
ubptgbot<Арина Позднякова> Woow👍 Binancе AirDrop for 10 000 BTC and 100 000 ETH … https://bit.ly/310Mm6L00:16
ubptgbot<mateosalta> demo browser testing for pinephone (has webgl enabled)00:27
ubptgbot<mateosalta> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/Ij0vrXXM.null00:27
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Anybody know how to get WiFi working again on PinePhone after last update?00:41
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> I don’t have a sim so without WiFi my PinePhones a shiny brick.00:42
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> What build would I have been on before that last update if I got the CE and only did the OTAs?00:43
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Can’t I just put that one back on it?00:43
ubptgbot<Electro_capi> @nefariousNIFFIN [Anybody know how to get WiFi working again on PinePhone after last update?], You can try this ...00:45
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @mateosalta [<reply to media>], Is this browser meant t be a competitor to morph?00:46
ubptgbot<Electro_capi> sudo nmcli radio wifi off … sudo nmcli radio wifi on … sudo reboot now00:46
ubptgbot<Electro_capi> @nefariousNIFFIN [Anybody know how to get WiFi working again on PinePhone after last update?], [Edit] You can try this ... … sudo nmcli radio wifi off … sudo nmcli radio wifi on … sudo reboot now00:46
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> @Electro_capi [sudo nmcli radio wifi off … sudo nmcli radio wifi on … sudo reboot now], Will try00:46
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @PhoenixLandPirate [Is this browser meant t be a competitor to morph?], it isnt morph, but is qtwebengine00:55
ubptgbot<mateosalta> missing many things, but has some stuff00:56
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Better so far but still drops out occasionally. That never happened before this update.00:57
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> Umm nope. Still bad. It’s dropping WiFi but sometimes the indicator takes about 30secs to realize it and show as disconnected.01:01
ubptgbot<nefariousNIFFIN> If it only happened in wake, I would assume it was a crust/PinePhone issue, but sometimes it happens while the phone is in use.01:03
=== losuler_ is now known as losuler
ubptgbot<Nate F> Is there someone I can work with to implement more features of ofono in the messaging app?  It's been years since I've used C++ or worked on a big project, but I'd like to contribute.02:26
ubptgbot<Dennis> Is ubuntu touch save of spy ?03:06
ubptgbot<Dennis> Hello03:07
ubptgbot<Dennis> Is ubuntu touch save ? Is it possible to spy a ubuntu touch phone?03:08
ubptgbot<Dennis> I have allread an oneplus one phone with ubt. But its dont stable and my display isnt working so good. Any idea to flash a galaxy s4 mini ?03:12
ubptgbot<floop2> @Dennis [I have allread an oneplus one phone with ubt. But its dont stable and my display …], You can look here for a port. If not listed you can port it yourself. https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/03:49
ubptgbot<mrmechanic3000> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/nT7oAJrR.png03:51
ubptgbot<mrmechanic3000> Error is in some file /halium/out/host/linux-x86/bin/minizip … That file is not found03:51
ubptgbot<mrmechanic3000> Help03:51
ubptgbot<floop2> @mrmechanic3000 [Help], Sorry your message had no context. Try @Halium03:54
ubptgbot<Kelvin97> Does getting logs are same method as android ?05:49
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Kelvin97 [Does getting logs are same method as android ?], What logs are you after?05:53
ubptgbot<Kelvin97> When someone calls me i don't see anything on device05:54
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Kelvin97 [When someone calls me i don't see anything on device], All of the logs are under `~/.cache/upstart/`.  You can use the LogViewer app if you prefer.05:55
ubptgbot<Kelvin97> @imraniqbal [All of the logs are under ~/.cache/upstart/.  You can use the LogViewer app if y …], Ok thanks05:55
ubptgbot<Almeida M.> (Photo, 662x904) https://irc.ubports.com/gL9SDf0R.png 😲06:31
ubptgbotBidombi was added by: Bidombi07:13
ubptgbot<gischpelino> @Danilo [I already done at 19.25 but I didn't received responses], start with twrp and use installer then. I wrote it down in ubports forum for op3(t). There should be a forum thread for opo too. … The most importsnt part is that threre are all partions and all are ext4 formated.07:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Dennis [Is ubuntu touch save ? Is it possible to spy a ubuntu touch phone?], Everything can be hacked. Just a matter of time and skill. If you do not precisely ask about a certain attack vector you wil not get any good answer.07:24
ubptgbot<Flohack> If you are so much concerned, do not use a mobile device at all.07:24
ubptgbot<gischpelino> how safe is a never updated android from vendors?07:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> "safe" is not a measurable unit ^^07:33
