[10:10] going to attempt the loggerhead upgrade trello card [10:11] never tried to get loggerhead running locally, so here goes... [10:13] garbo OCI job appears to have DTRT on labbu [10:14] Nice [10:15] obligatory "wait my builds are gone, are you calling them garbage" etc. etc. [10:15] ... yes, yes I a [10:15] *am [10:33] oh hey, a list of OCI Registry Credentials just appeared on my test instance! [10:37] how do I bzr push to a local instance.... [10:40] found it, but bzr still expects /dev/ to be on launchpad.dev [10:41] hacked it [10:50] upgrade loggerhead to r501: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/386001 [11:01] 🙂 [11:01] +1 [11:01] ta, landing. Will give it a proper poke on staging as I've only got limited test data to hand in my dev instance [11:02] yep, makes sense [11:15] tomwardill: in relation to the list of OCI Registry Credentials: please start filing bugs with things you don't like, or think you would like to see improved and subscribe me [11:15] not long and we should have the Edit OCI Registry Credentials functionality too 🙂 [14:10] ilasc: left some comments on your credentials edit MP [14:11] thanks tomwardill ! [14:11] happy to be wrong about the removeSecurityProxy things, but it just looked a little odd [14:13] I'll have a loo, thanks Tom :-) [15:52] "Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 7 errors, 0 skipped in 7.570 seconds." [15:52] ... going well then [15:52] fairly sure there should be more tests than that [15:54] "Total: 181 tests, 0 failures, 137 errors, 0 skipped in 33.517 seconds." [15:54] unsure if progress [16:34] " Path 'Question.' matches no known property." [16:34] tum-ti-tum [16:58] well, at least the error message changed... hehe [17:15] okay, not the model I started with, but Converting questionsubscription to Storm: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/386031 [17:20] * pappacena reviewing [17:27] thanks pappacena, I'll land that in the morning when I'm around to poke buildbot if required [17:27] one step closer to Storm Questions. [17:36] * pappacena 🎊 [17:47] * tomwardill -> EOD [17:47] going to file the buildbot RT in the morning, because why not on a Friday?