
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I guess we really need to packagr morph as click so that we can update it faster and won't rely on OTAs01:44
ubptgbot<Tim Winter> Where do application logs go again?01:52
ubptgbot<Tim Winter> I've got a crashing application and I don't know why. KeePit is eating dirt as soon as I try to open a DB01:53
ubptgbot<Tim Winter> Ok, where do I go to ask about where application logs go?02:00
ubptgbot<Javacookies> download Logviewer, it's a great app. … orherwise, logs are in `.cache/upstart`02:00
ubptgbot<Tim Winter> Oh, so cool. Thank you!02:00
ubptgbot<Tim Winter> i have the attention span of a flea, you'll have to excuse the fact this is probably the third time I've asked this, and only the first time I stuck around long enough to get an answer02:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [I guess we really need to packagr morph as click so that we can update it faster …], if it was that simple, it'd be done already02:02
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the app portion can be compiled as a click already02:02
ubptgbot<mateosalta> probally all the webapp stuff that might be a problem02:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @dohbee [if it was that simple, it'd be done already], I didn't say it's simple but it might be the ideal way to go πŸ˜„02:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies [I didn't say it's simple but it might be the ideal way to go πŸ˜„], well ideal would be something completely different from clicks, but alas02:12
ubptgbot<Dazen5> Hallo everyone, I would like to do a try installing ubports on Asus ZenFone max Pro m2. Does anyone know if there is a live version or some practice I can do so to not brick the phone and just testing if it works on it without affecting permanently it? Thanks in advance for your replies02:25
ubptgbot<byfenuzhaefele3376> (Photo, 356x788) https://irc.ubports.com/C0A0m8Br.png ..03:05
ubptgbot<floop2> @Dazen5 [Hallo everyone, I would like to do a try installing ubports on Asus ZenFone max …], https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io is the supported list of devices. If yours is not listed then porting is your only option.  I don't know of any way to live test.03:48
ubptgbot<reliable1> When will make port UBPorts for Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T (willow)? This device have very similar hardware with Redmi Note 7 and Mi A303:55
ubptgbot<reliable1> Also I want dualboot Android and Ubuntu Touch on this phone03:56
ubptgbot<reliable1> I used UBPorts on my Xiaomi Redmi 4X (santoni), I like this OS03:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> anyone knows the width of M10 or Nexus 7 in units.gu?04:18
ubptgbot<Danfro> @reliable1 [When will make port UBPorts for Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T (willow)? This device have …], As with all other devices. A port will happen if someone who owns that device creates one. There is no porting service or schedule for ports.05:23
ubptgbot<Danfro> The only 'exception' are open source devices like the pinephone.05:23
ubptgbotfractalzero was added by: fractalzero06:01
ubptgbotjulijan1974 was added by: julijan197407:19
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Javacookies [anyone knows the width of M10 or Nexus 7 in units.gu?], What is that?07:30
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Stereofont [What is that?], grid units which is used in UT for dimensions … I was just checking the OSK and looks like the pinephone is identified as tablet because its width when in landscape is more than units.gu(90)07:32
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that logic really needs to be updated to make it more smart πŸ˜…07:32
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Haha phablet07:33
ubptgbot<amyosx> @Stereofont [Haha phablet], What happened to them?07:34
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @amyosx [What happened to them?], Still plenty two hand phones around07:46
ubptgbotGogi was added by: Gogi08:46
ubptgbot<phovi> Xperia x09:19
ubptgbot<phovi> ...howto install Libertine on it?09:20
ubptgbot<phovi> Whe I try to create the container it doesn't happen somehow..?09:21
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> @phovi [...howto install Libertine on it?], https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3229/sony-xperia-x-suzu-f5121-f5122 … As the list says: … `Missing: … - Video recording … - Libertine`09:28
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> So it's not possible to use libertine with the device yet.09:28
ubptgbot<heatHaL> Hiii09:48
ubptgbot<jedi2light> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/5YS8N5l9.webp09:48
ubptgbot<heatHaL> Why it is not possible to install Ubuntu touch just like custom rom09:49
ubptgbot<heatHaL> We have to run Ubuntu touch only as another os09:49
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Custom rom == just android os … Ubuntu touch != android os … Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―09:49
ubptgbot<heatHaL> @jedi2light [Custom rom == just android os … Ubuntu touch != android os … Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―], Means Ubuntu is not Equals to android os09:50
ubptgbot<Flohack> @heatHaL [Means Ubuntu is not Equals to android os], No of course not09:51
ubptgbot<libremax> @heatHaL [Means Ubuntu is not Equals to android os], That's what it's all about.09:53
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> In other words, you can't install it like an Android ROM because it isn't Android10:04
rahI want to install UBports on my Nexus 5 but I don't want to use the UBports installer, I just want to flash an image10:28
rahwhere can I find the image?10:28
ubptgbot<amyosx> Codename?10:32
