one, but it's a huge faux pas on a _server_ [05:31] matsaman, why huge? [05:33] !info xvfb [05:33] xvfb (source: xorg-server): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.20.8-2ubuntu2 (focal), package size 758 kB, installed size 2208 kB [05:33] matsaman, I want to keep it minimalistic [05:34] oerheks, so I do not need X11/xorg? just xvfb (which I assume is lightweight) and firefox? thats it? I can browse with putty? [05:35] for static and 2d effects, it can be doen.. [05:35] c/done [05:35] Am I experiencing this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/1514766 [05:35] Launchpad bug 1514766 in samba (Ubuntu) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in strlen() while accessing a share from a W7 client" [Medium,Confirmed] [05:36] oerheks, I want real browser experience. Youtube, videos, etc [05:37] https://dingyuliang.me/ubuntu-run-xfvb-systemd/ [05:37] Intelo, youtube? no [05:37] Intelo: because it won't be minimalistic [05:37] Intelo: and the more software you have the less secure or reliable a system is [05:37] and on top of that [05:37] oerheks, why not? [05:37] if you put a graphical browser on a server -- people will use it [05:37] to go to torrent sites and porn sites and malware sites [05:37] ehm, go try it out. [05:38] oerheks, matsaman actaully I am doing it for my laptop. I am sick of GUI chashes. and heavy load. My main work is browser that i cannot replace. I can replace all other things with terminal [05:38] I don't need a desktop [05:38] Just browser [05:40] Intelo: you should try Debian, then; Ubuntu doesn't have a stable branch [05:40] the server branch is not a stable branch, it's just a server config [05:40] but heavy load, you could try lubuntu or something [05:43] oerheks, matsaman ok, what performance difference will I get if I delete kde and only have xorg/x11? [05:44] Intelo: on an older system you might see a real difference [05:44] but you may as well have a window manager and some things; perhaps you weren't actually planning on omitting those [05:45] not much point loading just X without a window manager unless you're trying to squeeze every last bit for a game or some kind of nonsense [05:45] yes, x11, handfull of things like dolphin, ktorrent, firefox, chrome, hexchat, thats it [05:46] oerheks, matsaman what do you think? [05:46] well you can't really run dolphin or ktorrent probably without KDE stuff [05:47] but you could get workalikes that are lighter [05:47] people have done that for ages, it's always been a sound approach [05:47] light wm, just the gui apps you need [05:47] try deluge for a fairly agnostic GUI torrent client [05:48] for a file manager ... man, maybe pcmanfm? [05:48] or spacefm? [05:48] there are a few GUI ones with staying power that are DE agnostic [05:49] hm [05:49] thanks [05:49] will read [05:49] good night === you_see_me is now known as beaver [07:54] I know there was this command where I can have bash run multiple commands at the same time. Like sharding.. but I can't remember what it was [07:54] anybody have an idea? [07:57] command1 & command2 & command 3? [07:57] nah [07:57] gnu parallel? [07:57] I found gnu parallel [07:58] yeah [07:58] probably that [07:58] yup that was it - I remember the icon for that project [07:58] thanks mgedmin [08:17] one thing im still confused about is whether linux terminal emulater and command prompt are both what you would call "cli" can some one explain please [08:17] can anyone test this on focal? 1) start gnome-terminal. 2) start vim with "gvim --clean". it will launch and detach itself from the terminal. 3) quit gnome-terminal while gvim is still running. result: there will be a delay of 5 seconds before the terminal will quit. [08:17] also are they both shell [08:20] found a man all gud [08:21] spagettios, they're mostly synonymous, but in actuality a terminal emulator is just understands how to receive input and display text. a "shell" is the program you run in a terminal which lets you type and run commands [08:21] http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_lts0010.php [08:21] acurate historically but not now, fair assesment [08:22] and thanks for repying [08:23] it wasn't accurate historically. terminals used to be computer-like machines (a screen and a keyboard) that communicated with a remote computer that ran your shell [08:23] thats strictly speaking what a termial is right [08:23] the only difference now is that terminal emulators are programs, and you run the shell on the same machine [08:23] an computer and keyboard in one lol saw a pic [08:23] they're still separate things [08:24] yup [08:25] whats the diff between the different ones like ksh and bash sh zsh etc [08:25] a shell reads the commands you type, indicating a program, and asks the operating system to execute that program. the various ones lets you have command history, command completion, have their own internal scripting languages with different syntax, have different keyboard shortcuts [08:26] if you're a programmer, you can try writing your own shell to read commands and run them, to see what it takes to make even a simple shell, and how far it can branch off from there [08:26] interesting the part about scipting syntax [08:27] e.g. csh uses a c-like syntax. bash uses the classic