
ubptgbotDavidUnboxed was added by: DavidUnboxed00:09
ubptgbot<Joe Arbes> How do. return to the home screen after opening an app?00:17
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> From the right edge of the screen00:28
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> Slide left00:28
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @Joe Arbes [How do. return to the home screen after opening an app?], ^^^^^00:28
ubptgbot<Joe Arbes> Thank you!00:29
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @Joe Arbes [Thank you!], Btw just a heads up, you can slide from the left if you want to open the app drawer :)02:05
ubptgbot<Alejandro Olivencia> Hello !! Is there any chance to install Firefox or Chromium in UT ? Thanks for read this02:14
ubptgbot<febriugg> Why is ubports running on my Oneplus One so slow?02:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Alejandro Olivencia [Hello !! Is there any chance to install Firefox or Chromium in UT ? Thanks for r …], There is no native mobile build of either available. Though, Morph uses QtWebEngine which is based on Chromium. You can maybe run Firefox in libertine, but some people have had issues on different devices, and it is not a mobile frien02:30
ubptgbotdly UI either way.02:30
ubptgbot<Alejandro Olivencia> Thank you Rodney !! Greetings from Argentina using UT in Lg Nexus 502:50
ubptgbot<barbellburak Ntawukuriryayo> (Photo, 512x755) https://irc.ubports.com/ZG9Zo3og.png03:51
ubptgbotsylvia Dykes was added by: sylvia Dykes04:22
ubptgbotJoshAF was added by: JoshAF05:07
ubptgbot<theare27> Related question. Was at a hospital yesterday and couldn't get on the public wifi. They use The Cloud which is a common provider in the UK.  … Typed google.com into Morph and got redirected to their Captive Portal. Clicked the 'get online' button and it just hung and then eventually gave an error message. … Anyone got any tips & tricks o05:57
ubptgbotn getting on to such public wifi from UT?05:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that's the way I do it. Other than that, not sure how … probably an issue with their site rendered in morph06:13
ubptgbot<theare27> Yeah or they didn't recognise the device. Need a little captive portal webview app that identities itself as Chrome on Android, would probably be fine then … Or maybe a Masquerade mode in Morph that does the same? … It's silly but I'm sure a lot of sites and portals like that are hard coded to handle Android / iOS devices in a certain wa06:33
ubptgboty and can't cope with a UT device even if Morph can render things 100% fine06:33
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> Morning all!  … Have you got any battery preservation tips for Nexus 5?06:34
ubptgbot<anvil30november> @theare27 [Yeah or they didn't recognise the device. Need a little captive portal webview a …], What if you asked for the desktop site in settings and then accessed google?06:39
ubptgbotbender097 was added by: bender09707:11
ubptgbot<theare27> @anvil30november [What if you asked for the desktop site in settings and then accessed google?], Worth a try I guess, but I know some of these portals treat laptips differently. They'll let you on the network for free from a mobile device, but charge for a laptop. So by appearing to be a laptop that'd be an issue07:16
ubptgbotE S was added by: E S07:23
ubptgbotdick cullup was added by: dick cullup07:32
ubptgbotJustDevZero was added by: JustDevZero07:33
ubptgbot<JustDevZero> Hello there you all, nice to be here... I have got a little problem with my BQ Aquaris FHD10 tablet, I forgot the password and I cannot get it... is there anyway to get inside perhaps... reinstalling it with fastboot or something?07:35
ubptgbot<JustDevZero> [Edit] Hello there you all, nice to be here... I have got a little problem with my BQ Aquaris FHD10 tablet, I forgot the password and I cannot get it... is there anyway to get inside perhaps... reinstalling it with fastboot or something? Many thanks in advance07:38
ubptgbot<libremax> Your tablet is running UT ?08:16
ubptgbot<JustDevZero> yup, the Ubports version 16.04... but from a few months ago... maybe a year ago, more or less08:47
ubptgbotHVGarg was added by: HVGarg09:50
ubptgbot<HVGarg> Is Mi A2 supported device for using Ubuntu Touch is ?09:52
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> short answer: no … long answer: go to xda and check if there's a community port … longer answer: go to xda and check if there's a community port make a community port yourself09:54
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> no iirc tbh09:54
ubptgbot<HVGarg> Ok09:56
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> [Edit] short answer: no … long answer: go to xda and check if there's a community port … longer answer: go to xda and check if there's a community port make a community port yourself if not09:56
ubptgbotRostislavSvoboda was added by: RostislavSvoboda09:58
ubptgbotAlmeida M. was added by: Almeida M.11:08
ubptgbot<libremax> @JustDevZero [yup, the Ubports version 16.04... but from a few months ago... maybe a year ago, …], You can run UBports installer with option Wipe set to No and you will get your tablet updated to the last OTA and password reset.11:47
ubptgbot<JustDevZero> @libremax [You can run UBports installer with option Wipe set to No and you will get your t …], Cool, I'll try it later.12:14
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @libremax [You can run UBports installer with option Wipe set to No and you will get your t …], That's unsecure? Why do you have that feature?12:21
ubptgbot<RostislavSvoboda> I'd like to install myself Ubuntu Touch on my Samsung SM-G398FN. It seems not be supported. So I guess I need to compile it myself from the source, right?12:28
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @RostislavSvoboda [I'd like to install myself Ubuntu Touch on my Samsung SM-G398FN. It seems not be …], Check XDA firat12:28
