=== DrKK`` is now known as DrKK` | ||
Guest_71 | Umm; Ok. Newbie here. A Law & Politics Activist, I am; dedicated to promoting open-source & free software; But im seriously dysfunctional in maintaining my xubuntu system; & would apprexciate some help doing what i think should be a really simple Re-Install or Up-Date to my system here. | 02:24 |
Guest_71 | My name is Charles Stewart; & i am in Coleman Texas. | 02:25 |
Guest_71 | When any of ya-all might get around to it; no big rush or anything here. | 02:25 |
Guest_71 | Maybe i should explain a few details. | 02:26 |
Guest_71 | I downloaded the current version of xubuntu, & extracted the files in the directory it downloaded to; but when i re-boot, my ststem is still not up-dated. | 02:27 |
Guest_71 | Umm; really, my entire system is buggy; & i believe i need to do a complete re-install. I believe i should back-up all of my files; & copy a fersh version of xubuntu to a flash drive; & them just do a complete re-install. | 02:32 |
Guest_71 | Is there any-one here who might be able to help walk me thru this? | 02:32 |
juno | i would direct you to a website that details the process | 02:35 |
juno | for instance https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick | 02:35 |
juno | it's very straightforward .. once you make your iso stick its mostly a matter ok click OK a bunch of times | 02:39 |
Guest_71 | Thanks Juno; I am proceeding as you have directed; will take some time here; but will communicate back on how progress is coming along. | 02:56 |
juno | another option is to upgrade-in-place for example https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_18.04_LTS_or_19.10 | 02:57 |
juno | I would still backup your stuff though | 02:59 |
Guest_71 | Right. And i see the "up-grade in place" option requires a fully up-dated older-version to work from. My system is so buggy that i believe it would vbe better to do it from a stick. | 03:05 |
Guest_71 | And the question i was working on, is 20.04 the best version to re-install? | 03:06 |
=== amcollie__ is now known as alexandros_c | ||
juno | I would go to the latest, yes .. 20.04 | 03:33 |
juno | as long as your machine is not 32-bit | 03:34 |
Guest_71 | Right; all three of my laptops are 64-bit. | 04:46 |
djtravz | Hello, I need to reformat my drive to MBR. If I made a backup of my partition with gnome-disk-utility, would I be able to restore that image once I switch partition tables? | 14:35 |
djtravz | im going to try other troubleshooting steps before switching partition tables, i guess | 15:06 |
Mark19 | Hey! Since I upgrade to 20.04 I'm not able to suspend my laptop. It basically crashes. I did tried everything to look for what's going on but I didn't found answer. I only get an error message sometimes and it says like "Task refuse to suspend". I'm kinda of noob at this so I came for help. Thanks. | 15:10 |
Gwalenn | Hi, i have a bug with Xubuntu 20, to launch program at startup. Sometimes it lauchs it sometimes not | 15:23 |
xu-help22w | hallo ist deutsch angesagt:-) | 15:23 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, details | 15:26 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: at first I used parameter/session&start for launching guake. Works sometimes, sometimes not | 15:28 |
Gwalenn | second attempt I made a link an move it into ~/.config/autostart : not launch | 15:29 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, go to session and startup > applications autostart > add, type the command and give it like 10 seconds delay. | 15:34 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: I did not see a dealy option | 15:37 |
Gwalenn | **delay | 15:38 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, add the command like thin: sh -c "sleep 15; guake" | 15:39 |
diogenes_ | this* | 15:39 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: I try | 15:41 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: not work | 15:42 |
Gwalenn | oups, yes works | 15:43 |
Gwalenn | I come back | 15:43 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: launch but after a minute | 15:45 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, we put 15 sec delay, you can put 5 and see if works. | 15:46 |
diogenes_ | sleep 5; | 15:47 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: I put 1 in parameters, but always needs something like 90s to launch | 15:55 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: this is not a big deal, but it is a bug | 15:56 |
xu-help22w | i have bad karma, my ex boyfriend was admin, how do i end it | 15:57 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: every time I began a new session I get a pop-up windows tell me I have a software problem but nothing else | 15:57 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, is it upgrade? or fresh install? | 15:59 |