bourne-shell-like syntax. they're quite different [08:27] where can i learn more about that and how it relates to why you would choose one over another [08:27] usecases and stuff [08:28] is bash a programing lagnuage === mateen1 is now known as mateen [08:28] spagettios, it's more a matter of preference than usecase. all shells have their own internal programming language [08:28] C is re C like syntax no? [08:29] I don't understand the question about C [08:29] csh reference [08:30] sorry, please write a whole question [08:31] I was inaccurate about it being a matter of preference. if you want you "shell script" to be compatible with many different machines, you need to write in "bourne shell". this shell is what most computers have at /bin/sh and are likely to have it. bash is "bourne shell" compatible with some added stuff. in ubuntu, the bourne shell program used is called "dash" but it's also available as to /bin/sh [08:33] thanks for that i was trying to refrase the question but getting bogged down i blah blah and getting no where [08:33] CSH is supposedly C-like syntax. I don't think it's very C-like... also it's not really common on linux. It's more of a BSD thing. #! /usr/bin/env tcc is as C as it gets for a shell. [08:34] got ya [08:34] webmind: hey, I was away yesterday - virt-manager will be able to see the Multipass-driven VMs [08:34] webmind: let me know what's your use case and I can hopefully suggest whether Multipass is a good fit :) [08:34] InnovAnon-Inc, yes. sorry for being vague [08:34] if its C like in syntax, does that mean something written in C would work on that shell [08:34] csh [08:35] no [08:35] or just bits [08:35] o [08:35] not even bits. it's just syntax inspired by c [08:36] use tcc as a shell if you're trying to run C as a script. CSH isn't C. [08:36] could you please give me an example am a little confused [08:36] about the syntax inspired [08:37] do you mean like for instance some config files conform to regex standard (perhaps bad example but im only learning the basics) [08:38] spagettios, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_shell#More_like_C [08:38] sorry cheers man [08:40] you can csh is still similar to bourne, by using $ in front of variables, but it uses parentheses instead of square brackets, and different keywords for code blocks (endif instead of fi) [08:41] cool [08:42] my scripts are pretty lol one line with a tee or a | i have used if of before in dd, what does fi and endif do in those programs [08:42] also bourne shell uses a separate command called /bin/[ (also called /bin/test) to evaluate expressions. it's a fake-out. it's not really "square brackets" syntax. in csh, this evaluation with parentheses internal to the shell [08:42] fi and endif just tell the shell "this is where the 'if' block ends" [08:42] is it just stoping the program from looping=allow it to end [08:42] Saviq: wat are multipass vm's? [08:43] not the program.. just the code that you want to run if the "if" expression is true (or false, if you use "else") [08:43] webmind: basically http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ (and then some) - have a look at https://multipass.run/docs [08:43] webmind: rather than downloading images and/or installing from .isos you `multipass launch 18.04` [08:44] spagettios, these are called "flow control": http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_wss0080.php [08:44] i could kiss you [08:45] been on my todo list for ever [08:45] im bookmarking this page and finishing it [08:45] lol i meant site [08:46] hi [08:46] i just installed ubuntu 20/04 but grub doesnt show up at boot [08:46] dual booting with windows [08:46] i think some packages changed in new version [08:46] how can i restore grub? [08:47] did you try grub-install from your linux system? [08:47] yes [08:48] $ sudo grub-installInstalling for i386-pc platform.grub-install: error: install device isn't specified. [08:48] also i tried grub2-common it says grub already installed [08:49] grub2-common is already the newest version (2.04-1ubuntu26).0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 195 not upgraded. [08:49] tried smashing that F8 key during [08:49] 'install device isn't specified' => did you try specifying the device? [08:49] there was a package named boot-repair does it still exist? [08:50] InnovAnon-Inc how can i specify the device? [08:50] !grub-install [08:50] #grub-install [08:50] crap. grub-install [OPTION...] [OPTION] [INSTALL_DEVICE] [08:50] grub-install /dev/sda, for example [08:51] ah right [08:51] b1ack0p: is your bios using UEFI or legacy boot? because i386-pc is legacy boot [08:51] and modern machines tend to use UEFI [08:51] Installing for i386-pc platform.grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'. [08:52] mgedmin bios [08:52] are you running grub-install from a livecd session? [08:52] it needs some additional arguments then (or you could do it in a chroot of your actual ubuntu installation) [08:52] mgedmin yes [08:53] in livecd [08:54] b1ack0p: is your ubuntu install uefi or legacy? pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' [08:54] b1ack0p: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_the_LiveCD_terminal [08:55] (wiki page last updated in 2015, hope nothing changed since