
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> So aux doesn't work on the pinephone yet, HOWEVER bluetooth earphones work fine!00:04
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Hello  from the pinephone!00:11
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Teleports needs some work still, but it seems to work well00:18
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @Qiangong2 [Hello  from the pinephone!], Hello from the hammerhead! I'm using fluffychat with the matrix<=>telegram bridge. Teleports is still too unstable for me.00:45
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @vtsoft [Hello from the hammerhead! I'm using fluffychat with the matrix<=>telegram bridg …], Neat! I'll check fluffychat out00:47
ubptgbot<NotKit> @Qiangong2 [Hello  from the pinephone!], congrats :)00:55
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @NotKit [congrats :)], Thanks! It's nice to finally use ubports. I never got my Galaxy S4 port working00:58
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Hello from mido port!01:05
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> This TelePORTS appeared looks so cool!01:06
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> App*01:06
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I think I should disable autocorrect it is so annoying01:08
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Now my old phone is actually kinda better than my current one 😂01:09
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Is anyone else having an issuein telephotos where you can't see what you're typing?01:13
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> *teleports01:13
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/MaGrkySz.png01:14
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> (Photo, 957x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Tv3U4dVC.png01:14
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I do see01:14
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Huh. Maybe it's a pinephone issue?01:15
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> But it is software-related isn't it?01:15
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Yes, I wonder if the app isn't able to move that far up the screen01:15
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Pinephone is popular I think it is worth to search online01:15
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> My screen resolution is 1920x108001:16
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Yeah, nothing yet I can find. I did open an issue though01:16
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> I think the pinephone is 1920x1080 as well01:16
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Then that's weird01:17
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> The mido port is 32 bit right?01:17
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Not sure I found it on xda and did everything mentioned01:17
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Hmm. The pinephone is 64 bit, so maybe that has something to do with it?01:18
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Miro is aarch6401:18
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Arm6401:18
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Does get have to do something with it:01:18
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> ?01:18
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Wait a second I will find the threat on xda01:20
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I can't paste hm01:22
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Other than this one (major) issue, I'm really enjoying teleports01:31
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> What do you use for email?01:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Wait a second01:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Dekko 201:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> It doesn't download attachments though01:32
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> From gmail01:32
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Nevermind I tried again and it did download01:32
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Okay, cool. Thanks01:33
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> There are lots of cool apps I can recommend01:35
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Pesbuk is a pretty good facebook app. I wish there was a discord app honestly, but that's a long shot anyways01:36
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> There's only a web app that doesn't really function01:37
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Yes I know01:37
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I am a Discord user too01:37
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> But have this too :P01:37
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/50cFjlLE.png01:37
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Heh. I'd use anbox, but it doesn't really support the pinephone right now01:38
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Brb01:38
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Back01:42
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Chatter is such a nice IRC client01:43
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Is there a way to use infrared in Android phones with UBPorts?01:43
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Qiangong2 [Pesbuk is a pretty good facebook app. I wish there was a discord app honestly, b …], You can use cordless on a terminal.02:07
ubptgbot<mintphin> Just map it to Nano shortcuts.02:08
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> You can install stuff?02:08
ubptgbot<mintphin> Ofc.02:08
ubptgbot<mintphin> I think you need a RPi to compile cordless.02:09
ubptgbot<mintphin> I tried to do it on Ubuntu Touch but failed.02:09
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I wish there was a libpurple-based client, yes no voice chat no calls but at least02:10
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @mintphin [You can use cordless on a terminal.], Would you need libertine for that? Or does it work natively?02:17
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Might end up chexking it out02:17
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> [Edit] Might end up checking it out02:17
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Qiangong2 [Would you need libertine for that? Or does it work natively?], No. It works natively if you use an armhf build.02:26
ubptgbot<mintphin> SInce it's a terminal app.02:26
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [<reply to media>], this is a known issue on the pinephone. There apps that has issues with scaling and this js the effect in TELEports. Hopefully, this will be fixed soon. As a workaround, you can set the opacity of the keyboard in the settings.02:28
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [Would you need libertine for that? Or does it work natively?], you can't install stuff by default. Rootfs is readonly. Usually libertine is recommended but I think it's not really working on the pinephone yet02:29
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @Javacookies [this is a known issue on the pinephone. There apps that has issues with scaling …], Thanks for letting me know, is the opacity in the system settings then?02:51
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [Thanks for letting me know, is the opacity in the system settings then?], yes, Language & Text. There are more things there. Personally I suggest dosabling auto-correct since it's not really good at the moment 😅02:52
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @Javacookies [yes, Language & Text. There are more things there. Personally I suggest dosablin …], Yeah... It's doing more harm than good right now lol02:53