ubptgbot<amyosx> If you search UBPorts installer configs you can go through the steps manually10:33
rahamyosx: where are the UBports installer configs?10:36
rahI managed to find a github project which unfortunately isn't linked to from the ubports website, and I found this file: https://github.com/ubports/installer-configs/blob/master/v1/hammerhead.json11:01
ubptgbotToni was added by: Toni11:01
rahhowever, the only files there are "recovery-hammerhead.img" and "boot-hammerhead.img"11:01
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @heatHaL [Means Ubuntu is not Equals to android os], Ubuntu Touch is not an AOSP. It’s an entire and complete independent OS11:01
rahthere seems to be no image for installing11:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [there seems to be no image for installing], We do not have a single image. The installer downloads multiple files from our syste image server and combines them together. You might have a hard time doing that yourself11:11
rahFlohack: I don't mind having a hard time11:12
rahhow can I determine which files I need?11:12
rahlooking through https://cdimage.ubports.com/ there isn't anything obvious11:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> We have also the old cmdline line tool ubuntu-device-flash --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --device=turbo --channel=ubports-touch/16.04/devel11:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [looking through https://cdimage.ubports.com/ there isn't anything obvious], Yes I told you you might have a hard time ^^11:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> You would need to replace turbo with your device name11:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well if I would know this well I could tell you instantly. But alas, the file names are kinda unique IDs, and they are listed in the json files.11:14
rahFlohack: I'd like to use just fastboot to install an image11:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Flohack: I'd like to use just fastboot to install an image], Thats not possible, I am sorry11:14
rahwhy is it not possible?11:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> I mean if you can make yourself an offline image then its possible11:15
rahwhat mechanism does the installer use?11:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well kinda. Normally we do not format/overwrite /data so the installer just pushes stuff with adb push11:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> You need to flash boot and recovery with fastboot, then boot into recovery and push the remaining stuff11:16
rahyou install UBports using adb push?11:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [you install UBports using adb push?], Yes11:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> In more detail, you push the rootfs, then mount it tem,porarily and inject the device-dependent system image11:16
rahhow do you install UBports on a device that doesn't have adb, like a pinephone?11:16
rahs/how do you/how does the installer/11:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [how do you install UBports on a device that doesn't have adb, like a pinephone?], pinephone is different, you basically flash the sdcard with a bootable image. Or, somehow you can also install it to the emmc but idk how this works11:18
ubptgbot<Flohack> We do not have an installer yet for the pinephone11:18
ubptgbot<Flohack> Its all manual11:18
rahhow is the bootable image created?11:18
ubptgbot<Flohack> YOu ask in a general group, you will better join the developers group to ask such questions ;)11:18
rahthere are developers hedre11:19
ubptgbot<commandyourstyle> is it a bot can transfer from IRC channel?11:19
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [there are developers hedre], Yes but we do not have lengthy developer discussions here that no one else understands and they are just boring. We are nearly 3000 people here. Its a generic meeting place, and then off you go to specific topics if needed11:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> Plz join https://t.me/ubports_devel for that questions11:20
rahI'm not going to use Telegram11:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well you dont want to use our installer, you dont want to join our groups, I cant help you in this case. Sources for ubuntu device flash are here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/goget-ubuntu-touch/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu-device-flash/touch.go11:21
ubptgbot<Flohack> You might find what you need there or also not11:21
rahthanks for your help11:22
ubptgbot<NotKit> rah, you may want to look at https://gitlab.com/ubports/core/rootfs-builder-debos/-/blob/master/pinephone-prebuilt.yaml11:27
rahNotKit: thanks but this all just makes me feel bad11:29
rahwhy is UBports installed in this odd piecemeal way rather than just producing an image that can be flashed using fastboot or heimdall or whatever?11:31
ubptgbot<NotKit> we don't have fastboot or heimdall on PinePhone, it just generated raw image11:31
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] we don't have fastboot or heimdall on PinePhone, it just generates raw image11:31
rahNotKit: I don't mean for the pinephone, I mean for those devices that use fastboot or heimdall11:33
rahthe installation system for those devices predates the pinephone11:33
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> May be to prevent typos that brick devices.11:34
rahFollpvosten: that doesn't make sense; there's no reason that installing using an image has to be any more or less sensitive to typos that installing using the piecemeal way11:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Follpvosten: that doesn't make sense; there's no reason that installing using an …], You can improve it of course. Currently its like that, its Canonical heritage and was not our design choice11:36