then!) [08:55] EriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Cw37qv4p93/ [08:55] b1ack0p: looks like legacy === bird_icbm is now known as alice_eve [08:56] b1ack0p: type 'sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt' [08:56] EriC^^ done [08:56] it is kinda old laptop yes [08:57] isnt this correct? sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg [08:58] uh, don't do that [08:58] b1ack0p: try "sudo grub-install --recheck --boot-directory=/mnt/boot/grub /dev/sda" [08:58] your grub.cfg should be correct, the problem is the BIOS is loading the windows boot loader instead of grub [08:58] 1 sec [08:58] b1ack0p: try "sudo grub-install --recheck --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/mnt/boot/grub /dev/sda" [08:59] EriC^^ Installing for i386-pc platform.Installation finished. No error reported. [08:59] b1ack0p: ok, just run a quick 'ls /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg' does that exist? [08:59] yes /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg [09:00] ok, try rebooting [09:00] thanks [09:00] i am rebooting see ya [09:00] np, ok [09:00] hey isn't it supposed to be --boot-directory=/mnt/boot ? [09:00] the man page of grub-install says it'll add the /grub to it [09:00] mgedmin: ah good point [09:10] it didnt work [09:10] EriC^^ it opened a black grub command line [09:10] but no boot options [09:10] i think the command we did was missing something [09:12] b1ack0p: yeah sorry about that [09:13] b1ack0p: try "sudo grub-install --recheck --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda" [09:13] it s ok [09:13] b1ack0p: type 'sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt' [09:13] mount it first then run the grub-install command [09:13] ok [09:13] and then reboot? [09:14] yea [09:14] ok see ya [09:20] what does --recheck do for grub-install? the man page says "delete device map if it already exists", but that's clear as mud [09:22] hi [09:23] it seems my python has somehow rotten in ~/.local [09:23] typical [09:23] how do I reset it? [09:23] rm -rf ~/.local [09:24] how safe is that? [09:27] hmm.... I've got a bunch of other stuff in .local. nothing python related, bc python is crap and I don't run it on my host if I can help it. just delete the python stuff. === xrosnight is now known as poor_noob [09:40] are there any drivers for MacOS? [09:40] are there any drivers for Macbook's? [09:43] EriC^^: thanks a lot it grub restored now [09:43] but it has black screen [09:43] how can i restore the original purple back? [09:46] Suppose I apt install package. How to see every single place that apt has put something related of package into? Like binary, manpages, everything [09:47] think its apt -QS [09:47] not sure [09:48] is this normal? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] [09:48] im using Ubuntu 19.04 [09:49] b1ack0p: hmm it might be a setting in the /etc/default/grub [09:49] pastebin it [09:50] smallville7123: Ubuntu 19.04 (disco) reached end-of-life on January 23, 2020 [09:50] aw ;-; [09:51] would i need 20.04 [09:51] PaulW2U: [09:51] EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yTWCR4qnvx/ [09:52] smallville7123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades or install a supported release [09:53] ok [09:53] ill download and boot version 20.04 [09:56] b1ack0p: hmm try 'dpkg - l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999' [09:58] as at the moment im tethering wifi via android lol [09:58] b1ack0p, check whether /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme exists [10:09] InnovAnon-Inc: it exists [10:19] I have a usb2 audiocard that my laptop that uses ubuntu20.04 fire up xhci controller, it works flawlessly, I also have a pc with ubuntu 20.04 with usb3 hw inputs aswell, pc fire up echi controller where I cant load the internal mixer. Question: is there a way to force audiocard to use xhci controller instead of ehci ? where should I look ? udev? [10:22] I have tried with sudo setpci -H1 -d 1033:0194 d0.l=1 where 1033:0194 is the NEC usbdevice id, but it doesent work, no error msg either. [10:24] I dont know where to look. Ive tried enable/disable usb2 usb3 controller ehci handoff, plug n play os yes/no, all kind of stuff in the bios aswell. [10:24] no luck in forum either. now Im kinda very low on energy, I need love :) [10:25] just point me in the right direction, pls :) [10:25] !patience | cjoke [10:25] cjoke: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [10:39] b1ack0p: try to run sudo update-grub again [10:39] ok [10:40] guys why is it impossible to permanently map caps lock as home under gnome in ubuntu [10:40] brb to reboot [10:43] no luck [10:43] grub is still white on black === alice_eve is now known as baby_icbm [10:45] b1ack0p: dont know if this is related but is grub gfx payload installed? [10:45] try dpkg -l | grep grub [10:46] dont know [10:47] EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QThjr8R3Rc/ [10:49] it is installed [10:49] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1876943\ [10:49] Launchpad bug 1876943 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package grub-pc 2.04-1ubuntu26 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-pc package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] [10:51] how odd ... [10:51] so is background related with this bug: [10:51] ? [10:51] there is no i386 package.. [10:51] https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/grub2-common [10:51] so, are you trying to install the i386 version over amd64 or something like that? [10:51] so ubuntu is forgetting old devices? [10:51] oh yes [10:51] are you on ubuntu? [10:51] i have 64bit [10:52] yes i am [10:52] 20.04 fresh installed some hrs ago [10:54] $ sudo grub-installInstalling for i386-pc platform.grub-install: error: install device isn't specified. [10:54] but you have 64 bit... [10:55] .. interesting [10:56] grub is weird [10:56] oerheks: so should i remove and install 64bit: [10:56] ? [10:57] for legacy boot there's only i386-pc; it works for 64-bit oses too [10:57] b1ack0p: you didn't specify the device [10:57] i did /dev/sda [10:57] grub is working but background is black [10:58] doesnt show ubuntu purple [10:58] to change grub background you don't need to reinstall grub [10:58] the error message literally says you didn't [10:58] or how it is on ubuntu 20.04 [10:58] you need to edit grub.cfg [10:58] in ubuntu 20.04 grub background was changed to black, to better fit with flicker-free boot [10:58] akik: which one= [10:58] 11:48 < b1ack0p> $ sudo grub-installInstalling for i386-pc platform.grub-install: error: install device isn't specified. [10:58] mgedmin: so black is default in 20.04 ? [10:58] akik: it was before [10:59] while grub didnt work [10:59] now it is working [10:59] how to check if it s installed properly= [10:59] ? [11:00] b1ack0p: it says "Installation finished. No error reported." when it's successful [11:00] akik: yea i saw that after installation [11:00] so it is working properly [11:00] i guess? [11:00] i guess too [11:00] so about background black is default= [11:00] ? [11:01] black was grubs default btw [11:01] so ubuntu didnt paint it in new version? [11:04] it was purple in older releases and now it's black in 20.04 [11:05] paint it black :p [11:05] okk === msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore === mateen1 is now known as mateen [11:31] when I write password in to login field it doesn't catch all symbols. Anyone knows where's the problem? [11:34] I use FireFox. [11:40] where I can locate zlib-devel? === akem_ is now known as akem [11:46] mra90: you want o see all the packages zlib-devel comes with and where to find them in the system? [11:50] yes for the ubuntu [11:52] hmm, seems like zlib have a different name in ubuntu, zlib1g and zlib1g-dev, if I guess right. [11:53] so if you want to see where files from packages are installed, you use dpkg -L zlib1g-dev [12:06] 'Morning all [12:07] Can you help with rfkill: input handler disabled and then enabled and loosing keyboard input in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? When it happens I have no choice but reboot. [12:08] This computer has worked nicely with all versions of Ubuntu since 2009. And now it is having this blocking issue with 20.04 [12:34] hi. anyone has any clue why my laptop speakers don't show here in kazam? https://pasteboard.co/JasFaLk.png (when I record screen, there's no sound in the recorded video!!) === baby_icbm is now known as Alicia` [13:31] #unity3d [13:32] sorry, wrong window :s === xrosnight is now known as poor_noob [13:40] Hallo [13:40] hi [13:40] Hi [13:43] how do i get my Macbook Pro 2012 Touchpad to work properly without stopping every few seconds [13:44] after I run [13:44] echo 'j ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/sudo.nopass.sh [13:44] i would like to reload the sudoer [13:44] but i am still being prompted for password [13:45] EmmaT: log out and back in [13:45] i am on docker [13:45] do i need to do that ? [13:46] no way to restart the service ? [13:46] EmmaT: try #docker [13:46] it is an ubuntu thing [13:46] sudo service sudo restart [13:46] does not work no more it seems [13:46] https://askubuntu.com/questions/665950/do-we-need-to-reboot-after-adding-an-user-to-sudoers [13:46] EmmaT: no. [13:47] just log back in. [13:47] EmmaT: if logging out and back in doesn't work, then it's a docker thing, not an ubuntu thing [13:49] EmmaT: what are you actually trying to do ? [13:49] anyone familiar with RandR? I'd like xfce to use the right half of the screen. "xrandr --fb 512x600 --output LVDS1 --mode 512x600 --transform 1,0,512,0,1,0,0,0,1" -> "xrandr: specified screen 512x600 not large enough for output LVDS1 (512x600+512+0)" what does it mean? I tried with --fb 1024x600 but same error just with 1024 everywhere except the +. [13:55] from the #docker channel: don't put dots in the sudoers.d/* filenames === mateen1 is now known as mateen === Roy_Mustang is now known as A_D [13:57] (disabling passwords on sudo on a workstation, is a really bad idea) [13:59] hi, I'm on 20.04 and I don't see any way for me to set a timeout for keyring. Am I looking at the wrong place? [14:09] the only thing i hate about gnome is that there is no "show desktop" icon on dock/panels.. [14:10] well, in gnome the desktop is empty and there's nothing to see there; it's a bit strange that ubuntu patches in the desktop icons extension but no dock button for showing the desktop [14:17] Hi everyone.. I've been having some problems with my laptop (running Kubuntu 20.04). I suspect