
blackboxswI reworked ubuntu/xenial patch ordering so it can be done without the rebasre03:06
blackboxswI reworked ubuntu/xenial patch ordering so it can be done without the rebase03:06
rharperblackboxsw: ubuntu/xenial branch approved16:02
blackboxswthanks rharper16:18
blackboxswrharper: I've pinged in ubuntu-release for both curtin and cloud-init uploads to xenial, bionic, [eoan] and focal16:42
rharperblackboxsw: nice, thanks!16:50
blackboxswlucasmoura and falcojr since uploads are queued for Ubuntu SRU testing to release into Xenial, Bionic, Eoan and Focal. we can start carving out verification tasks for next week for most of the major clouds.16:59
blackboxswbasically we work from templates here https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru17:00
blackboxsweach cloud to which we have credentials, we run a set of upgrade verification scripts manually, per the examples here: https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/tree/master/sru-templates/manual17:01
blackboxswif you both have a cloud preference for your verification run, put your avatar on the related trello card from the SRU cloud-init 20.2 trello board17:02
lucasmoura blackboxsw done, I will start with aws17:06
blackboxswexcellent, I've uploaded a deb package for each series to https://launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+archive/ubuntu/proposed17:07
blackboxswIf the SRU team doesn't approve our pending and queued uploads into xenial|bionic|eoan|focal-proposed  until Monday we can work with the 20.2 debs in our proposed PPA17:07
blackboxswin a lot of our verification scripts in https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/tree/master/sru-templates you'll see the ability to use our -proposed PPA  instead of the official upstream *-proposed debian pocket17:08
blackboxswtoday I'm going to comb through the list of commits involved in this SRU upload to create a chit sheet of each functional change that we should verify separately before we say that cloud-init SRU verification is complete17:10
faahello, i'm add second interface, regenerate cloud-inid and seed.iso ( NoCloud format v1), after boot second interface down, how regenerate guest config? cloud-init clean -r work but wery hard way17:28
octoboarHi everyone! I'm not sure if cloud-init fits my use case, but here's what I'd like to do to do. I want to read an auth token from a filesystem, then use a HTTP datasource that requires auth (in-url or with 'Authorization' header). Is this possible to achieve without a custom datasource?18:22
rharperblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+recipe/cloud-init-daily-groovy  ;  this recipe references ubuntu/groovy (which won't be there until series-h is released, it should be ubuntu/devel  ...18:40
blackboxswahh right/correct thx rharper want me to fix it or you?18:40
rharperoctoboar: I think so, the DataSourceMAAS does something similar, in the DataSourceMAAS, it provides an oauth token value, and then hit's the specified URL with the token18:41
rharperblackboxsw: I can fix18:41
blackboxswrharper: also drop ubuntu/daily/groovy18:41
blackboxswas that also won't exist until Ubuntu h18:41
blackboxswbecause we have no need until we are cherry-picking18:41
rharperblackboxsw: we should just delete it18:41
rharperwe already have daily-ubuntu-devel building18:41
blackboxswrharper: yep, there is no ubuntu/daily/groovy branch18:41
blackboxswahh right18:41
blackboxswdelete the job18:42
rharperok, I've left it at build-on-request18:42
blackboxswrecipe rather18:42
rharperwe'll need in 5 months18:42
rharperI'll send a note to paride18:42
octoboarrharper: So I guess I could simulate DataSourceMAAS server. I'm going to check out this option.18:53
octoboarOr could I use cloud.cfg: NoCloud: seedfrom: http://datasource/<token yanked from a file>18:53
octoboarGenerally I want to insert a token from a file into the datasource url at boot time, before cloud-init starts doing anything.18:53
rharperoctoboar: another option would be to encode the token into a field specified in the smbios table,  no file present but you can control the endpoint dynamically (which sounds like what you want more than oauth token)  ?19:02
rharperlike so, -smbios type=1,serial=ds=nocloud-net;s=   -- see https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html19:03
octoboarrharper: My scenario is kinda weird. I want to create an image for 'home lab' bare metal servers. Users would 1) copy the image to a disk, 2) put a personal auth token into a config on a special partition, 3) and then boot from the disk.19:24
octoboarHmm, so whatever datasource I use I need is to copy the token from my user-accessible config to cloud.cfg. Going to try to do this with systemd before cloud-init runs.19:24
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blackboxswrharper: for monday, we need to address the SRU_BLOCKERS in the current cloud-init SRU xenial: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/40622:07
blackboxswI added two quilt patches to properly disable the upstream behavior that we don't want to surface on xenial22:07
blackboxswif that looks good I'll quickly reflect those changes via git cherry-pick to bionic and eoan22:08
rharperblackboxsw: hrm, ok;  xenial does not have netplan by default (but there are some exceptions, RAX I believe has netplan/systemd in their image, but I think it also has cloud-config to control the specific renderer; we can follow up)22:19
blackboxswrharper: yeah I just wanted to drop any prioritization overrides we were setting as that was focal ++22:20
blackboxswbut wondering the best way for us to review such a PR22:20
blackboxswdo you want manual steps to generate it? or should we review the output diffs and make sure quilt push|pull build-package etc work fine with expected end result22:21
rharperblackboxsw: let's revisit this on monday; I want to review the commit we landed and the discussion22:21
blackboxswsounds good. I'll hold off on bionic and eoan branches22:21
blackboxswsince we should discuss and bring in falcojr, lucasmoura and Odd_Bloke on that discussion22:21

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