=== tds1 is now known as tds [00:18] Is there a straightforward way to make Ubuntu boot (and work) despite daily unclean power loss? [00:18] Or is there another distro designed for this? [00:19] cyberspectre: have you looked over ubuntu core yet? https://ubuntu.com/core [00:20] cyberspectre: the ubuntu core update mechanism is transactional and doesn't rely on maintainer scripts (to the same degree?) that they are used in typical deb packaging; it should be more resilient to random power losses than the usual 'classic' ubuntu === halvors1 is now known as halvors === dtomato1 is now known as dtomato [01:22] sarnold, thanks, I'll check that out === zbenjamin is now known as Guest21216 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [01:35] does anyone know a good gigabit wifi card that plays nice with linux? === tds7 is now known as tds === ttyS2 is now known as jonvonb [02:44] I have an nvidea card I just installed and went into 'proprietary driivers' tab to install drivers. I launched Blender and it does not recognize the card I have. Therefore, I may have done it incorrectly. [02:47] moonfmdesire: Show us in a pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display '. [02:49] AAAAA curse you nvidia! making youtube videos randomly freeze during playback [02:51] and keeping everything else closed source about your GPUs so that there's only 2 unpaid interns making linux drivers === Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U [03:18] hmm not sure you can blame nvidia for that [03:22] I don't really... it's just more complaining about the awfully made drivers. [03:24] So I've been using linux since the 90s, and it used to be you had to install catalyst control center, and everyone hated ATI/AMD drivers/cards in linux, it's a little crazy to hear the opposite in 2020 [03:25] I guess they just need to compete against CUDA [03:28] it's probably actually because AMD has been getting a TON more open about their stuff. it puts them constantly on the back foot because any innovation they make nvidia will instantly snap up but when nvidia makes an innovation AMD has to skirt the patents for their own version. [04:18] is it possible to use cli to rename folders dynamically from `[2020] Title` to this `Title (2020)`? === semeion is now known as mnemonic === Portable is now known as Comstock [04:56] with systemd timers why does it need to invoke a service? [04:56] cant it just run its directive and that it? [04:56] WakeSystem=true in this case [04:57] otherwise you have to create a no-op service [04:58] this and under the resume timer section: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2348514&p=13590987#post13590987 [05:01] conr: pretty ugly and not perfect, but IFS=$'\n'; for i in `find ./ -type d`; do ND=`echo $i |sed 's/^\.\/\[/(/g' |sed 's/\]/\)/g' |sed 's/^\([^ ]\+\) \(.*\)$/\2 \1/g'`; mv "${i}" "${ND}"; done; [05:02] midhun@midhun-Vostro-15-3568:/media/midhun/52ECEF3AECEF174F$ mkdir newmkdir: cannot create directory ‘new’: Read-only file system [05:02] conr: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bSthygCVpy/ [05:02] you have to chown the usb stick nanthencodeneeth [05:02] quadrathoch2: eh looks more like a ro file system [05:02] like the message indicates [05:02] it is a harddisk partition [05:03] poutine: thx ill try [05:03] nanthencodeneeth: Remount it as rw [05:03] i get that error when I just created the filesystem with parted *shrug* poutine [05:04] quadrathoch2 not allowed to do chown [05:04] chown really has nothing to do with this [05:04] quadrathoch2 doesn't know what he's saying [05:04] remount it as rw [05:05] I'm not saying it's not possible there's more permissions issues once you remount as a read/write filesystem, but you just can't mkdir (write) to a read-only filesystem, it just doesn't work [05:05] no amount of chowning will change that [05:09] @potine can you give me commands to do that [05:09] sorry* poutine [05:11] nanthencodeneeth: What's the device and mount point? [05:12] sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/something /mnt/something [05:12] usually [05:12] if you post the output of the 'mount' command I could probably tell you [05:30] poutine https://paste.debian.net/1152439/ [05:30] sorry for delay my connection got interrupted [05:33] poutine: looks like it only works if running from the same level [05:33] true conr, it is flawed [05:34] poutine: can i run one folder up? no its still great. [05:34] hmm nanthencodeneeth, it does look like it's mounted read-write here [05:35] is this ntfs? [05:35] poutine yes it is ntfs [05:35] might need ntfs-3g, but I don't know, I didn't realize it was a fuse mount [05:54] How do I disable the keyring password prompt on linux? ubuntu-keyring in my case. [06:10] how can i troubleshoot an app that does not load [06:10] when i try to launch it via cli === mort0 is now known as mort [06:28] pi0: gdb perhaps, but it kinda depends on what you mean by "does not load" [06:40] bparker: i downloaded unityhub [06:40] to install unity3d [06:40] its an applimage [06:40] binary [06:40] these are the permissions -rwxrwxr-x [06:46] yo [06:47] ubuntu 20.04 +10TB hdd, why autopartitioning creates 538MB fat32 partition? [06:47] EFI [06:49] and why after install /boot is empty? [06:50] it shouldn't be afaik [06:50] where is your kernel otherwise [06:50] and how did you even boot [06:50] i cant boot [06:50] well then that would explain it [06:51] maybe should have mentioned that first [06:51] hmm let me reboot [06:51] how it comest, that id does not install kernel? [06:51] I can only assume something went wrong during the install [06:51] no idea [06:51] when I select encrypt whole drive while installing, I cannot choose partition for / or such? [06:52] cause my partition is now 999G for / [06:56] * edgars is frustrated [06:57] how can I get back my indicator of opened app? [06:57] there is a dot on left which indicates app is runing, but how do I get indicator dot on right of icon when app is main focus? [06:57] also how do I switch between apps on a wheel mouse scroll, like it used to be in 16.04? [06:58] and when maximize apps, I set x - [] on left but when I maximize activity bar is still in top, not like in 16.04 [06:59] that sounds quite dependent on what WM you use [07:01] wm? [07:01] its gnome [07:01] can I use gnome from ubuntu 16.04? [07:01] I really liked it :( [07:02] OnceMe: iirc 16.04 still used unity, not gnome. that is still installable. [07:02] was 16.04 using unity [07:03] how do I know if I use gnome or unity> [07:03] unless you've installed unity yourself you're not using it [07:05] yeah I think I did [07:05] Im using 16.04 for 4-5 years and it was unity [07:05] cool [07:05] I didnt get used to gnome let me check unity [07:15] yes, Unity fixed it! [07:16] one more bug I saw in 20.04 on Unity is that sound bar when click and try to increase volume on a scroll, its inverted [07:16] scrolling up lowers volume :( [07:16] OnceMe: you can pick other indicator styles on gnome too, by tweaking with dconf-editor [07:17] which indicators are in place? [07:18] OnceMe: org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash to dock/running-indicator-style [07:19] !info dconf-editor | OnceMe [07:19] OnceMe: dconf-editor (source: dconf-editor): simple configuration storage system - graphical editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.36.0-1 (focal), package size 306 kB, installed size 1212 kB === Blainer is now known as bettencb [07:22] Hi people. I'm on a internal CentOS 8 repo server and need to rsync ubuntu updates 18.x and 20.x. Can someone please advice? [07:23] lotuspsychje: do I need to edit file or to install dconf-editor app? [07:23] I dont see org/gnome/shell though [07:27] do i need a separate /boot partition on gpt partitions for md raid? [07:28] wls [07:37] oden what do you mean by rsyncing updates? [07:38] quadrathoch2: I need to fetch ubuntu updates using rsync to a CentOS 8 server. I'm not sure what the minimum is needed for this. [07:39] oden i assume the centos server is the repository for the ubuntu servers? [07:40] as in do the ubuntu servers have internet or not? [07:41] quadrathoch2: The CentOS server is the repository server that I plan to use to distribute ubuntu updates to internal servers. [07:42] why disks and gparted show different number for partition of my ssd? [07:43] disks shows partition luks 999G and 700MB for grub etc.. but I thought my ssd does not 1TB, thats only in theory, in reality it has 950G right? [07:43] oden you can look here, and see how you would set up a mirror. that's probably easier than trying to rsyncing only specific packages [07:43] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors ^ [07:44] OnceMe: there iswhatiscalled GB and GiB coders disntget it rightso it reports false [07:46] at that dont trust luks [07:46] cant get a filesize right [07:46] so to trust gparted? [07:46] why encryptiin [07:46] why not? [07:47] because it isnt right [07:47] ? [07:47] the keys need to be separated and if you do it youmay find it doesnt work [07:48] using a backup and restorefor luks headers [07:48] dont run any sata commnds euther [07:49] cant get a filesize,cant get luks, cant calibrate a screen, cant send an ata command [07:49] what are you talking about IAEON oO? [07:49] end upbricking the ata drive [07:49] did you buya warranty from cannon [07:53] no stereo separation [07:53] quadrathoch2: thank you. i'm looking at the bionic release. do i need ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/dists/bionic-security/ only or ftp://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/ as well? [07:54] https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/split-gpg/ [07:54] outsource your gpg [07:54] quadrathoch2: it's quite confusing as i'm not a ubuntu user. [07:55] hey oden [07:55] IAEON: hello. [07:56] I yave some old pre revenant copies of ubuntu [07:57] dont trust oldversions either they mat have been tampered [07:57] Can anybody point me how to correctly set mdraid with gpt partitions on ubuntu 20? :) [07:57] may, the web archives [07:58] oden best is both. you probably want main restricted universe (maybe multiverse?) and then the normal bionic bionic updates bionic security, as they push out teh packages on different ways. and you always want to update to the next point release [07:59] what's multiverse and universe ? [07:59] 10.04 lucid lynx was pretry much the base [07:59] oden https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu [07:59] there is a short explanation ^ [07:59] notice 12.10 took up arms [08:00] quadrathoch2: aha, thanks! [08:00] ask away if you have more questions ;) [08:01] lotuspsychje: so how to fix inverted sound scroll wheel issue? [08:01] made it out to about 14 before it started getting tampered with [08:01] im on unity 20.04 [08:03] had to eject [08:03] squeese those dogtags [08:03] debian squeese [08:04] hello [08:04] what is a good IRC client for ubuntu 20.04? [08:05] now i am using konversation [08:05] if you are on plasma, quassel is pretty nice imho asdfgh [08:05] it works [08:05] asdfgh: hexchat [08:05] that's good? [08:05] its a fork of xchat [08:06] maverik meerkat [08:07] it seems not available on APT [08:07] i did a search for hexchat without success [08:07] system76 was spawned [08:08] how can i install hexchat? [08:08] via snap? [08:09] oden you are good? [08:09] quadrathoch2: i think so, had to do something else atm. [08:10] no problem, was just making sure ;) [08:10] quadrathoch2: thanks so much. [08:10] oden ^ [08:10] yw oden [08:13] thinking about leaving the u.s.a. for a less secure military position with an ally having a lightning II and faking a wreck and flying off into oblivion [08:13] come fly with me [08:13] let's fly [08:13] let's fly away [08:14] freebird union [08:21] hello again [08:21] installed hexchat via snap [08:21] when i do [08:21] snap run hexchat i get error with gtk... [08:21] Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "gail" [08:21] Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "atk-bridge" [08:21] Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" [08:21] is this "normal" ? [08:22] no [08:22] asdfgh: please contact the maintainer of the snap: contact: https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat/issues [08:22] apt-get install hexchat will do [08:22] snap sucks [08:22] OnceMe: please lets not generalize statements like that here [08:22] ok, hexchat snap sucks :D [08:22] ok [08:24] ok [08:24] back again [08:24] installed hexchat via apt :D [08:24] better look & feel [08:24] :P === billybigrigger9 is now known as billybigrigger [08:36] how to fix my inveryed sound on a mouse wheel scroll, its unity 20.04 [08:46] can someone help me? sound indicator when clicked and then I scroll wheel on my mouse it increases volume when it should decrease it [08:46] when I dont click sound icon in top bar, but just hover and scroll my wheel, direction is correct, what is happening? [08:53] urban audio? [08:53] gota monitor going [08:54] IAEON: ha? [08:55] https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/00_global_menu.png when I hover on that sound bar icon left from clock and use my mouse to increase volume and scroll it up it works properly, but when I click on it and in output volume scroll again, its inverted, why and how to fix? :( [08:57] Hi guys, I'm using iwd as the backend for network manager. I just found out support for hidden wireless networks was added in network manager version 1.24 but the latest one for 20.04 is 1.22 [08:57] https://www.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/00_global_menu.png when I hover on that sound bar icon left from clock and use my mouse to increase volume and scroll it up it works properly, but when I click on it and in output volume scroll again, its inverted, why and how to fix? :( I've moved from gnome to unity., mabe in process something is messed up? should I remove gnome? [08:58] 20.10 has 1.24 available. can I grab that deb and install it on my 20.04? [08:59] may break your system [08:59] or at least networkmanager [08:59] s0ullight, I'd check the dependencies first, but you'll be turning your system into non-LTS for parts; likely not good security wise.. === ace_me2 is now known as ace_me [09:01] if you make sure you have a copy of the 1.22 deb or alternative network access than wifi then you can try and just roll back if it doesn't work [09:01] s0ullight when you know what you are doing, you could backport it for yourself [09:01] microsift [09:01] MrElendig: do you know how to fix my issue? [09:01] ad if apt complains about deps, don't force it [09:02] or at least some ideas, someone mentioned dconf-editor but not sure what to look there [09:02] audio is screwed [09:02] IAEON: for whom, me? [09:02] my phone [09:03] same problem [09:03] anythi g after android 4 [09:03] tam·ered [09:03] tampered [09:04] IAEON, please stay on-topic, or use #ubuntu-offtopic [09:04] bythe time it gets to the shelf· [09:05] guiverc: do you know how to fix my issue with sound scroll wheel? [09:05] this is a fresh install of ubuntu 20.04 with LUKS and unity instead of gnome, why is this happening? [09:23] please help me I dont know what to do [09:23] can I add some custom .xkeybindkeyssrc or something for this [09:23] how to change scroll direction for this soundbar? [09:25] Hi. I'm setting up a nextcloud on my server and trying to make it more secure with certbot. But that fails to set up automated redirection. Do i just need to forward the port on my router? Or, something else? [09:28] MrElendig guiverc quadrathoch2 it worked, had to also get a copy of libnm0, now I'm connected to the hidden network yay [09:28] MrElendig: what to do [09:34] Im missing natural scrolling otion [09:34] I even installed unity tweak tools but which value to change :( [09:35] ubuntu sound settings scroll direction change conf [09:38] viktor_ do you have a domain? or are you trying to do that with an ip? [09:40] i have a domain on a ddns which redirects to my ip [09:41] quadrathoch2: i have a domain on a ddns which redirects to my ip [09:42] viktor_ which ddns are you using? [09:42] quadrathoch2: no-ip [09:43] viktor_ does the normal https work? [09:43] consider running it over wireguard [09:44] quadrathoch2: quadrathoch2: this is the first webserver i'm setting up. never configured https before. [09:45] uh, then it would be better to only access it through a vpn or wireguard. as securing a webserver is harder than vpn/wireguard viktor_ [09:45] quadrathoch2: i should probably forward a port, but not sure which one. [09:45] quadrathoch2: also, i get this error: Unable to find corresponding HTTP vhost; Unable to create one as intended addresses conflict; Current configuration does not support automated redirection [09:45] anyway if you have a whatever.no-ip.com then you can't simply gen a cert for it [09:45] but not sure which configuration is refered too [09:46] MrElendig: so, HTTPS is out? [09:46] a public cert is out, you can make your own self singed [09:46] but it won't be trusted by any CA [09:47] if you could do this, you could just go and grab yourself a certificate for mail.google.com....... [09:47] MrElendig you can do it over no-ip https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/dyndns-no-ip-managed-dns-support/883/15 [09:48] on wayland/gnome sound bar volume increase with mouse wheel works properly, only on unity it does not, whyyyyy [09:48] quadrathoch2: with limitations [09:48] I still wouldn't recommend it, especially when viktor_ never set up a webserver [09:48] they are on https://publicsuffix.org/list/ but many will not accept it anyway [09:49] Is it a bad idea to set up the nextcloud without https? [09:49] yes [09:49] is it just for your use or do you need random people to be able to access it? [09:49] MrElendig: hey [09:50] if the later, just spend the 5€/year for a proper domain [09:50] viktor_ very much [09:50] MrElendig: just for me. maybe also for a few close people and sharing email attachment and so on [09:51] viktor_: what are the actual errors though? [09:51] and do you have 443 forwarded? [09:52] can you people see me texting [09:52] MrElendig: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XqdGK32k7W/ [09:53] MrElendig: not yet, i wasn't sure that was the (only) problem [09:53] you must have 80 and 443 forwarded first [09:54] are you using apache? [09:54] MrElendig: yes, apache2 [09:54] OnceMe: yes [09:54] you need to set up a vhost for the domain on both 80 and 443 [09:55] or at least 80 if you want to use the automatic config generator [09:55] (by using --apache) [09:56] MrElendig: vhost for 80 is setup already [09:56] the error usually means that certbot can't find the vhost [09:58] can I set something for my xinput? [09:58] or can someone tell me where settings conf is in ubuntu for sound bar settings? [10:02] OnceMe honestly, as most people moved on from unity to gnome (as you can configure gnome almost to a unity design) most people just probably forgot how to do that (if they even knew) [10:03] how do you set gnome to be same as unity? [10:03] its probably super hard, I want to hide top bar and have app maximized, I want to change apps on mouse scroll, I want to have a right dot when app is focused etc.. [10:03] all that which comes from unity [10:04] btw someone mentioned I can change sound bar theme/style with some other, I'm fine with that, but can someone check above logs and tell me where to