[11:30] 'Morning all [12:56] So it looks like Plasma 5.19.1 fixes the Powerdevil-icon-not-appearing bug I was having. [13:02] RikMills: Is there some hold-up as far as getting that in the PPA? [13:02] mamarley: I'll be doing it later today [13:03] RikMills: Awesome, thanks! (I'm not trying to rush or pester you; I was just wondering.) [13:03] np :) [14:46] Just checking if user Michael T. Starnes was removed from Telegram bridge, spammer [14:47] yeah [15:25] we have another spammer, or the same person with different nick, genii [15:27] BluesKaj: Unfortunately, since it's coming through a bridge by IrcsomeBot1, the operator of the bridge needs to do the removal [15:28] I see, ok genii, thanks for the info...btw how's things ? [15:29] BluesKaj: Work is busy now since some restrictions are being lifted, which I guess is good [15:31] right, good to hear... not much happening up here covid-wise, I'm thankful for that [16:16] genii: they are gone [16:17] RikMills: Thanks [18:40] santa_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1884120 [18:40] Launchpad bug 1884120 in Ubuntu Groovy "[needs-packaging] kwayland-server" [Wishlist,New] [18:40] will upload later once PPA build is done on all archs [18:50] uploaded to NEW