jam | morning all | 04:36 |
mup | PR operator#319 opened: ops: get version from git <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/319> | 08:14 |
mup | Issue operator#313 closed: If ops is installed, the test run picks up the wrong one <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/313> | 08:17 |
mup | PR operator#314 closed: test_main: set up PYTHONPATH so the sub-process picks up this ops <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/314> | 08:17 |
jam | morning Chipaca | 08:18 |
Chipaca | jam: moin moin :) | 08:18 |
jam | Chipaca, I'd like to chat a bit about serialization of StoredState, we can start on IRC and move from there if you feel it is too involved | 08:22 |
Chipaca | jam: sure | 08:22 |
jam | Chipaca, so I'm pretty sure you're aware that we currently use a pickle into a sqlite database for all StoredState content | 08:23 |
Chipaca | yep | 08:23 |
jam | Juju will accept key=value pairs for 'state-set/get' and can take that 'state-set' as 'key=value' on the CLI or as YAML key:value from --file (which can be '-' for stdin) | 08:24 |
jam | The current spike was done by putting the pickle bytes into base64 and then writing that as the value | 08:24 |
Chipaca | mhmm | 08:24 |
jam | it is a pretty obtuse way to understand what your state is, if you ever wanted to do "juju run --unit u/0 state-get" | 08:25 |
jam | foo: gANLCi4= | 08:25 |
jam | I have some concerns about pickle support, though AIUI since we force it to be simple types with a pass by Marshal | 08:26 |
jam | there shouldn't be too much trouble if you wrote a pickle with python 3.7 and read it with python 3.8 | 08:26 |
jam | (say you did a do-release-upgrade on the machine that was running the charm, and it is now running a different version of python) | 08:26 |
Chipaca | pickle's fine with that, yes | 08:27 |
jam | Chipaca, it doesn't *feel* like a 'stable format to keep your state in over time" | 08:27 |
Chipaca | eh, it's stable enough (you can use 3.8 to load a pickle from 2.2 for example) | 08:27 |
Chipaca | but | 08:27 |
Chipaca | it's not very approachable | 08:27 |
Chipaca | and that might be a bigger issue :) | 08:27 |
Chipaca | jam: given that they're simple types, wouldn't yaml also work for us? | 08:28 |
jam | Chipaca, so the one caveat is that yaml or json as the actual payload loses the type for set vs list | 08:28 |
jam | Also, JSON keys are strictly strings IIRC, so you can't have {0: 'foo'} | 08:29 |
jam | I think YAML supports non-string keys | 08:29 |
Chipaca | are yaml keys also -- ah | 08:29 |
Chipaca | hmm | 08:29 |
Chipaca | jam: and python? | 08:30 |
jam | Python has the nice behavior that json.dumps({0: 'foo'}) => '{"0": "foo"}' | 08:30 |
jam | iow, it silently casts your numeric keys into string keys | 08:30 |
Chipaca | no i mean, make it a python literal | 08:30 |
Chipaca | and use ast.literal_eval to bring it back | 08:31 |
jam | $ python3 -c "import json; print(json.dumps({'0': 'foo', 0: 'bar'}))" | 08:31 |
jam | {"0": "foo", "0": "bar"} | 08:31 |
jam | Chipaca, what is the cleanest way to turn a nested dict into a literal? just repr() ? | 08:32 |
Chipaca | yep | 08:32 |
Chipaca | bah, dicts you can str because repr is str there :) but yes, repr | 08:32 |
jam | Chipaca, and... there isn't much in the way of versioning, so we have a way to change our mind about how we want to store the content. | 08:32 |
Chipaca | s/have/don't have/ ? | 08:33 |
Chipaca | we could add that ourselves, make the first byte of the value be the version? | 08:33 |
Chipaca | does juju care at all what we dump in there? what further processing does it do on it? | 08:34 |
jam | >>> repr({'0': [1,2,3], 0: set(['a', 'b', 'c'])}) | 08:34 |
jam | "{'0': [1, 2, 3], 0: {'b', 'c', 'a'}}" | 08:34 |
jam | >>> ast.literal_eval("{'0': [1, 2, 3], 0: {'b', 'c', 'a'}}") | 08:34 |
jam | {'0': [1, 2, 3], 0: {'b', 'c', 'a'}} | 08:34 |
jam | Chipaca, so Juju *should* just round trip the content we give it. | 08:34 |
Chipaca | yeah, sets have literals too ;) | 08:34 |