they are actually hardware issues and am just looking for tips on how to diagnose them. It started with my NIC.. sometimes the interface would just disappear. Now the same is happening with my Bluetooth.. it just disappears (hcitool dev shows no devices). [14:17] Sometimes when I reboot they will show for a little while. This is lower than my standard level of knowledge.. How can I try to debug this? [14:29] afternoon. I am trying to find a guide to booting a Raspberry Pi3 using an NFS mounted root disk running Ubuntu 20.04 [14:32] I have found some but they are for a "normal" machine and talk a lot about NFS and PXE which I don't think is relevant to a Pi [14:33] I've posted a query in the Pi forum covering Ubuntu but no response as yet [14:34] b3lt3r, we don't support net-booting ubuntu on the pi (yet) - I did notice your post on the forums but I'm afraid I'm rather behind responding to stuff on there this week [14:35] ah ok - thanks for letting me know. It sounds like it will happen so I'll do the PoC on Raspian for now and see how reliable it is. I always remember sys admins at my co swearing at stale NFS mounts which would be bad on a root disk so I am wary :-) [14:36] b3lt3r, unfortunately there's all sorts of issues with getting u-boot (surprise surprise, the usual culprit) to support the various modes the pi firmware supports (both NFS and USB MSD are currently blocked by this) [14:37] not familiar with u-boot (other than seeing it mentioned in the other posts about "straight" SSD booting) but I'll trust you guys to do whatever can be done :-) [14:37] Hi -- I have some custom Xmodmap key settings and whenever I connect my laptop to a Bluetooth speaker, the custom keys get unset. Why / how can I stop it? Thanks! [14:37] and be patient till then [14:47] matix-io: start here: https://vitux.com/view-system-log-files-ubuntu/ [14:48] for example [14:48] for kde (used in kubuntu) there is a gui for log files "Ksystemlog" [14:48] Any way to show what kernel versions have been installed in the past? [14:51] coconut: command for listing all _currently_ installed (but maybe unused) kernels: sudo dpkg --list | egrep -i --color 'linux-image|linux-headers' [14:52] no idea for old versions === dtseiler_ is now known as dtseiler [14:55] ok thnx DerHors === Grldfrdom_ is now known as Grldfrdom === Grldfrdom is now known as Grldfrdom_ [14:56] my android google browser version is Apk is this chrome? [14:57] Greenfrog: wrong channel? === mateen1 is now known as mateen [15:01] heh, ok didnt realize there was a chrome channel, thanks [15:03] Greenfrog, or #android [15:03] thanks this is still all new to me :) [15:04] Greenfrog, use: /msg alis list ##to find a channel [15:05] ok, i've searched in my limited way but thanks for the info === Scotty_Trees3 is now known as Scotty_Trees [15:18] Is there any way to view the actual available space remaining on a network share mounted via SMB from a FreeNAS server in Ubuntu? [15:21] zetheroo, Thunar displays it in the bottom bar. [15:22] akem: does it take into account the space used by snapshots on the ZFS dataset? === Gloomweaver is now known as Glorfinde1 [15:23] zetheroo, No idea, i don't use ZFS. It just displays free space of the SMB mounts here. [15:29] I found the required xrandr invocation: xrandr --fb 512x600 --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --pos 512x0 # unfortunately, it seems like this is not a progress towards using the other half as an independent virtual screen. [15:36] Should snap refresh require sudo? [15:37] I guess if logged in the answer is no. [15:38] Are there any unofficial [15:38] ... er, unofficial bionic backports of gnupg2? [15:39] I think I need a feature from a later gpg version, but it seems the only version available is 2.2.4. And building it from source looks a little intricate. [15:40] !latest | coventry [15:40] coventry: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [15:42] Enh, it's a bad idea, anyway. [15:42] coventry: What version of Ubuntu are you on? 20.04 uses gpg 2.2.19 [15:46] meh, the mouse cursor is rendered without the transform. it's actions though, are transformed, i.e. it clicks 512px right of where the cursor is drawn. :/ [15:50] is there a program for making a "ghost" mouse cursor that follows the primary mouse cursor, with an offset? [15:50] in Xenial or Focal [15:51] Hi all, I just got a turtle beach atlas aero wireless headset, and while it is working fine on ubuntu 20.04, I'm running 18.04 on my work laptop and the microphone doesn't work. Audio output works fine, and both output and the microphone show up in the sound settings, but no input registers on the headset [15:51] davido_: I'm on 18.04. [15:52] it's the same in pavucontrol, with input and output both showing and configuration being analog stereo duplex [15:52] but in alsamixer, the usb device only shows possible outputs [15:53] dreugeworst, Try in Audacity, you may have to change recording input in the preferences. [15:55] audacity only registers a default input device, no option to change it [15:55] and it doesn't record anything [15:56] a similar mouse bug has been fixed in "xserver-1.20", does that refer to package xserver-xorg-core? thereof, my xenial has "Version: 2:1.18.4-0ubuntu0.8" so might be affected. [15:57] coventry: I just downloaded the gpg source, pulled in the dependency libraries (some of them required the -dev suffix via apt-get), and built from source using the typical mantra as described in the README: ./configure && make && make check && make install [15:57] also what does the "2:" mean, at the beginning of 2:1.18.4-0ubuntu0.8? [15:57] So in all, it took just a few minutes and wasn't very fiddly. [16:01] Hi, is there some sort of PPA for a more up-to-date OpenGL/MESA? I just upgraded to 20.04 today but sadly my version is still too old for my needs. [16:04] Oh, sounds painless... Thanks, davido_ [16:04] Or perhaps there isn't a solution, in that my graphics card is too old and doesn't support OpenGL 3.2 or higher? That's the minimum version I need. [16:05] anyone know what causes this: fwupd[3794]: 15:03:34:0049 FuPluginUefi failed [16:06] it seems that it only happens on ubuntu 20.04 [16:10] coventry: The hardest part was remembering that I needed the -dev versions of some of the required libraries. But ./configure.sh will complain about the missing libraries. Then apt list |grep $libname will find the possible candidates. [16:19] Thanks, davido_. I found some install instructions which were quite intricate, but what you describe sounds very manageable. I will give that a go. [16:28] where can i find my cuda lib64 file if it's not in /usr/local/cuda/lib64 [16:33] ty japanese drones [16:33] tidal wave sir === Sasara is now known as Maralis === KindTwo is now known as KindOne [17:17] I'm on a brand new install of 20.04. In FireFox I download Google Chrome's .deb package from google.com/chrome. I select to open it with "Software Install". Ubuntu Software gives me... "Failed to install file: not supported" [17:21] ELFrederich chrome is not available in ubuntu's spftware center? [17:22] tonyt: just Chromium [17:22] oh ok [17:22] It seems that this Software center itself is a snap and doesn't have access to /tmp [17:22] ... which is where FireFox downloads when you open with "run" [17:22] I'll try downloading it to ~/Download [17:43] Hey guys, I've been muddling through this since 18.04, but I've had substantial problems with pulseaudio recently (I'm on 20.04 now). Every 30 minutes or so the sound gets really "tinny" and crackly. Doing pulseaudio -k works, but it also breaks half of the applications that use audio/mic like slack etc so I end up having to full restart if i want to use those. I've noticed that if the problem is happening, [17:43] and I switch to a bluetooth headset instead of wired, it goes away. I was wondering if anyone knows what could be causing this? [17:50] jrgilman: really difficult to know :/ can you reproduce the problem with just one source ? [17:52] (ie. don't open slack , just put your browser on sandstorm or nyan cat 10h mix, and let it run) === Guest42041 is now known as BossAssBitch === BuyRoeyACintiq is now known as Roey [18:27] is Wayland default in 20.04? [18:28] nope [18:34] jrgilman, with wired headphone, do you meam USB wire and integrated USB soundcard, or analog stereo audio? [18:35] jrgilman, would be interesting what PA devices (and in which modes) there are before and after === tds0 is now known as tds [18:36] jrgilman, also do I understand correctly that BT and wired two separate headsets? (I have one that can act as both) [18:37] legreffier: that's a good idea, is there a log i can pull up during that? [18:38] I can run it over night and just collect the entire log [18:38] Sven_vB: wired as in your standard 2.5mm jack [18:38] the wired and bt headset is the same headset [18:39] also 3.5mm* [18:40] oh, it has both sizes? [18:40] sorry no it doesn't I just messed up the "standard" size [18:40] should've said s/2.5mm/3.5mm/ [18:40] to be more clear :) [18:40] ok [18:40] It happens with other headsets too, and it happens through both my thunderbolt3 dock and the laptop's built in 2.5mm [18:41] god! 3.5mm* [18:41] so the problem occurrs when you use it in analog audio mode via cable. is its BT electronics turned off while you do so? [18:41] yeah the electronics are off [18:41] it's been out of battery the last couple days [18:41] and i've been too lazy to charge it hehe [18:42] does this effect happen only when a computer is used as analog audio source? can you compare it with a more "dumb" (and thus, more reliable) sound source? [18:42] uh i'm not sure I understand [18:42] or could you maybe plug in and compare a more basic headset, that has no electronics that could mess up? [18:43] ah [18:43] definitely [18:43] let me grab a pair of ear phones [18:43] debugging a scenario where only one side is a computer, is much easier. :) [18:44] would you like me to only use the laptop analog audio jack rather than the dock? [18:44] less in between? [18:45] oh yeah, good idea [18:45] okay [18:45] is there any logging i should pull up? I have no known good way to reproduce the issue atm [18:45] so i'll just have to wait until it happens [18:46] as long as disks are healthy and your system clock time is correct, all the log stuff we can check after the fact. [18:46] okay sounds good [18:46] darude sandstorm 10 hours here we go [18:46] try to note the exact time (as reported by your Ubuntu) when it happens [18:46] will do [18:47] and best make screenshots of all that