rahif anything, installing using an image would be safer; there are fewer steps to lower change of a typo11:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> But we are a tiny group of devs, and so far that was a non-issue for us11:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> The installer automates all that in a safe way, our users are happy, and its available on all platforms11:36
rahthe installer is not safe11:37
rahthat's why I won't use it11:37
rahI tried it once before and it (1) asked me for my password and (2) printed that password in cleartext on the fucking terminal11:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [the installer is not safe], Well thats a claim that a) you must proof b) you can make any PRs that improve it. If you blame us then you also can start contributing today11:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> If you dont trust yourself then I cant help you ;)11:38
rahI disagree that it's something I must prove11:38
ubptgbot<NotKit> rah, tbh you can study installer steps and replicate that11:38
rahNotKit: I know what I can do, I was asking why I have to11:39
ubptgbot<NotKit> installer was meant as a tool to hide all the complexity behind nice UI11:39
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Why should we though if it works for us?11:40
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [I tried it once before and it (1) asked me for my password and (2) printed that …], Masking the password print should not be an issue. The sudo is needed due to many users having issues with running adb and fastboot as ordinary users11:40
ubptgbot<NotKit> I kinda agree with rah point that having plain fastboot-flashable images will be easier for some people, but somebody needs to do it11:40
ubptgbot<NotKit> (and there would have to be a CI job for every device every release to generate those images, so it's not a simple PR)11:42
rahFlohack: that doesn't make sense; there's no reason to print the password on the terminal in cleartext or masked11:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> Any bugs or issues for the installer plz post here: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/issues11:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Flohack: that doesn't make sense; there's no reason to print the password on the …], Yeah we can remove it. PR it please11:42
rahFlohack: I'm not going to invest in this11:43
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Well, if you just come to a place to complain about a product rather than helping for your usecase, you kind of look like a jerk.11:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Flohack: I'm not going to invest in this], Then I cant help you. Its a community thing. If you critize us for what we are doing but wont help to fix it, it will stay forever like this11:43
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Also, Telegram is the wrong place to do bug reports. I think that's a no brainer.11:44
ubptgbot<Flohack> We are not a company, everybody works in his free time and we are mostly no professionals. So, we can use any help we can get11:44
ubptgbot<Flohack> We have 2.5 employees only11:44
rahFlohack: the bug is not the password handling, the bug is having a UBports-specific installer program rather than generating images11:45
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Flohack: the bug is not the password handling, the bug is having a UBports-speci …], I told you, we are open for improvements. But we currently do not see this as urgent problem, so nobody will pick it up. If you think its urgent, help us fixing it11:45
ubptgbot<fredldotme> "Hey I have an itch!" … "Scratch it" … "No, you scratch it!"11:47
ubptgbot<Flohack> lol11:48
rahthere are too many big red flags for me to seriously invest in UBports11:52
rahfor example: I can't find any information whatsoever on the website about the source code to UBports11:53
rahreally that's the biggest thing11:53
rahthat a community-run project would obscure access to the main community resource seems completely insane to me11:55
ubptgbot<libremax> @rah [for example: I can't find any information whatsoever on the website about the so …], If you can't you are not good at searching.11:55
rahthe website reads like some corporation's brochure website11:55
rahlibremax: I'm happy to be proved wrong11:56
rahlibremax: can you show me where on http://ubports.com there is information about the UBports source code?11:56
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> rah: Go to contribute, then to core development.11:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> @rah [for example: I can't find any information whatsoever on the website about the so …], Ubports is the community not the os11:56
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> It's not that hard.11:57
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> There's a "where to find us" section at the bottom and there's a link to the source code.11:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> UT is not android. Get over it11:57
rahI stand corrected11:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @rah [there are too many big red flags for me to seriously invest in UBports], sorry to tell you but you already invested in it since you asked here 😝11:57
rahhowever, that doesn't change my view11:58
rahinformation about the source code should be available up front11:58
rahaccess to the source code is not, in my world view, tied to "contributing"11:59
rahaccessing the source code does not imply contributing12:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> It's all on github and gitlab. There isn't a massive corporation paying for all this with thousands of people to work on it12:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> Bitching about your petty trifles is not helpful to anyone, including you12:01
