
OvenWerkssirriffsalothp: just a note that I run my output at -12 dB on my system. (gain = 0.25)01:44
AppAraat[m]Q: Would a minimal Ubuntu 20.04 with Ubuntu Studio repos added be supported here?01:47
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: Yes, but remember, it's all Ubuntu at the end of the day and equally supported in #freenode_#ubuntu:matrix.org.01:49
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: And there's no such thing as an Ubuntu Studio repo. There's just a backports PPA, and that's it.01:49
AppAraat[m]wait, but doesn't Ubuntu Studio include some custom config files and a lowlatency kernel? Or are those things all included in the backports PPA?01:50
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: All of those things are in the Ubuntu repos. What makes you think those were separate? We can't exist as an official flavor without using the Ubuntu repos, no more and no less.01:51
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours01:51
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: It's not like Mint which has a separate repo altogether.01:52
AppAraat[m]ah those things I mentioned are present either in the backports PPA or the Ubuntu repos as packages?01:52
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio is not a *derivitive* of Ubuntu, it's an *official flavor* of Ubuntu.01:52
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: Those things are not available in the Backports PPA at all.01:53
EickmeyerThey're in the Ubuntu repos.01:53
EickmeyerHence, Ubuntu Studio Installer is a thing.01:53
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-installer | AppAraat[m]01:53
ubottuAppAraat[m]: Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller01:53
AppAraat[m]ah I see, so the Ubuntu Studio Installer can install packages which bring those (global audio) configs and certain packages that are also normally present in Ubuntu Studio (backports PPA) ?01:55
EickmeyerThose configs are available as packages in Ubuntu because we put them there. Has nothing to do with the backports.01:55
EickmeyerEach flavor of Ubuntu is a customized ISO of what is already in the Ubuntu repos.01:56
EickmeyerThere are no additional repos.01:56
AppAraat[m]I see, but for Ubuntus older than 19.04 a PPA is required. That packages from that PPA however is simply part of the official Ubuntu repos for Ubuntus 20.04 and above, correct?01:58
AppAraat[m]s/That packages/Those packages/01:58
EickmeyerThat's only because 18.04 wasn't a LTS release for Ubuntu Studio, hence there's no 18.04.4 ISO currently available.01:58
EickmeyerThe packages in that PPA provide updated verisons of packages already available or packages that didn't quite make it in time. That PPA is only a year old.01:59
AppAraat[m]ah ok, that makes sense.02:00
EickmeyerThis is everything in it: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports02:00
EickmeyerIt's not much.02:01
AppAraat[m]So I guess I can safely install a minimal Ubuntu 20.04 netinstall and install the required packages then (perhaps not even through Ubuntu Studio Installer but just via CLI), right?02:01
EickmeyerI'd use Ubuntu Studio Installer because otherwise you risk bringing-in Xfce stuff you don't need.02:01
EickmeyerMost people think that using minimal + the ubuntustudio-destkop package does it, but nothing can be further from the truth.02:01
AppAraat[m]oh I see, that's pretty important to know then. I'll take that into account.02:02
EickmeyerThe Ubuntu minimal install includes the GNOME desktop.02:02
AppAraat[m]it includes WHAT in the minimal install?? :S02:02
AppAraat[m]oh wait I think I'm confusing minimal with netinstall02:03
EickmeyerThe minimal desktop install is the default Ubuntu desktop minus some applications.02:03
OvenWerksI wondered02:03
EickmeyerThe netinstall is more customizable, but a desktop selection is given, whether that's Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or anything else, and also has the individual Ubuntu Studio metas.02:04
EickmeyerDoesn't have lowlatency out of the box.02:04
EickmeyerDon't think of it as a command line-only install.02:04
EickmeyerOr even an install that only gives you a command line. That would be Ubuntu Server.02:05
AppAraat[m]for netinstall desktop selection, you can still choose not to install any desktop right?02:06
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: OvenWerks I turned off my sound card, plugged out the electricity, and let it chill for a bit. Switched it back on, now it all seems fine, and the master volumes are at 100. Odd..02:06
OvenWerksso some effect on line02:07
OvenWerksor something like that02:07
EickmeyerAppAraat[m]: Not sure on the no desktop, I think that's called "minimal server" but I could be wrong.02:07
AppAraat[m]thanks, I'll do some research on that.02:07
OvenWerksunless server has changed it comes without x02:07
