
* extor is running Disco 190.4 and gets an error that the sources.list is no longer valid11:36
lotus|NUC19.04 is eol extor 11:37
extorThat explain it. Is there any sed command that can update my sources.list or do I have to reinstall11:38
extorI assume the EOL was very recent11:38
lotus|NUCextor: with eol versions its adviced not to proceed11:38
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html11:38
lotus|NUCa lot of security issues since then extor see !usn11:39
ubottuPlease see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.11:40
lotus|NUCextor: also this channel is now the support channel of 20.10 gorilla, adviced to help test/debug with daily iso's11:41
extorOk I just sed'd disco to eon11:45
lotus|NUCextor: problems that are not 20.10 please ask in #ubuntu11:46

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