rahthat fact that the UBports website presents information about the source code in a way that assuming accessing the source code implies contributing is a big red flag12:01
ubptgbot<NotKit> I agree that GitHub/GitLab links should be more visible on the website, but that's an overlook than obsucring it12:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> @rah [that fact that the UBports website presents information about the source code in …], Then feel free to not contribute and leave12:01
rahdohbee: unfortunately the github and gitlab projects are not easily accessible, are not presented up front12:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> There's no need for your rudeness and pedantry12:02
rahdohbee: the conversation here come to the subject of contributing and I layed out the reasons why I am not willing to do that12:03
rahdohbee: I'm not being rude, I'm just expressing my position12:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> Source for what? UT is not android. It's not a single repo.12:03
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @rah [information about the source code should be available up front], That's not an nodejs framework to be just source code, it is much more complicated. If you type "repo sync" (in halium) you sync hundreds of repos.12:03
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> In Ubuntu touch its the same12:03
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> If it would be just one repo that would be complete mess12:04
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @dohbee [Source for what? UT is not android. It's not a single repo.], +12:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> It is not built in that way. There are hundreds of repos, and we don't host source for things that are in upstream Ubuntu archive12:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> @rah [dohbee: the conversation here come to the subject of contributing and I layed ou …], Contribution isn't limited to source code. You've already stated your position. Finding other things to just pettily complain about in here is not helpful nor kind12:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [dohbee: I'm not being rude, I'm just expressing my position], 450 repositories on Github alone. How can we make this more accessible than just saying, start getting involved, then you will see. Yes documentation is bad in some corners, but its a whole distribution that is being maintained by a handful of people. We are not obscuring12:07
ubptgbot anything12:07
rahFlohack: to start with, you could provide this link: https://github.com/ubports12:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> There's less than 10 people who took over the work of hundreds, and you're expecting some corporate project12:09
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @rah [Flohack: to start with, you could provide this link: https://github.com/ubports], Imagine having problem with how website is created when it comes to os12:10
ubptgbot<fredldotme> rah, your expectations are a little off.12:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> I agree we do not show our Github/Gitlab pages properly on the website. We shall fix that.12:11
ubptgbot<fredldotme> If you follow the website flow "Join us" -> "core development" the GitHub link is right at the "Where to find us" section12:12
ubptgbot<fredldotme> And i didn't even know that page existed.12:13
ubptgbot<NotKit> yes, but it's a bit non-trivial nonetheless, having it same section as social media could be helpful12:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> I wrote to the website team12:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> he has valid points, it's just his approach is off πŸ˜…12:13
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Javacookies [he has valid points, it's just his approach is off πŸ˜…], +112:14
rahtreating access to the project's source code in the same way as access to the project's twitter feed is, again, a big red flag12:14
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Well, you're not specifically saying what would be better, you're just stating what you would not do. That's not helping.12:15
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @rah [treating access to the project's source code in the same way as access to the pr …], the things you are saying as red flags are bugs/issue which can be fixed and it would have saves us a lot of times if you just tell them straightforward instead of telling us like everything that's wrong were intentional12:16
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @rah [treating access to the project's source code in the same way as access to the pr …], [Edit] the things you are saying as red flags are bugs/issue which can be fixed and it would have saved us a lot of time if you just tell them straightforward instead of telling us like everything that's wrong were intentional12:16
ubptgbot<Javacookies> like where can I file bugs on the site, the installer,etc.12:17
rahJavacookies: the website was created with intention12:17
ubptgbot<fredldotme> You're not getting it. We didn't make the website hard to use *for you* intentionally12:17
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @rah [Javacookies: the website was created with intention], doesn't mean it's perfectly done12:18
rahJavacookies: it's clear that the website was intended to appeal to "users" who just want things to look nice and be easy12:18
rahJavacookies: which is to say, the source code was intentionally obscured12:18
rahfredldotme: it seems to me that access to the source code *was* intentionally obscured12:18