ubptgbot<gischpelino> [Edit] how safe is a never updated android from a vendor?07:33
ubptgbot<gischpelino> ... and death is a non maskable interrupt.07:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> @gischpelino [... and death is a non maskable interrupt.], LOOOL I like your style07:36
ubptgbot<Dennis> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ckG9WVAi.webp07:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> @gischpelino [... and death is a non maskable interrupt.], could also be @dohbee saying that ^^07:37
ubptgbotmoratgurgeh was added by: moratgurgeh07:39
ubptgbot<Dennis> @gischpelino [... and death is a non maskable interrupt.], I laughed so hard :D you break me off to answer florian. And it gives me an idea.07:39
ubptgbot<Dennis> @Flohack [Everything can be hacked. Just a matter of time and skill. If you do not precise …], I know that everything can be hacked. Maybe it will be a better question to ask if someone allready hacked ubuntu touch ? And tell how easy it is ?07:40
ubptgbot<Dennis> @floop2 [You can look here for a port. If not listed you can port it yourself. https://de …], Can you help me to port a galaxy s4 mini ?07:45
ubptgbot<floop2> @Dennis [Can you help me to port a galaxy s4 mini ?], Unfortunately no and I don't have access to the device in question 😔. There should be more knowledgeable ppl in @halium07:57
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Dennis [I know that everything can be hacked. Maybe it will be a better question to ask …], Well I guess nobody knows that, but in general its less secure than Android as we cannot lock the bootloader and we do not have device encryption. So if someone steals your device they might find open doors.08:10
ubptgbotPerianne Gold was added by: Perianne Gold08:32
ubptgbotCamden B was added by: Camden B09:11
ubptgbot<Camden B> Whats the point in hacking UT.09:13
ubptgbot<Lorxu> @Flohack [Well I guess nobody knows that, but in general its less secure than Android as w …], I feel locking the bootloader and having device encryption aren't the most important parts. I myself am more concerned about exploits executable through MMS or visiting the wrong webpage and all. But I guess there Ubuntu Touch is about as safe as09:44
ubptgbotthe Ubuntu version it's based on?09:44
ubptgbot<libremax> Safer in a way because applications are isolated but security depends on all software (and even hardware) layers and there is some other differences.09:58
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Lorxu [I feel locking the bootloader and having device encryption aren't the most impor …], Security is such a wide field. Yes we do not have those issues with hacks on websites etc since they mostly target Android environment. Plus no background activity, makes it mostly useless for spam and cryptomining ;)10:12
ubptgbot<Lorxu> It indeed is very wide and there is no answer to "is it secure" only "is it secure enough for this specific threat model", yes10:13
ubptgbot<Lorxu> If you have a government level agency specifically targeting you Ubuntu Touch won't help you10:14
ubptgbot<Flohack> So what I can say: If nobody gains physical access to your device we are very secure. But keep in mind the underlying Ubuntu version does not cover all attack vectors, since there is a lot of additional packages on it, like messaging app browser etc. They are our codebase only, and so its a question also if those are secure10:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Lorxu [If you have a government level agency specifically targeting you Ubuntu Touch wo …], Agreed. If you are being tracked by NSA they will find a way into your device probably. Though its hard, our API is so simple that probably most of the things like position tracking wont work ^^10:15
ubptgbot<mimecar> It's easier to have your phone stolen 😃10:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> BTW I am looking for people who have access to a WiFi with IPv6. Want to test msth with battery life. Please contact me ^^10:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> [Edit] BTW I am looking for people who have access to a WiFi with IPv6. Want to test smth with battery life. Please contact me ^^10:16
ubptgbotArnold was added by: Arnold10:17
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> can be tested with M10 or with N5? I never used IPV6 AFAIK10:18
ubptgbot<Pascal> Hi everybody. Is there (is it worth ?) a dedicated PinePhone/UBports group ? What’s the best TG channel to post questions ?10:21
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Pascal [Hi everybody. Is there (is it worth ?) a dedicated PinePhone/UBports group ? Wha …], There is no separate Pinephone group only for UT but you can try the Pinephone gorup for all OSes here: https://t.me/pinephone10:22
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Flohack [There is no separate Pinephone group only for UT but you can try the Pinephone g …], Although sometimes I though it would have been good to have one. We sad some lenghty chats here regarding pinephone already.10:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Danfro [Although sometimes I though it would have been good to have one. We sad some len …], Well we can do one maybe ^^10:31