pavucontrol can show [18:47] pavucontrol? [18:47] interesting never used it before [18:47] just opened it up [18:47] oh, what did you use then? [18:47] for what? [18:48] for device mode config and volume control [18:48] just settings > sound and the top right [18:48] drag the slider around [18:48] this is super granular though === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [18:50] especially the mode selection for soundcards can be interesting. some of my cheap USB sound adapters have noise on their output as long as their input is enabled. [18:50] so I have to put them into output only mode when applicable [18:50] ah [18:50] gotchya well i'll take these screenshots now [18:50] good, easy way to compare later [18:51] i'll make a mp4 actually cause im lazy and i can just pause it later [18:51] done [18:52] okay well i'll be back [19:13] hi, I'm using ubuntu mate 19.10 and I'm trying to install weechat from source, but I get these errors: http://dpaste.com/2EC38R6 [19:13] Can anyone tell me what packages I need to install for compiling weechat? [19:14] mohnish: start with: apt-get build-dep weechat [19:15] it says Reading package lists... Done [19:15] E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list [19:16] mohnish: delete the # before deb source ... in /etc/apt/sources.list [19:16] oh, okay [19:19] i note that https://weechat.org/download/debian/ exists with current stable and current daily builds of weechat, in case that's why you're doing this [19:19] (they're not officially supported by Ubuntu, but are maintained by upstream weechat) === aradesh1 is now known as aradesh [19:20] I'm trying to install weechat on a ssh shell, but I don't have root privileges there so I have to compile it and install it on a custom directory and then transfer that directory to the shell [19:22] ah. fun [19:22] heh, not really [19:24] you know those pkgs are optional , right ? mohnish [19:25] I'm sorry, what packages? [19:25] http://dpaste.com/2EC38R6 [19:25] Hi [19:26] I am trying to setup awesomeWM in My Ubuntu 20.04 and it is not working. [19:26] Could someone help here? [19:29] ioria: so, how do I compile without those packages? [19:31] mohnish, see if you have a '--no-plugins' option [19:33] Bey0ndB1nary: what's not working? [19:33] After i give credentials, all i get i blank screen. [19:33] Don't see anything. [19:33] ioria: I'm using cmake, and I don't think it has that option [19:33] Now i am trying to setup i3 [19:34] mohnish: i am trying to have one tiling Window manager setup and working in my Desktop. [19:34] Bey0ndB1nary: most minmalist window managers start up pretty blank looking; do you need to hit something like windows+enter or windows+space to start a terminal or dmenu? [19:35] sarnold:OK, let me try i3 and see [19:36] mohnish, use autogen and configure [19:38] Hey. I'm trying to use the ca.pl script that comes with the openssl package, but I can't seem to get it to work. running "CA.pl -newca" gives me the prompt for a filename, but then gives "readline() on closed filehandle IN at /usr/lib/ssl/misc/CA.pl line 95.". It creates the dir and everything, but ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem is completely empty. Is there some other package I need as well for that script to work right or? (20.04 minimal [19:38] as the base) [19:39] I already installed those packages that I needed, but theres still a package missing V8 (javascript) not found [19:39] ioria: what package do I need to install for that [19:40] mohnish, sy, what ? [19:41] it says V8 (javascript) not found. What package do I need to install for that? [19:42] just pass -DENABLE_JAVASCRIPT=OFF to cmake [19:42] the weechat javascript plugin is a bit pointless [19:43] oh, okay [19:46] Thanks, it compiled successfully :) [20:16] I found the solution to my previous problem. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1018375/how-do-i-install-driver-for-rtl88x2bu [20:23] egm1991: which one worked? there's two answers, with three solutions :) heh === BossAssBitch is now known as Genius91929 [20:34] cilynx github should work [20:38] hi.. trying to make ssh-agent run on boot with arch-wiki tutorial. But doesnt work.. anyone got it to work ? [20:42] how can i tell gnome to start a program with some flags? === ELFrederich_ is now known as ELFrederich === tds6 is now known as tds [20:47] Any reasonw hy ubuntu server 18 does not allow me to partition a drive? [20:52] I can't understand why /usr/share/applications doesn't work when i'm editing one entry such as chrome [21:08] Hello guys, I'm using a usb headset and I've hearing hissing sounds on my headphones. I disabled power-save snd_audio_intel but it didn't change anything [21:11] weird... /sbin/ifconfig isn't there in Ubuntu 20.04 ... how do I get my IP address? [21:11] desktop entries don't work and I don't understand why [21:11] i'm on ubuntu 20 [21:12] ELFrederich, apt-get install net-tools [21:13] ELFrederich: ip a === tds5 is now known as tds [21:13] ELFrederich: Ubuntu has been using netplan as opposed to ifupdown(ifconfig) since 18.04. [21:24] is lsb_release unavailable on Ubuntu 20? [21:29] BSaboia: it's in the lsb-release package [21:36] aa [21:36] sa [21:37] sarnold, thanks. and sorry for the above nonsense [21:37] hehe ;) np BSaboia :) === Maralis