[00:31] do any of you guys maintain nux still? [00:31] it looks like it just needs to stop passing -Werror [01:15] good morning [01:37] Morning callmepk [01:38] morning duflu [05:17] hi all [05:33] goood morning desktopers [05:43] Hi jibel and seb128 [05:49] hey duflu, how are you? [05:50] seb128, average to good today. You? [05:53] I'm alright [06:05] good morning [06:05] morning [06:07] Morning didrocks and luna_ [06:13] hey luna_, duflu [06:46] good morning desktoppers [06:47] hey oSoMoN [06:47] salut didrocks [07:16] morning diskdroppers [07:18] hey marcustomlinson [07:18] after seb and his launchpaddid :) [07:18] morning didrockers [07:28] morning marcustomlinson [07:29] hey oSoMoN [07:53] Morning oSoMoN and marcustomlinson [07:59] hey duflu [08:01] yo [08:01] mwhudson: feel free to JFDI that I'd say [08:05] hey duflu, Laney [08:06] ^/w 47 [08:06] ah [08:06] AHHHH [08:06] AHHHHHHHHH [08:06] hey oSoMoN [08:14] good morning Laney [08:25] \o didrocks [08:28] Morning Laney [08:58] Laney: i jf did it [08:59] (and it migrated even, amazing) [08:59] YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [08:59] hey duflu [09:34] mutter ubuntu/master 0c0e758 Marco Trevisan * pushed 28 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/OYY2 [09:34] mutter ubuntu/master 3130772 Jonas Ådahl src/backends/x11/ cm/meta-renderer-x11-cm.c cm/meta-renderer-x11-cm.h meta-stage-x11.c meta-stage-x11.h * stage-x11: Move view management to renderer * https://deb.li/3hiOC [09:35] mutter ubuntu/master 63fc71f Jonas Ådahl src/backends/meta-screen-cast-stream-src.c * screen-cast-src: Notify about the stream being closed after dispatch * https://deb.li/v5Th [09:35] mutter ubuntu/master a1bc2e0 Carlos Garnacho src/backends/x11/meta-seat-x11.c * backends/x11: Implement ClutterSeat::touch-mode for the X11 backend * https://deb.li/3o7Pc [09:35] mutter ubuntu/master b425f11 Carlos Garnacho clutter/clutter/clutter-seat.c src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.c src/backends/native/meta-seat-native.h * backends/native: Drop external keyboard detection for ::touch-mode * https://deb.li/S7B7 [09:35] mutter ubuntu/master c211f7b Simon McVittie (16 files in 7 dirs) * New upstream version 3.36.2+12+gb425f1153 * https://deb.li/3bYKd [09:35] mutter signed tags 9638346 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.3-1ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 3.36.3-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3gS3F [09:42] \o\ [09:42] early morning for you Trevinho! [09:43] eheh, well not too much :-D [10:10] mutter signed tags abb45f0 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 * mutter Debian release 3.36.3-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 * https://deb.li/a7my [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal 6d9d9b6 Marco Trevisan * pushed 21 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3uYj4 [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal fadfca2 Carlos Garnacho src/backends/meta-remote-desktop-session.c * backends: Ensure remote desktop dbus interface state * https://deb.li/rAHV [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal 3daf912 Carlos Garnacho src/backends/meta-remote-desktop-session.c * backends: Make uniform checks on remote desktop input dbus methods * https://deb.li/3I2sg [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal 36f5a0a Carlos Garnacho src/wayland/ meta-wayland-data-device.c meta-wayland-data-device.h * wayland: Send clipboard offers to all data devices from the same client * https://deb.li/MnbN [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal 493aeb6 Carlos Garnacho src/wayland/ meta-wayland-data-device.c meta-wayland-data-device.h * wayland: Send primary offer to all data devices from the same client * https://deb.li/ikrUx [10:10] mutter ubuntu/focal 6e6183e Jonas Ådahl src/backends/ meta-renderer.c meta-renderer.h x11/nested/meta-renderer-x11-nested.c * renderer: Change 'set_legacy_view()' to 'add_view()' * https://deb.li/fYJV [10:14] gnome-shell signed tags ad3719d Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.3-1ubuntu1_20.04.1 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.36.3-1ubuntu1~20.04.1 * https://deb.li/iW7Dx [10:14] gbp forgot some tags... [11:50] seb128, do you reckon https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blobandconquer/1.11-dfsg+20-1.1ubuntu1/+build/19429052 is worth blindly retrying ? ("Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity") [12:46] oSoMoN, it probably is, I clicked the button, let's see === graham_ is now known as Guest99266 [12:59] oSoMoN, seems to be hanging on the retry :/ [13:03] darn [13:04] oSoMoN, https://github.com/alexdantas/zatacka.debian/pull/3 you fixed the build-depends but not the depends, I fixed the patch for Ubuntu but I can't push to your salsa branch, could you fix the mp there? [13:08] seb128, zatacka only has "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}" [13:10] oSoMoN, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/345576849/zatacka_0.1.8-5_0.1.8-5.1.diff.gz [13:10] that's missing in the Vcs [13:10] so alright, your mp is fine, sorry for the false warning [13:11] mitya57, hey, do you know how the desktop is handled in gnome-flashback? I'm trying to understand bug #1882531 [13:11] bug 1882531 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "desktop context not localized" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1882531 [13:14] seb128: gnome-flashback now handles the desktop itself. It is the new code, most likely just not translated to German yet. [13:14] I think you can reassign it to gnome-flashback. [13:15] mitya57, can you reassign/comment? [13:15] or I can do it if you prefer [13:15] also do you know why it's being implemented there again rather than using the existing extension? [13:30] #startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 [13:30] Meeting started Tue Jun 9 13:30:12 2020 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [13:30] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: [13:30] o/ [13:30] Roll call: didrocks, duflu (out), heather, jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out) [13:30] \o [13:30] o/ [13:31] o/ [13:31] ok, let's get started [13:31] o\o\o\o\ [13:32] #topic rls-bb-bug === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: rls-bb-bug [13:32] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:32] bug #1881811 [13:32] bug 1881811 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Groovy) "Values cleared when scrolling in standard filter dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881811 [13:32] o/ [13:32] oh right just in time.. it's a super minor corner case but a real bug nonetheless [13:32] which has been nominated without waiting for the tag review [13:33] seb128: what do you mean? i added the incomming tags [13:33] the bug has lines for bionic/focal/groovy [13:34] which are unassigned by existing [13:34] oh just because it exists in all of them so i added all 3 incoming tags [13:34] the nomination process is usually that we add those lines when we accept the nomination [13:34] no [13:34] oh i see [13:34] someone did 'Target to series' [13:34] and added those series [13:34] that was me [13:34] k [13:34] ok sorry about that [13:34] no worry [13:34] so going back to the topic [13:35] k [13:35] it's existing in bionic already, had one report, is cosmetic and seems minor/corner case [13:35] I would vote wontfix [13:35] i agree [13:35] hellsworth, the bug hasn't been confirmed upstream, did you intend to work on a fix yourself? if not, I'd say wontfix [13:36] i did not intend to work on it myself [13:36] k, so we have agreeemnt on wontfix [13:36] I will do that and delete the targetting, otherwise it will show up in our next section of targetted by not assigned bugs [13:36] i think i need some process discussion separately :) [13:36] ok thanks seb128 [13:36] k, let's do that ehre after we are done with the meeting [13:36] or in query if you prefer [13:37] yes [13:38] that's it for incoming [13:38] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html [13:38] bug #1881094 [13:38] bug 1881094 in OEM Priority Project "Support kernel 5.4 Intel sound driver on bionic" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881094 [13:39] k, so it's an oem request and they are on it [13:40] so I think nomination makes sense I'm just going to assign to Kai who submitted the patch [13:40] someone need to sponsor it or? [13:41] probably, I've added to my backlog [13:41] pulseaudio is busy atm, there is already another SRU in process so we need to clear that one off before [13:42] but yeah, I will handle the uploading part [13:42] good, it sucks in focal :p [13:42] focal is grrr [13:42] * Laney had another 'no outputs, no inputs' after starting a session today [13:42] since we regressed build on riscv which is blocking the current SRU [13:42] anyway [13:42] let's not get sidetracked too much :p [13:42] next [13:42] bug #1881137 [13:42] bug 1881137 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-440-server (Ubuntu Focal) "Introduce the new NVIDIA 418-server and 440-server series, and update the current NVIDIA drivers" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881137 [13:43] I thought we assigned that one last week? [13:43] I just understood what it means for the ubuntu-drivers-common to be grey [13:43] you guys said it was deleted [13:43] but it needs to be delete for bionic/focal as well [13:43] I'm doing that now [13:44] k, now u-d-c really vanished [13:44] sorry for the confusing [13:44] bug #1881811 [13:44] bug 1881811 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Values cleared when scrolling in standard filter dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881811 [13:44] that's the one we discussed earlier [13:44] bug #1882042 [13:44] bug 1882042 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Linux,Ubuntu,18.4,CI,OLP15,PRTS, Audio/video is out of sync/lag when enter Suspend during playback" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1882042 [13:44] another oem/pulseaudio [13:45] I assign to Hui and I'm going to do a batched upload with the other fix [13:45] k, that's it for bionic [13:45] #topic rls-ff-bug === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: rls-ff-bug [13:45] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:46] noise aside there is bug #1882402 [13:46] bug 1882402 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu-drivers allows installation of (nvidia-340) drivers, which are broken/break things (Kubuntu 20.04)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1882402 [13:46] (I will try to clean the remaining noise after the meeting) [13:47] tseliot, ^ do you know about this? is that something that needs to be owned/targetted? [13:48] it doesn't seem to have enough information to be decided on to me [13:48] looks like a driver bug maybe? [13:49] I vote wontfix for now, or at least incomplete with info needed [13:49] seb128, definitely incomplete [13:49] It's an interesting GPU hybrid configuration for sure. [13:50] yes, we haven't enabled that yet [13:51] I have a MP in a branch, and support for that will land sooner or later, just not with the 340 driver [13:51] k, I've notfixed it and asked for at least an apport-collect [13:51] tseliot, feel free to comment as well if you have more informations [13:51] let's move on [13:51] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-tracking-bug-tasks.html [13:52] bug #1881540 [13:52] bug 1881540 in zsys (Ubuntu Focal) "Enable trim support for ugprading users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881540 [13:52] TBH, all zsys tasks are backport from 0.5 [13:52] didrocks, you nominated it do you plan to own the focal part? should it be assigned to you? [13:53] I don't think we need to consider that for rls or not, just assign it [13:53] seb128: they are all assigned normally, launchpad may have timeouted [13:53] k, fixing [13:53] thx :)( [13:53] MINUS ONE DONT FIX IT EVER [13:53] ahah [13:53] tooooooooooooooo late [13:53] can regress if you wish :) [13:54] :p [13:54] bug #1882583 [13:54] bug 1882583 in software-properties (Ubuntu Groovy) "[SRU] Enable support for Victoria Cloud Archive" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1882583 [13:54] Corey is handling those so I'm just assigning to him [13:54] (he pinged me on IRC yesterday) [13:54] that's it for focal [13:54] #topic rls-gg-bug === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: rls-gg-bug [13:54] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-incoming-bug-tasks.html [13:55] bug #1881699 [13:55] bug 1881699 in linux (Ubuntu) "No analog output" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881699 [13:55] please fix it ;) [13:55] pulseaudio didn't change since focal [13:56] sounds like rather a kernel bug from Daniel's comment? [13:56] unsure what to do with it to be honest [13:57] I would tend to rls-gg-notfixing since that's one report and pulseaudio didn't change [13:57] to be honest audio is a terrible experience [13:57] other opinions? [13:57] get it tried on another machine? [13:57] if it's a kernel issue, could we reassign it to kernel? [13:57] it has a linux target already [13:57] I do agree we have some problems with audio at least from my experiences here [13:58] so would be good to get a bit of investigation done to discover the extent [13:58] with my previous machine is was terrible too [13:58] I agree with the audio situation being suboptimal [13:58] but not having analog output when you plug an audio jack is really bad [13:58] I'm going to card some investigation on the board [13:58] but we are limited in capacity until we get that job opening again :/ [13:59] does it work on focal on the same machine? (e.g from a live session) [13:59] I can try [13:59] thx [13:59] I will try on my xps with a daily iso later on [14:00] f and g [14:00] keeping it tagged meanwhile so we can rediscuss next week with more data [14:00] people on various forums have been reporting similar issues on Carbon X1 7gen [14:01] I'm ready to help debugging the issue if anyone has the knowledge to investigate [14:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1860697 [14:01] Ubuntu bug 1860697 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sound doesn't work on Lenovo X1 Carbon 7th with 20.04" [High,Fix released] [14:02] anyway, we should investigate/talk to oem about the carbon 7th situation if it's still an issue [14:02] but let's do that out of the meeting [14:02] moving on [14:02] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-gg-tracking-bug-tasks.html [14:02] the items there have been discussed [14:03] #topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages [14:03] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages [14:03] so [14:03] xorg-server/r-cran-gwidgetstcltk [14:03] the r-cran problems are being investigated by people on +1 maintenance from the reports [14:03] glib/libxmlb http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libx/libxmlb/groovy/amd64 [14:04] could be real [14:04] does anyone want to poke at that one? [14:04] libreoffice/s390x is waiting on the fontforge fix that is fix commited in Debian to land [14:04] network-manager-applet (1.8.24-1ubuntu2 to 1.16.0-1ubuntu1) in proposed for 5 days [14:04] Depends on libnma [14:04] that needs MIR team to react to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnma/+bug/1881906 [14:04] Ubuntu bug 1881906 in libnma (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libnma" [Undecided,New] [14:05] didrocks, do you know if it's fine to just promote since that's a split of existing code to a new source? [14:05] (network-manager-applet's library moved out to its own component) [14:05] seb128: it just needs some soft packaging check, I can do it for EOW if you don’t mind [14:05] didrocks, would be nice, thanks [14:06] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozjs68/68.9.0-1/+build/19405581 [14:06] Missing build dependencies: libemail-address-xs-perl [14:06] I need to raise that on #ubuntu-release, I don't understand what's going on [14:06] according to rmadison that binary is missing on i386 [14:06] but it built on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libemail-address-xs-perl/1.04-1build2/+build/17929789 [14:07] udisks2 failures need investigation, I did that sync I will look at the problem [14:07] gnome-shell probably just needs a retry after Trevinho's fixes landed [14:08] and that's it [14:08] so anyone interested to poke to libxmlb's failure? [14:08] I will card, feel free to grab it, if no-one does it will be assigned [14:08] #topic AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2020-06-09 | Current topic: AOB [14:08] anything else? [14:09] Not for me. [14:09] nothing [14:09] I'll take a look at the libxmlb failures, please assign the card to me [14:09] oSoMoN, thanks [14:09] k, on that note let's wrap [14:09] seb128: I may look that build issue in a s390x cloud instance [14:09] thanks team! [14:09] :) [14:09] thx! [14:09] #endmeetin [14:09] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/mxaCZTVc | GNOME 3.36 work claiming / tracking: https://trello.com/b/z29JJK3q/gnome-336 [14:09] Meeting ended Tue Jun 9 14:09:56 2020 UTC. [14:09] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2020/ubuntu-desktop.2020-06-09-13.30.moin.txt [14:10] that mozjs thing is weird [14:10] Trevinho, gnome-shell you mean? [14:10] hmm [14:10] Laney, I'm wondering if the first thing to try is just a no change rebuild upload? [14:10] The following packages have unmet dependencies: lintian : Depends: libemail-address-xs-perl but it is not installable [14:10] Trevinho, it should simply be retried now that that adwaita fixes landed no? [14:10] seb128: yeah, although it's true that mutter-common should be there for such archs, [14:10] seb128: should [14:11] hellsworth, if you had process questions you can ask now [14:14] right ok.. so when there's a new bug that exists, no matter how many series, it should only be tagged incomming for the development series - correct? [14:14] oSoMoN: why did you ask if i was planning on fixing the 1881811? what did i do that indicated that? [14:15] Laney: even weirder as it's in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libemail-address-xs-perl/1.04-1build2 [14:15] but.... https://packages.ubuntu.com/groovy/libemail-address-xs-perl has not the i386? [14:15] ah, well it's never there, so... [14:15] hellsworth, the tagging is not an issue, you can tag for any serie you think it should be consider for [14:15] but still, it built [14:16] ok can tag but just don't "target" [14:16] the point I was raising/discussing is the 'target to serie' [14:16] yes [14:16] ok gotcha [14:16] well you can target if you plan to work on fixes for those series [14:16] it's up to you as a maintainer [14:16] it's just by team policy we don't want targetted but unowned items [14:16] Desktop Meeting in 2 hours or it has already been right? [14:16] luna_, it just finished [14:17] but it would be possible to say we'll fix some of the series and not others. but having them all targeted in the bug at least documents that it's a known wontfix issue in those series [14:17] seb128: ah will read the log after i am done watching some Dreamhack Online CS:Go Tourney [14:17] thanks [14:17] seb128: ok so only target to series i plan on fixing, right? [14:17] yes [14:17] and then assign [14:17] (and after a discussion with the team) [14:17] ok [14:17] we don't have a good way to mark things as impacting a serie [14:18] or to tell them appart of things we commited to fix/consider important [14:18] so we decided to just target for things important enough to be owned and tracked [14:18] ok.. yeah i was looking at targeting to mean impacting [14:18] right, in theory targetting as you did is right [14:18] thanks. makes more sense now. [14:18] but it doesn't play nicely with our precess atm [14:18] np! [14:19] :) [14:20] seb128, I forget, do we have this process documented somewhere? it's not obvious how it works for external