change it in dconf-editor? [10:05] e [10:05] MrElendig: I just copied the vhost in the conf file again and changed the port in the second part. but it still doesn't work [10:05] well there is an addon for hide top bar, if you want the left panel there is another one. but mostly look into https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1287/unite/ [10:05] its not that [10:05] OnceMe: you can do most of that with gnome-extensions [10:05] I can hide it completely sure, but I want semi-hidden, in right column to have clock apps etc and in left column to have - x [] [10:06] OnceMe i guess you have to figure it out yourself or maybe you can find somebody there https://github.com/ubports/unity8 [10:07] how do I know its unity8? [10:07] I just installed ubuntu-unity-desktop [10:09] you select it when you log in on the dm screen [10:09] OnceMe https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bugs here is the bugreporter if you want [10:09] it's unity7 btw [10:10] how do I upgrade to unity8? [10:11] i don't know [10:12] you basically have to get it trough ubuntu touch [10:12] which unity came with 16.04? [10:12] that works perfectly for me [10:13] I want to use that unity, I used it for 5 years no issues what so ever [10:13] changing the DE specially to one that is basically dead just because the scrollwheel goes the wrong way on the volume icon is a bit.. [10:13] OnceMe it was also unity7. [10:14] anyway: https://unity8.io/ [10:14] OnceMe why don't you stay with 16.04 as it is still supported? [10:15] I dont know [10:15] I like to be up to date with sowtwares [10:15] not supported for long [10:15] my logitech mx master and mx keys have support drivers [10:15] and a lot of software won't work in it [10:16] 7.4.5 is on 16.04 and now I have 7.5.0 [10:16] can I downgrade unity to 7.4.5 ? [10:17] idk paying 25 euros per year for having the system for another 6 years sounds okay for me (when you cling to an eol DE) [10:17] OnceMe probably not [10:18] Will 20.04 get kernel version 5.7 and, if so, any idea when? I haven't paid any attention before to how often Ubuntu upgrades the kernel available. [10:18] wheres log for this channel [10:18] WereCatf about a year probably (hitting with 20.04.2) [10:18] OnceMe: check if your client logs [10:18] most do by default [10:19] quadrathoch2: Ugh, so long :/ God dammit [10:19] WereCatf anything special you are looking for? [10:20] quadrathoch2: GTV-G is broken in 5.4 and up. It got fixed in 5.7. [10:20] OnceMe: org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash to dock/running-indicator-style [10:20] there it is [10:20] WereCatf not much better but probably in februrary [10:20] WereCatf did you already look into mainline kernels? [10:21] WereCatf it's not really supported, but it's a way to get a newer kernel [10:21] quadrathoch2: Yeah, I guess I don't have much choice [10:21] WereCatf: not that hard to make your own .deb with 5.7 [10:21] MrElendig why doing your own deb when canonical offers you builds? [10:22] MrElendig: Nothing to do with it being hard. I just wanted to know if/when an officially-supported kernel with the broken feature fixed would be released. [10:22] I have no interest in compiling my own kernels, after having done it for years [10:22] btw WereCatf was the fix maybe backported? [10:23] quadrathoch2: I wouldn't know [10:23] WereCatf btw, no need for compiling https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [10:24] how hard this could be [10:24] its just some conf file to change direction wheel of sound settings [10:25] So go hunt for it OnceMe [10:25] is it because I use lightdm? [10:26] oO what does a DM have to do with the DE? [10:26] none [10:27] I dont know where conf files are for unity [10:27] when you can find them then probably /etc/unity and in your home folder (hidden) [10:28] im not sure if /etc/unity is the right folder :/ [10:29] checking [10:34] hi, when I use "startx /usr/bin/awesome --no-argb" it will run awesome, but when I use "startx" it won't!!! actually my ~/.xinitrc won't run it seems, it has following contents: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5qgCysGc4t/ [10:35] Hi, I am looking for a calendar software with a vertical layout, like this: http://calendartable.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Calendar-May-2017-Vertical-Days.jpg [10:35] Unfortunately all calendar programs that I could find have a grid layout. I am looking for this layout because it's the most intuitive one for me. Does anybody know a program that can do this? [10:36] Right now I am using a paper calendar that has this format but I want to digitalize it :) [10:44] quadrathoch2 https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-indicator-applet/issues/36 [10:45] seems like thats the issue I have, but I dont see a fix there [10:46] OnceMe even if it is your problem, that issue has a different Desktop Environment, so it wouldn't really help probably [10:47] true [10:47] so what to do? [10:47] I dont like gnome [10:47] I would use it only if it could look like unity :( [10:49] maybe to install 18.04? [10:49] but not sure if the same problem will be present [10:49] hello, i need help with preseed.cfg, because i can't disable the network autoconfiguration with d-i netcfg/enable boolean false - it will be ignored. [10:49] any suggestions? [11:43] quadrathoch2: i need pool/main as well as new updates seems to pull in new deps. [11:50] 'Morning all [11:58] How to get acpi_call in ubuntu 20.04? [11:58] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hybrid_graphics [11:59] want to Fully Power Down Discrete GPU [12:00] hi guys [12:00] is there a way to enable flash in chromium? [12:00] The web page at chrome://plugins/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web addres [12:00] installed adobe-flushplugin [12:02] A4L: [12:03] does anyone here knows how to enable flash??? [12:03] https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/is-flash-installed [12:04] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-install-flash.html.en did you try this? [12:05] yes [12:05] qaz101, you can have a look at this; but it's outdated https://github.com/mkottman/acpi_call [12:07] ioria, my laptop is made in 2016. it is not supported [12:07] i see === msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore [12:08] !info acpi-call-dkms focal | qaz101 [12:08] qaz101: acpi-call-dkms (source: acpi-call): Kernel module that enables you to call ACPI methods. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-5 (focal), package size 13 kB, installed size 47 kB [12:09] hi [12:09] ioria how to install it ? [12:09] it supports amd card ? [12:09] qaz101, it's a regular pkg, i guess [12:11] on 20.04 lxc-create debian buster have issues starting some services like ntpd, with a debian host it works ok, they use 2 options with apparmor though (generated profile and nesting allowed), any hints on this [12:11] ? [12:12] have same issue on 18.04 too [12:13] zprd, sounds not like a host problem, but your debian guest? [12:14] amdgpu is not in methods [12:15] oerheks: well, it works on a debian host. I use the -t download template, any of you encoutered this behavior yet? [12:16] ioria https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F7RyY8SjVg/ [12:16] zprd, i don't run debian, nor debian guests [12:16] Everything failed [12:18] qaz101, i don't know that pkg; you probably need the correct code for your hw [12:18] How to find it? [12:18] qaz101, check it here : http://hybrid-graphics-linux.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=ACPI_calls#Individual_Model_results [12:23] ioria sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name && sudo dmidecode -s system-version outputs HP NotebookType1ProductConfigId [12:24] ioria lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep VGA outputs only intel [12:24] Hello does anyone know anything better than NoMachine? [12:27] qaz101, try with pciid of the card [12:27] ioria can you please guide? [12:28] qaz101, lcpci -nnk [12:28] 01:00.0 Display controller [0380]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sun XT [Radeon HD 8670A/8670M/8690M / R5 M330 / M430 / Radeon 520 Mobile] [1002:6660] (rev 83) [12:30] qaz101, 1002:6660 indeed is not in the table; maybe you can try with a similar model [12:30] How? [12:32] qaz101, check the HP section with the 1002: ID [12:34] yeah I downgraded from 20.04 to 16.04 unity 7.5.0 is just broken [12:34] 7.4.5 unity works fine, no issue with scroll on a sound volume and that was a feature killer for me [12:34] hopefully something will be done in 22.04 regarding this, if unity is still supported [12:37] qaz101, honestly, i think that blacklist the module would be enough [12:41] <__Milencho> ioria, don't use blacklist :-D denylist (no to racism) [12:42] that's new; but ok [12:42] meh, such suggestion is rasism itself. [12:44] <__Milencho> ioria, it was a joke man;] [12:44] ok [12:45] Is anyone running Zoom on Ubuntu and saw the app icons get huge in the most recent June 14 update? [12:47] ioria, will it power it down? [12:47] qaz101, well, the kernel ignores it [12:49] ioria by default it is powered on, if kernel ignore it, who will power it off? sorry, i dont have much knowledge [12:49] qaz101, what you mean 'by default it is powered on' ? [12:50] ioria now the DGP and IGP are plugged to a framebuffer and there is no hardware multiplexer. The IGP is always on and the DGP is switched on/off when there is a need in power-save or performance-rendering. [12:52] qaz101, i see ... when you need it you modprobe it again [12:59] ioria, that switch script is also doing blacklist? [13:33] Can someone help me with a question please? [13:35] whats the question [13:37] ask your real