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @UniversalSuperBox it looks like that since image 41, updating from previous versions will leave the pinephone stuck in the pine logo. It's different from corrupted userdata because with that, you are stuck on a black screen. However, I switched to devel image 42 from a newly flashed factory image and booted fine. I don't have a seria02:56
ubptgbotl cable but I still have a UT on older versions I haven't updated yet so let me know if you want me to go ahead and update and providr some logs 😊02:56
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Javacookies [this is a known issue on the pinephone. There apps that has issues with scaling …], if they used the auto scaling flag, that should be removed and other methods of scaling used https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/highdpi.html#migrate-existing-applications03:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the flag is meant to be a quick stop gap in scaling up03:10
ubptgbot<mateosalta> hm, maybe we can try without the highdpi flag, I dont see the auto scale03:12
ubptgbot<mateosalta> https://gitlab.com/mateosalta/teleports/-/blob/master/app/main.cpp03:12
ubptgbot<mateosalta> oh, maybe not03:15
ubptgbot<mateosalta> check this out03:15
ubptgbot<mateosalta> https://gitlab.com/mateosalta/teleports/-/blob/master/app/qml/Main.qml#L3703:15
ubptgbot<mateosalta> instead of anchoring to the keyboard, they change the size of a rectangle?03:16
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yes, you can see that it does some computations03:22
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I think my app also does that but I can't remember the reasoning 😅03:22
ubptgbot<Javacookies> anyway, it seems to affect apps that don't use `MainView` and use qqc203:23
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I bet it may work better like how the browser does03:28
ubptgbot<mateosalta> just - osk from height03:29
ubptgbot<mateosalta> https://github.com/ubports/morph-browser/blob/59c0c5b1369ab1a82b667140e472fac4c444a965/src/app/webcontainer/WebApp.qml#L21603:29
ubptgbot<mateosalta> I will have to try on pinephone03:29
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I really think it has something to do with using `ApplicationWindow`. You can see that TELEports already use the height of the OSK but instead it did more computations. That means height won't suffice03:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> also the pinephone has a long screen :)03:33
ubptgbot<mateosalta> aw, all the qml is compiled in03:37
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I also noticed that the Suru style is somewhat scaled correctly while others like Material looks small on the pinephone … I wonder what scaling they do with just the style04:00
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Photo, 1451x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/8ha8PbPo.png04:03
ubptgbot<mateosalta> oh my, my graph went backwards, last charged in the future04:04
ubptgbot<bhushanshah> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/byX1ZbdU.mp404:05
ubptgbot<mateosalta> :)04:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], it's flexing at you 💪04:14
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the once and future dead battery :)04:15
=== Peuc2 is now known as Peuc
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Does the pinephone not support nano sim cards?04:47
ubptgbot<c_smith> @PhoenixLandPirate [The PinePhone comes with a SIM nano to micro adapter?], If it shows, my sim don't fit04:51
ubptgbot<c_smith> @PhoenixLandPirate [The PinePhone comes with a SIM nano to micro adapter?], [Edit] If it does, my sim don't fit04:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> it has micro04:52
ubptgbot<mateosalta> they are saying adapter included for nano04:53
ubptgbot<c_smith> Weird, I'll give it a try again in a bit, getting my PC set to backup steam04:53
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Ohhh, that's what that is04:54
ubptgbot<c_smith> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/VOSk7Pu0.png04:59
ubptgbot<c_smith> I don't think that sim will fit05:00
nabbletHi, if I want to install sshd on ubports, do I just go with apt-get ?05:06
nabbletOk, this seems to be the way to go http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/advanceduse/ssh.html05:16
nabbletDeveloper mode is not available on ubports. It should be at Settings / About according to http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/advanceduse/adb.html05:22
ubptgbot<Javacookies> at the moment, developer mode is only applicable for originally android devices. same with ADb and MTP05:31
nabbletThanks you05:39
ubptgbot<prudev> How does that bot work? 🤔05:43
nabbletOn ubports: I copied some raw text from a website and want to paste it to terminal (my public ssh key). The context menu does not offer me to paste text -.-05:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> clipboard across apps seems to not work properly on the pinephone05:52
ubptgbot<Javacookies> also I think it's better to download Seabass for texts editing … try if you can paste there05:53
ubptgbot<markvesime> ^and pasting files in file manager crashes the system05:54
ubptgbot<Javacookies> yup05:59
ubptgbot<Javacookies> there are still many bugs unfortunately but it'll get better06:00
nabbletyeah... I used wget to copy the key to a file and moved it to my authorized_keys file06:02
nabbletI really want ssh access asap... it's too cumbersome to get some decent debugging info via touch interface06:02
nabbletI started ping command in terminal and pressing ctrl+c from the touch keyboard won't stop it (I can see the input of ^C in the terminal output though)06:04
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it did on mine06:05
nabbletThanks for feedback06:06
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> My nano sim doesn't fit in the adapter that came with the pinephone, anyone else have the same issue?06:10
nabbletHow do I get a Cltr+X from the touch keyboard? Need to exit nano editor :P06:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> there's nano when you press and hold the thin burger button at left side of the bar06:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> press and drag to select06:13
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Would the sim adapter work if you cut off the thin edge of the adapter?06:15
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Or do I need to pay $10 for a sim adapter kit?06:15
nabbletJavacookies Thank you, that works!06:22
nabblet@Javacookies testing nick highlighting in irc bridge.06:22
ubptgbotDgnk007 was added by: Dgnk00706:27
ubptgbot<mintphin> For anyone who wants Discord on Ubuntu Touch I compiled an arm version of Discord.06:35
ubptgbot<mintphin> Actually cordless06:36
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Anyone else having issues with dekko 2 on the pinephone?06:36
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @mintphin [For anyone who wants Discord on Ubuntu Touch I compiled an arm version of Discor …], Sweet06:36
ubptgbot<mintphin> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/kv3GpUmJ.7z06:36
ubptgbotavndp was added by: avndp06:37
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Any install instructions?06:37
ubptgbot<mintphin> Just copy it over to your Ubuntu phone and run it on a terminal.06:37
ubptgbot<mintphin> You can even do like I did and copy it over to /bin06:37
ubptgbot<mintphin> this isn't any version tho. it's the branch with voice chat support.06:39
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Ah, okay06:39
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Does it show emotes?06:39
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Qiangong2 [Does it show emotes?], Yes, since the terminal shows emotes.06:39