jam | Chipaca, yeah, I always use set() because the empty set doesn't have another literal | 08:35 |
Chipaca | ah, yeah | 08:35 |
jam | since {} would be ambiguous. I'm also not a huge fan of "did you notice there were no :" | 08:36 |
Chipaca | and it might fail here :-/ | 08:36 |
Chipaca | because 'set()' isn't a literal | 08:36 |
jam | >>> ast.literal_eval(repr({'0': [1,2,3], 0: set()})) | 08:36 |
jam | Traceback (most recent call last): | 08:36 |
jam | File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> | 08:36 |
jam | File "/usr/lib/python3.6/ast.py", line 85, in literal_eval | 08:36 |
jam | return _convert(node_or_string) | 08:36 |
jam | File "/usr/lib/python3.6/ast.py", line 66, in _convert | 08:36 |
jam | in zip(node.keys, node.values)) | 08:36 |
jam | File "/usr/lib/python3.6/ast.py", line 65, in <genexpr> | 08:36 |
jam | return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v | 08:36 |
jam | File "/usr/lib/python3.6/ast.py", line 84, in _convert | 08:36 |
jam | raise ValueError('malformed node or string: ' + repr(node)) | 08:36 |
jam | ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Call object at 0x7f2b34d35160> | 08:36 |
jam | Chipaca, indeed, it does fail :9 | 08:36 |
jam | :( | 08:36 |
Chipaca | so close | 08:37 |
jam | it is also true that we are running pickle.loads() on unknown data | 08:37 |
jam | yes we write it from things that are 'safe', but we are still running the engine on data that we're reading back from 'outside' | 08:38 |
jam | Chipaca, code layering wise, it is also quite hard to not use pickle, because Framework is the part that decides pickle, while Storage decides to write it to the DB | 08:38 |
Chipaca | yeah | 08:39 |
jam | (Framework.save_snapshot is where the marshal.dumps check and pickle.dumps is done) | 08:39 |
Chipaca | i think that could use a refactor, but separately | 08:39 |
jam | Chipaca, though again, we can just move that down into the SQLiteSnapshot layer | 08:39 |
jam | SQLiteStorage | 08:39 |
jam | Chipaca, indeed. snapshot() from the actual objects that people implement is still defined as a dict so we're ok there | 08:40 |
Chipaca | jam: do we care about the spike being forwards-compatible? | 08:40 |
Chipaca | i guess we do but just checking :) | 08:40 |
jam | Chipaca, as in that the current version of the code can read the content written by future versions? | 08:40 |
Chipaca | as in the state written by the spike be readable by future versions | 08:41 |
jam | or if it can't read it, fail gracefully | 08:41 |
jam | Chipaca, we don't care about the current spike, because it was just to show proof-of-concept. no charms that I'm aware of are using it. | 08:41 |
Chipaca | jam: ah so the spike isn't what we'd put in 0.7 | 08:41 |
jam | Chipaca, correct. I'm using it as a starting point, but taking the time to carefully structure things and make sure it is the serialization that we're happy with. | 08:42 |
Chipaca | ok | 08:42 |
jam | I'd really rather use something like json/yaml and have it be inspectable by humans. | 08:42 |
Chipaca | so for the initial spike, pickle is fine then :) | 08:42 |
jam | I think you missed a comment by Stub that people are writing sqlite3 hacks to unpickle the snapshot fields to try to figure out what is going on. | 08:42 |
Chipaca | i've seen that in bugs and etc, yes | 08:43 |
Chipaca | which seems obvious to me -- if i were trying to figure out what was going wrong, i'd want to look at anything i could too | 08:43 |
jam | Chipaca, and we can write a common helper to make it easier to inspect that state | 08:43 |
jam | Chipaca, but ideally it would be less opaque to start with. | 08:44 |
jam | Could we make the statement "sets aren't allowed" and just go with JSON ? | 08:44 |
Chipaca | json also mangles numbers | 08:44 |
jam | ah right | 08:44 |
jam | yeah, I hate that part. | 08:44 |
Chipaca | so it's my least favourite for this :) | 08:44 |
jam | if it *failed* I might be ok with it. | 08:44 |
jam | the fact that it silently corrupts makes it out | 08:44 |
jam | see my above comment where you can json.dumps() and get the integer and string keys colliding with no error. | 08:45 |