question, wait and see [13:38] don't ask to ask. [13:43] Hello. Does anyone success install Nitroshare on 20.04? https://nitroshare.net/ [13:46] seems to be in the repos [13:46] !info nitroshare bionic [13:46] nitroshare (source: nitroshare): Cross-platform network file transfer application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (bionic), package size 150 kB, installed size 540 kB [13:46] fot for focal though https://launchpad.net/nitroshare/+packages [13:47] c/not [13:49] how can I automatically start a process on reboot? [13:49] JellyIsAwesome, write a systemd unit for it? [13:50] JellyIsAwesome: like https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linux/start-service-at-boot/ for example [13:50] Jelly do you start want a program to start on boot or do you need a service to start on boot [13:50] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man5/systemd.unit.5.html#examples [13:50] ah, perfect [13:50] h00k +1 [13:51] three: i'll use the docs oerheks and h00k provided [13:51] thanks [13:51] enable *.service makes it start at boot. [13:51] oerheks: got it [13:52] so, I was troubleshooting a wireless issue a while back, and decided to come back to it. I have a '13 mbp with CM43602 802.11ac Wireless LAN SoC (rev 01). I am not able to join wpa2 protected networks, but can join open networks. I have tried using "mainline" to grab some other kernels and test them, no success. It's using the brcmfmac module, which is supposed to support my chipset. [13:53] Another interseting find is that Elementary OS (latest) works! I compared the bin files in /lib/firmware/brcm and they're the same. I'm not sure what else I can troubleshoot. [13:54] elementary OS is using a different kernel, of course, and I guess I'm not sure what other changes are happening under the hood, but it's def' broken on *buntus and POP_OS! [13:54] 19 days old; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1091172/ubuntu-18-04-wireless-connections-visible-but-wont-connect-bcm43602 [13:54] oerheks: yes, I have tried that also, no success [13:54] strange odd fix; txpower 10dBm [13:55] h00k, the BT part works? [13:56] oerheks: I was also able to track this down: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193121#c62 but have not tried it yet. [13:56] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 193121 in network-wireless "brcmfmac working extremely poorly on MacBookPro13,*" [Normal,New] [13:56] yeah, looking at that -21 report too [13:57] https://pastebin.com/SmCNcsNF Hi, why can't I upgrade the distro in terminal? [13:58] amuro, u[pgrade path is not released yet.. [13:58] !ltsupgrade [13:58] Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d [13:59] I have the following setup: Laptop(Ubuntu) is connected to the internet over Wi-Fi. PC(Ubuntu) is connected to the laptop using ethernet cable. When the laptop is running VPN, the PC doesn't connect to the internet. How can i establish connection with VPN running? Also, i don't want the PC to share the VPN connection. [13:59] for 19.10 only.. use the -d option, or wait until +- 23 july [14:00] Oh thx, I can wait [14:00] I will upgrade it later then. It [14:00] I have a macbookpro mid1020 and i recently installed ubuntu for my little sister. However whenever it suspend, by closing the lid or not, it never come out of suspension state. It forces us to poweroff by holding power button and turn it on again. [14:01] any hints on why [14:05] !acpi | Elodin [14:05] Elodin: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI [14:12] oerheks: on the offchance you know, that comment 62 on this: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193121#c62, there's a "ccode" field -- I believe that's country code for the wireless card, but I'm not familiar with the formatting. [14:12] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 193121 in network-wireless "brcmfmac working extremely poorly on MacBookPro13,*" [Normal,New] === hatiac_ is now known as hatiac [14:36] I have problem on Ubuntu where my wireless drops [14:37] this issue is non-existent when in Windows 10 [14:37] . Not sure if it is driver related [14:37] Hi - I'm trying to compile libc from the package source (with my own patches). I found the glibc-source package, but it's not clear how to compile it with Ubuntu's config and patches [14:38] Closest documentation I could find is for compiling "source packages", but this seems like a slightly different beast [14:44] oerheks: my last message didnt' send, I found the correct format by checking out some kernel source. [14:44] oerheks: also, still didn't fix my issue, so I'm thinking it's a regression. I did submit a new bug. I'll keep digging. [14:48] Marked as a potential dupe, looking through: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/+bug/1881549 [14:48] Launchpad bug 1881549 in wpa (Ubuntu Focal) "BCM43602 [14e4:43ba] Subsystem [1028:0020]: Upgraded to 20.04 and wifi broke" [High,Fix committed] [15:01] I fixed it! [15:05] guys i have installed "fast" throught the software tool, it is basically a speed test from netflix... however i can run "fast" as normal user....but when i do "fast" on root i got an error [15:05] enable-proposed had the fix, it was bug #1881549. [15:05] bug 1881549 in wpa (Ubuntu Focal) "BCM43602 [14e4:43ba] Subsystem [1028:0020]: Upgraded to 20.04 and wifi broke" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1881549 [15:05] Il comando «fast» è disponibile in «/snap/bin/fast» [15:05] Impossibile trovare il comando poiché «/snap/bin» non è incluso nella variabile d'ambiente PATH. [15:05] it is italian but i think it makes sense [15:05] why snap ??? [15:06] are the software installed through snap ? [15:06] h00k: tnx to comment #48 [15:07] asdfgh: contact the maintainer of the snap please: contact: https://github.com/ddo/fast [15:08] lotuspsychje, no wait i am asking another thing... why do the softwares are coming from snap and not from apt? i am using the default software tool of unbuntu 20.04 [15:08] *ubuntu [15:08] asdfgh: for ubuntu discussions please join #ubuntu-discuss [15:10] would my question (how to recompile libc from package source) be better for another channel? Maybe #ubuntu-devel? [15:12] jnewsome: we dont really reccomend compiling from source, use the packages for your specific ubuntu version instead [15:13] jnewsome: is there a specific reason why you compile your own? [15:14] lotuspsychje: understood. I'm trying to apply my own patches to the source though. Short answer is that this is for research use [15:14] lotuspsychje, and pardon what about the problem i asked? i m ean... i can run the program with normalò user and not from root...sounds strange :D [15:15] longer version is that I'm using LD_PRELOAD to inject my version, but of course I need to be careful that function decls, types, etc are exactly the same as the system's libc [15:16] I've already done this with vanilla libc (https://www.jimnewsome.net/posts/patching-glibc-to-make-syscalls-interposable/) but run into errors with more complex problems, I suspect becasue of such incompatibilities [15:16] more complex *programs [15:19] asdfgh well it tells you the error. there is no fast executable for root (as it is not configured right (missing PATH)) [15:19] jnewsome: do you have a problem on ubuntu with the libc version by default? [15:20] lotuspsychje: not generally. I'm patching libc to use the syscall function instead of the syscall instruction, so that I can use LD_PRELOAD to interpose on all syscalls. This is for a research simulator [15:20] i thought snap configured it automatiuclly [15:20] i mean globally (or for root at least) [15:21] I'm not planning to replace the system's libc, only use my libc with LD_PRELOAD and my simulator [15:22] jnewsome: maybe some advanced users at #ubuntu-discuss might discuss with you? [15:22] ok, i'll give that a try. thanks! [15:24] jnewsome, have you tried with 'apt source glibc-source' ? [15:25] ioria: sort of, it's a little weird. glibc-source is itself a "binary" package without a source package specified. it puts the glibc source in /usr/src [15:25] jnewsome, probably it's the same source [15:25] and that includes a tarball of the vanilla glibc source + a "debian" directory with some other stuff [15:26] right, but it's not clear how to compile it [15:26] (more specifically, how to apply ubuntu's patches + configs and then compile it) [15:32] Hi all, I am having some issues connecting to a OSX machine from ubuntu via VNC. I believe it is some issue with the security / authentication, bcause it comes back each 5 minutes or so asking for the username and password again. I have tried krdc and remmina. Any suggestions? [15:33] jnewsome, well, that pkg is a bit peculiar, the mainlines are here : https://lumiera.org/documentation/user/tutorials/DebianBuilding.html [15:34] jnewsome, this section to answer your question : anatomy of a Debian source package [15:36] ioria: yeah, unfortunately this seems to be not quite laid out as a normal debian source package, and the normal tools for building source packages don't seem to work. (hang on) [15:36] why ? [15:38] https://share.riseup.net/#Xwbve8r3qJSlSjoURv59Ng [15:39] first error is because there's a 'debian' directory instead of 'DEBIAN'. renaming results in a second error [15:39] I could keep trying to hack it up to make it work, but I feel like I'm probablymissing something [15:42] there's a control.in directory, which makes me think maybe there's another tool I'm supposed to run to generate a real control file [15:43] jnewsome: are you trying to create a .deb? [15:44] EriC^^: Ultimately I want the .so's of the compiled library. I don't need the .deb but if the build tools end up generating one that's fine [15:46] totally