ubptgbot<Danfro> It might be useful at least while the port is still WIP and with apps needing special 'treatment'. Once it is stable and running mainstream it might not be needed anymore.10:34
ubptgbot<Danfro> How do pinephone users around here feel about this?10:35
ubptgbot<NotKit> I think this could be a good idea as well since even unofficial ports tend to have their own groups with interested parties10:41
ubptgbot<Pascal> @Danfro [It might be useful at least while the port is still WIP and with apps needing sp …], Fully agreed.11:03
ubptgbot<libremax> @Danfro [Although sometimes I though it would have been good to have one. We sad some len …], A PinePhone+PineTab UT tg group would be fine because they share the architecture and UT is somewhat different on it from UT on android devices.11:05
ubptgbot<libremax> @Danfro [Although sometimes I though it would have been good to have one. We sad some len …], [Edit] A PinePhone+PineTab UT tg group would be fine because they share the same architecture and UT is somewhat different on it from UT on android devices.11:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> @NotKit [I think this could be a good idea as well since even unofficial ports tend to ha …], Who wants to be admin then ^^ I can make one now11:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> https://t.me/utonpine11:16
ubptgbot<Pascal> My first langage is French : sorry !11:19
ubptgbot<Pascal> [Edit] My first language is French : sorry !11:20
ubptgbot<Danfro> @javacookies? ^^11:30
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Flohack [https://t.me/utonpine], 👍 Thanks.11:31
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Danfro [@javacookies? ^^], yes?11:32
ubptgbotCraig Love was added by: Craig Love11:32
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Javacookies [yes?], Admin for UTonpine group wanted... ^^11:37
ubptgbot<Danfro> You do have a pinephone at least. 😉11:37
ubptgbot<Javacookies> no, I'm not into admin stuffs 😅11:39
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I'd be a bad one11:39
ubptgbot<ruedigerkupper> Sorry, making first steps in Matrix. Trying to link my matrix account to here following https://wayneoutthere.com/2018/12/28/how-to-bridge-matrix-telegram/.13:03
ubptgbot<ruedigerkupper> Am I doing wrong?13:04
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @ruedigerkupper [Am I doing wrong?], The instructions there are to bridge between rooms on Telegram and Matrix.  If you want to link your own Telegram and Matrix accounts, you need to use a puppet.  There are potential drawbacks of doing this.  You can read here for more info: https://github.com/tulir/mautrix-telegram/wiki/Authenticati13:43
ubptgbot<ruedigerkupper> Thank you, appreciated!13:44
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> In fluffychat, if I already have an account on matrix.org should I be able to sign in to fluffychat with that matrix account?  Its telling me my username is not recognised on the server.14:49
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Have you set fluffychat to check matrix.organized?14:51
ubptgbot<Nate F> @wayneTBT [In fluffychat, if I already have an account on matrix.org should I be able to si …], You might need to clear out the email address field14:51
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Matrix.org14:51
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Fluffuchats default isn't matrix, so if you just type in your username and password for a different homeserver, it'll show that you don't have an account. … In the header you need to change that to point at matrix.org14:53
ubptgbotDynacorpIndustries was added by: DynacorpIndustries15:09
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @PhoenixLandPirate [Fluffuchats default isn't matrix, so if you just type in your username and passw …], Thanks, I shouldhave thought of that15:37
ubptgbotMatthieuRoudaut was added by: MatthieuRoudaut16:54
ubptgbothalcek was added by: halcek17:07
ubptgbotFigo678 was added by: Figo67817:35
hallynhm, /join #utonpine does not work :(18:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> indeed it is not bridged to anything18:29
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> Please tell me the path to the theme "suru dark"18:41
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Breaking up. Just me?19:07
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Fine now19:08
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> It's better19:09
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I like it better19:09
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Text overlay covers Dalton19:10
ubptgbot<dohbee> just make it the cube from compiz19:10
ubptgbotChristina Williams was added by: Christina Williams19:11
ubptgbot<libremax> What happens today ?  It's working !19:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> in today's Q&A, dalton just plays with video layout19:11
