=== macc24_ is now known as macc24 [00:28] 2GB Lubuntu OS Recommends?? [00:28] of version [00:29] 2GB RAM [00:29] PC [01:39] @Admin__ [ 2GB Lubuntu OS Recommends??], yes === erich is now known as Eickmeyer [04:47] hehe [14:13] Hi. Is it true that with the shift from LXDE to LXQt Lubuntu 20.04 has become a bit more resource-hungry? [14:40] @rosika [ Hi. Is it true that with the shift from LXDE to LXQt Lubuntu 20.04 has …], You don change only de from 18.04 to 20.04, there are many other factors [15:23] @lubot: Tnx for the reply. I was inquiring as I´ve been using Lubuntu since 16.04 and am really pleased with it. Yet in April next year I´ll have to switch. Either to Lubuntu 20.04 or LXLE. My machine is Lenovo-H520e with 4 GB RAM and dual core Intel Core i3-3240T. So basically I wanted to know if my machine will run smoothly with Lubuntu 20.04. Greetings. [15:25] rosika, I run 20.04 on a dual core with 3 GB of RAM, seems ok. [15:26] rosika, It's not "lubot" it was ; lubot is just interfacing with another network. [15:28] @akem_: Thanks for providing your opinion. That looks good then. [15:31] @akem_: [rosika, It's not "lubot" it was ; lubot is just interfacing with another network.] I see, thanks for the info. [18:32] sasha_vhs was added by: sasha_vhs [20:38] a silly question, how we run application installed via snap ? ( just installed ms code,no shortcut etc created ) [21:00] Does code work in the runner? === akem_ is now known as akem === marcos is now known as Guest94141 === lubuntu is now known as Guest13614 [23:18] 'code' on the terminal does run it? [23:19] ? === tijara_ is now known as tijara