possible that "dpkg -b" isn't the right thing here, but it's the closest thing I could find that operates on a local directory [15:46] the suggested tools for building source packages in https://lumiera.org/documentation/user/tutorials/DebianBuilding.html seem targeted at "proper" source packages in the repo, not a local directory that kind-of-sort-of looks like the contents of a source package :) [15:47] jnewsome, let's try this way: mkdir ~/newdir [15:47] e.g. "apt-get source --compile PACKAGENAME" doesn't apply here [15:47] jnewsome, and cd ~/newdir [15:48] ioria: ok [15:48] jnewsome, apt source glibc-source [15:48] Reading package lists... Done [15:48] Picking 'glibc' as source package instead of 'glibc-source' [15:48] E: Unable to find a source package for glibc [15:49] jnewsome, you don't have src enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list [15:50] ioria: *facepalm* you're right; hang on [15:51] ok, this is looking more promising [15:51] jnewsome, you should see a bunch of dpkg-source: info: applying .... [15:52] yup: $ ls [15:52] glibc-2.27 glibc_2.27-3ubuntu1.dsc [15:52] glibc_2.27-3ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz glibc_2.27.orig.tar.xz [15:53] so I guess now I want to apply my own patches and then... dpkg-buildpackage? [15:54] jnewsome, cd glibc-2.27 [15:55] ioria: ok [15:55] jnewsome, mkdir build-glibc/ [15:55] ok [15:55] jnewsome, cd build-glibc/ [15:55] ok [15:55] jnewsome, ../configure --prefix=/usr [15:57] ok. can I be confident that the binary libc package didn't use other configuration options though? [15:57] and does this glibc-2.27 source directory already have ubuntu's patches applied? [15:57] jnewsome, that cmd was just to check if have all the requirements [15:57] *you [15:57] ah ok. yup, it succeeded [15:58] jnewsome, ok, now depends on you ... just DONT run 'make install' [15:58] understood :) [16:00] gotta run, but now that I have something that looks like a proper source package I can probably just go read the docs on compiling source packages [16:00] ioria: thanks a lot! [16:11] heya [16:11] hola [16:11] so i uninstalled snap from my Xubuntu 20.04 LTS [16:11] i tried getting chromium from the apt repository, but it somehow thinks i also want to reinstall snapd [16:12] it lists that as a package to be installed [16:12] i'm not sure why it's doing that [16:12] is this some sort of bug? [16:13] I've noticed that when installing some stuff with apt it installs the snap version of them, is this a thing now? [16:13] oh, that's something usual now?? o.O [16:13] so i'm not the only one that's had that happen to them [16:14] I thing Ubuntu merged their software store with snap [16:14] what?? [16:15] When I installed Ubuntu 20.04 as soon as it came out there where both Ubuntu Software and the Snap Store [16:15] it delivers most things through snap [16:15] Now there is only Ubuntu Software but when I installed spotify it used Snap [16:16] well, i did manage to remove the snap store (and all other snap-related thing) with an apt command, but what really confused me is when i tried to install chromium through apt, it also wants to install snap [16:16] Yeah probably shouldn't remove it [16:16] I don't like snap [16:17] it's almost a 'core' feature now [16:17] i'm not sure you understand [16:17] mainly because of the directory in ~ [16:17] but I learned to ignore it [16:17] i do not want snap, i want to install stuff through apt or manually by compiling from source or whatever [16:17] you can always manually compile from source [16:17] right, but what i mean is, i'm noticing this unusual insistence in the OS to get snap on the system [16:17] i don't want it [16:18] then don't install it [16:18] because it's a core feature for most things now [16:18] is there any downside to Snap? [16:19] i'm really perplexed now... a core feature why? snap has a ton of issues AppImage and FlatPak don't [16:19] I notice a bunch of loop with /snap/ when doing lsblk [16:20] Ketzer sadly, because of google, canonical moved chromium to a snap, so it's easier for them to get the updates out of the door [16:20] it's Ubuntu, you'd expect it to integrate with canonical stuff [16:20] quadrathoch2, so there's no official apt release of Chromium now for Ubuntu? [16:20] Ketzer yes [16:21] i mean, that may be the reason for Chromium specifically, but what Monotoko said is even more disconcerting [16:21] like, a core feature? what? [16:22] Ketzer i wouldn't really call it a core feature, as you can easily remove snap and move on [16:23] at least i only found chromium (which I never use) and canonical-livepatch the only snaps that i would even install. but i still don't use chromium, so probably livepatch? which till nowadays I have no idea how that should work [16:25] i see. [16:29] What is snap? [16:29] amuro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_(package_manager) [16:30] is just an easy way to install ugly packaged stuff apparently [16:52] hi everyone, i use xfce4-terminal alot, i have created a startup script which i call with a panel launcher: https://hatebin.com/cejpdrcqqn . how do i execute a program like htop directly after i login? [16:56] Hi, [16:57] Is there a way to disable a led ( matebook d 14 2020 ) if it's not listed in places like ' /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input3 ' ? The machine has an annoying charing led blinking that I can't get over. [17:06] Guest77350, what you have in 'll /sys/class/leds' ? [17:08] ioria: input3::capslock input3::numlock input3::scrolllock [17:10] why does setting up a systemd timer need a corresponding no-op service if all i want it to do is run the WakeSystem directive? [17:11] should systemd talk be here or #ubuntu-server? [17:12] Guest77350, the led is on now ? [17:22] https://www.debian.org/security/2020/dsa-4704 <--- bionic backports=3.08, stable=3.0.1 [17:22] just how many vlc vulnerabilities do canonical find to be a reasonable amount? [17:23] https://snapcraft.io/vlc [17:23] "we've fixed in the app store version" [17:23] "we've fixed it in the app store version" [17:23] so? what is the rant worth, shibboleth ? [17:24] how many bugs did *you* find? [17:24] ioria: good point. No. Thou I belive I've checked that already while charging. Let me double check on that thou. [17:24] so, the most commonly used desktop linux distro just. can't. even. be bothered to keep the most commonly used media player updates with re to vulns [17:25] bla bla bla [17:25] "nothing to see here, move along. oh, and try our new app store" [17:25] !discuss [17:25] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [17:26] yeah, i'm pointing out that vlc has multiple vulnerabilities and has had them for quite some time. that oerheks is a fanboy doesn't magically turn it into a discussion [17:26] ioria: yes, unfortunately it's the same set ( while charging / blinking ). [17:27] Guest77350, cat /sys/class/leds/input3\:\:capslock/brightness [17:27] shibboleth, this is the wrong channel for that, go to #ubuntu-discuss [17:28] spreading false and wrong information is not a discussion. [17:28] oerheks, exactly [17:31] ioria: 0 [17:31] Guest77350, cat /sys/class/leds/input3\:\:numlock/brightness [17:32] ioria: same [17:32] oerheks, https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/vlc [17:32] oerheks, also, false/wrong are the same thing [17:32] Guest77350, cat /sys/class/leds/input3\:\:scrolllock/brightness [17:33] ioria: unfortunatelly the same. [17:33] ioria: I am afraid it's not listed under 'leds'. [17:33] yep [17:34] so on one hand we have an entirely community-maintained distro which *does* keep vlc updates, on the other we have a distro which fancies itself as the premier desktop linux experience but can't be bothered to keep gnome or vlc updated [17:34] does keep vlc updated even [17:35] xenial has had a local root in gnome for how long? [17:35] !ops | shibboleth repeated trolling [17:35] shibboleth repeated trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [17:36] lotuspsychje, how is this trolling? [17:36] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2018/CVE-2018-14424.html [17:37] vlc is in the universe pocket, so it's community maintained. [17:37] ioria: so I was wandering is there any way to interact with it at all. It's blinking so there is a ( unwanted feedback ) but is it possible it's happening on some bios level I don't know. [17:37] alternatively the vlc snap is kept up to date by the upstream vlc developers [17:37] the universe pocket? [17:37] popey, as opposed to debian which is entirely community-maintained. i already mentioned this to preempt the usual canned response :) [17:38] shibboleth debian isn't ubuntu [17:38] and a pig with lipstick is still apig [17:38] a pig [17:38] Do you have an actual support question? [17:39] have i been overly succinct? [17:39] shibboleth i don't get you, when you have ubuntu so much, why won't you just move on to another distro? [17:39] Guest77350, check in 'sudo lshw'; you might find something [17:39] shibboleth: sure. but with better looking lips. [17:39] quadrathoch2, now that sounds like a topic for #ub-discuss [17:40] as opposed to there being multiple vulns in multiple "top 5" applications [17:40] as if what you are are discussing is meant for this channel [17:41] three, am i talking about the weather? [17:41] or actual issues with current stable? [17:41] stable(s) [17:41] neither [17:41] mind you [17:41] Please stop. [17:42] ioria: thanks. Will take a look. [17:44] listekn, what would actually be conducive to this topic would be an actual user in authority commenting and not a couple of fanboys fawning [17:44] three, if vulnerable software doesn't qualify as an "an issue" and that hasn't been the gist of what