ubptgbot<mintphin> Just not custom emotes.06:40
ubptgbot<mintphin> I'll send the full executable actually because I want to upgrade my version.06:40
ubptgbot<mintphin> https://github.com/Bios-Marcel/cordless (source code)06:41
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Thanks for doing this06:41
ubptgbot<mintphin> Thank Bios Marcel for creating Cordless. I just installed golang on an RPi.06:42
ubptgbot<mintphin> And ran a command.06:42
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Now if only the headphone jack worked...06:43
ubptgbot<mintphin> Buy him a coffee if you feel like it.06:43
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mintphin [Thank Bios Marcel for creating Cordless. I just installed golang on an RPi.], maybe you can package it as a click package and publish in the store?06:45
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [Anyone else having issues with dekko 2 on the pinephone?], you mean adding accounts? … it's another issue exclusive to the pinephone, multiple windows in apps is a bit problematic. Extra windows seems to freeze but a workaround is to switch window back and forth then it'll work. Short swipe on the right edge will help on t06:45
ubptgbothis 😉06:45
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Javacookies [maybe you can package it as a click package and publish in the store?], No. This is a terminal app.06:45
ubptgbot<Javacookies> oh okay, I though you can run the command in the terminal app06:47
ubptgbot<Javacookies> [Edit] oh okay, I thought you can run the command in the terminal app06:47
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @Javacookies [you mean adding accounts? … it's another issue exclusive to the pinephone, multipl …], I'm trying to add my imap account, but it just gets stuck at "Verifying credentials"06:56
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> It will spin and just go back to the manual configuration page06:56
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> I set up this exact account on my android and it works fine06:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> hmmm, sorry I have no idea … my gmail and yahoo accounts are working fine although I did added them way back07:03
nabbletfinally got a ssh connection from laptop to ubports on pinephone!07:06
nabbletI had to adapt the config files of client and server a bit (text editing without keyboard is pain). Follow this for general guidance https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=9862 and this for troubleshooting https://askubuntu.com/questions/311558/ssh-permission-denied-publickey07:09
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @nabblet [finally got a ssh connection from laptop to ubports on pinephone!], once you set up your PC's ssh keys and the autorized_keys on UT, you can just that authorized_keys file on all you UT devices. or back them up for if you restore07:15
ubptgbot<gischpelino> @c_smith [unfortunately, my SIM card is unuseable with the device without an adapter, it's …], it comes with adapter.07:23
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Javacookies [oh okay, I thought you can run the command in the terminal app], No.07:24
ubptgbot<mintphin> I mean you run it on a terminal.07:24
ubptgbot<mintphin> By "Terminal app"07:24
ubptgbot<mintphin> It's a CLI app.07:24
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @gischpelino [it comes with adapter.], The adapter doesn't fit a nano sim. The nano sim is too big07:24
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mintphin [It's a CLI app.], okay … you can check this. I believe it's a CLI app as well … https://open-store.io/app/htop.emanuelesorce07:25
nabblet@Javacookies Thanks for pointing that out. I am quite familiar with linux, ssh, ... just not with mobile, pine64 and ubport ;)07:25
ubptgbot<mintphin> @Javacookies [okay … you can check this. I believe it's a CLI app as well … https://open-store.io/ …], That's for installing htop without a R/W rootfs.07:26
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @nabblet [@Javacookies Thanks for pointing that out. I am quite familiar with linux, ssh, …], it's basically the same. it's just that UT enforces key-based authentication and disables password-authentication07:29
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mintphin [That's for installing htop without a R/W rootfs.], yes, I was thinking your cordless build can be done similarly … anyway, just suggesting 😄07:30
ubptgbot<gischpelino> @Qiangong2 [The adapter doesn't fit a nano sim. The nano sim is too big], ok, checked it. It's a funny adapter. Maybe a small nail file makes the adapter better.07:45
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @gischpelino [ok, checked it. It's a funny adapter. Maybe a small nail file makes the adapter …], I don't know. Maybe07:46
ubptgbotYe was added by: Ye08:15
ubptgbotDavid Thiele was added by: David Thiele08:24
ubptgbotCarlo Cataneo was added by: Carlo Cataneo09:28
ubptgbotKrystof Vydra was added by: Krystof Vydra09:37
ubptgbot<Krystof Vydra> Hello09:37
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Hiii 👋09:38
ubptgbot<Krystof Vydra> I want to buy a phone for my friend and install ubuntu touch on it. But I need it tu support Czech language because he doesn't speak English. I couldn't find supported languages list anywhere so I am asking here. Could some of you who have the system installed please tell me if it has Czech language (Čeština)? Thank you very much09:38
ubptgbot<purringChaos> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/1ncd56sO.png09:47
ubptgbot<purringChaos> @Krystof Vydra [I want to buy a phone for my friend and install ubuntu touch on it. But I need i …], it seems like most things on there by default are 100% translated09:47
ubptgbot<purringChaos> https://translate.ubports.com/projects/ubports/#languages09:48
ubptgbot<Krystof Vydra> OK, thank you! :)09:49
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Hmm, I didn't know about that site09:49
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Looks like I know what am I gonna do for some time09:49
ubptgbot<Krystof Vydra> @TigranKhachatryan [Hmm, I didn't know about that site], me too, and I did pretty inense searching09:49
ubptgbotitwillbedeletedsoon was added by: itwillbedeletedsoon10:24
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/uz6yprD3.png10:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Is this translation correct?10:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I mean10:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Cannot be %1-something10:31
ubptgbot<KernelPanix> @TigranKhachatryan [<reply to media>], please give me links10:32
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @purringChaos [https://translate.ubports.com/projects/ubports/#languages], I found it here10:32
ubptgbot<purringChaos> %1 is just filled out10:33
ubptgbot<purringChaos> its a argument to be replaced10:33
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh okay10:33
ubptgbot<purringChaos> it doesnt have any values to put in there10:33
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Understood 👍10:33
ubptgbot<itwillbedeletedsoon> Hello. … Why is a China Unicom SIM card undetectable on OP One running the latest version of the UT? … How to resolve the issue?10:37
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Have you tried basically to remove, clean gently, and insert Sim again?10:40
ubptgbot<itwillbedeletedsoon> Yes, it works with another SIM card. And that problematic card works on the other phone.10:41
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> It’s weird10:42
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Did it work before installing ubports10:43
ubptgbot<itwillbedeletedsoon> It worked perfectly with LineageOS 16.10:45
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh okay10:45
