
boottellagood night, someone speaks spanish?03:26
boottellalenovo 330 touchpad click not working03:28
boottellahelp please03:28
Eickmeyer!es | boottella03:46
ubottuboottella: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:46
OvenWerksmaybe try meter bridge connected to both of your capture portsOBOBOBOBCA06:39
OvenWerksoops... wierd mouse artifact06:39
=== ctrlshiftPrhaps1 is now known as ctrlshiftPrhaps
dash_rendarhi 2 all20:50
AppAraat[m]hi, is there a link to older ISO downloads? Namely 18.04? I want to use it in order to test something.21:06
OvenWerks18.04 should still be around21:06
OvenWerkslook in releases21:07
AppAraat[m]nice, thanks21:08
OvenWerks16.04, 18.04, 19.10 (not for long) and 20.04.21:08
OvenWerksthe dvd directory current is 20.10 pre alpha21:09
Eickmeyer16.04 has been EOL for a year now.21:17
OvenWerksso we expect that to vanish soon too.21:18
OvenWerksEickmeyer: the nice thing about 16.04 is that it has 32 bit images... so install 16.04 upgrade to 18.0421:19
OvenWerksnot as good as 20.04....21:19
OvenWerksbut it keeps one more unit out of the landfill21:20
OvenWerks(yes I have done live recording/tracking with it in the past year21:20
Eickmeyer18.04 also has 32-bit releases.21:34
OvenWerkscool, for some reason I thought 16 was the last21:34
AppAraat[m]OvenWerks: 18.04 live, just started jack via qjackctl, then Audacity... And.... Recording works o_021:40
AppAraat[m]Testing now on 48k instead of 44.121:41
AppAraat[m]That works too21:42
AppAraat[m]Yeah, that's indeed weird.21:42
OvenWerkswhich jack backend21:44
AppAraat[m]^ my test account which is logged in on the live environment.21:50
OvenWerks:) ok not what I was asking but still answers what I wanted21:51
sirriffsalothpJust installed Ubuntu Studio 20.04, congrats guys, it looks awesome so far22:28
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Thanks. :)23:15
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I added the kxstudio repos though, and now ardour takes an awful long time to load, same problem in 19.10.. any ideas for this? I don't think it took that long without the repos.. it's odd23:35
Eickmeyer!kxstudio | sirriffsalothp23:35
ubottusirriffsalothp: KXStudio is a software repository for Debian-based operating systems for audio production. It is not supported by Ubuntu or Ubuntu Studio, and using its repo is highly discouraged as it can overwrite system and user settings. Support in #kxstudio.23:35
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: There's a reson we don't support that repo, and what you have is no longer Ubuntu Studio.23:35
sirriffsalothpI know, I just wondered.. :)23:35
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: kxstudio does have some great additions for a studio-machine, wouldn't you say?23:36
EickmeyerNope, don't know, don't care. Sorry to be rude, but I'd be a rich man if someone paid me every time they used the Kxstudio repo and broke their machine.23:36
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I see. Thanks mate, wonderful job again with UB at any rate :)23:36
EickmeyerIt. Breaks. Ubuntu. Studio. Do. Not. Use. It.23:36
EickmeyerHa, thanks. :)23:37
sirriffsalothpMakes me wonder what the point is, as kxstudio no longer sports a distro of its own...23:37
EickmeyerI honestly don't know. If he'd put as much effort into helping make Ubuntu Studio a better system that he puts into making that repo, Ubuntu Studio would surpass macOS in terms of multimedia usage.23:38
EickmeyerMaybe that's an exaggeration, but it's kinda frustrating.23:39
sirriffsalothpSad to hear that... he seems a very competent dude, but I'm way out of my depths here anyhow23:39
EickmeyerBTW, those repos are built against 18.04, so there's part of the problem.23:39
sirriffsalothpHaving just installed the repos and done an upgrade, is there any way to revert any changes it would make to UB, I may as well just try a clean UB to see how it is?23:39
EickmeyerUnfortunately, because it's not a simple PPA-add, there's no easy way other than to reinstall.23:40
sirriffsalothpCraaap.. lol23:40
EickmeyerI mean, those repos are good for stock Debian systems, but not much else.23:40
sirriffsalothpFair enough. What does falktx say when you ask him to come aboard the UB-train (I presume you've discussed it)23:42
EickmeyerI have in the past, and he doesn't want to be confined to Ubuntu's rules of doing things.23:48
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Maybe after we have his favorite desktop running in a stable version, we'll revisit the topic.23:49
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I see. Quick question, ardour is unable to find a-Compressor, even though I can use it as a plugin and add it again... any ideas as to why ardour can't work out how to use this plugin now and just makes it an inactive?23:56
EickmeyerUsing the version in the KXStudio repos?23:57
sirriffsalothpWell I WAS using the kxrepos on 19.10 as well, so it's odd that this should be a problem now...23:57
EickmeyerThere was a bug that we fixed for the a-plugins that only pertained to 20.04.23:58
EickmeyerSo, I imagine the KXStudio buidl has the same problem.23:58
sirriffsalothpLol, what rotten luck23:58
sirriffsalothpI guess I'll do a reinstall and get back to you, there's not much point in this23:59
EickmeyerWe had to rebuild all of Ardour with a patch containing the plugins that are part of ardour 6.23:59
sirriffsalothpOh... yeah that would do it I imagine23:59
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: why on earth did you have to do that?23:59
EickmeyerYep. So, new install + all package updates should fix that.23:59

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