
ubptgbotBasshacker98 was added by: Basshacker9800:01
ubptgbot<Shakendo> out of curiosity, is anyone using this GSI setup on a snapdragon Note 8?00:03
ubptgbotsankalp_choudhary was added by: sankalp_choudhary01:46
ubptgbotsentot olajide was added by: sentot olajide03:14
ubptgbotRobert Karsay was added by: Robert Karsay03:41
ubptgbotJamila Nari was added by: Jamila Nari04:11
ubptgbotScardracS was added by: ScardracS05:11
ubptgbot<ScardracS> Hi there. I was watching on that list: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/blob/master/CORE_APPS.md and found it's a bit old (for example link of music is broken)05:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubptgbot<b4thed4wn> @Raj Raunak Kumar [I am not finding Nexsus 5 anywhere.], Have you looked at ebay and amazon?06:40
ubptgbotMick_117 was added by: Mick_11708:55
ubptgbothalid_k was added by: halid_k09:59
ubptgbotMatvey_nt was added by: Matvey_nt10:38
ubptgbotPratyushOfficial was added by: PratyushOfficial10:55
ubptgbot<PratyushOfficial> Hi guys10:56
ubptgbotHazards_DE was added by: Hazards_DE11:18
ubptgbot<Rob> do you all consider Ub touch on the pine64 evolved enough for the general public? I love to have one but im no programmer11:27
ubptgbot<matv1> no, not yet. not as a daily driver. otoh you dont need to be programmer to use one. you'd just need to be prepared for bugs.11:33
ubptgbot<Hazards_DE> hey can I use the s9 GSI for my s9+?11:45
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Hazards_DE [hey can I use the s9 GSI for my s9+?], sounds like a question more suited to https://t.me/halium :)12:06
ubptgbot<Petr> @dohbee [sounds like a question more suited to https://t.me/halium :)], Hello12:11
ubptgbot<MikeSheldon> dug out my old BQ phone and started fiddling around with UBPorts stuff again for the first time in a while πŸ™‚  β€¦ Just managed to fix stuff on this old post to get Java stuff working: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4132/getting-java-working-on-ubtouch/1312:18
ubptgbot<MikeSheldon> Also figured out a mechanism for providing API keys to the OSM QML map plugin: http://blog.mikeasoft.com/2020/06/22/qt-qml-maps-using-the-osm-plugin-with-api-keys/12:19
ubptgbot<sergiusens> nice12:40
ubptgbot<MrCoolAndroid> @sergiusens [nice], Argentinian πŸ‡¦πŸ‡·!!!12:45
ubptgbotthat_beautifuldream was added by: that_beautifuldream12:47
ubptgbot<that_beautifuldream> Hi is there a port for (whyred) Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro india12:47
ubptgbot<wufix> Ubuntu touch can install git?12:53
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @wufix [Ubuntu touch can install git?], Yes, if you install it from terminal using apt13:05
ubptgbot<ScardracS> And run it on terminal top13:05
ubptgbot<ScardracS> [Edit] And run it on terminal topo13:05
ubptgbot<ScardracS> [Edit] And run it on terminal too13:05
ubptgbot<wufix> Great13:05
ubptgbottkbeats was added by: tkbeats13:08
ubptgbot<tkbeats> bootloop on redmi note 7 levender how i can sove it13:09
ubptgbot<tkbeats> hello gays13:10
ubptgbot<MrCoolAndroid> What13:10
ubptgbot<tkbeats> '13:10
ubptgbot<tkbeats> ?13:10
ubptgbot<MrCoolAndroid> @tkbeats [bootloop on redmi note 7 levender how i can sove it], What did you say, didn't understand13:11
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Hey! I've installed modular launcher... and id like to ask how can I disable it...13:11
ubptgbot<lordhacker0727> Hi13:12
ubptgbot<lordhacker0727> Can anyone help me porting ubuntu touch my msm8953 device13:12
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I've clicked 'Replace standard dash (beta)'e' to install it13:12
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Abhijit check @halium13:12
ubptgbot<tkbeats> @MrCoolAndroid [What did you say, didn't understand], i flashed the gsi ubport on levender but its stuck un boot i have  the boot.img for that but nothing work13:13
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @tkbeats [bootloop on redmi note 7 levender how i can sove it], t.me/halium is the proper place13:25
ubptgbot<ScardracS> Side note: have you flashed lineageos 16 and proper boot.img?13:26
ubptgbot<ALI Gintah> (Photo, 642x899) https://irc.ubports.com/Z0TxjwFH.png ,13:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ScardracS [Yes, if you install it from terminal using apt], in libertine13:50
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @dohbee [in libertine], I don't use libertine as it doesn't work on lavender13:51
ubptgbot<ScardracS> So normally I use terminal13:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> @ScardracS [I don't use libertine as it doesn't work on lavender], it is not a finished port. libertine is the supported way to install legacy/CLI apps though.13:52