i've been saying you may actually be right [17:44] shibboleth now that sounds like a topic for #ub-discuss [17:44] i proved vlc has made an update, now in beta.. what would you expect after 1 day? [17:45] spreading false and wrong information is not a discussion. [17:46] sibboleth literally all i said is you werent on topic when i joined the channel and were calling someone out for being off topic. All i did was make a comment about what you said, you dont need to be toxic to everyone who jabs at you [17:47] ioria: unless I missed something I don't think it's mentioned there https://pastebin.com/REq4w7i9 . [17:48] three, which rests on the assumption that vulnerable software somehow isn't an issue [17:48] oerheks, https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/vlc [17:49] again, which part of what i've been saying is, as you call it "false and wrong"? [17:50] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/vlc.html <-- [17:50] "yeah, let's keep gnome and vlc vulnerable" [17:50] all i said is that isnt what this channel is for. never said "false and wrong" [17:51] how about we just think of this as a bridge and get over it, and back on topic [17:53] three, yet, oerheks has said it. twice. i'm fairly confident that it is fair to assume that i was referencing him and not you? [17:53] shibboleth, all your previous visits are like this; we give the answer update is available ( https://snapcraft.io/vlc ) but you do not accept or seek help here, you are just a troll. [17:53] please leave, thanks. [17:54] we? [17:54] you represent canonical? [17:54] or ubuntu [17:54] ? [17:54] exactly then how about you stop misrepresenting the truth on any level? [17:54] exactly. then how about you stop misrepresenting the truth on any level? [17:55] !op [17:55] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [17:55] how about you be civil? its not much to ask [17:55] hello. I'm running 20.04 and I've noticed that when I enter the wrong password at the greeter, the delay before the systems accept new input is more than that specified in /etc/pam.d/login (which is 3 seconds). What happens is that after 3 seconds where the dialog shows a spinner, the text area appears as ready to accept input, but it actually doesn't for another 1.5 seconds. Is this intentional? Whe … [17:56] … re is it configured? [17:56] i'm pointing out several "issues" and referencing public data to back my claims. your response is "off topic" and when that fails, "not civil" [17:56] someone can +q shibboleth ? [17:56] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/vlc.html [17:56] This isnt the place to do that [17:56] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2018/CVE-2018-14424.html [17:56] Yes, i work for canonical on Ubuntu [17:56] uqbar its possible thats intended i've never messed with it. does making the delay longer affect anything? [17:56] there are multiple vulns in gnome and vlc [17:57] anyone in authority care to comment? [17:57] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/gdm3.html [17:58] and the reason i'm being somewhat assertive is the *fact* that some of these vulns have been known for *years* [17:59] You're being assertive in the wrong place [17:59] to the wrong people [17:59] What do you expect to get out of this? Go email canonical is you're that concerned. this is just the ubuntu support irc [17:59] well, as i've said multiple times: someone in authority commenting on the actual issues. [18:00] since fanboys apparently fanboying hasn't worked as of yet [18:00] I did [18:00] hey, judging from you cloak you seem to be ub-affiliated [18:00] thank you for pointing that out [18:01] What package has 'ps' ? [18:01] and you expect to find someone of authority in here? Most of us are users ourselves [18:01] psutils [18:01] popey, now, to be best of your knowledge, how come these vulns have been on the back-burner for years? [18:01] Great. I'm using a docker container and it says that package doesn't exist [18:02] rapidwave, my bad [18:02] As I said, the deb is community maintained. Find someone in the Ubuntu community (not here) who can update it. I can ping someone, and will, but again, this isn't the place for this [18:02] totally the wrong package name [18:02] psmisc [18:03] That doesn't exist either [18:03] I might know why...all apt sources are set to debian buster [18:04] Speaking of which, how do I check Distro and distro version using CMD? [18:05] neofetch will give you this aswell as other information [18:06] rapidwave cat /etc/os-release [18:06] i didnt even know that file existed [18:06] Okay, so yes, the container is using Debian 10 Buster [18:06] i suspect neofetch reads it :) [18:06] I guess I need debian support then [18:08] When desperate I use uname -a as you often find the distro there at least. [18:08] You find the distro the kernel was built on in uname -a, not the distro you're running [18:10] er... how do I tell systemd-logind to reread /etc/pam.d/login ? [18:10] I've changed the value of faildelay but so far it's being ignored [18:10] popey: Totally correct. Thanks for pointing that out. [18:18] Hello. On my Acer Nitro 7 laptop, I am having trouble installing Ubuntu in dual-boot mode (with Windows). Tried the instructions from https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/15347 but still unable to boot. Think it's got to do something with AHCI mode or something. Any ideas what can be done? [18:21] three: I've tried changing the value of faildelay but nothing changes. systemd-logind seems to disregard it. [18:50] ... [18:50] hello [18:55] Velarde: If you have a question, go ahead... [18:57] Mordoc: I have no question, I just like hanging out around here [18:57] hi, could anyone recommend good software (for gnome) for limiting user's daily computer usage? I want to create a schedule for my kids. [18:58] Velarde: No worries. Have a good one... [19:02] anybody have any export song/track information from mpv? Im listening to a internet radio stream but would like pipe that information to a file or copy it from mpv some how [19:02] diskin, this sounds interesting : https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/11/timekpr-next-is-linux-parental-control.html [19:06] diskin, might want to check out pam_time as well: https://superuser.com/questions/467811/how-to-restrict-user-from-login-saturday-and-sunday [19:10] mechpilotace: Are you doing from the command line or from the GUI? [19:14] hi [19:14] mechpilotace: I use mpv from the command line a fair bit and only some stations display the track info. [19:16] my upgrade to 20.4 failed, now the installer asks me to resurrect or terminate the window, should I terminate? [19:17] Is it possible to get UWP Windows 10 Store apps to run on Ubuntu? [19:17] i terminated now, because resurrect just brought me back to the same error. now I get sudo: pam_open_session: Modul ist nicht bekannt [19:17] sudo: Regelwerks-Plugin konnte Sitzung nicht initialisieren [19:18] so it seems like the upgrade damaged sudo hmm [19:18] and su is also not working. should I reboot? [19:19] can anyone assist me in removing ukuu and the kernels managed by it, and installing the "official" kernel package that comes with ubtuntu 20.4 ? i used to roll newer kernels because of hardware support which is now resolved (since 5.x). however i would like to revert managing kernels with ukuu and just follow whatever ubuntu ships by default [19:20] reboot didn't help, authenticating phyisically is also not working, seems I need a rescue disk or use the backup [19:22] im back in the machine, reverted a snapshot, so the full error is: https://dpaste.org/yURD [19:22] should I uninstall perl to workaround this error? :-) [19:32] I'm trying to find out what (if anything) is normally supposed to run mpris-proxy from the bluez package. Is there some normal way it usually runs, or is it something I should just set up on my own? [19:32] (20.04, btw) [19:33] bluez-utils i guess [19:33] !info bluez-utils [19:33] Package bluez-utils does not exist in focal [19:34] !info bluez-tools [19:34] bluez-tools (source: bluez-tools): Set of tools to manage Bluetooth devices for linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~20170911.0.7cb788c-2build1 (focal), package size 149 kB, installed size 1023 kB (Only available for linux-any) [19:34] i have change perms in / and also sudo not works it tells it's a part of world, how can i reset all perms (chmod/chown) for / in system from rescue? [19:35] openface, backup data from live iso and reinstall? [19:35] there is no easy command to reset those values [19:36] oerheks: i think chmod -R 644 / not helps [19:36] or 755 [19:37] where should libcrypto reside, in /lib or /usr/lib? [19:37] this is my / >> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XnTTjFzRbq/ but if you did something chown -R recursive ... [19:39] openface, you might try this : (i'am curious if it works ) : https://askubuntu.com/questions/958141/fix-permissions-of-server-after-accidental-chmod [19:41] interesting url, if he did not use -R [19:42] I have issues with screen flickering. My graphic card is supported by Ubuntu Kernel, but still i am getting screen flickering. [19:43] Every distro that i install is flickering. [19:43] Can anyone help me? [19:45] macak: run this to get your current mainboard firmware: journalctl -b | grep DMI: [19:45] then look on the vendor website for an update [19:45] also, different kernel versions may be worth a try. [19:45] tomreyn i currently running Windows 10, i cannot do any of linux commands. [19:46] i see. well, we only support ubuntu here [19:46] I'm running Radeon 4650 graphic card. [19:47] macak: switch to your Ubuntu install [19:47] It's supported graphic card in Ubuntu kernel, but