Chipaca | we can come up with special handling for empty sets and work with that, also | 08:45 |
stub | I'd actually assumed sets were not allowed by 'simple types only', like json and yaml and toml and everything else people are used to now days. | 08:45 |
davigar15 | Hello! | 08:45 |
davigar15 | ERROR juju.worker.uniter.operation hook "start" (via explicit, bespoke hook script) failed: exit status 1 | 08:45 |
stub | Recommend feeding the CLI tool using the --yaml argument to avoid CLI command length limitations and encoding and locale issues | 08:45 |
davigar15 | I'm getting that error in k8s charms in 2.8.1 | 08:45 |
davigar15 | Chipaca: any ideas? | 08:46 |
Chipaca | davigar15: what operator version? | 08:46 |
davigar15 | latest | 08:46 |
Chipaca | davigar15: can we see the debug logs? | 08:46 |
davigar15 | yes | 08:46 |
jam | stub, yeah, --file is currently the way that I'm interacting with state-set. | 08:46 |
jam | davi | 08:46 |
jam | davigar15, I'd start with "juju model-config logging-config=DEBUG" and "juju debug-log" to get more information about what is going wrong. | 08:47 |
stub | jam: Maybe this time we can use = and . in our keys :) | 08:47 |
Chipaca | we _could_ restrict what you can put in state even further, for this feature | 08:47 |
Chipaca | or, we could special-handle empty sets :) | 08:47 |
Chipaca | (or sets in general!) | 08:48 |
davigar15 | oooh, good trick. Need to debug it :-) | 08:48 |
Chipaca | jam: yaml.safe_load(yaml.dump(set())) | 08:49 |
Chipaca | jam: → set() | 08:49 |
Chipaca | yaml.safe_load(yaml.dump({'0': [1,2,3], 0: set(['a', 'b', 'c'])})) → {0: {'a', 'b', 'c'}, '0': [1, 2, 3]} | 08:50 |
Chipaca | we'd have to check if the !!set annotations require a particular pyyaml version | 08:51 |
davigar15 | application-zookeeper-k8s: 10:52:25 DEBUG unit.zookeeper-k8s/2.start raise TypeError( | 08:52 |
davigar15 | application-zookeeper-k8s: 10:52:25 DEBUG unit.zookeeper-k8s/2.start TypeError: observer methods must now be explicitly provided; please replace observe(self.on.config_changed, self) with e.g. observe(self.on.config_changed, self._on_config_changed) | 08:52 |
davigar15 | There is it | 08:52 |
davigar15 | It has to be explicit. I have self instead | 08:53 |
davigar15 | :-) | 08:53 |
davigar15 | thanks | 08:53 |
Chipaca | jam: but it works in 3.11 (xenial) and 3.12 (bionic) at least | 08:53 |
jam | Chipaca, ^^ that looks like the "catch exceptions and log at higher than DEBUG" :) | 08:53 |
Chipaca | davigar15: :) sorry we broke your charm, glad we were trying to tell you about it at least :) | 08:53 |
Chipaca | jam: yep | 08:54 |
Chipaca | did we have an issue for that? i should do that one next | 08:54 |
jam | we do | 08:54 |
davigar15 | It's okay! nothing in production yet hahaha | 08:54 |
jam | Chipaca, #289 | 08:54 |
mup | Issue #289: hook exception logged at DEBUG <Created by jetpackdanger> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/289> | 08:54 |
Chipaca | perfect | 08:54 |
Chipaca | jam: any reason not to go the yaml route (after the refactor to move sqlite decision out of framework) ? | 08:54 |
jam | Chipaca, so I've been told historically that YAML is good if a human is going to edit it, but it has enough edge cases it doesn't make a great machine<=>machine format. | 08:55 |
stub | I think you will need to keep sqlite if you want Juju 2.7 compatibility | 08:55 |
jam | (things like base 60 numbers) | 08:55 |
jam | stub, yes, it isn't removing sqlite | 08:55 |
jam | it is adding an alternative when it is available | 08:56 |
Chipaca | yeah i bungled and meant 'pickle' there | 08:56 |
jam | but what do we want *that* to look like | 08:56 |
Chipaca | framework is pickoing, storage is sqliting | 08:56 |
Chipaca | pickling | 08:56 |
* Chipaca used to be able to type | 08:56 | |
jam | Chipaca, I think I'll want to keep the marshal() check, but move the pickling into Storage and out of JujuStorage and try using YAML there. | 08:56 |
