[10:26] https://code.launchpad.net/~doismellburning/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/385644 please [10:29] +1 [10:33] Thanks :) [12:04] And uh https://code.launchpad.net/~doismellburning/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/385741 to fix the test I broke please...! [12:05] http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1334/steps/shell_9/logs/summary also shows TestRunMissingJobs.test_run_missing_ready_does_not_return_results failure but I can't reproduce it locally, can't see how my change would have impacted it, and have a suspicion that it's a transient timing issue? [12:05] yeah [12:05] that's a celery / rabbit failure manifestation [13:16] tomwardill: an actual proper persistent failure, it seems? http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1335/steps/shell_9/logs/summary [13:16] SpecialK|Canon: nope, that's transient [13:16] you just have the fun of it happening multiple times :) [13:17] that's one of "the usual" [13:17] right, as tomwardill said :) [13:17] Ah ok I'm 2/2 so far - I recognise that's not a lot of data points but also figured safest to assume that I'd just broken stuff ;) [13:17] Cheers! [13:17] Can I kick off a restart somehow or do I just wait for someone else to merge something? [13:18] http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/force [13:18] ...it's even right there on the front page isn't it - thanks [13:18] it's non-ovious terminology [13:19] also non-obvious place, you'd expect a 'retry' on the build page or something [13:19] (fwiw, our cancel also doesn't work) [13:19] Did it fail again? I've retried right before the standup... [13:19] pappacena: ah then I might have double-retried, sorry [13:19] * pappacena not a problem :) [13:19] iirc, if it's in a failed state, a merge won't cause a new build [13:20] you have to force it once the merge shows up on the left column [13:20] it definitely tried a new build of my merged test fixen [13:21] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/9jd2SNIX/image.png [13:21] not at that time difference it didn't, that was pappacena retrying it for you [13:21] * SpecialK|Canon retracts the "definitely" [13:22] I assumed that there would be visible indication in the waterfall of someone doing that [13:22] nope [13:22] force is a bit of a weird hack in this version of buildbot, it's not natively implemented [13:22] but there was a standard 'recipe' for people to extend the web ui to create it [13:22] no pressure re your buildbot work, but uh.... ;) [13:22] hah [13:23] SpecialK|Canon: you can see it on http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1335 fwiw [13:23] under 'Reason' [13:24] but the waterfall doesn't show it [13:24] ilasc, tomwardill these are the MPs for projects as pillar for OCI projects: [13:24] - https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384506 (create & edit page) [13:24] - https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384514 (search & list) [14:07] http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp-devel-xenial/builds/1336/steps/shell_9/logs/summary - TestJobRunner.test_runAll_mails_oopses also a known flaky? [15:35] tomwardill: on https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/384514, you've mentioned a typo, but I cannot see your comment on the code :-( [15:36] pappacena: sigh, bet I forgotr to save it [15:36] I did [15:36] pappacena: L590 in the diff, s/contains/contain [15:36] (findByPillarAndName) [15:36] Ah! Thanks! [15:38] pappacena: fairly sure it was my typo to start with :) [15:38] hahaha. Maybe... I will fix it there anyway :) [15:54] ah poop, actual test failure [15:54] * tomwardill gets to fixing [15:55] * pappacena :-( [16:01] tricky as we don't actually have the git repository that has been created to check against it's IP [16:02] mgiht just have to swap it for an assert 'id' in repo.keys() [16:04] Maybe using a matcher for the data type could do? [16:06] Like `'id': IsInstance(int)` [16:06] yeah, that's probably better [16:06] * tomwardill does that [16:09] fix my whoopsie: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/385759 [16:10] curious as to how it got to be 'not 1' though, that does imply a test isolation failure somewhere [16:10] * pappacena +1 [16:11] I guess the tests do not delete the database (or it depends on the layer, or whatever). And increasing a sequence has effect regardless on rolling back a transaction... [16:11] ta, landing [16:12] and then poking buildbot