i have screen flickering. [19:48] Velarde every distro that i install is screen flickering. I don't know what to do. [19:49] It's some but in Ubuntu Kernel Radeon driver. [19:49] Or is Xorg [19:49] Radeon 4650 is below specs of the open radeon driver, 5xxx and up [19:49] Do you have Ubuntu installed? [19:50] Velarde no i am currently on Windows 10 [19:50] Then nobody here will be able to help [19:50] Try running a live USB [19:50] Okay [19:51] I will come back to talk to you [19:51] try to get an ati 5450 or higher.. [19:54] oerheks: The utility is part of bluez, not bluez-tools. It installs the utility in /usr/lib/bluetooth/ but I haven't yet found any service definition or script that runs it, though. [19:55] oerheks: I'm currently running i3 and not the default gnome desktop. Wondering if there's something specifically gnomish that runs it, maybe? [19:57] gnome runs all sorts of things for you automatically [19:58] trying to install linux-image, apt asks me to pick one of the many linux-image-foo packages instead (or along?) What's the most reliable way to install the default linux kernel package and stay with it and get the recommended updates for it? (i'm on 20.04) [19:59] i.e. which is the current default kernel package, and how do i make sure to transition to the next when migrate to 20.10? [20:01] install linux-image-generic [20:01] ah that looks like it [20:01] thanks tomreyn [20:01] usually it'll already be installe,d though [20:02] sure [20:02] hi. torrent magnetic links won't get open with qbittorrent any more, but with Popcornt time...can't change this [20:02] upon release upgrades, this will just depend on the latest versioned kernel in that release, so nothing do to on your part [20:02] that's good [20:02] i had to use newer kernels due to lack of hardware support back when i installed [20:02] not sure why i would uninstall that one though [20:03] if you're on 20.04, then there aren't newer maintained kernels at this time. [20:04] I was also stuck with kernel version 3, because when i was upgrading kernel i had issues with screen flickering. [20:06] Piraty opensuse has newer kernels. [20:07] it's fine now, was't fine with 18.10 [20:07] hence i needed to restore default kernel package situation. [20:07] thanks tomreyn [20:07] macak, your Radeon 4650 is below specs of the open radeon driver, 5xxx and up [20:07] (it's not my own machine) [20:08] nothing we can do about that, sorry [20:08] oerheks so i must buy new graphic card ? [20:10] macak: Or you could configure something like Arch to find a way to make it work [20:11] Thanks [20:12] I will buy new card i think so, intel [20:12] macak, oerheks: actually, man radeon on 18.04 lists " RV710/RV730 Radeon HD 4330/4350/4550/4650/4670/5145/5165/530v/545v/560v/565v" as supported [20:13] so that's radeon(4) [20:13] Yes [20:13] My graphic card is still supported by Ubuntu Kernel. [20:14] I was reading on ubuntu site about that [20:14] It's driver bug i think so [20:14] it's definitely old, but i don't see why you can't use it, yet, unless oerheks has more details [20:15] right [20:15] all i know; AMD dropped support for the Radeon HD 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx cards. [20:16] R600 and R700 [20:17] I am getting not much screen flickering, but it's still there. [20:17] When i open the browser then is much more. [20:18] In kernel version 3 everything works fine. [20:18] But higher kernel i'm getting screen flickering === Aleksander is now known as alxd === kinghat1 is now known as kinghat === Attoy_ is now known as Attoy === Swant_ is now known as Swant === jcnmark6_ is now known as jcnmark6 === xedniv_ is now known as xedniv === glycerine3 is now known as glycerine === KaptenRodSkagg1 is now known as KaptenRodSkagg === megoix1 is now known as megoix === arch1mede5 is now known as arch1mede === Teikoman_fi_ is now known as Teikoman_fi === CamBan69_ is now known as CamBan69 [20:19] Thanks for the help. === [Ben] is now known as MrC [20:41] Hey, I'm having an odd problem. I swapped out my old quadro card for a new 1650, and now my box won't come up except in emergency mode. I already tried purging the old nvidia drivers and installing the latest in the repo (450 I think), and it more cleanly gets me to emergency mode...but still only to emergency mode [20:41] I'm on 18.04, and the card shows in nvidia-smi [20:42] * kyle__ is so confused [20:43] post the xorg log in a sane pastebin [20:44] It never gets to launching X. [20:44] As far as I can see [20:46] kyle__: Normal boot - at the login screen - key combo ctl+alt+F2 - can you log into the system here ? [20:47] It never gets that far. It dies durring the boot, and drops me into emergency mode. [20:48] Single tty, not even multiple, no network even. I used dhclient to get an address and ssh out [20:54] I don't know how much thishelps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y6mPnyTGbj/ [20:54] it's the output of journalctl -xb [20:54] my audio device is disapearing and reapering [20:54] i am using ubuntu 20.04 [20:54] im using a logitech g430 headset [20:56] * kyle__ hopes he typed that pastebin url right [20:56] * kyle__ sighs [20:57] https://pastebin.com/1muTZbcM [20:57] kyle__: Taking a look at the log file ^. [20:58] "#38~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 11 09:16:10 UTC 2019" [20:59] Whew. [21:00] there's no supported ubuntu release with a 5.0.0 kernel [21:00] and if there was it probably wouldn't be half a year old [21:01] Oh, I added a mainline kernel a while back because my ryzen board was being funky, and the fixes were newer than the (at the time) available kernel [21:06] errr...that's weird. apt-cache madison says it's from bionic-updates/main [21:07] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5gsmjcHFH/ [21:07] kyle__: Sorry " root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root " above my skill level. [21:07] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5gsmjcHRFH/ [21:07] NP. That's just the funness of luks encrypted root :) [21:07] Well...luks encrypted everything really [21:08] What's the package name for the latest blessed 18.04 kernel? [21:10] whatever linux-image-generic (or -hwe if you use it) depends on: apt depends linux-image-generic{,-hwe-18.04*} [21:10] kyle__: I don't know what problem you're trying to solve but perhaps https://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/dashboards/web/kernel-stable-board.html can help [21:10] sarnold: sadly I'm on console only right now :) [21:11] Holding my creath on my latest attempt to fix this.... [21:11] 18.04 hwe would give 5.3.0-59-generic #53~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 4 14:58:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [21:12] I'll search for the hwe. As soon as this attempt times out X( === lchlan_ is now known as lchlan [21:12] !hwe [21:12] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [21:13] I normally only have a GUI on my main desktop & laptop, so when this borked, I had to grab an antique netbook I use to run a scanner [21:16] @SpeedrunnerG55 that happens only with your headset? [21:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sNjhvDgn5g [21:25] FFS if it really is just that I didn't have noauto in the cdrom mount in fstab I'm gonna flip [21:25] Also I had no idea the system had to deal with all that crap for snaps so early in the boot [21:27] :/ Whelp.... That's embarrasing. [21:28] Hu.... itdidn't auto-build the dkms module on install of the new kernel. Had to dpkg-reconfigure the dkms modules. [21:28] s/modules/package === Jordan_U is now known as Jordan_U_ === Jordan_U1 is now known as Jordan_U [21:37] @mem yes [21:37] memphisto [21:46] @SpeedrunnerG55 you do have usb disconnect ; could it be bad cable ? [21:47] and can you put it to USB2.0 port [21:48] https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/logitech-g430-usb-disconnecting-randomly.3172694/ [21:55] Monotoko ? [22:07] I have a server and netstat shows only the VERY few ports that I expect to be open (ssh, http, https). When I scan externally I find EXACTLY what I expect, EXCEPT that for some reason trying to connect by telnet to port 1688 just hangs, does not connect, does not get refused. WHat is happening here? === bparker_ is now known as bparker [22:11] aardvark__: could be a number of things, need more info [22:11] perhaps you have a firewall and that port isn't being allowed through. [22:11] bparker: what else can I tell you [22:12] maybe the daemon listening on that port is ignoring the requests (try to connect locally to verify) [22:12] there is no firewall other than iptables on either the machine I am probing from nor to, and there are no entries in there at this point other than what fail2ban has placed there and port 1688 is not there [22:13] bparker: I agree, but what daemon and why does netstat not show it. And, tcp does NOT even connect [22:13] did you verify with e.g. tcpdump that requests to that port are actually being received by the OS [22:13] > what daemon <- if you don't know then why are you even looking at a specific port ? [22:13] if you don't know what it is [22:13] bparker: I am not familiar with tcpdump, stand by please [22:14] normally there is no 'telnet on port 1688' so you must have some idea what you're trying to connect to ? [22:14] bparker: it is a general port scan that is testing EVERY port, the auditors ran it first, discovered the porta nd asked what is happening there [22:14] you didn't mention that before [22:14] bpsecret: no, I am NOT trying to connec to anything, I am just scanning [22:15] so is your actual question, how do I find out why port 1688 is open ? [22:15] bparker: I guess my question is more "why do I get a timeout when I try and