ubptgbot<Javacookies> anyway, let's not waste anymore time … he's told his concerns and let's just let him think/do what he wants πŸ˜…12:18
ubptgbot<fredldotme> No it was not, and differentiation between "website for users" and reality is completely wrong.12:18
ubptgbot<fredldotme> FFS, it is just a website12:19
ubptgbot<fredldotme> It is structured in a certain way, follows a certain flow. It's just that you don't like the way it is structured right now and, again, instead of proposing a real solution you're just saying "no" to proposals.12:21
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> So rah, you're basically saying "if your website doesn't have a 'fork me on github' button, it's a red flag"12:22
rahFollpvosten: lol, no those horrid things are themselves a red flag12:23
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @rah [Follpvosten: lol, no those horrid things are themselves a red flag], What would be better then? Tell us, we have time.12:23
rahFollpvosten: the problem is not so much some specific issues on the website, the problem is the difference in values and worldview that gave rise to the website issues, the lack of images, the poor installer security, etc., etc.12:25
ubptgbot<fredldotme> So you basically came here to complain about our "values" (whatever you mean by that)? Instead of helping?12:26
ubptgbot<Follpvosten> rah: I know, but that's what you sound like. What you say is received as unnecessary nitpicking by the other people here, probably in part because you're just complaining instead of creating a bug report.12:26
rahI came here to try and install UBports without the installer12:26
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Yeah, well, good luck then. Have fun finding a way and not propose a solution for others to use as well.12:26
ubptgbot<fredldotme> If you insist on not helping out.12:27
ubptgbot<defqt> I just got my pinephone shipping notification. I'm super excited to try ubuntu touch. Thank you guys for all your hard work on it.12:27
ubptgbot<Flohack> @rah [Follpvosten: the problem is not so much some specific issues on the website, the …], The biggest problem that triggers me always to the ceiling is that in Open Source communities there is constantly concerns about how wrong the world is. Everything must be done different, its political, its with intention to lock out ones freedoms e12:31
ubptgbottc. Like everybody is evil. That creates friction, hatred and uneffectiveness. No wonder that FOSS things are forked way more than there is sand on the beach. Well then, lets everyone have their own OS instead of creating one for all12:31
ubptgbotNikhilNkk was added by: NikhilNkk12:31
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Flohack [The biggest problem that triggers me always to the ceiling is that in Open Sourc …], People living in their own little bubble12:33
ubptgbot<Flohack> Yes then plz stay there and dont upset all the others12:33
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Agreed12:34
ubptgbot<floop2> Ditto ^^12:50
ubptgbot<Mike C> how hard would it be to change how the lock screen works to allow there to be a delay before you need to put your password in? I am thinking for instance that you could set a delay of 15 minutes so you wouldn't have to put your password in all the time.12:50
ubptgbotKa1z3n was added by: Ka1z3n12:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> Quite, and kind of defeats the purpose12:59
ubptgbot<Mike C> I disagree there is also an option for now password at all so why not have a delay for reprompt and at least have some sort of password set. After all the way that you interact with a phone is very different than a desktop. you are not constantly locking and unlocking you screen within a few minutes of each other on a desktop or laptop. Ho13:02
ubptgbotwever this is very common on a phone. So really not everytime you click the power button do you intend to "lock" sometimes you just want the screen off to conserve power.13:02
ubptgbot<Ka1z3n> I figure the website is not updated so how many promote devices are there?13:17
ubptgbot<MenmuirMark> Well, since a handful of people (and a growing community) took over from Canonical I have seen so much progress, got a lot of help and learned a lot. I've even managed to contribute a (very) wee bit. And of course I've been able to use a great OS and apps on my phone. … Somethings are harder than others to find out about and other peo13:20
ubptgbotple's priorities might not always match mine but I've never felt the need to sound off.  A polite question usually gets a clearly explained response even although I'm not a developer or very knowledgeable so my queries or inability to understand the response must sometimes be a bit exasperating. Sad to see a rather negative in places thread but I t13:20
ubptgbothought it seemed a good opportunity to give a thumbs up for all the hard work everyone contributes.13:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Ka1z3n [I figure the website is not updated so how many promote devices are there?], Plz see https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/13:21
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @MenmuirMark [Well, since a handful of people (and a growing community) took over from Canonic …], πŸ‘13:22
ubptgbot<Ka1z3n> @Flohack [Plz see https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/], As I said I need to a list of a promoted devices and im not sure these are all … Since pine64 isn't there  β€¦ https://ubports.com/devices/promoted-devices13:25
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Ka1z3n [As I said I need to a list of a promoted devices and im not sure these are all … S …], Well Pine64 is a bit special. So add that one and you are good. By the way, the devices page lists a lot of community devices, the list of "core devices" did not change in the last 3 years13:32