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: That tells me you have some serious hardware issues, probably a bad solder connection internally in your interface. Probably going bad.02:07
AppAraat[m]OvenWerks:  it better, a server with X is a server I want to run very far away from :p02:08
OvenWerksno x no desktop02:08
OvenWerksand I think you can choose none of the "services"02:09
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I also did a full reboot. It's odd, but I really don't see how it's a bad connection, etc. Just after a fresh install of a new distro, 20.04, this happens. Odds are that's not a coincidence02:09
EickmeyerYep, no X server, no desktop. Period.02:09
OvenWerksfor a pretty basic system but still more than net02:09
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: I would call that a decent coincidence. When you were talking about distortion, I thought of two things: Xruns, or bad hardware.02:10
EickmeyerYou weren't getting Xruns or clipping, so that eliminated that.02:10
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: well the audio was clipping, in the sense that it sounded like you had cranked the gain on a track in ardour way too loud02:11
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Strange. You said that it cooled down, though.02:11
EickmeyerIf it has a significant temperature rise, that's abnormal.02:11
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: metaphorically speaking :D02:11
sirriffsalothpIt's wasn't unusually hot or anything02:12
EickmeyerMy audio interface doesn't get hot at all.02:12
sirriffsalothpJust let it chill, let the electricity drain from its circuits, etc02:12
sirriffsalothpWell they're not the same :P How big is yours?02:12
Eickmeyer4in 4 out plus midi02:13
EickmeyerI've used bigger that haven't gotten even close to warm.02:13
sirriffsalothpYeah, this is much more than that :P It's always gotten a little hot, like you notice it, but nothing like "wtf, this is getting a bit too hot to not worry about"02:14
EickmeyerI've used 32in/out on mixers that have temerature increases as part of normal operation without the USB connection.02:14
Eickmeyer(they act as USB interfaces too)02:15
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: fair enough. I'll keep an eye on it and see if it happens again. Now US-c should be left as it is etc02:15
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Yeah, it should work.02:15
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: hmm, I just opened up an ardour session and it's still a little bit, though not as bad02:17
sirriffsalothpI'll connect this to my laptop with an older ubuntu studio and see how if fares there02:17
EickmeyerAt the end of the day, the only issue I can think of is a kernel issue.02:18
EickmeyerUnfortunately, that's beyond anything we work on.02:18
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: lol, the audio in ardour and songs on youtube etc all sound fine, and I'm cranking the audio as high as my ears can bear02:23
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: \o/02:24
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: sorry to break it to you but something's up with US :(02:24
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: It's got to be the Ubuntu kernel then.02:24
EickmeyerThere's nothing me or my team can do, we don't touch the kerenel.02:24
EickmeyerProbably a hardware compatibility regression.02:24
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I could revert to an earlier kernel, try that perhaps?02:25
* Eickmeyer has noticed no issues with his hardware, OvenWerks has had no issues with his, nor have 90% of our users.02:25
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: That might be the way.02:25
sirriffsalothp10% is quite a lot imo..02:25
sirriffsalothpKay, what was the one you first used in 19.10? Lowlatency that is02:26
EickmeyerThe lowlatency number always matches the generic number.02:26
EickmeyerNo exceptions.02:26
EickmeyerIt's the same kernel with slightly different flags.02:26
EickmeyerAll handled by the Ubuntu Kernel team.02:26
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: sure, but which one was it? :P Can't remember the name/number exactly02:26
EickmeyerI can't remember off the top of my head.02:26
Eickmeyer!linux-lowlatency eoan02:27
Eickmeyer!info linux-lowlatency eoan02:27
ubottulinux-lowlatency (source: linux-meta): Complete lowlatency Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 1 kB, installed size 16 kB02:27
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: ^02:27
sirriffsalothpKay! Installing that then02:27
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: uh, I can't even find it in synaptic, only 5.4+02:28
EickmeyerThat's because past kernel versions aren't available. I thought you had a different source.02:28