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Before installing UT did you wipe all your data? (TWRP, dalvik, cache and system)?10:49
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I had to copy the flashable zip to / so I could format /data10:50
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Indeed. Try to re install UT using installer and check « wipe data »10:53
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Qiangong2 [It will spin and just go back to the manual configuration page], In all cases when I had this, some values where not correct. I need to use special encryption and auth settings. Otherwise it would not work.10:54
ubptgbot<Danfro> Although it still might be some pinephone only thing.10:55
emacsenhey all. I got my pinephone, it sees the network (2.4, wpa), but it never is able to conect even with the password. Any ideas?10:55
ubptgbot<john LARISSA> (Photo, 497x849) https://irc.ubports.com/xOjsw4D2.png WOWW11:07
ubptgbot<itwillbedeletedsoon> I'll try doing it now.11:25
patrixlcrazy, don't fall for that ponzi scheme hahaha12:12
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> https://store.pine64.org/?product=pinephone-shipment-upgrade12:52
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> For those still waiting12:52
ubptgbotdawidpotocki was added by: dawidpotocki12:56
ubptgbotCameron was added by: Cameron12:57
ubptgbotParadoxSpiral was added by: ParadoxSpiral13:05
ubptgbottrytonvanmeer was added by: trytonvanmeer13:09
ubptgbotdaftengineer was added by: daftengineer13:16
ubptgbotMychickensonfire was added by: Mychickensonfire13:19
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Krystof Vydra [I want to buy a phone for my friend and install ubuntu touch on it. But I need i …], https://t.me/UBports_CZ_SK13:21
ubptgbotJona Stubbe was added by: Jona Stubbe13:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Javacookies [@UniversalSuperBox it looks like that since image 41, updating from previous ver …], I've removed the delta images around update 41 to hopefully fix that.13:32
ubptgbot<bananovnik> @Steve Kueffer [Before installing UT did you wipe all your data? (TWRP, dalvik, cache and system …], Format /data is enough. Whole system  (boot.img, rootfs, system.img) is placed just there. Formating android partitions (like system) is not necessary.13:59
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/zAX6djKn.png14:02
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> So I am having some issues. … So let's say user is searching for "about phone". In Armenian it will be «հեռախոսի մասին», but if you translate it back word by word it will be “phone about”. What should I do?14:02
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Okay okay I figured it out when I sent it14:02
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> @TigranKhachatryan [So I am having some issues. … So let's say user is searching for "about phone". In …], There is a translators group. @wayneoutthere can you add this guy?14:03
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I'll write «ծրագրի մասին» which means about app14:03
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> does this guy want to be added ? ;)  I can...14:04
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Yes why not!14:04
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> good attitude.  welcome to the party.  i'll invite soon14:04
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> Better place to ask translation questions14:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @UniversalSuperBox [I've removed the delta images around update 41 to hopefully fix that.], okay thanks, maybe tomorrow I'll go ahead and update it and see 👍14:05
ubptgbot<mymike00> @UniversalSuperBox [I've removed the delta images around update 41 to hopefully fix that.], today I updated from 39 to 44 and everything is ok14:25
ubptgbot<amyosx> @wayneoutthere [does this guy want to be added ? ;)  I can...], i would help out but sadly i dont no enough of any "normal" languages14:28
ubptgbot<amyosx> *know14:28
ubptgbot<amyosx> i learn and make conlangs a lot though14:28
ubptgbot<amyosx> azul!14:29
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Check if there are non-normal languages! It's so fun!14:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> thats hello in Talossan14:29
ubptgbot<amyosx> (im bad at talossan though)14:30
ubptgbot<dad_and_alive> @mateosalta [maybe the screen, or screen connector], A very late thx. With screen connector you mean the connector component with the microUSB port? I don't think so, I tried three different ones. And also, with some batteries -and for some period of time- the red led blinks a few times after pressing the power button for 10+ second14:33
ubptgbots. I guess this means the connector is fine. So, indeed, maybe the screen. But then again, now I'm also not getting the 'buzz' sound any longer after pressing the power button for 10+ seconds. So, I'm out of clues and help is still appreciated.14:33
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @dad_and_alive [A very late thx. With screen connector you mean the connector component with the …], You know what?14:34
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> When I flashed an unsupported port on my device yesterday14:34
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I closed my eyes wrote the default password and pressed enter14:34
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> With photographic memory14:34
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> And it booted!14:35
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @dad_and_alive [A very late thx. With screen connector you mean the connector component with the …], sounds like you broke it more14:35
ubptgbot<vtsoft> What about ZenFone 6 (I01WD)? Has anyone tried to create a port for it?14:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> red light might be low battery warning14:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @c_smith [I don't think that sim will fit], lol, some in the pinephone chat are saying it an 'apple' adapter ;P15:05
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @vtsoft [What about ZenFone 6 (I01WD)? Has anyone tried to create a port for it?], What Android version does it have15:06
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @TigranKhachatryan [What Android version does it have], 9/1015:08
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh15:08
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> The chances are very low then15:08
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> :-(15:08
ubptgbot<c_smith> @mateosalta [lol, some in the pinephone chat are saying it an 'apple' adapter ;P], Yeah, I saw.15:10
ubptgbot<c_smith> I was there asking about it. XD15:10
ubptgbot<NotKit> @TigranKhachatryan [The chances are very low then], 9 is mostly fine by now, but I don't think anyone worked on that particular device15:11
Fuseteamwell not that low halium 9 is shaping up nicely15:11
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh I thought it worked by Helium?15:11
ubptgbot<c_smith> Hopefully it's not a a/b device like the Essential Phone or newer Pixels.15:12
Fuseteam*Halium; but halium 9 is makes great progress15:12
ubptgbot<c_smith> Those are especially tricky as verity is basically required15:12
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh okay that's something to be proud of15:12
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Kudos to Halium devs15:12
Fuseteamkudos to halium devs!15:13
ubptgbot<RaJvAnT KuMaR Rodnel> (Photo, 617x918) https://irc.ubports.com/tUS8QgEM.png 115:26
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> What happened?15:31
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh, I get it. I'm assuming someone was spamming15:31
