=== alex_ is now known as alex_silva_mty [10:02] Sacrosantic was added by: Sacrosantic [10:52] Anyone who has lubuntu remi 20 link [10:55] @Daksh [Anyone who has lubuntu remix 20 link], Lubuntu remix isn't supported here. [10:55] Ohh so i cant get link 😅sorry [10:58] @kc2bez [Lubuntu remix isn't supported here.], Well sir anyway to install lubuntu bloatlessly coz there are some apps i wanna remove [10:59] Like i use dolphin file manager so i want to remove pcmanf-qt [10:59] But when i remove it also remove lubuntu-desktop [11:00] @Daksh, if you remove pcmanfm-qt you can't be using lubuntu-desktop, as pcmanfm-qt handles the LXQt workspace/desktop .. it's not just a file manager [11:00] pcmanfm-qt is a fairly important component. It does more than file management. It runs the desktop. You can install dolphin alongside though. [11:01] Hmm thanks and anyway to change defaults in it like when i open the downloaded files directly from chrome it opens them in pcmanf so how can i change it to dolphib [11:04] guys could you help me try resolve the issue of tray icons? [11:04] i've some app that doesn't have icon on the tray [11:05] @Daksh [Hmm thanks and anyway to change defaults in it like when i open the downloaded f …], You could try galternatives https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.17/alternative_configurator.html [11:09] Thanks [11:11] (Photo, 1280x203) https://i.imgur.com/tSjYk9p.jpg [11:11] sir wat bout adding kvantum + cursor + some themes [11:13] They can be installed with muon, discover or by using apt on the command line. [11:13] Yes [17:31] (please dont shoot the messenger) but did you read this bit harsh article? https://fosspost.org/reviews/distributions/lubuntu-20-04-review [17:40] lotuspsychje: the previous review was equally ill informed but thanks for pointing it out [17:40] np wxl === hemant is now known as Guest74590