ubptgbot<ScardracS> @dohbee [it is not a finished port. libertine is the supported way to install legacy/CLI …], Can't wait to see it working πŸ˜…13:52
ubptgbotq00q00q00q00 was added by: q00q00q00q0013:52
ubptgbot<q00q00q00q00> Hello evrebody, i wanted to ask Ubuntu touch available on xiomi redmi note 5 pro (whyred )13:55
ubptgbot<q00q00q00q00> [Edit] Hello evrebody, i wanted to ask Ubuntu touch available on xiomi redmi note 5 pro (whyred )?13:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io13:55
ubptgbot<q00q00q00q00> @dohbee [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io], Oh, thanks13:56
ubptgbot<q00q00q00q00> my phone not supports13:56
ubptgbot<gischpelino> @dohbee [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io], looks like, you should pin this. ;-)13:57
ubptgbot<dohbee> @gischpelino [looks like, you should pin this. ;-)], it's literally in the group description already πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ13:57
ubptgbot<gischpelino> ok, let it be.13:58
ubptgbotFabien was added by: Fabien14:49
ubptgbotNithin Neelakandan was added by: Nithin Neelakandan15:03
ubptgbot<Nithin Neelakandan> Is there any other way to get ubuntu touch to my device other than porting. … I am not able to port I tried many time and data limited. … Is there any other way.15:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> no. each device must have a port made for it15:10
ubptgbotgabmus was added by: gabmus15:10
ubptgbot<Nithin Neelakandan> @dohbee [no. each device must have a port made for it], Ok Anyway Good os as my friends phone has. … Good work.15:12
ubptgbot<gabmus> Hey everyone, I am trying to build a halium patched kernel for my phone (oneplus 5) following this guide https://github.com/ubports/porting-notes/wiki/Halium-9 … I am stuck at step 3: "Make your device tree inherit from halium.mk instead of full_base_* and remove Java-dependent parts". What file(s) should I edit?15:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> @gabmus [Hey everyone, I am trying to build a halium patched kernel for my phone (oneplus …], you should ask in https://t.me/halium15:12
ubptgbot<gabmus> thanks!15:13
ubptgbotC06alt was added by: C06alt15:19
ubptgbot<Danilo> Hi guys, I'm trying to install an apk file but receive the following message.15:25
ubptgbot<Danilo> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/GdNFdYQP.png Device offline15:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> is anbox set up and running?15:26
ubptgbot<Danilo> Hy Rodney, where can I found document about the anbox setting?15:28
ubptgbot<dohbee> http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/anbox.html15:29
ubptgbotDockerfile256 was added by: Dockerfile25615:38
ubptgbot<tkbeats> how to connect my ubuntu touch to pc?15:44
ubptgbot<tkbeats> file or adb15:44
ubptgbotGausi-1 was added by: Gausi-115:59
ubptgbot<PtSurajShukla> How to build ubport for my device Poco f1 ??  β€¦ Please help devs😨16:00
ubptgbot<tkbeats> @Danilo [<reply to media>], how can install it please? anbox16:04
ubptgbotRealLionKing was added by: RealLionKing16:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> @tkbeats [how to connect my ubuntu touch to pc?], if you just want to transfer files it will appear as MTP device over USB; if you enable developer mode on UT, then adb should be enabled; but in both cases it is not android16:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PtSurajShukla [How to build ubport for my device Poco f1 ??  β€¦ Please help devs😨], https://t.me/halium16:25
ubptgbotkristina Sean was added by: kristina Sean16:55
ubptgbotmad1mystic was added by: mad1mystic16:59
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> @13arz [I tried to search before, and I can't find Nexus 5 in Aliexpress], I don't know if I'm allowed to share that link (if not I will delete it): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33027352986.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.793160cb97GnV8&algo_pvid=5ee48395-328b-4f6b-befe-5450a22c56f9&algo_expid=5ee48395-328b-4f6b-befe-5450a22c56f9-17:02
ubptgbot<Steve Kueffer> Here a 32 GB version: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32235891066.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.793160cb97GnV8&algo_pvid=5ee48395-328b-4f6b-befe-5450a22c56f9&algo_expid=5ee48395-328b-4f6b-befe-5450a22c56f9-4&btsid=0ab6f83915929316589291997e5df5&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_17:03
ubptgbotbogricc was added by: bogricc17:33
ubptgbotkonusuzadam was added by: konusuzadam17:51
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Hello how to enforce mobile view on morph and where does the parameter seat ?19:20