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Great sound btw19:21
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> Launcher Moduler can stay open19:23
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> even after reboot19:23
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> [Edit] Launcher Modular can stay open19:24
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> Alfre volume is too low19:25
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> [Edit] Alfred volume is too low19:25
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Quality poor on his mike19:29
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> Question of the century, is it fashionable to change the theme via the terminal? Don't ask why, I just turned on surublack without knowing the consequences of XD19:29
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> [Edit] Question of the century: can I change the theme via the terminal? Don't ask why, I just turned on surublack without knowing the consequences XD19:31
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> and the joke of the year award goes to Marius!19:35
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/wGWLqL1t.png Full amoled them 😂19:38
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/a06f6Tgl.png Full amoled theme 😂19:39
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> I need help)))19:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jaymz665 [Question of the century: can I change the theme via the terminal? Don't ask why, …], `~/.config/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/theme.ini`19:43
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Buffering…19:43
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Maybe just me. But seized up19:44
ubptgbot<lonerider_one> just you19:45
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> No, happened here too, but all good now ...19:45
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Intermittent. Two seconds clear then five seconds suspend. Repeating ad infinitem19:46
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> No, that might be just you then ...19:46
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Okay19:46
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I did get stickers19:47
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Fine on desktop19:52
ubptgbotsubjectdenied was added by: subjectdenied19:53
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> what's that social life thing?19:56
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> I've also heard vague rumors of such a thing ...19:56
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I bet it's fake news19:57
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> 😂19:58
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> i like that feature19:58
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I would love it to play podcasts19:58
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc.ubports.com/DDDVF9I4.png20:04
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Today on Q&A20:04
ubptgbot<real_ysh> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/0a0Jc0SB.webp20:04
ubptgbot<DiogoConstantino> I'll dream about this20:05
ubptgbot<mariogrip> We will be over at https://whereby.com/ubports-chat if you want to chat with some of us :D20:07
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @DiogoConstantino [I'll dream about this], Uhhhhh20:07
ubptgbot<rikshaw> Best affordable daily driver: Nexus 5 or Oneplus One? Looking for less than $75 USD20:10
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @rikshaw [Best affordable daily driver: Nexus 5 or Oneplus One? Looking for less than $75 …], n5 is cheaper, opo is faster20:11
ubptgbot<rikshaw> @mariogrip thanks for the reply. What about stability / battery? Is N5 more "optimized" for UT even though OPO has more "potential"?20:12
DonkeyHoteinexus 5 will not do VoLTE jsyk20:12
ubptgbot<rikshaw> OK volte would be good since gsm is bad in my area. does opo do volte with UT?20:13
DonkeyHoteithat idk20:13
ubptgbot<rikshaw> I have a pinephone coming but hearing today's chat I may need a "bridge device" before it is the daily driver.20:13
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @rikshaw [@mariogrip thanks for the reply. What about stability / battery? Is N5 more "opt …], tbh i would say opo is better supported due to the better android base port20:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @DonkeyHotei [nexus 5 will not do VoLTE jsyk], ? it certainly supports volte in the hardware20:16
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Jaymz665 [Question of the century: can I change the theme via the terminal? Don't ask why, …], There are three apps available that can do this for you (UTTT, ThemeSwitcher & Indicator Dark Mode); why do you specifically need to do this from the terminal?20:16
DonkeyHotei@dohbee it supports LTE, but not VoLTE, even in the original marshmallow rom20:17