ubptgbot<EmadSoMad> Hello guys I was asking abou port for Nokia 6.1 plus is anyone have it13:33
ubptgbot<Ka1z3n> Is it the only special one? Are there other devices that aren't there?13:35
ubptgbotnihilazo was added by: nihilazo13:53
ubptgbot<nihilazo> hello, can libhandy applications run on ubports? Do I have to target ubuntu touch specifically if I want apps to run on it?13:54
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> possibly, but you'll have to package all of it inside your click package13:57
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> (libhandy + GTK)13:57
ubptgbot<rogieroudshoorn> don't think anyone tried before13:58
ubptgbotRoyal_Turd was added by: Royal_Turd13:59
ubptgbot<NotKit> @nihilazo [hello, can libhandy applications run on ubports? Do I have to target ubuntu touc …], currently, unfortunately, no and yes14:03
ubptgbot<NotKit> GTK3+ + libhandy should be possible on PinePhone with Wayland, but someone needs to work on that14:04
ubptgbot<NotKit> [Edit] GTK+3 and libhandy should be possible on PinePhone with Wayland, but someone needs to work on that14:04
ubptgbot<Javacookies> IIRC, mir can display GTK natively but I'm not sure which version and how well they work14:05
ubptgbot<NotKit> GTK version in xenial is too outdated for libhandy14:05
ubptgbot<nihilazo> ah ok14:06
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> Emails are out for DHL delivery Pinephone community Ed ,mine is Wed 17th (USA)14:18
ubptgbot<JJW88> @Marathon2422 [Emails are out for DHL delivery Pinephone community Ed ,mine is Wed 17th (USA)], Lucky you, empty inbox for me14:29
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> @JJW88 [Lucky you, empty inbox for me], Some have del on the 10th ,I wait a week more14:32
ubptgbot<JJW88> @Marathon2422 [Some have del on the 10th ,I wait a week more], I'll be patient πŸ‘πŸ»14:34
ubptgbot<RoyNL> (Photo, 534x534) https://irc.ubports.com/kmLH0ehB.png14:49
ubptgbot<RoyNL> DHL mail! Yes. June 10 its in my hands.πŸ˜€14:49
ubptgbot<jonny> I should have chosen DHL as well.14:53
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> @jonny [I should have chosen DHL as well.], I feel your pain.14:55
ubptgbot<RoyNL> Did not want to hurt anyone14:56
ubptgbotGabriel was added by: Gabriel15:05
ubptgbot<Daveskywalker69> @RoyNL [DHL mail! Yes. June 10 its in my hands.πŸ˜€], june 16th estimated for me15:26
ubptgbot<Daveskywalker69> Random question, why doesnt UBT do desktop icons?15:26
ubptgbot<c_smith> Yayz! My  Pinephone shipped! should be here next Friday15:27
ubptgbot<c_smith> so quick question related to that: will this channel be a good place to ask questions about Ubports on that?15:27
ubptgbot<Daveskywalker69> @c_smith [so quick question related to that: will this channel be a good place to ask ques …], theres a pinephone telegram/discord/irc all linked into one group too πŸ™‚15:28
ubptgbot<Daveskywalker69> dunno if i'm allowed to share the link though15:28
ubptgbot<Daveskywalker69> (dont know the UBports rules)15:29
ubptgbot<jedi2light> There are some restricts in open store for applications … I have question. If my application possibly can display some adult content. It`s not main goal in application and totally depends on user query to resource, content from which I want to display in my app. Even in this case, I can not publish my app?15:33
ubptgbot<JJW88> @jedi2light [There are some restricts in open store for applications … I have question. If my a …], Good question, I presume it's for a site like BitChute.com for example? The rules state that apps which feature violence/adult content are typically not approved I believe, so that would be my guess.15:36
ubptgbot<JJW88> I could be wrong though...15:36
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @JJW88 [Good question, I presume it's for a site like BitChute.com for example? The rule …], No, for danbooru (as example) and other *booru which i`d like to support15:38
ubptgbot<nihilazo> ahh15:38
ubptgbot<nihilazo> I'd consider danbooru as primarily adult content, personally15:38
ubptgbot<nihilazo> but a general *booru browser that can access danbooru among others I'm not sure about15:38
ubptgbot<nihilazo> because there are also plenty of non-adult boorus (like safebooru, which is practically my homepage lol)15:39
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @JJW88 [Good question, I presume it's for a site like BitChute.com for example? The rule …], Well, if I disable ability to retrieve such content, can I publish app in then?15:40
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @nihilazo [I'd consider danbooru as primarily adult content, personally], Not at all15:40
ubptgbot<nihilazo> you could just stick a rating:safe on all in-app searches15:40
ubptgbot<nihilazo> easily15:40
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @nihilazo [I'd consider danbooru as primarily adult content, personally], [Edit] Not all content *15:40
ubptgbot<nihilazo> @jedi2light [Not all content *], well yeah, there is sfw danbooru content, but arguably the site has more of a focus on adult content15:41
ubptgbot<nihilazo> I say arguably because it's a real mix15:41
ubptgbot<nihilazo> but you could just rating:safe in the app15:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> i mean duckduckgo can present adult content15:42
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @nihilazo [you could just stick a rating:safe on all in-app searches], Yep, but in this case I will lose one tag from search :) … But download and then filter content is also awful option15:42
ubptgbot<nihilazo> @dohbee [i mean duckduckgo can present adult content], true15:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> and well telegram too15:42