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> First12:28
ubptgbot<RostislavSvoboda> @TigranKhachatryan [Check XDA firat], Ok. Thanx, I'm checking the https://www.xda-developers.com/tag/samsung/ it seems to be some forum for Phones, but... ???12:30
ubptgbot<RostislavSvoboda> There's nothing about "Linux"12:31
ubptgbot<RostislavSvoboda> Neiter about "Ubuntu"12:32
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> I'd Google it12:48
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> And the forum or whatever it id12:49
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> s12:49
ubptgbot<RostislavSvoboda> @TigranKhachatryan [I'd Google it], yea that's what I'm just doing12:49
ubptgbot<libremax> @TigranKhachatryan [That's unsecure? Why do you have that feature?], Yes, unlocking boot is unsecure and that's worse with UT because filesystems are not encrypted.13:09
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> hm okay then13:10
ubptgbotmrcyjanek was added by: mrcyjanek13:48
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Hey!13:48
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I'm having some problems with libertine... They just don't work, when I click 'Get started' and then 'ok' I can see something showing in a list for a half of second and then it disappear13:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Are you using the PinePhone?13:51
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @UniversalSuperBox [Are you using the PinePhone?], No... I'm using oneplus6t with GSI13:51
ubptgbot<NotKit> try to create container from SSH13:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I do not know if Libertine works on the GSI. Probably not.13:51
ubptgbot<NotKit> it should13:51
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @NotKit [try to create container from SSH], I'll try now13:52
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> `No module named 'libertine.LxdContainer'`13:57
ubptgbot<NotKit> you need to use chroot13:57
ubptgbot<SHi√∆M> Any update for redmi note 7 (lavender) port?13:57
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Something is loading13:57
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @NotKit [you need to use chroot], thanks!13:57
ubptgbot<NotKit> @erfanoabdi I think you have lavender image?13:58
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> https://build.lolinet.com/file/halium/lavender/13:58
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Not sure if it work, but i saw it here13:58
ubptgbot<SHi√∆M> @mrcyjanek [Not sure if it work, but i saw it here], How i will flash it, and how i will get back to android custom rom?14:01
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @mrcyjanek [thanks!], `rm: cannot remove '/dev/sda16': Permission denied` … Why is it trying to remove this file?14:02
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @mrcyjanek [thanks!], [Edit] `rm: cannot remove '/dev/sda16': Permission denied … `Why is it trying to remove this file? … (debootstrap.log_14:02
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @mrcyjanek [thanks!], [Edit] `rm: cannot remove '/dev/sda16': Permission denied … `Why is it trying to remove this file? … (debootstrap.log)14:02
ubptgbotAnony Izu was added by: Anony Izu14:08
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Hello guys! I have a question, is it possible to do some app development in ubuntu touch?. I think that maybe desktop gui support is probably not ready yet. But is it possible to do some terminal based programming? Can we compile an application? Apk for example. Using this OS?14:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, though building android apps might be a bit extraneous (and i don't know if Android SDK supports using an ARM device as a host system)14:12
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Thats what im thinking too.14:14
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> So its about the arm device after all14:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> and phones aren't really designed for some tasks14:15
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> I will.be happy to know if someone made one using this14:15
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Yep. But maybe just a good time for exercises14:15
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> And for someone who don't own laptop like me it would be much helpful14:16
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Hope someone that work with give me a feedback on my question. And i hope that it works14:20
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> What is default sudo password on PinePhone ?14:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's whatever your screen unlock pin/password is14:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> if swipe only it's empty string14:20
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Thanks !14:21
ubptgbotNuri | IOWNTOKEN | Wolfs.Group was added by: Nuri | IOWNTOKEN | Wolfs.Group14:22
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @mrcyjanek [rm: cannot remove '/dev/sda16': Permission denied … Why is it trying to remove thi …], https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H9g6WyvGmJ/ Still having problems :/14:31
ubptgbot<erfanoabdi> @mrcyjanek [https://build.lolinet.com/file/halium/lavender/], Yeah this is what I'm using on my device and can confirm working14:34
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Well, libertine is not working at all, can I use apt to install desktop apps?14:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> only in libertine14:49
