=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [17:53] Hi! I've been trying out the lxqt versions of lubuntu since their first releases, unfortunately I'm not really getting the new looks of the system, it seems a lot more clumsy and less minimalistic than previous lxde desktop. Today I tried out 20.04 and after seeing the teal text over light blue background in the wallpaper with the grey borders I [17:53] was really worried for the distro's design team. So I wanted to ask if there is some place to engage in design discussions about Lubuntu. I really love the distro, and as the switch to LXQt is imminent, I would really love for it to look good. [17:54] Don't get me wrong, the default theme and icons that come with the system are a lot better than those of the lxde versions, but the lxde versions with the same themes and icons looks a lot "cleaner" [17:58] seanluv: pull requests welcomed, of course. development discussion is at #lubuntu-devel. [18:06] Thank you! [18:07] hey all. if i have a lubuntu 20.04 iso, how can i do a core install where i only get the GUI but not all of the installed apps? [18:07] In these topics that are very subjective, are PRs usually accepted nonetheless? [18:16] seanluv: i'd contine this conversation on the other channel, but i think barring any glaringly obvious problems, i would say we're pretty open. [18:32] is there any way to type a path into lubuntu's file open dialog?