sirriffsalothpI don't.. I expected earlier versions to be available :( How would I go about installing that one then?02:29
EickmeyerI don't know. I don't think it's even supported.02:29
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: https://askubuntu.com/questions/700214/how-do-i-install-an-old-kernel02:29
sirriffsalothpFound this https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan-updates/linux-lowlatency, would that work?02:33
EickmeyerYep, so long as you have both the headers and the image.02:34
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: so doing sudo dpkg -i for both those files should do the trick?02:35
EickmeyerI would think so. You'll probably also have to manually select it in GRUB.02:35
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: meh, how the hell do I download these files? The links just lead elsewhere02:36
sirriffsalothpSorry again for my noobishness here02:36
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Click on the architecture (amd64) then click on a mirror.02:37
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan-updates/amd64/linux-lowlatency/download02:37
sirriffsalothpI just get internal server error... lol02:37
EickmeyerNot me.02:37
Eickmeyeryour link takes me to a list of mirrors. Click on any one of those and it'll download. If one doesn't work, try another.02:38
sirriffsalothpOkay, so here I found the one in question: https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/amd64/linux-lowlatency/download02:38
sirriffsalothpIs following the instructions there permissable, or will it screw up my system somehow? To adding the line to /etc/apt/sources.list02:39
EickmeyerWell, here's the thing. Doing this is 100% unsupported and CAN break your system.02:39
EickmeyerBut, that is an official PPA by the Ubuntu kernel team.02:39
sirriffsalothpOkay, going for that then, hang on02:39
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: odd, I did a sudo apt-get update after adding that line to the sources.list file as sudo, I can't find that file in synaptic, and typing sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency_ and then trying to tab out the rest yields no suggestions02:42
EickmeyerProably because the kernel you have is newer than the one you want. You'll have to manually type-in the kernel and version, not simply "linux-lowlatency".02:43
sirriffsalothpAh no wait here it is in synaptic. Almost there02:44
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: just so I don't screw it up, as I'm a bit confused as to which ones I should be installing together here, could you have a look? https://paste.pics/1f5b2cc7c678a718ecdca404ae08d1be02:45
EickmeyerLooks like you have a signed image installed already, so make sure you grab that one too.02:46
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I see a "headers" and "image" for the 5.3.0.-53.47 version, installing those two should suffice, right?02:47
EickmeyerYeah, but make sure you also have a signed image.02:47
sirriffsalothpIn the description for the image-file is says "Signed kernel image lowlatency", that it?02:48
EickmeyerYes. That's really for UEFI secrueboot, but if you already have one, you should *still* have one in your current version.02:49
sirriffsalothpOkay, installing02:49
sirriffsalothpIt chose modules automaticelly as well, case that matters for anything02:49
EickmeyerYeah, that's expected.02:49
sirriffsalothpOkay, rebooting02:50
sirriffsalothpFingers crossed :D02:51
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: meh, I'm not getting prompted to choose kernels, tried starting the disk from the boot menu but it just goes directly to 5.402:53
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: will I have to do a boot-repair or something to make it prompt for a choice?02:54
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: You might have to hold shift while booting to force it to show the grub menu.02:54
sirriffsalothpAh yeah... forgot you could do that02:54
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: holding down shift didn't help either lol02:55
EickmeyerYeah, I don't know. This is getting above my pay grade (happens to be $0). I'd check in #ubuntu for getting access to the grub menu.02:56
sirriffsalothpI'll work out this part, and get back to you, lol02:56
EickmeyerOnce we start going into kernel territory, I go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯02:56
sirriffsalothpFair enough mate02:57
sirriffsalothpRebooting and trying shift and esc a few times02:57
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: successfully opted into Linux SirRiffsAlot 5.3.0-53-lowlatency #47-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Thu May 7 13:28:24 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux according to uname -a03:15
sirriffsalothpStill the same problem mate.03:15
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Any ideas for sirriffsalothp?03:16