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> :/15:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mrcyjanek [https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H9g6WyvGmJ/ Still having problems :/], there is probably still stuff that needs resolved on halium 9 ports before libertine can work15:02
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> Is there a list of changes/fixes/commits somewhere that show what's in the dev builds? I can see commits for individual community ports, but I'm not sure how to tell what's actually built into what.15:31
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> What the heck is wrong with Podbird? Everything sounds like chipmunks being fast forwarded.15:40
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> (Video, 6s) https://irc.ubports.com/gacUiHU2.mp415:40
ubptgbot<Sam> @samzn [<reply to media>], who remembers15:45
ubptgbot<MrCoolAndroid> @nefariousNIFFIN [<reply to media>], Wow, that sounds weird15:46
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Yep. Only happening in that one app as far as I can tell. I can listen to Audible and Invidious just fine.15:47
ubptgbot<MrCoolAndroid> I would like to make a port, I really like this OS15:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @nefariousNIFFIN [<reply to media>], that happens most of the tome but sometimes it works 😅15:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> @stuarttempleton [Is there a list of changes/fixes/commits somewhere that show what's in the dev b …], there's hundreds of git repos, plus whatever updates get pulled in from ubuntu, so no, it's not a simple thing to create a list from each day15:58
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> @Javacookies [that happens most of the tome but sometimes it works 😅], So just open and close until it works?15:58
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> Podbird playback speed bug (comments have a temp fix) …  https://bugs.launchpad.net/podbird/+bug/188177715:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1881777 in podbird "Playback comically fast on Pinephone" [Undecided,New]15:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> does it happen with music app too sometimes?16:00
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> I've only seen it with podbird16:00
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> podbird actually specifies a 3x playback speed by default16:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh16:00
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> How do I change the playback speed to something reasonable?16:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> should be an option in the app i would guess16:02
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> not as far as I can tell16:02
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> you have to use the suggestion in the comments of the issue I posted16:03
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> it worked for me16:03
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> I don't think they've added a feature to control it from the UI.16:03
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> I’m afraid your solution goes above my head.16:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @nefariousNIFFIN [So just open and close until it works?], haven't really identified the pattern but sometimes I just switch between podcasts then it'll work then sometimes it won't again 😄16:08
ubptgbot<Danfro> Is anyone maintaining podbird? Changing one number sounds not hard to do.16:11
ubptgbot<Danfro> I only listened to the ubports podcast and never had that issue.16:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> afaik mike will build and release it to the openstore, but hasn't had time to do actual development. but if people make merge requests, he will review and release podbird16:12
ubptgbot<Danfro> But it is still at launchpad, right?16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes16:20
ubptgbotbronl was added by: bronl16:30
ubptgbot<bronl> Does the Ubuntu touch work on the 5x as well...  I’m looking for the best phone to get16:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> it does not16:32
ubptgbot<bronl> Any recommendations?16:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io16:32
ubptgbot<bronl> The 5 is good? Been doing the search16:32
ubptgbot<bronl> I’ve been check this out yes - thought I would ask here16:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> nexus 5 is decent if you can find one that isn't emaciated at this point, yeah16:33
ubptgbot<arthurabdulin> @dohbee [nexus 5 is decent if you can find one that isn't emaciated at this point, yeah], There are two new phones available on Amazon UK16:34
ubptgbot<MikeSheldon> @stuarttempleton That shouldn't be the case, looks like something slipped through in a recent PR someone submitted16:35
ubptgbot<MikeSheldon> @stuarttempleton I'll release a fix now16:35
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> @MikeSheldon [@stuarttempleton That shouldn't be the case, looks like something slipped throug …], It happens. :)16:48
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I've had problems with libertine, and i needed it only for few cli apps, is this ok to be ran on my phone: https://gist.github.com/MrCyjaneK/9be6ee4b59ab6a18931b232cb360a1e0#file-ubuntu-touch-chroot-ubuntu16:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't know what that script is17:01
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> It just create an chroot17:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> it may or may not work, but it's not any official thing; and i think it's not an unprivileged chroot17:11
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I have to run it with sudo :/17:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> right17:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> what cli things do you want to use? perhaps you could just install them somewhere in your home dir instead?17:12