xu-help22w | can someone help me please | 15:59 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, ask | 15:59 |
Gwalenn | no fresh install | 16:00 |
xu-help22w | i want admin rights what should i do | 16:00 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, where is the comma? | 16:01 |
xu-help22w | so far only been user | 16:01 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, what admin rights? | 16:02 |
xu-help22w | xubuntu | 16:02 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, what you wanna do? | 16:03 |
xu-help22w | install win 7 as sacond | 16:04 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, don't do that. | 16:06 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: ? | 16:06 |
xu-help22w | why not? i need win 7 to make tax declaration | 16:09 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, because the recommended way is to install win firts and linux second, otherwise it requires knowledge to install win second. | 16:11 |
xu-help22w | german general finanzial office work only with windows | 16:11 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: I try this in guake.desktop : adding quake-Autostart-Delay in my Guake.Desktop files, but do the same thing | 16:11 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, is that an exe program? | 16:12 |
diogenes_ | Gwalenn, no clue i never used guake. | 16:13 |
xu-help22w | i try to do it via usb | 16:13 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, i mean why you can't do taxes on linux. | 16:14 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: it is not only a problem with guake | 16:15 |
xu-help22w | The tax return is made once a year and transferred to the tax office. now i am doing it for the first time with xubuntu and i cannot log in. this is only possible with windows computers | 16:18 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, what error do you get when you try to login? | 16:20 |
Gwalenn | diogenes_: anyway, i came back to standard without delay and works. It stays as this. Thanks | 16:23 |
xu-help22w | I need five different encryption keys to identify myself. Only then can I transfer my data, so it is easier to install win 7 | 16:23 |
xu-help22w | I wanted to do that somehow, now I have to | 16:24 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, you don't need administration password to install win. | 16:24 |
xu-help22w | nice:-) and what shell i do | 16:25 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, do you have usb with win? | 16:26 |
xu-help22w | formated and unetbootin-windows-677.exe | 16:29 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, you need a windows iso. | 16:30 |
xu-help22w | is downloaded on laptop | 16:31 |
diogenes_ | xu-help22w, this is how you do it https://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/ | 16:34 |
diogenes_ | after that you create some free space on HHD and that's it. | 16:35 |
diogenes_ | i need to go niw, good luck. | 16:35 |
v1adimir | not tested yet, some new bootable-USB tool: https://www.ventoy.net/en/ | 18:04 |
v1adimir | (although nothing beats the good ol' Rufus. :)) | 18:05 |
v1adimir | WHOA, since *when* did Etcher get to be +100MB :o https://www.balena.io/etcher/ | 18:07 |
v1adimir | ?? | 18:07 |
coconut | Hi. I bought myself an new thinkpad with uhd screen. Booted xubunt 20.04 with an usb, but anything on the screen is way to small with it. Anything i can do about that? | 20:05 |
v1adimir | coconut: yeah, on Windows for example there's "Scale and layout", however on *nix this can be a pain!..:) https://ibb.co/ymzTs50 | 20:45 |
v1adimir | perhaps there's an answer in a query like this, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=xubuntu+equivalent+of+windows+graphics+scale+and+layout | 20:47 |
v1adimir | *with xorg: 1) https://askubuntu.com/questions/472262/adapt-ubuntu-to-a-high-dpi-resolution-screen && 2) https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=7734 | 20:48 |
well_laid_lawn | he left | 20:50 |
v1adimir | jesus. | 20:50 |
v1adimir | .. I swear I had checked. :/ | 20:51 |
well_laid_lawn | !tab | 20:51 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 20:51 |
v1adimir | ^^ right, yes! I did. xD | 20:51 |
v1adimir | hm | 20:51 |
well_laid_lawn | I use the tab key to check | 20:51 |
v1adimir | (ugh, that first line - he was still around. pfft. :)) | 20:52 |
v1adimir | plus, I have a script.. wonder why it didn't trigger. :f | 20:53 |
=== bynarie_ is now known as bynarie | ||
RoadRunner | Problems with creation of persistent live usb drives. Tried with mkusb; the usb drive produced boots win comps but not a dual boot win/xubuntu comp. Tried with diogenes_ instructions from here: http://dpaste.com/2KV47GY and got these errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YG29Pr2XQz/ help? | 22:29 |
n-iCe | hi | 23:35 |
Celso | hello | 23:41 |
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