ubptgbot<nihilazo> and what "adult content" means is also debatable15:42
ubptgbot<nihilazo> anything on the internet basically15:42
ubptgbot<nihilazo> even youtube15:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah, youtube requires sign-in for some videos to prove age15:43
ubptgbot<nihilazo> like, facebook and twitter and everything also15:45
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Lol, `clickable desktop` wants to use nvidia on my laptop...15:45
ubptgbot<jedi2light> How can I tell him to use intel mode instead?15:45
ubptgbot<nihilazo> like, I'm not sure if a danbooru app does officially contain "sexually explicit content"15:46
ubptgbot<nihilazo> because the danbooru site has that, but the app doesn't contain any, if it is a search tool15:46
ubptgbot<mimecar> @jedi2light [Lol, clickable desktop wants to use nvidia on my laptop...], there is a β€”no-nvidia flag15:46
ubptgbot<mimecar> you can check with clickable β€”help15:46
ubptgbot<nihilazo> and if you ban a danbooru app for having adult content you would also have to ban telegram and social media for the same reason15:47
ubptgbot<nihilazo> (depends if you view danbooru as being primarily a source of adult content or a site that allows adult content)15:47
ubptgbot<nihilazo> [Edit] (depends if you view danbooru as being primarily a source of adult content or a site that allows adult content, which is debatable)15:47
ubptgbot<prudev> Why are pinephones so rare? I wanted to buy one but the pre orders are already sold out and no second hand websites sell them here in Portugal15:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @nihilazo [and if you ban a danbooru app for having adult content you would also have to ba …], maybe better to move the discussion/query over to the openstore group, you can join it by clicking the link at the bottom of https://open-store.io15:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @prudev [Why are pinephones so rare? I wanted to buy one but the pre orders are already s …], well there are no second-hand pine phones yet really, it was literally just shipped15:48
ubptgbot<prudev> @dohbee [well there are no second-hand pine phones yet really, it was literally just ship …], Oooh ok15:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> and only so many were made and sold, because it is a low production device15:48
ubptgbot<prudev> @dohbee [and only so many were made and sold, because it is a low production device], Ah ok, I understand15:48
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @mimecar [there is a β€”no-nvidia flag], Yup, found it, thx15:49
ubptgbot<jonny> @jedi2light [Lol, clickable desktop wants to use nvidia on my laptop...], Would be interesting if you could open an issue and provide information on it (e.g. graphic card in use).15:50
ubptgbot<jonny> https://gitlab.com/clickable/clickable/-/issues15:50
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @prudev [Why are pinephones so rare? I wanted to buy one but the pre orders are already s …], Just wait few weeks, the team must send preordered phones first :)15:50
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @dohbee [maybe better to move the discussion/query over to the openstore group, you can j …], Oh, thank you for a link!15:51
ubptgbot<nihilazo> I'm waiting for the pinetab preorders but I know I'll probably miss them15:51
ubptgbot<prudev> @jedi2light [Just wait few weeks, the team must send preordered phones first :)], Nice, maybe I can sell some stuff and buy a pinephone, seems really interested15:51
ubptgbot<prudev> @jedi2light [Just wait few weeks, the team must send preordered phones first :)], [Edit] Nice, maybe I can sell some stuff and buy a pinephone, seems really interesting15:52
ubptgbot<nihilazo> the pinephone is a cool device15:54
ubptgbot<nihilazo> pine do cool things15:54
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Yup15:55
ubptgbot<prudev> Lol15:55
ubptgbot<nihilazo> the pinetab is kinda the device I've been looking for for over a year now15:59
ubptgbot<nihilazo> and then pine are just like "here, the thing you wanted? It's cheap!"15:59
ubptgbot<nihilazo> lol15:59
ubptgbot<nihilazo> well, cheap for niche linux hardware15:59
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> There's also the Ubuntu Touch Volla Phone which is still available for orders: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy#/16:04
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> [Edit] There's also the "Ubuntu Touch edition" Volla Phone which is still available for orders: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/volla-phone-free-your-mind-protect-your-privacy#/16:04
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Another question. Does `clickable` provide something like 'hot reload' feature?16:09
ubptgbot<jonny> @jedi2light [Another question. Does clickable provide something like 'hot reload' feature?], You mean for QML changes? No, it doesn't.16:09
ubptgbot<jedi2light> For example, if my app written in python/qml16:09
ubptgbot<jedi2light> @jonny [You mean for QML changes? No, it doesn't.], :(16:09
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Thx for reply anyway :)16:10
ubptgbot<jonny> Does QtCreator have such a feature?16:10
ubptgbot<jedi2light> Well... no.... but I always  believe in some magic of new instruments which i learn :)16:10
ubptgbot<jonny> If you find a tool that provides such magic we can have a look whether it can be integrated into Clickable somehow :)16:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> QML doesn't have such a feature :)16:22
ubptgbot<mzanetti> well... you can make the QQuickView reload16:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, but you have to specifically write your app with some API to enable that externally and then write the external thing to do that; you can't just set an atom on the X11 window and have it work or anything like that :)16:31