Fuseteamohw it was cleared on the other side cool15:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TigranKhachatryan [Oh, I get it. I'm assuming someone was spamming], Could you please do everyone a favor and change your display name and avatar to not be masquerading as a feature of Telegram like you're trying to phish people? Thanks.15:42
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Phish?15:42
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Hmm, well, okay then15:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TigranKhachatryan [Phish?], tricking people into PMing you messages they wish to save in their saved messages15:43
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Ok ok15:43
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> There15:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> thanks15:43
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Hey, is there a way to replace default emojis with Noto?15:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> no15:53
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> Oh ok15:54
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @TigranKhachatryan [The chances are very low then], But I want to try it... Is there any offtopic halium/ubports group for asking stupid questions?15:54
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I don't know if there is a group15:54
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> But XDA is the best place15:54
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> @vtsoft [But I want to try it... Is there any offtopic halium/ubports group for asking st …], there is the Halium group. Lots of people there working on Halium 9 ports right now … https://t.me/halium15:56
ubptgbotFabio was added by: Fabio16:03
ubptgbotRorschach_s was added by: Rorschach_s16:55
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> How do I enable CRUST on the pinephone?17:26
ubptgbotEmin ADMIN HELP CENTER was added by: Emin ADMIN HELP CENTER17:36
ubptgbotAsraf - Littradex Support Canuck was added by: Asraf - Littradex Support Canuck17:41
ubptgbot<mimecar> Emin are you a real user?17:43
ubptgbot<c_smith> @mimecar [Emin are you a real user?], My guess is he's not17:43
ubptgbot<c_smith> The name practically screams that17:44
ubptgbot<mimecar> Yes17:44
ubptgbot<mimecar> Asraf - Littradex Support and you?17:44
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [How do I enable CRUST on the pinephone?], they're still testing it … there's a post in the pine64 forum about it17:45
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> @Javacookies [they're still testing it … there's a post in the pine64 forum about it], Well, pine64 tweeted at me saying to just enable CRUST to increase battery life17:45
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Photo, 2560x1451) https://irc.ubports.com/xEQEqtRD.png17:53
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Qiangong2 [Well, pine64 tweeted at me saying to just enable CRUST to increase battery life], well it must be a misunderstanding 😅17:53
ubptgbot<mateosalta> dalton might know, or you just wait for a system update17:54
ubptgbot<mateosalta> there might be a forum post somewhere to test17:54
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Yeah, getting 5ish hours with wifi only on isn't bad though17:55
ubptgbot<itdoesntmatt> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], Nice, personalized pack for UB edition18:12
ubptgbot<mateosalta> very nice, now boot has the pine logo too18:13
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @mateosalta [very nice, now boot has the pine logo too], you're not updated for a long time 😄18:20
ubptgbot<Javacookies> you havr braveheart too right?18:21
ubptgbot<mateosalta> yeah, it was still on sd18:23
ubptgbot<mateosalta> this is amazing how much progress has been made18:23
ubptgbotHide1445 Prince was added by: Hide1445 Prince18:26
ubptgbotClare Rivera was added by: Clare Rivera18:53
ubptgbot<mateosalta> for testing webgl on pinephone19:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/Ittk0O23.null19:08
ubptgbot<mateosalta> is faster on new image, still some flickering, but looks better19:09
ubptgbot<Qiangong2> Anyway to get rid of the screen flickering randomly? it seems to mainly affect the system settings app for me19:19
ubptgbot<mateosalta> huh?19:30
ubptgbotanthb was added by: anthb19:31
ubptgbot<anthb> Hello there. I'm trying to do my first port, Ubuntu Touch on FP3. Is it the right place to ask for help?19:33
ubptgbot<NotKit> please join @halium group19:34
ubptgbot<NotKit> I think someone managed to boot it recently, so it would be great if you could collaborate with that person as well19:34
ubptgbot<anthb> @NotKit [please join @halium group], Thank you I didn't know that group. I will join it and look for this person.19:35
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Has anyone tried to use Convergence with a Display Link adapter? https://www.displaylink.com/products/find?cat=3&vid_hdmi=119:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Has anyone tried to use Convergence with a Display Link adapter? https://www.dis …], it is proprietary and won't work with UT19:41
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [it is proprietary and won't work with UT], OK... What option do we have then to use Convergence? Only phones with native video USB output?19:42
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Or Miracast?19:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> using an external display is not "convergence" itself. it is only a feature.19:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, you need a device that supports wired video output, or miracast, to use an external display with your device19:46
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [using an external display is not "convergence" itself. it is only a feature.], Can you please explain? My understanding of Convergence was that you could "plug" your phone to an external display and use it with a Desktop like experience. Am I wrong?19:49
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> And am I wrong in thinking that Convergence is available on UBPorts? I remember having seen a video of a Nexus 5 using Convergence.19:50
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Thanks19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Can you please explain? My understanding of Convergence was that you could "plug …], that is just one feature. Convergence is a much broader concept. Being able to uses the same apps on phone, tablet, PC, etc…19:50
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Oh... OK19:50
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> So talking about the ability to use the phone "as a PC" by plugging it onto an external monitor. … Is this feature available and working with Libertine apps for example?19:51
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> And if yes, it can be used with both USB video output or Miracast.  … (As Miracast is more standard, it can be used on UBports?)19:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> libertine is just a feature for providing a container to run legacy or CLI apps in case one needs them19:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> if your device can connect to an external display, then yes you can still run apps in libertine19:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> libertine doesn't magically make legacy apps into converged apps though19:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> converged apps are apps that are reactive to the screen size and input types of various devices, so that they scale and can be used with a variety of input methods19:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> the only thing connecting an external display gives you specifically, is displaying the shell on an external display, with windowed mode19:55