connect". I am not convinced it is really open. As I say, I NEVER manage to connect [22:16] this sounds like a classic XY problem [22:16] bparker: excuse the igmorance, what is an XY problem [22:16] when you ask how to solve a different problem than what you have [22:17] so far what I've gotten from you is that 1. someone told you port 1688 is open, and 2. you cannot connect to it or find anything listening on that port, but 3. you want to somehow find out why something (that isn't listening) isn't responding? [22:17] the last bit really confuses me. [22:18] maybe their scan is in fact what's wrong [22:18] and it's not there [22:18] you could try doing your own scan [22:18] but if netstat shows nothing listening anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. [22:18] bparker: no they did not say that port 1688 was open, what the auditors said was that there is an anamoly on port 1688. I tested, and I found the same anamoly [22:19] and what 'anomaly' is that? [22:20] bparker: 1) Absolultely my own scan shows it. In fact, I can even see the issue by just: telnet ipaddress 1688 - for any other port other than the ones I expect to be open, I get the refused, for the http/https/sshd I get a connect - for 1688 it just says "trying ..." and hangs [22:20] your own scan shows _what_ ? [22:20] you said it's not open [22:20] so what does this scan say exactly [22:20] and how did you scan [22:20] and from where [22:21] bparker: my own scan shows, what I say here, I do NOT connect, but I do not get refused either [22:21] simplest svan I did was using telnet, as I say here. And I have tested from our servers in vatious sites, countries and on different backbones [22:21] what exact command did you use to check that the port is or is not open? [22:22] and what commands did you use to check your iptables rules [22:22] are you sure ufw is not also enabled? [22:23] s/open/listening/ [22:23] bparker: from the repmotes I am just doing the telnet now, and as I say, the vakid ports connect, all other,except this one, refuse [22:24] aardvark__ wouldn't it just be better if you posted some logs showing us what's happening (removing the private stuff) [22:24] bparker: no ufw - in fact the server I am testing against I literally just spun up to do this testing after I discovered that I could repeat what the auditors found [22:25] sudo netstat -lnt | grep 1688 [22:25] does that show anything? [22:25] quadrathoch2: the log would be: telnet ip.address 1688 - trying ipaddress ... [22:25] lol [22:26] bparker: the netstat shows nothing, as I hope, am intended to mention, at the start of this whole conversation [22:26] and your iptables and ufw? [22:26] did you actually run the exact command I pasted ? [22:26] quadrathoch2: no ufw and as I mentioned previously the ONLY entries in iptables are the couple of addresses that fail2ban has placed there [22:27] please post proof of that [22:27] with the commands used [22:27] same for netstat [22:27] bparker: I just did your version, I had done it without the grep - with the grep, NOTHIN, without, the ports I expected [22:28] I know you're frustrated but I think unless you start actually pasting these things, nobody is going to help much more [22:29] I'm happy to pate if you don't nmind if I redact the ip address, stand by [22:30] sure [22:30] also did you try telnetting from the box itself, to localhost, on port 1688 [22:30] what happens then? [22:31] you might have to start getting into the network topology here, maybe this box is in front of something else that's doing this [22:34] bparker: and others: pasted at: https://pastebin.com/u9QUYrvx [22:34] please don't use pastebin.com [22:35] bparker: yes, from the machine itself I DO get rejected. SO, I am now starting to thnk it is in the NOC that they are somehow intercepting it [22:35] so there is potentially more hardware inbetween that you never mentioned [22:35] I love wild goose chases [22:35] bparker: what's wrong with pastebin.com? what would you prefer I use? [22:35] something without ads [22:35] see /topic [22:36] !paste [22:36] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [22:36] bparker: there is ALWAYS more hardware - by definition a server is attached to the net through routers [22:36] I think you know what I meant by that though [22:37] more hardware as in something besides a final router on your premise that belongs to you, before the traffic leaves your own network [22:38] or it could be that router itself [22:38] bparker: as far as I am aware there is nothing else thee, but clearly it is beginning to look like there MAY be - what I don't like about this theory is that I see the SAME issue on my own servers-co-located and KVM instances at a variety of locations [22:39] bparker: yep - if all those NOCs are using routers that are similar, I agree - I find that hard to believe nut not impossible. I had been assuming that the issue was a setting in the template that we spin up [22:39] We run almost 1200 servers scattered arounf the world [22:39] again, all of this information would have been more helpful in the beginning [22:40] that's why I said "what else do you want to know" [22:40] it's not our job to always know how to ask all the right questions to get the info you need [22:40] because you don't give us anything [22:41] I just spoke with Level3 - where the original server that has this issue is located and they now confirm it too and say that it is NOT any of their equipment. [22:41] help us help you [22:41] I am now spinning up a virgin Ubuntu20.4 - not from my template - to see what I see there [22:41] wait you're using VMs or containers or something? [22:41] that wasn't mentioned either [22:42] those facilities can also mess with networking [22:43] it could be that they 'open' (let through without explicitly refusing, even if nothing is listening) that port by default for KMS purposes since windows activation uses it [22:43] bparker: NO - generaly we install from an ISO, it is just that the ISO was made from OUR machine [22:44] bparker: and everyone else - thanks so much for the help. By spinning up a clean ubuntu20.4 and sticking it on a KVM I see NO PROBLEM, With MY ISO I have the problem, so even though we are not aware of anything we did, there is something there - tyour patience got me to this point - thank you all so much [22:45] port 1688 Microsoft Key Management Service (KMS) for Windows Activation[138] [22:45] grinn [22:46] I'm a bit confused how an entire OS was installed so fast since you're not using VMs or anything [22:47] especially the phrase "spin up" made me think it was a VM [22:48] bparker: as I just said - for my quick spin up test, I absilutely did spin up on a KVM, or acyually pair of KVMs [22:49] since I could see the same symptom on the KVM and on the bare-metal I just spun up the KVM, since it is quicker and less disruptive [22:50] genera;lly we like KVMs but since we do credit card processing we do not run live sites on them [22:55] why would that matter if you're not storing PFI anyway (at least I hope you aren't) [22:56] not storing or handling in any way* [22:57] bparker: even when you store nothing, for a short period they keys and the CCARD number have to be in memory, otherwise I could not transmit the CCARD number fro m the venue to the processing house. In THEORY, on a shared machine there is a small risk of things like RowHammer being able to sniff that [22:58] we are certainly MORE cautious than we need to be - but that's what gets us the clients. Almost 1200 active cients, some with MANY venues [22:59] bparker: but you are correct, we do not store ccard or like information other for the short time that it is passing through. Actually PCI compliance requires that [23:00] you should never even be seeing people's card numbers [23:00] that problem has long been solved [23:00] you don't need your own PCI compliance if you let your merchant handle the PFI === abirkill- is now known as abirkill [23:01] bparker: the one other time we need to store a little, is when someone comes in and wants to run a tab. We do scan their card at that time and need to keep that info until they check out, UNLESS the venue is one where they actually physically hold onto the card, in the latter case we just keep a salted hash of the card [23:02] bparker: we get MNUCH better rates for our clients by handling our own PCI compliamnce. [23:02] wtf? [23:02] that sounds completely backwards and asinine [23:02] the less eyes a card sees, the better [23:03] but that is the way the banks work - the more you work with payment cards the wierder it gets - we've been doing this for thirty years [23:03] what kind of rates are we talking here? [23:03] bparker: I 100% agree with you. And I also believe that we should become like Europe where almost noone ever sees the card. They bring the machine to the table, I put my card in, I enter my pin, I give them the card back [23:05] bparker: most of our clients are on a 5c scan no percentage. Some chose a scan fee free but small fraction of a percent. And some are higher, if their banks don't like them. We have one granchise with arounf 1000 coffee shops, I believe he is actually gree with Visa and a scan fee for M/c and AmEx [23:05] and we have a loit of clients that are fee free with Discover [23:06] I guess Discover makes their moeny on finance fees [23:07] I do know that the fee thinbg is a horrible mess. We jave a module tht estimates what the client will be paying and it has to have like 10 values enetered for each client when we set him up [23:08] we are processing many millions of dollars per day with Visa alone for our clients === pjs_ is now known as pjs === Guest93944 is now known as catalase === halvors1 is now known as halvors