[01:33] nope, I think it was all me [04:25] https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11707 for anyone [14:35] manadart: added some comments to 11683 [14:48] achilleasa: Responded. I think those things are OK. [15:12] hml: If you've time in your day, can you look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11706 ? It's the one that removes networkingcommon logic. [15:12] * manadart is off home. [15:12] manadart: will do [15:12] Ta. [15:14] stickupkid: do you have time for teddybear? [15:14] i do [15:14] daily? [15:14] stickupkid: omw [15:57] looks like we need to update our dep list for kvm on focal... " Package 'libvirt-bin' has no installation candidate" [16:38] hml: on a sidenote, shouldn't I be able to start a kvm machine with a bionic image on a focal host? [16:38] achilleasa: i’d think so [16:38] hml: ah... looks like it's broken for focal on focal :-( [16:38] achilleasa: what provider? [16:39] achilleasa: not sure you can start a kvm inside an lxd machine [16:39] manual machine; deploy --to kvm:X [16:39] (manual focal machine) [16:39] achilleasa: i’m having that trouble today too… even —to lxd: machine [16:40] hml: ' Requested operation is not valid: format of backing image '/var/lib/juju/kvm/guests/focal-amd64-backing-file.qcow' of image '/var/lib/juju/kvm/guests/juju-275797-0-kvm-3.qcow' was not specified in the image metadata (See https://libvirt.org/kbase/backing_chains.html for troubleshooting)' [16:40] achilleasa: what type is the manual machine? [16:40] guess I need to open bugs [16:40] focal provisioned via maas [16:40] using bionic boxes works though [16:41] huh [16:41] also, focal libvirt-bin pkg -> libvirt-client [16:42] I will fix that in my kvm PR but the image format one is odd (also: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1801219) [16:50] petevg: I 've created https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1883575 to track ^. Should be able to land a fix in my upcoming kvm PR but we may need to backport [16:50] Bug #1883575: Unable to deploy --to kvm:X on focal hosts [20:56] Hi there [20:56] quick one [20:56] on AWS [20:56] having 3 AZ [20:57] can I create a controller in each zone that would be able to manage the same models? [20:57] let's say in case a zone goes down... [20:57] thanks in advance [20:59] well I guess controller high availability page is what I am looking for :) [21:02] flxfoo: yes juju controllers work find across AZs [21:16] thanks @thumper , I enabled `juju enable-ha` and he did add another 2 controllers, but in the same AZ... [21:24] flxfoo: hmm... by default they should try to spread over the AZs [21:24] ok got it `--to` need to be used ... [21:24] flxfoo: can you add-machine in that model specifying an az? [21:24] flxfoo: which version of juju? [21:25] `juju enable-ha --to zone=,zone=` works [21:25] sweet [21:26] @thumper: yeah I though the default would have spread like when deploying, but it appears that one need to use `--to`, someone can confirm that? [21:31] flxfoo: I have had it spread before... perhaps it isn't as controlled as we'd like [21:44] @thumper:Just did a little test again, with a new controller (without constraints) and with 3 , it spreads over only 2 az... [21:44] @thumper:version is 2.8.0 [21:45] @thumper:which instance type so you use for controllers? === narindergupta is now known as narinderguptamac