jam | Chipaca, it kind of has to happen at the same time, since the interface to the Storage changes from taking a bytes to taking a dict | 08:57 |
jam | but it shouldn't be very invasive. | 08:57 |
Chipaca | jam: so what _is_ a good machine ⇔ machine format? | 08:58 |
stub | With the marshal check, the yaml should always be bog simple except for sets (and maybe other builtin Python types I can't think of right now), and seems fine to me as machine <-> machine | 08:58 |
jam | well, the recommendation was JSON, but for obvious reasons that is out. I don't think pickle/python ast fall into that category. XML is overbroad | 08:58 |
jam | stub, Chipaca certainly YAML is my top pick right now | 08:59 |
Chipaca | base64 of a pickled xml ast dump \o/ | 08:59 |
* Chipaca hides | 08:59 | |
stub | eval(repr(blob)) | 08:59 |
Chipaca | exec* | 08:59 |
Chipaca | ]:-) | 08:59 |
Chipaca | wait is exec eval now | 08:59 |
* Chipaca checks | 09:00 | |
Chipaca | nope exec is still the right one for maximum pawnage | 09:00 |
Chipaca | anyway, sorry for the silliness :) | 09:01 |
* Chipaca is only a little bit sorry | 09:01 | |
Chipaca | hush you | 09:01 |
jam | Chipaca, if only there was some way to get "sudo" in there | 09:01 |
Chipaca | jam: charms run as root ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 09:02 |
jam | Chipaca, so one nice property is that refactoring is actually quite localized | 09:06 |
jam | Chipaca, what is the type annotation for "snapshot". Currently we only really ever use 'dict' or None, but it has so far been anything that python can pickle | 09:07 |
jam | is that just "object" ? | 09:08 |
Chipaca | jam: Any ? | 09:09 |
Chipaca | it's not strictly Any, but I don't think there's something better | 09:09 |
Chipaca | OTOH maybe we should enforce it being dict-or-None | 09:10 |
Chipaca | anything else isn't going to be extensible enough for long-term | 09:10 |
davigar15 | Chipaca: Why could my charm be in wating for container, without giving any errors? | 09:10 |
Chipaca | 'waiting for container' sounds like a juju thing to me :) | 09:11 |
Chipaca | ie not yet the charm | 09:11 |
Chipaca | jam: OTOH you *could* spell it all out | 09:13 |
Chipaca | as in, Union[int, float, … ] | 09:14 |
jam | Chipaca, so we do have tests that snapshot() -> str and 'def snapshot(self): return self.value' where value was passed in to .emit(value) | 09:15 |
jam | (where in the test value is only ever a string) | 09:15 |
Chipaca | and it's probably overly opinionated for a framework :) | 09:18 |
Chipaca | i mean the 'always use a dict' thing | 09:18 |
jam | Chipaca, well, dict or None would be acceptable IMO, and we are little if not opinionated :) | 09:21 |
jam | Chipaca, if our review of people's code would always be "you really should use a dict" then we should push that a bit harder, I think. | 09:21 |
mup | PR operator#320 opened: ops/framework.py: Move pickle into Storage <Created by jameinel> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/320> | 09:22 |
davigar15 | Chipaca: happening with juju stable version... I'm going to check my charm. | 09:24 |
davigar15 | Can't see anything wrong... https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/BMqcdkT6fN/ | 09:26 |
Chipaca | davigar15: what does the debug log say | 09:29 |
davigar15 | juju model-config logging-config=DEBUG | 09:29 |
davigar15 | ERROR config value expected '=', found "DEBUG" | 09:29 |
davigar15 | haha | 09:29 |
jam | that exact line worked here | 09:30 |
jam | you could also do: juju model-config "logging-config=<root>=DEBUG" | 09:31 |
jam | which is the more explicit version | 09:31 |
jam | (that allows you to specify each module separately) | 09:31 |
jam | davigar15, though your particular statement "waiting for container", I believe, is created by Juju | 09:31 |
jam | (if a charm sets a pod spec, and otherwise goes into Active, Juju sets the state to 'waiting for container' until the pod has started) | 09:32 |
jam | davigar15, https://discourse.juju.is/t/how-to-avoid-the-waiting-for-container-message/1369/3 might help? | 09:32 |