ubptgbot<Ern_st> I've OP3 H7.1 handling the mobile view nicely while OP3 H9GSI is recognized as "compressed" deskopt viiew.19:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is no parameter afaik. it depends on the web site handling things correctly19:21
ubptgbotyusufabdrabbo was added by: yusufabdrabbo19:21
ubptgbot<Ern_st> I'm puzzle, Reddit doesn't recognize in the same way both halium ...19:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> does the GSI build have proper device config?19:21
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Are you refering to this config : https://github.com/Halium/android_device_oneplus_oneplus3/blob/halium-7.1/ubuntu/android.conf ?19:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, the config that sets the `GRID_UNIT_PX` value and such for each device19:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> on the UT side19:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> does that have the same value on both?19:23
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Initially no, I've change it but even after a reboot didn't see the change.19:24
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Maybe I should clear the morph cache19:24
ubptgbot<Ern_st> @dohbee [no, the config that sets the GRID_UNIT_PX value and such for each device], It's copy during the halium buit into UT side, to accomodate all devices.19:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Ern_st [Initially no, I've change it but even after a reboot didn't see the change.], did the size of all the widgets change otherwise on the system though?19:26
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Nothing obvious,19:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> run `echo $GRID_UNIT_PX` in terminal app, and make sure the value matches what it should be for OP3 (ie, the same as what is on the 7.1 build)19:27
ubptgbot<Ern_st> ok let me look19:28
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Yes both are at 21.19:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> ok. not sure then19:31
ubptgbot<Ern_st> I just clear all data/config/cache, see if something remaining there but no.19:32
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Thanks, I'll create a bug report against Morph then.19:33
ubptgbot<Ern_st> @dohbee What's QTWEBKIT_DPR ?19:34
ubptgbot<Ern_st> One is 2.2 the other 2.119:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> device pixel ratio19:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think that's the cause, since the difference seems small enough it shouldn't be in windowed mode at that point19:35
ubptgbot<Ern_st> I remember touching it without change ...19:36
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> just out of interest, is the calculation that decides whether a device defaults to desktop mode or mobile mode the same as the one android uses? my phone is bang on the edge, so i can get it to switch to 'desktop mode' firefox just by zooming the screen out a bit, but on ubports morph is always desktop mode19:37
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> err i guess i answered my own question there if they're different πŸ˜†19:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is no "desktop" mode in morph really. there is simply a change in the User-Agent string, based on the screen resolution and/or whether the device is in windowed mode (such as when plugging in an external screen)19:40
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> the UI of the browser changes too though, thats what im referring to really19:42
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> same happens with the terminal for me, on my phone the terminal has visible tabs at the top, until i side-stage it at which point it reverts to 'phone mode' with the UI19:43
ubptgbot<lernlink> I haven't tuched my ubport phone for months, how to get the newest Version?19:44
ubptgbot<Ern_st> Be patient, system setting => update19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PiecerEdd [same happens with the terminal for me, on my phone the terminal has visible tabs …], what do you mean "side stage" it? phones don't have the side stage. you are using your phone with too low `GRID_UNIT_PX` value is why19:47
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> πŸ˜† its a landscape screen... i guess thats why and that explains why im getting tablet-UI stuff19:48
ubptgbot<lernlink> @Ern_st  Like on other OS :-).    Thanks19:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PiecerEdd [πŸ˜† its a landscape screen... i guess thats why and that explains why im getting …], eh?19:49
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> its a cosmo communicator... the screen is landscape by default, rather than portrait, so i dunno, everything seems to default to tablet19:50