sirriffsalothpThis is spooky... it's starting to look like something is up with 20.04, at least for my setup, somehow. Did anyone else have the same problem?03:16
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Nope. Nobody has mentioned that problem at all.03:17
=== erich is now known as Eickmeyer
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Have you asked holstein or someone in #lau or #opensourcemusicians if they've had this issue?03:19
sirriffsalothpDon't think they've gone to 20.04, but I will03:20
EickmeyerHolstein has, I know that for a fact.03:20
sirriffsalothpAh, he's always a great help, I've asked, see what they have to say03:21
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I did a quick export of just one instrumental-file in ardour, one stereo-track: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dcwvib1osu6pylo/wtf_Selection.wav?dl=003:29
sirriffsalothpWhat's this sound like to you?03:29
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Sounds completely fine to me.03:31
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: god dangit..03:31
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I don't mean to be a pain in the butt about this, but this is rather serious for me... I'd hate to have to just revert back to 19.1003:52
sirriffsalothpI do really appreciate all your help :)03:52
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: Yeah, I understand. You mentioned that lowering the volume helped. I do know there were changes to pulseaudio too.03:53
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: that really must be it, I can't imagine what else could be causing this. It's not my ardour sessions, and it's not my sound card, just lowering it helps, so that must mean something's up with volume/gain configs in 20.04 somewhere03:54
sirriffsalothpI'm just surprised that no one else has this issue... really odd03:55
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: I'm willing to bet it's hardcoded somewhere and nothing any of us can change. I know there were a lot of changes that were too numerous to list.03:55
Eickmeyersirriffsalothp: To keep from hurting your ardour sessions, I'd lower the volume output in alsamixer or qasmixer since that only affects what you hear, not what is recorded or what is output by ardour.03:57
sirriffsalothpLol, odd...04:01
sirriffsalothpI just switched the usb-connections, and now it's fine04:01
sirriffsalothpThe ENTIRE ardour session sounds flawless04:01
sirriffsalothpNope, false alarm, the pavucontrol volume was turned down, rofl04:02
sirriffsalothpEickmeyer: I'll download a fresh .iso of 20.04 tomorrow, do a md5 just to be sure the whole thing is clean as a whistle, reinstall and try again04:07
sirriffsalothpIf that doesn't work I'll just have to go back to 19.10 I guess, if pulseaudio have no answers either :(04:08
sirriffsalothpIt's 6am now and I better get some rest.. thanks again mate. Be seeing you all04:08
* panda-1[m] uploaded an image: 1590836126513.jpg (5964KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/LPmSiQFmMdzfdWczxSMYeKZX >10:56
panda-1[m]Can someone help me 🙄10:56
sakrecoer[m]Actually, BUTT works pretty well with Jack. :)11:07
sakrecoer[m]<panda-1[m] "1590836126513.jpg"> Let it do it's thing. It might take a while unfortunately. And it may fail. If you end up in BusyBox after that, backup up everything and try run fsck11:09
sakrecoer[m]<panda-1[m] "1590836126513.jpg"> I have that happen to me quite all lot on laptops where I've had a process running and the battery runs out...11:10
sakrecoer[m]"a lot" is an overstatement. But at least 3 times in three years11:11
sakrecoer[m]Everytime I had Jekyll (a Ruby app for building website) running with an option for watching directory for file changes... Then I forgot to shut it down and let my laptop go to sleep...11:15
shas-0[m]> 10% is quite a lot imo..15:38
shas-0[m]I'm seeing more over runs when recording than before recent updates, serious periodic noise on skype callas as well, !15:38
Eickmeyershas-0[m]: Separate issue. I was just estimating. If you're seeing xruns, check rtirq, make sure bluetooth and wifi are off, and finally increase your buffer by a step.15:43
EickmeyerMy estimate should've been closer to 99% of people aren't having problems.15:44
shas-0[m]<Eickmeyer "shas-0: Separate issue. I was ju"> "check rtirq"  what do you  check?  locate rtirq17:41
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Any suggestions? ^17:42
* Eickmeyer doesn't have to use rtirq, for him it just works.17:42
shas-0[m]Meh, Wifi off, bluetooth off still crap overruns !, This only started after the updates, I'll try a re-install,  then I'm off back to windows :(20:46
higgI just installed... Im not seeing any software "store". am I missing it? Or is the expectation just to use apt-get?20:47

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