jam | specifically https://discourse.juju.is/t/how-to-avoid-the-waiting-for-container-message/1369/6 | 09:34 |
davigar15 | https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/CxPhPygZb4/ | 09:35 |
davigar15 | $ microk8s.kubectl -n zk get pods | 09:35 |
davigar15 | NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE | 09:35 |
davigar15 | modeloperator-658686f765-cfsr6 1/1 Running 0 2m59s | 09:35 |
davigar15 | zookeeper-k8s-operator-0 1/1 Running 0 2m11s | 09:35 |
davigar15 | But the application pods are not even created | 09:35 |
jam | davigar15, so offhand your charm seems to be missing a self.state.set_default(spec=None) as on_config_changed introspects self.state.spec directly | 09:37 |
davigar15 | create Pod zookeeper-k8s-0 in StatefulSet zookeeper-k8s failed error: Pod "zookeeper-k8s-0" is invalid: spec.containers[0].ports[2].name: Invalid value: "leader-election-port": must be no more than 15 characters | 09:38 |
davigar15 | found | 09:38 |
davigar15 | haha | 09:38 |
jam | (I don't think this the problem here, as it means hitting config_changed without start, which will happen with 2.8) | 09:38 |
jam | davigar15, where did you find that? I don't see it in your pastebin | 09:39 |
Chipaca | it's one of those no-rest-for-the-wicked days | 09:55 |
Chipaca | taking a breka now and getting the lunch sorted because then i'll be eating in meetings | 09:56 |
=== facundo__ is now known as facubatista | ||
facubatista | Muy buenos días a todos! | 11:01 |
davigar15 | Chipaca: how can I get the number of ensured units with the op framework | 11:04 |
jam | davigar15, is that len(self.get_relation(PEER_RELATION).units) | 11:08 |
jam | or do you need the count before they are actually started? | 11:08 |
davigar15 | good question | 11:09 |
davigar15 | I think I need it before | 11:09 |
jam | https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/165 is about possibly having the framework expose the count (reading it from goal-state), but that hasn't been implemented, so understanding your use case/adding it to that issue is useful | 11:16 |
jam | davigar15, ^^ | 11:16 |
Chipaca | facubatista: https://github.com/canonical/operator/releases/tag/0.6.0 | 12:05 |
facubatista | Chipaca, wonderful | 12:05 |
Chipaca | facundo__: note #294 is gtg | 13:12 |
mup | PR #294: Log when a served breakpoint is not really activated because of name mismatch <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/294> | 13:12 |
facundo__ | Chipaca, ack | 13:12 |
* facundo__ will restart the router to see if all these disconnections stop | 13:13 | |
jam | Chipaca, and for issue #21, if it is a script, and we set JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH it will try to reinvoke hooks/install but that will notice the OPERATOR_DISPATCH env and exit early, right? | 13:13 |
mup | PR #21: Persist stored state before framework commit <Created by dshcherb> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/21> | 13:13 |
Chipaca | jam: indeed | 13:14 |
Chipaca | charmcraft#21, mup m'dear | 13:14 |
mup | Issue charmcraft#21: Event charm.py not defined <Created by knkski> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/21> | 13:14 |
Chipaca | facundo__: want me to fix this ^? i can do that right now | 13:14 |
facundo__ | Chipaca, be my guest | 13:15 |
jam | Chipaca, btw, if you want easier ways to get to source code from a git submodule you can open the '.gitmodules' file which contains the URL that git will use to find the revision | 13:19 |
jam | https://git.launchpad.net/charm-k8s-mattermost/tree/.gitmodules | 13:19 |
Chipaca | jam: 👍 | 13:19 |
jam | github does that for you, eg if you look at this: https://github.com/jameinel/ubuntu-lite/pull/2/files#diff-b1d90847e9ac9d08a6205ad8f09fd5a9L14 it has a direct link to the Operator code | 13:20 |
mup | PR jameinel/ubuntu-lite#2: Operator <Created by jameinel> <https://github.com/jameinel/ubuntu-lite/pull/2> | 13:20 |
jam | or https://github.com/jameinel/ubuntu-lite/tree/operator/mod if you are browsing the Tree rather than the PR | 13:21 |