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [converged apps are apps that are reactive to the screen size and input types of …], Ooooookkkkaayyyy this is Cristal clear now thanks19:55
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [libertine is just a feature for providing a container to run legacy or CLI apps …], Yep, this I understood. Apps under Libertine are almost unusable on a phone's screen19:56
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [libertine is just a feature for providing a container to run legacy or CLI apps …], [Edit] Yep, this I understood. Apps under Libertine are almost unusable on a phone's screen (at least Thunderbird that I tested)19:56
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [converged apps are apps that are reactive to the screen size and input types of …], Is there a listing of already converged apps?19:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Is there a listing of already converged apps?], https://open-store.io19:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> though, true, some of those may be overly designed for touch interface and phone use so still fall short of true convergence19:58
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [the only thing connecting an external display gives you specifically, is display …], Shell, terminal or UBPort user interface?19:59
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [though, true, some of those may be overly designed for touch interface and phone …], Clear thanks.20:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Shell, terminal or UBPort user interface?], shell in this case being lomiri20:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> ie, graphical shell20:00
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> OK thanks for all your answers.20:01
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Is Halium affecting the experience?20:01
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> I have both a Nexus 5 and an OP3, but if I have to invest, it'll be more on a Miracast, that I could use on ally devices rather than the Nexus 5 Slimport cable20:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> only in the sense that there might be issues that need fixed. halium is only the underlying minimal android bit to get hardware working20:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> not all android based devices are using halium yet though20:03
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> OK, so OP3 port being mature, chances to get it work properly are on my side. 😁20:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> slimport is way better if you can use it (or MHL or plain HDMI/DisplayPort, depending on your device), and Miracast will be laggy and lower resolution20:04
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [slimport is way better if you can use it (or MHL or plain HDMI/DisplayPort, depe …], I guess yes.... Already tried MaruOS with Chromecast and it's a pain20:05
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> How about Dex?20:05
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> There is an Halium port under development on the Samsung Galaxy S9+.20:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> what about dex?20:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> the dex dock is just a slimport dock20:08
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [the dex dock is just a slimport dock], Cool, so any Slimport adapter should work then? I have searched for "non official" dex cables without success. Thanks. So in principle, a Slimport cable would work on both Samsung Galaxy devices and the Nexus 5 (providing it can work on both USB C and micro USB plugs).20:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> micro USB slimport and USB-C slimport are different. so you won't find a single cable to do both20:10
ubptgbot<jja2000> @dohbee [the dex dock is just a slimport dock], Isn't that just dp alternate mode?20:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @jja2000 [Isn't that just dp alternate mode?], slimport on USB-C is DP Alt mode, yes20:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> but USB-C slimport lets you use USB devices too, where on micro USB you only get video20:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> the dex station therefore gives you charging, video, USB, and ethernet20:12
ubptgbot<jja2000> Fairly sure that isn't a property of slimport though20:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Cool, so any Slimport adapter should work then? I have searched for "non officia …], Galaxy devices that have slimport and USB-C will work yes. the older devices that were MHL instead won't of course20:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @jja2000 [Fairly sure that isn't a property of slimport though], being pedantic isn't helpful though. there are plenty of USB-C dock things which are not compatible, as they are either DisplayLink or some other thing. while getting something that is specifically listed on the official Slimport site as supported, will work for such devices20:15
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [Galaxy devices that have slimport and USB-C will work yes. the older devices tha …], Yes20:17
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [being pedantic isn't helpful though. there are plenty of USB-C dock things which …], This paeg? https://www.slimportconnect.com/Interoperability/20:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [This paeg? https://www.slimportconnect.com/Interoperability/], yes20:21
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Funny that the Nexus 5 is not listed on the micro-USB20:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> although it seems a little incomplete20:21
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> [Edit] Funny that the Nexus 5 is not listed on the micro-USB (Edit, there are several apges. 😅)20:21
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Last question for tonight... If I still can...20:22
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Once plugged on the slimport cable20:22
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> Can the phone be used as a normal phone while displaying apps on the external display? Like, how doe sit work if I get a phone call?20:23
ubptgbot<Stefano0101> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], is that morph browser .click only for Pinephone or it can be installed and tested on supported ( Legacy ) devices? I did not know that morph can be available as a .click package.20:24
ubptgbot<mateosalta> only pine for acceleration20:25
ubptgbot<mateosalta> its the only one on wayland20:25
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> Sad that the oneplus one has the same CPU as Samsung S5 and yet the S5 got no single support20:26
ubptgbot<mateosalta> but, you can build morph s a click easy from the source20:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Anghirrim [Can the phone be used as a normal phone while displaying apps on the external di …], you'd want to use a headset to take the call probably, but the hardware isn't disabled in that sense. you'll get the notification on your external display and can answer the call there20:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> or unplug and answer the call20:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> (assuming things don't break in the process of doing so :)20:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Stefano0101 [is that morph browser .click only for Pinephone or it can be installed and teste …], it can be built as a click separately for testing, but it doesn't replace the system browser or webapp container20:27