observers/newcomers [14:20] good question.. [14:22] seb128: the problem is lintian isn't installable [14:22] I think that libemail-address-xs-perl thing needs bringing back [14:22] probably a new dep [14:25] oSoMoN, not that I can remember sorry [14:25] Laney, no change upload needed or is there another way? [14:25] that would be a good thing to do, at some point [14:25] I think people mentioned copy over itself? [14:26] oSoMoN, it's likely it exists but I just don't know where... maybe ask bdmurray if he knows? [14:26] copying back probably works [14:26] let me try [14:27] thx === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [14:31] can't make copy-package do what I want [14:33] seb128: g-s built though https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/3.36.3-1ubuntu2/+build/19413155 [14:33] Trevinho, great [14:57] seb128, the libxmlb test failures seem to be transient, I managed to reproduce only once in a chroot, other test runs pass. can you retry? [15:00] oSoMoN, done, would still be good to report upstream if possible [15:01] yes [15:08] running the test in an infinite loop, I managed to trigger the failure again [15:17] oSoMoN, so yeah, probably just unlucky that it failed twice in a row on the infra, or depending of the performances of the machine/load/something [15:17] yeah, we will soon know, the test started running again [15:34] fed up with the Shell locking up on the shield [15:34] then kill -> it restarts, but you have a black screen [15:34] go to gdm and try unlocking -> just switch tty [15:34] but still black screen with the cursor [15:35] and if you kill the session, go back to gdm, log in again [15:35] you have the wallpaper and shield again (which you can unlock this time) [15:35] no crash file, nothing [15:35] and nothing in logs I can spot :/ [15:36] (apart from a bunch of juin 09 17:33:54 casanier audit[562537]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software" name="/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache" pid=562537 comm="p>) [15:38] and I need to reboot because the mic is locked [15:38] bbiab [15:45] seb128: could you merge lp:~/ubuntu-archive-tools/libemail-address-xs-perl and then run the script pls? [15:45] needed to get the binary to come back [15:48] Laney, that ~ was confusing :p merged/pushed [15:49] heh [15:50] you need to ./update-i386-whitelist https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/i386.focal/i386+build-depends.sources [15:53] Laney, still focal or groovy in the url? [15:53] I did it with groovy, it's printed output but I don't understand what's it's doing / how then? [15:53] I guess groovy yeah [15:53] didn't notice that [15:54] did that act/did what is expected? [15:54] ah sigh [15:54] it's got focal hardcoded in the source [15:55] ah, it's prompting me to commit to the packageset, I hadn't noticed that prompt [15:55] I think you need to pass '-s groovy' or fix default_release in the source [15:56] k [15:58] oSoMoN, libxmlb retry worked [16:01] Laney, k, commited, hopefully I did the right thing/it works [16:03] seb128: looks like it's there, thx! [16:03] * Laney tries the copy again [16:05] seb128, yeah, thanks! I'm filing an upstream bug [16:06] Laney, thx for guiding me with the steps [16:06] oSoMoN, thx [16:06] np [16:06] I can make the test fail with the old libglib2.0 too, so the issue is not triggered specifically by the version in -proposed [16:06] didn't appear on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/groovy/i386/libemail-address-xs-perl tho [16:06] * Laney tries copying from focal [16:07] now that did work! [16:08] so should automatically clear out the mozjs68 build once that publishes et [16:08] c [16:09] Reading the log now :) [16:30] xnox: was the diff in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/481850660/partman-swapfile_1_2.diff.gz on create_swapfile intended? This isn’t mentioned in the changelog (only the other change is) and ubiquity has exactly this patch (hence the FTBFS on your ubiquity upload) [16:36] didrocks: i know, i am fixing it. [16:36] didrocks: i think like years ago i uploaded the patch to experimental. but it was stuck in NEW. [16:37] didrocks: hence i "distro patched it in ubiquity" [16:37] didrocks: many years pass [16:37] didrocks: i finally bother to sync partman-swapfile [16:37] didrocks: so comparing that the things are the same, and then will drop the distro patch [16:37] (from the vendored stuff inside ubiquity) [16:37] xnox: my other theory was a cp from ubiquity/debian/lib back on the second upload by error :p [16:37] didrocks: it's part towards cleaning everything up in ubiquity [16:38] hahhahahhaha [16:38] didrocks: i think it is intentional finish.d should not be interactive [16:38] yeah, sounds better [16:38] original UX was bad [16:48] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozjs68/68.9.0-1/+build/19405581 woot === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson === graham_ is now known as Guest67245 === niko is now known as ping [23:49] good morning