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> @imraniqbal [There are three apps available that can do this for you (UTTT, ThemeSwitcher & I …], this was necessary, because my text and background have become black everywhere20:18
ubptgbot<rikshaw> There are a few questionable quality OPO on ebay here in the US for approx $70 USD. They look rough, but "fair condition" is all I can find.... it wasn't a hugely popular model here I think20:18
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Jaymz665 [this was necessary, because my text and background have become black everywhere], Changing the theme doesn't cause that much disruption.  How did you change to `surublack` in the first place?20:19
ubptgbotsasasisisusu Admin was added by: sasasisisusu Admin20:19
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> Or are you referring to the OSK themes?20:19
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> .config20:20
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Jaymz665 [.config], So you mean the keyboard theme, right?  That's the only `Sure Black` I know of.20:21
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Jaymz665 [.config], [Edit] So you mean the keyboard theme, right?  That's the only `Suru Black` I know of.20:21
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> @imraniqbal [So you mean the keyboard theme, right?  That's the only Suru Black I know of.], Yes, this theme is used in the keyboard, but it also applied to the system, and the consequences became bad. I just have AMOLED and I want to see black, not dark. As a result, I saw it, everything turned black, including the text)))20:24
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> so I'm looking for a path to the suru dark theme file, maybe there I can configure what I want))20:26
ubptgbotVickie Tolbert was added by: Vickie Tolbert20:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jaymz665 [so I'm looking for a path to the suru dark theme file, maybe there I can configu …], the "themes" are not user customizable in UT20:53
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Jaymz665 [so I'm looking for a path to the suru dark theme file, maybe there I can configu …], This is the location of the theme file but note what Rodney has mentioned above: … ```/usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/ubuntu/styles/ubuntu/themes/SuruDark.json``` … The theme selection is via. `gsettings`.20:58
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @Javacookies Didn't you have some plan for allowing end users to provide their own custom OSK themes?20:58
ubptgbot<dohbee> @imraniqbal [This is the location of the theme file but note what Rodney has mentioned above: …], that's the keyboard theme, not the system theme20:59
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @dohbee [that's the keyboard theme, not the system theme], That's what @Jaymz665 appears to be after, note the mention of `Suru Black` above.20:59
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> Changing the system theme by itself doesn't cause the disruption mentioned.21:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't know, but OSK theme obviously doesn't change the shell or apps :)21:01
ubptgbotHey Jegrv (MAR) was added by: Hey Jegrv (MAR)21:38
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> (Video, 61s) https://irc.ubports.com/t5e9F0uS.mp4 question about the morph browser, how can fix what is happening on the video?22:15
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> the game uses html5 and JS22:15
tr4ck3urJaymz665 what is your device ?22:23
tr4ck3ursorry if you already give that info22:23
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> Meizu pro 5 4/6422:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> there's no GPU acceleration, so games may have issues22:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> (also no WebGL)22:38
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> Hmm...accordingly, there is no way to activate it22:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> the only way to "activate" it would be to fix qtwebengine (ie chromium) to have support for mir22:40
ubptgbot<Jaymz665> I feel it will not be so easy and not so soon. … "patience, only patience" © 😊22:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> indeed it is not easy22:47
ubptgbotbendoverboi was added by: bendoverboi23:35
ubptgbot<bendoverboi> Hello. Guy with a one plus 6t. I saw a guy make a gsi guide but it requires Linux to build a kernel. Doesn't seem easy or even worth it. I was wondering, is ubports more reliant on hardware of said device or does it not matter?23:37
hallyndrat, no fix yet for https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/pinephone/-/issues/39 ?23:53
ubptgbot<Alexey Gridnev> HI! On my Nexus 5, the default Media Player does not play videos from Teleports. UT Media plays them just fine, however, you don't seem to be able to choose it to open a video with UT Media from Teleports (so you can just download it and open manually, which is not super convenient). Is there a way to fix it?23:55

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