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> But im glad the work is going on20:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> @LIFELIKE83 [Sad that the oneplus one has the same CPU as Samsung S5 and yet the S5 got no si …], the ARM/Android ecosystem isn't the same as PCs, so you can't just build one thing and have it work on all devices20:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> even when the hardware is the same20:28
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> What's the issue most time?20:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> vendors do different things, and certain things may not be electronically connected even20:29
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> I know that porting makes it simple trip20:29
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> Ok do you think it would be easier if it was x86 phone?20:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> no20:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> phones aren't PCs20:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> and android is still android20:30
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> We all know that but the headache always comes from the cpu20:31
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> @dohbee [and android is still android], What do u mean by that20:31
bdjuhello, new to ubports. I just got my pinephone. how do I go about installing "normal" GNU/Linux apps? apt in the terminal is not happy with me.20:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> the headache doesn't come from the CPU20:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> the headache comes from how drivers work in android for most devices, regardless of the CPU's instruction set architecture.20:33
ubptgbot<LIFELIKE83> @dohbee [the headache comes from how drivers work in android for most devices, regardless …], Oh20:33
ubptgbot<mimecar> @bdju [hello, new to ubports. I just got my pinephone. how do I go about installing "no …], You should not use apt20:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [hello, new to ubports. I just got my pinephone. how do I go about installing "no …], apt is not supported. UT is not a traditional linux distro. there is libertine for creating a container to install and use legacy apps.20:34
ubptgbot<purringChaos> l e g a c y   a p p s20:34
bdjuwhat is this bridged with? where are you guys?20:34
ubptgbot<Anghirrim> @dohbee [you'd want to use a headset to take the call probably, but the hardware isn't di …], Clear thanks20:34
bdjualso, that really sucks to hear. I wanted to try that new foliate app out20:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [what is this bridged with? where are you guys?], telegram https://t.me/ubports20:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [also, that really sucks to hear. I wanted to try that new foliate app out], what is that?20:35
ubptgbot<mimecar> Desktop applications do not adapt to the characteristics of the phone (within Libertine).20:36
ubptgbot<mateosalta> the way it does drivers locked to a kernel version20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh20:36
bdjutelegram... oof20:36
bdjufoliate is a new gtk ereader20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [also, that really sucks to hear. I wanted to try that new foliate app out], i guess you can install PureOS and then install foliate with flatpak20:36
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @bdju [hello, new to ubports. I just got my pinephone. how do I go about installing "no …], Check out settings->Libertine20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> or you could build a click version of it, perhaps20:37
bdjuI am not at all excited to hear flatpaks suggested. starting to lean toward postmarketos maybe20:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> 🤷‍♀️20:38
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @vtsoft [Check out settings->Libertine], There you can create a container with ubuntu xenial and install classic apps like GIMP or Firefox.20:38
bdjuso apps installed via libertine won't scale someone said?20:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> libertine doesn't magically make apps usable or useful on a phone, no20:39
ubptgbot<mimecar> It is not a scaling issue, apps are not designed for small screens.20:39
bdjunot asking for magic, wise guy. just the libhandy sorta stuff baked into most gnome stuff now. will it *prevent* that?20:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> some won't even work; and i think on pinephone X11 apps won't work yet at all20:40
ubptgbot<mimecar> it's a design problem of the app20:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> things using libhandy would be better to get packaged as click and used outside libertine if possible, i guess20:40
bdjuI've attempted to create a libertine container and it seems like nothing happened now. I'm still on the screen to create one20:41
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @bdju [so apps installed via libertine won't scale someone said?], Libertine exists so that you can connect the phone to the monitor and use it as a desktop. Not for using classic apps on 5" screen.20:42
bdjuBTW, how do you take screenshots on ubports? it seems like volume down + power doesn't do it20:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think there are some issues with the settings GUI still on pinephone, and you might need to create it from terminal with `libertine-container-manager create --help` (probably also need to pass the arg to tell it to be a chroot type)20:42
ubptgbot<vtsoft> @bdju [BTW, how do you take screenshots on ubports? it seems like volume down + power d …], Volume down+volume up20:42
bdjuit's a rocker... do I really hit both parts at once?20:43
bdjuit doesn't seem to work20:43
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Pinephone. https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/pinephone/-/issues/1120:43
bdjuah, thank you. good to know.20:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh i was just copying the link for https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=10130 too20:44
bdjuoh, I was having some wifi issues, though they were intermittent20:45
bdjuI've already rebooted for the system update, but I'll do it again for good measure20:45
bdjuso the decision to not let me easily use apt is based in security? some sort of sandboxing idea?20:46
ubptgbotMamie Coker was added by: Mamie Coker20:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes. security and image based updating; the rootfs is therefore readonly as part of the design. `deb` packages are not secure and runs scripts as root. and allowing any debs to be installed would be problematic for many devices and partition layouts, and would mean image based updates couldn't work20:49
bdjusome interesting points. maybe guix would work well. supports unprivileged package management and doing things declaratively20:50
bdjuthis is taking ages to reboot. I wonder if I hit a bug.20:50
bdjuit's not the first one in that thread because it's the ubuntu touch screen rather than the pine logo, and I have done the update already20:51
bdjuso far I have a pretty bad impression of ubports, but I'm gonna try to use it a bit longer to get a better feel for it. it feels very limiting and annoying.20:53
bdjueven on android you can use termux and install things via apt, though not graphical things.20:53
bdjustill stuck on the ubuntu touch screen after trying to reboot. I'm gonna hold in the power button I guess20:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> termux on android is basically the same as what libertine gives you on UT. it's just a container. and you can install much less than you can with libertine on UT20:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> termux uses packages built specifically to install on android, in a non-standard root directory. they're built against bionic libc to run on android. you can't just take a random arm deb from the internet and install it with dpkg there, expecting it to work, either20:57