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> But i thing that it is still better than remounting / with read and write to use apt17:12
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Php and nodejs scripts mostly17:13
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> Should be possible to I stall those in your home directory17:32
ubptgbot<theare27> @dohbee [afaik mike will build and release it to the openstore, but hasn't had time to do …], It desperately needs work. It's fine to manage subscriptions and managing downloads, but as a playback app it's atrocious. I've written a bash script to take the files it's downloaded and auto populate them into a playlist in the Music app. Only17:34
ubptgbot thing that works for me17:34
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @theare27 [It desperately needs work. It's fine to manage subscriptions and managing downlo …], It is, of course, open source and seeking help17:34
ubptgbot<theare27> Beyond my skill sadly, happy to help test though17:35
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> I dunno, seems like you could pick up the skill if you could create such a script.  Just saying...17:37
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> [Edit] Should be possible to install those in your home directory17:37
ubptgbot<theare27> It's not so much the code hacking, I've failed multiple times to get clickable working. And some of the problems aren't with podbird itself, rather how it interacts with media-hub17:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> well no software is perfect17:40
ubptgbot<theare27> And that's getting into OS level stuff17:40
ubptgbot<theare27> No, and that's fair enough, but the issue is that Podbird is basically the only podcast manager for UT17:41
ubptgbot<theare27> If there was a choice it'd be a different thing. I'm happy to polish up my sync to Music app script and make that available to others. The setup I've ended up with works OK for my needs17:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> do you use the tweak tool app at all?17:45
ubptgbot<theare27> I've played with it, but not in relation to podbird17:49
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> What is the state of Ubuntu Touch native app dev on Ubuntu 20.04 and similar? I checked the ubports course, but I found it confusing enough to kind of deter me. It looked like a lot of conflicting libraries and stuff with qt builder. Or am I just completely misunderstanding?17:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> @theare27 [I've played with it, but not in relation to podbird], if you use tweak tool to disable app suspension in podbird, does it resolve your playback issues?17:50
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> I'm itching to contribute to some stuff17:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> @stuarttempleton [What is the state of Ubuntu Touch native app dev on Ubuntu 20.04 and similar? I …], With `clickable` you're just building and running things inside a docker container, instead of on 20.04 directly17:51
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> oooh17:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> @stuarttempleton [oooh], you might also want to join https://t.me/UbuntuAppDevEN17:52
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @dohbee [With clickable you're just building and running things inside a docker container …], You been using clickable of late?17:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ArubIslander [You been using clickable of late?], no, i don't use it17:52
ubptgbot<stuarttempleton> @dohbee [you might also want to join https://t.me/UbuntuAppDevEN], thanks!17:52
ubptgbot<theare27> @dohbee [if you use tweak tool to disable app suspension in podbird, does it resolve your …], Might help some of it, the forgetting play position & wiping out play queue might be helped by that. But I doubt it'd help with the media-hub related sruff were the track after the one initially played isn't controllable from the dropdown contro17:54
ubptgbotls and keeps playing on earphone disconnect. But I'm happy to try it17:54
ubptgbot<Marathon2422> Update ver 52, got the return arrow etc ,back on login screen18:46
ubptgbotKelly Oboyle was added by: Kelly Oboyle19:58
avbox111Is there a working app for the camera?20:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Not on the PinePhone.20:55
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> A different app will not help20:56
ubptgbot<Shakendo> any one have experience with the UBports installer config file? I cant get it to execute any adb commands … P.S. sorry for the cross post but I know not everyone in here is in the porting channel21:04
=== ben{}_ is now known as ben{}
ubptgbotZack Lilly was added by: Zack Lilly22:39
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Is xiaomi redmi note 7 port working now?23:35
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> I mean has an official release rn23:36
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> You're asking to different questions23:36
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> Hmm maybe can someone answer both of them then23:39
ubptgbot<Anony Izu> ,😁😍😍😍😁😁23:39
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> @Anony Izu [I mean has an official release rn], Lemme check (you could do easily too)23:39
ubptgbot<TigranKhachatryan> According to https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io Redmi Note 7 is supported and can be found at https://github.com/ubports-lavender … It's WIP, also not recognized by UBports installer.23:43
ubptgbot<purringChaos> (Photo, 353x101) https://irc.ubports.com/pa2zsJ9E.png23:45

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