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> ive got side stage, tabbed browser/terminal19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> well the device config is probably wrong for it19:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Wait, the browser only has tabs when it's wide enough to allow for tabs. Isn't that what you want?19:51
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> And the terminal19:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> if UT is in landscape mode by default on a phone, then the rotation config is probably wrong for it, and if it has staged mode, other parts of the config are probably wrong for it19:51
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> the phone's supposed to be landscape mode not portrait, its got a hw keyboard19:52
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Right, and you say that the terminal has tabs until you place it into the side stage. Correct?19:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh it's not a slider, it's a weird dual screen clamshell thing19:53
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> so it defaulting to 'tablet mode' is good for me, i like it19:54
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> i just thought it was strange that ubuntu touch does but android doesnt19:54
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> hence my question πŸ˜›19:54
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> I suppose it depends on the Android app, but generally they make assumptions that a device will not change while it's running and they run on phones19:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> well still part of the device config is probably wrong and it's doing tablet mode instead of phone mode19:55
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> yeah firefox gives me 'phone mode' until i zoom out a few clicks then i restart it and its got tablet-style tabs19:56
ubptgbot<PiecerEdd> eh, suppose its down to the porter to decide that, i think they made the right decision IMO but it did confuse me at first after having used ubuntu touch on another phone in the past and it was obviously all 'phone mode'19:58
ubptgbot<13arz> (Sticker, 463x512) https://irc.ubports.com/N0rH0gnp.webp20:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @13arz [<reply to media>], Something is suspicious about this. The overview pictures are for a Nexus 5X, while the specs are the Nexus 520:03
ubptgbot<13arz> (Sticker, 467x512) https://irc.ubports.com/GSQVsH11.webp20:03
ubptgbotGarrettCornwell was added by: GarrettCornwell20:11
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dohbee [there is no "desktop" mode in morph really. there is simply a change in the User …], Yup - so in websites that are coded as "dynamic" ones, Morph shows the mobile version in portrait and the desktop version in landscape.  E20:35
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dohbee [there is no "desktop" mode in morph really. there is simply a change in the User …], [Edit] Yup - so in websites that are coded as "dynamic" ones, Morph shows the mobile version in portrait and the desktop version in landscape.20:36
ubptgbotMitch was added by: Mitch20:46
ubptgbot<C06alt> Anyone have an experia X performance21:10
ubptgbot<C06alt> [Edit] Anyone have an xperia X performance21:11
ubptgbot<C06alt> Got a new one cheep off ebay today. Hoping it works out well. Nice hardware in it.21:12
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> used? I am about to buy an X because finding a new Performance is difficult21:25
ubptgbot<lernlink> Where to put the private key for ssh ? May be I am justconfused bacause I am on aphone.21:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> @lernlink [Where to put the private key for ssh ? May be I am justconfused bacause I am on …], are you asking about UT, or halium reference?21:47
ubptgbot<lernlink> Ut22:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> the private key remains on whatever system you are connecting from22:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> you add the publlic key to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on the phone22:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @lernlink [Ut], see http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/advanceduse/ssh.html22:12
ubptgbot<Rcmaehl> (Photo, 1440x2560) https://irc.ubports.com/ykUHD2EX.png22:14
ubptgbot<Rcmaehl> Odd, only my ubports device cant connect22:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> your wifi is probably giving it the wrong DNS then; or you've done something with `/etc/hosts` to cause it to get blocked by resolving to
ubptgbot<Rcmaehl> Yep. Resolving to localhost. Ill look at etc/hosts22:17

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