bdjuright, yeah, though the termux repo really has a lot of what you'd want in there. vim, emacs, ranger, mpv, youtube-dl, sftp, etc.20:59
bdjuglad to hear that I can maybe get something similar on UT, though.20:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah all those things are in ubuntu too21:00
ubptgbotsamying Kochederia was added by: samying Kochederia21:05
bdjulack of tab key on the keyboard is killing me21:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [lack of tab key on the keyboard is killing me], terminal app has command keys toolbar just above keyboard, one of which has tab and such21:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> also, iirc there was a gesture to do tab21:23
bdjuwhat do I put for the id in the libertine-container-manager command? seems to be separate from the name21:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> whatever you want. just `xenial` or such21:24
ubptgbotإسماعيلLarsErik VonTörne was added by: إسماعيلLarsErik VonTörne21:25
bdjuhm alright21:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's really only important if you want to use multiple containers21:25
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Tap the terminal for tab21:25
bdjuoh wow, that works pretty well21:26
ubptgbotJørgen was added by: Jørgen21:29
bdjumy phone has started vibrating non-stop!21:29
bdjuI was setting up the container via terminal command last, just waiting for it to finish21:30
bdjuscreen wouldn't turn on. I've held in the power button now21:31
bdjuokay, I went to settings -> libertine again now and my container shows in the list, so I've made a little progress21:34
bdjuevery package search I attempt says there are no results21:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bdju [every package search I attempt says there are no results], if you rebooted the phone before the container creation completed, it's probably in a broken and corrupt state21:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> and, see previous statement about settings GUI for libertine maybe still having issues21:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can use `libertine-container-manager` to install packages as well21:38
bdjuhm okay21:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> though whatever you do, do NOT install `sudo` inside the container; it is unprivileged and installing it will actually break things :-/21:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can also read docs about libertine at https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html#21:39
bdjuoh, it says there the create command can't be ran directly in the terminal, but that's how I did it.21:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> you need to keep the screen on and terminal app in foreground while create runs21:41
bdjuhm could be the screen went dark on its own before, but I wasn't doing anything else at least21:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> apps are suspended when the screen is locked or when in the background, on UT21:42
bdjuI didn't lock it, just had it set down21:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> when the screen goes off it is "locked"21:43
bdjuright. that may or may not have happened.21:44
bdjugonna try to create a new container, I guess21:44
ubptgbot<matv1> still trouble on the PinePhone image :( ?22:25
ubptgbot<matv1> 43 boots right through but touch input is gone now22:26
ubptgbot<matv1> or is that just me?22:30
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/0lsw7DuP.png22:45
ubptgbottv1488 was added by: tv148822:46
ubptgbot<tv1488> Дeтск0е п0рн0😱😱😳👇👇👇 … @pro100artem_fl … Негр жарuт м0лодуху🤤🤤😏 … 👇👇👇👇 … @pro100artem_fl … Выеб@ли😱 на впuске😏😍👇👇 … @pro100artem_fl … Пиши админу чтоб попасть в наш приват чат😘 … 👉👉👉👉 @pro100artem_fl22:46
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Helli All! My battery drains overnight with 4G on.  … Could you share your battery status screen. Mobile phone model and if you keep your data mobile/wifi on?22:47
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> [Edit] Hello All! My battery drains overnight with 4G on.  … Could you share your battery status screen. Mobile phone model and if you keep your data mobile/wifi on?22:47
ubptgbot<matv1> @dohbee there some spam that wants to be dealt with22:48
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [@dohbee there some spam that wants to be dealt with], +122:48
ubptgbot<matv1> @arthurabdulin [Hello All! My battery drains overnight with 4G on.  … Could you share your batter …], which phone is that?22:49
ubptgbot<vtsoft> Russian spam/troll again?22:49
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Used Nexus 522:49
ubptgbot<matv1> has this recently gotten worse suddenly?22:50
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> I think it has always been like this, but I thought this issue i affrcts all UBports phones.  Some of my friends can run over 12 hours with mobole data on and good usage. So I want to get another, a new phone. Wonder what is a better model?22:53
ubptgbot<matv1> i have quite a few phones. I use a OnePlus3 which does great battery life22:54
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [i have quite a few phones. I use a OnePlus3 which does great battery life], How long with mobile data?22:54
ubptgbot<matv1> over a day easy22:55
ubptgbot<matv1> but realise that batteries decay over time. So youre N5 maybe just dying of old age22:56
ubptgbot<matv1> well the battery that is22:56
ubptgbot<matv1> it is not so difficult to replace a battery on an N522:56
ubptgbot<matv1> i did it myself once22:56
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [over a day easy], Nice!!!22:57
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [it is not so difficult to replace a battery on an N5], May be a good idea.22:57
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [but realise that batteries decay over time. So youre N5 maybe just dying of old …], How do I test battery on UBports?22:57
ubptgbot<matv1> at least it would be the cheapest solution :)22:57
ubptgbot<matv1> @arthurabdulin [How do I test battery on UBports?], not sure actually22:58
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [at least it would be the cheapest solution :)], Would be great to test the battery first...22:59
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @matv1 [at least it would be the cheapest solution :)], [Edit] Would be great to test the battery first... Somehow23:00
ubptgbot<matv1> if youre confortable flashing back to android briefly, i guess there will be more options. But I thinks battery testing apps are never really very reliable. But I am no expert :)23:00
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> I have flashed UBports a mutiple times to test through backup restore. So I could do a jump back to android comfortably...23:02
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Thanks for the chat M!23:02
ubptgbot<matv1> np good luck23:03
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Oh obelisk more thing: Phairphobe 3 - is it compatible with UBports?23:03
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> [Edit] Oh one more thing: Phairphobe 3 - is it compatible with UBports?23:03
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> [Edit] Oh one more thing: Phairphone 3 - is it compatible with UBports?23:04
ubptgbot<matv1> not yet. There is an early stage port I recently read. But not feature complete by far23:04
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Thabks thanks23:04
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> [Edit] Thanks thanks23:05
ubptgbot<matv1> sure23:05

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