jam | Chipaca, while sending the mattermost email, I realized we also really need to review https://github.com/johnsca/resource-oci-image/blob/master/oci_image.py | 13:23 |
jam | since that is as common to be reused as k8s.py | 13:23 |
Chipaca | ah | 13:24 |
Chipaca | jam: ok | 13:24 |
=== facundo__ is now known as facubatista | ||
Chipaca | closed charmcraft#18, charmcraft#19 and charmcraft#20. I hope I was able to explain why clearly enough for the reporter not to hate us too much :-| | 14:32 |
mup | Issue charmcraft#18: Poetry integration <Created by knkski> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/18> | 14:32 |
mup | Issue charmcraft#19: Pep 518 support for charm metadata <Created by knkski> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/19> | 14:32 |
mup | Issue charmcraft#20: Support pep 517 for building charms <Created by knkski> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/issues/20> | 14:32 |
mup | PR operator#321 opened: have a Code of Conduct <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/321> | 14:51 |
Chipaca | facubatista, jam, reviews on #23 would mean we could ship it today | 14:54 |
mup | PR #23: Add leadership to model <Created by johnsca> <Closed by johnsca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/23> | 14:55 |
Chipaca | charmcraft#23 | 14:55 |
mup | PR charmcraft#23: build: set JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH so we get the right hook <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/23> | 14:55 |
facubatista | Chipaca, ack | 14:55 |
mup | Issue operator#220 closed: Log in WARNING when a breakpoint is not served in debug mode <Created by facundobatista> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/220> | 14:56 |
mup | PR operator#294 closed: Log when a served breakpoint is not really activated because of name mismatch <Created by facundobatista> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/294> | 14:56 |
mup | Issue operator#262 closed: Harness should support resource-get <Created by jameinel> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/262> | 14:58 |
mup | PR operator#296 closed: Oci resources <Created by chris-sanders> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/296> | 14:58 |
facubatista | Chipaca, would you mind to explain what magic are you doing in charmcraft#23? | 15:08 |
mup | PR charmcraft#23: build: set JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH so we get the right hook <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/23> | 15:08 |
Chipaca | facubatista: i see no magic :-/ | 15:09 |
Chipaca | facubatista: the {{}} is because I need actual {s in the output | 15:09 |
Chipaca | facubatista: WRT ${parameter:-word} Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted; otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted. | 15:10 |
Chipaca | so ${JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH:-$0} is "either JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH or, if that is unset or null, $0" | 15:11 |
facubatista | Chipaca, fantastic, thanks!!! | 15:13 |
facubatista | Chipaca, mind to put a comment saying something like "if Juju don't support the dispatch mechanism, it will execute the hook, and we need sys.argv[0] to be the name of the hook, so we fake JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH to be that value"? | 15:14 |
facubatista | Chipaca, thanks! | 15:14 |
Chipaca | will do | 15:15 |
facubatista | Chipaca, approved | 15:16 |
* facubatista -> lunch | 15:16 | |
Chipaca | hmmmmmm | 15:58 |
* facubatista is back | 15:58 | |
* Chipaca hmms | 15:58 | |
Chipaca | dunno if my lxd is stuck, or just my juju | 16:01 |
Chipaca | facubatista: do you have a working thing you could juju ssh into to try something with juju-log? | 16:01 |
facubatista | Chipaca, yes, but on a meeting right now | 16:02 |
Chipaca | ah | 16:02 |
Chipaca | k | 16:02 |
* facubatista brb | 16:18 | |
Chipaca | ok i think i'm off | 17:02 |
* Chipaca EODs | 17:02 | |
* facubatista is back | 17:03 | |
* facubatista eods | 19:44 |
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