is now known as Sasara === Sasara is now known as Maralis [21:40] sorry for the nick [21:41] not michael jackson [21:41] Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS [21:42] i screwed my /etc/apt/sources.list [21:43] i need an example of a healthy one [21:43] pastebined === b1ackandwh1te is now known as newbiebr [21:44] i need an example of a healthy one pastebined [21:44] Am I correct in understanding that the filesystem doesn't automatically keep track of all the hard links to a particular file, correct? [21:45] newbiebr: https://paste.debian.net/1149459/ [21:45] if I have, for example, "foo" and I do "ln foo foo1" and "ln foo foo1". I know that the nlink count would be 3, but short of a complete directory or filesystem scan I can't just automatically fetch all the links can I? [21:45] housecat, thanks. [21:46] svm_invictvs: correct, i think you'd need to use something like find -samefile and scan the filesystem [21:46] Yeah [21:46] Well, shoot [21:47] Is it possible to send files directly to a cloud service without uploading from my system? [21:47] I wish that the FS gave me that info [21:47] I guess I have to revert to plan b, which is track the reverse mapping using a directory full of symlinks or something. [21:48] housecat, thank you. [21:49] Hey guys. Is there a reason on why function keys don't work in alsamixer? [21:49] Do you have extra Fn key? [21:50] Hello all [21:51] I'm just wondering if any Ubuntu users have tried the Behringer Uphoria UMC22? Any thoughts or opinions? [21:51] kel_ Thanks, it worked [21:51] Worked straight out of the box? [21:52] Unfortunately the annoying crackling sound on my headphones is still there, is there a way to fix it it's making me go crazy [21:53] where is the main disk usually mounted to? /dev/sd0 ? [21:55] BSaboia: the device nodes in /dev/ aren't really stable names -- depending upon what you're doing, you may be better served to use the symlinks in /dev/disk/by-id/ or one of the other directories there [21:56] sda perhaps? [21:56] sarnold, I cannot find such path, and it _seems_ that my disk is mounted here instead: /sys/fs/ext4/vda1 — this is a docker image [21:56] or a docker container, to be more precise [21:56] oh, docker. [21:56] BSaboia: oh, probably the devtmpfs isn't exposed to your container [21:57] it's possible the /sys paths shouldn't be exposed either [21:57] mount would tell [21:58] oerheks, apparently it's /dev/vda1 then [21:58] from `mount | grep vda`, I got /dev/vda1 on /etc/resolv.conf type ext4 (rw,relatime) [22:01] how do you change the icons of folders or apps in ubuntu 20.04lts [22:01] I go to properties and click the image but even after selecting an image of my own it won't update the icons image on the desktop [22:02] only in the folder === tds6 is now known as tds [22:11] anyone? [22:13] I'm just wondering if any Ubuntu users have tried the Behringer Uphoria UMC22? [23:02] I am running 20.04. I swapped out my nvidia with a radeon. Haven't used radeon in years. Not sure what I need to do to make it work well. 5700xt. Mesa installed. amdgpu driver installed. "direct rendering: Yes". glxgears gives me 1 fps [23:03] psymin: do you have the linux-firmware package installed with the amdgpu firmware? [23:03] probably not [23:04] "linux-firmware is already the newest version (1.187)" [23:04] do I need to do something special to get it to fetch the amdgpu firmware? [23:05] it might be worth looking to see if your card is known to be supported with amdgpu or not [23:05] oh my goodness, it is using the intel cpu :) [23:06] gpu, hmm [23:06] at least when I query with glxinfo -B [23:06] even so, my intel onboard glxgears gets 60fps without looking like it's any real work [23:24] lots of complaining regarding possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/amdgpu/arcturus_sdma.bin is one example [23:24] when updating initramfs [23:24] guess it might be this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1869673 [23:24] Launchpad bug 1869673 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Updating initramfs - possible missing amdgpu firmware" [Undecided,Confirmed] [23:29] hi, is this command enough to securely destroy contents of a complete VPS? dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M [23:30] it depends upon the hoster in question [23:32] what do you mean? [23:33] will that command destroy all data on the selected partition? [23:33] the VPS host may not expose a /dev/sda [23:33] the hoster in question may be using virtio storage that would use a different device path [23:33] the hoster in questoin may be using a snap-shotted storage system like zfs and have a snapshot from just a few moments before hand [23:34] Prolac, srm might give you more peace of mind? but also secure deletion is tricky [23:35] What is srm? [23:35] I guess it is more for files than whole disks [23:35] if srm works by overwriting file data before unlinking it, it's probably also pretty useless against snapshots, copy-on-write filesystems, etc [23:37] and not without 7 times overwrite [23:39] ok, well I just want to shred the partition on my VPS, what is the best way of going about it? [23:45] unlikely you can, maybe there is an admin panel with such function? [23:45] else, not an ubuntu issue, contact the provider