ubptgbot<mzanetti> if you have a QQmlEngine (which you probably do if you have main.cpp), all you need to do is to call engine->clearComponentCache() and then load it again... that in combination with QFileWatcher should do...16:32
ubptgbot<mzanetti> so... in total should be less than 10 lines in your main.qml16:32
ubptgbot<mzanetti> [Edit] so... in total should be less than 10 lines in your main.cpp16:32
ubptgbot<mzanetti> or, well. in pyqt, whereever you create the QML engine... the apis should be there for all of it in python too I believe16:34
ubptgbotLars-GΓΆran Petersson was added by: Lars-GΓΆran Petersson17:42
ubptgbot<Federica Galli> @Steve Kueffer [There's also the "Ubuntu Touch edition" Volla Phone which is still available for …], Wow cool ! Must keep an eye on this!! Thanks for the tip.17:43
ubptgbot<prudev> @Steve Kueffer [There's also the "Ubuntu Touch edition" Volla Phone which is still available for …], This seems interesting18:21
ubptgbot<dynasty17> Is there any way to get notifications from webapps created by creator?19:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> not really. i'm not sure if notifications would work for sites that use them, but if so, you'd have to use tweak tool to set the app to not be suspended, and keep it running in the background  (note though that it might still get killed by kernel due to resource usage)19:37
ubptgbot<Gabriel> Hi all I have a lenovo yoga tablet 1 and want to convert it to ubports19:41
ubptgbot<Gabriel> But the trouble it's stuck in loop19:42
ubptgbot<dynasty17> @dohbee [not really. i'm not sure if notifications would work for sites that use them, bu …], Thanks.19:42
ubptgbot<Gabriel> And it seems not to be a device supported19:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Gabriel [Hi all I have a lenovo yoga tablet 1 and want to convert it to ubports], the convertible x86 laptop?19:43
ubptgbot<Gabriel> No android tablet19:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh, an android tablet. if it is not on https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io it is not supported and a port would need to be created for it19:44
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Gabriel [Hi all I have a lenovo yoga tablet 1 and want to convert it to ubports], I've managed to install fully functional debian on lenovo yoga tab 2 with windows19:44
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Do you have android or windows version of it?19:44
ubptgbot<Gabriel> Android19:44
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Oh, okay. Then I have no experience, sorry :c19:45
ubptgbot<Gabriel> Trouble now it keeps looping the start19:45
ubptgbot<Gabriel> @mrcyjanek [Oh, okay. Then I have no experience, sorry :c], May be I can attempt your method19:45
ubptgbot<Gabriel> My aim is to repurpose the tablet19:45
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Gabriel [May be I can attempt your method], I don't think that android version have bios, it will probably have some fastboot like thing :/19:46
ubptgbot<Gabriel> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/DZjXodA8.png19:46
ubptgbot<Gabriel> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/qtIK5cj2.png19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Gabriel [Trouble now it keeps looping the start], what did you put on it?19:46
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> But as far as I remember it is not arm19:46
ubptgbot<Gabriel> @mrcyjanek [I don't think that android version have bios, it will probably have some fastboo …], Oh ok19:46
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @mrcyjanek [But as far as I remember it is not arm], So you will need x86 rootfs19:47
ubptgbot<Gabriel> @dohbee [what did you put on it?], Nothing my son used my smart watch charger and then that was it19:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh, well you can't install Ubuntu Touch on it anyway as it's not supported. you would need to port it with halium19:48
ubptgbot<Gabriel> No problem thanks19:48
ubptgbot<mhghand> ubuntu touch need to be ported to the lenovo yoga book, they will make a good combination19:50
ubptgbotashnazir was added by: ashnazir20:03
ubptgbotsitaecupyrero8372 was added by: sitaecupyrero837220:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Gabriel [<reply to media>], Dat grease.21:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mhghand [ubuntu touch need to be ported to the lenovo yoga book, they will make a good co …], Well then please port it ^^21:02
ubptgbot<mhghand> i don't know how, or have it21:02
ubptgbot<mhghand> i didn't buy it because i can't run linux21:02
ubptgbotKimberly Willie was added by: Kimberly Willie21:19
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mhghand [i didn't buy it because i can't run linux], Well I dont know anyone either that has it. So unless someone donates the hardware there will be no port21:44
ubptgbotVera Lucia Gold was added by: Vera Lucia Gold22:01
ubptgbot<hummlbach> Someone tried to use tethering with ut lately?23:11
ubptgbot<hummlbach> Blame Windows... πŸ™„23:16
ubptgbot<hummlbach> Network adapter shows up, but doesn't get an IP address... Even if i assign one manually `ipconfig /all` doesn't show it...23:19
ubptgbot<mintphin> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/rQ0S7nhl.webm23:24
ubptgbot<hummlbach> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2440/solved-impossible-usb-tethering-standard-not-reverse-connection/723:26
ubptgbot<hummlbach> Is uttt missing the `sudo tethering enable` bit?23:27
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @RoyNL [DHL mail! Yes. June 10 its in my hands.πŸ˜€], 11th for me! :D23:49

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