=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB [00:46] oerheks: We are NOT the experts on the lowlatency kernel in #ubuntustudio. That goes to the kernel team. [00:47] Audio isn't the only thing that benefits from lowlatency. [00:50] i know, i could not find the info directly. [00:51] but sven was helpfull to confirm [00:51] oh, he reasked, .. [01:01] good morning [03:40] good evenin :) [06:11] Good morning [06:28] good morning [07:26] Heya [08:29] When is 20.04.1 comming? [09:45] August 6th accorfing to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule [09:45] ahhhh [09:45] thanks [09:45] :) [09:58] https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-under-fire-for-putting-ads-in-the-ubuntu-motd-530372.shtml [09:58] lol katnip [09:58] syncro thoughts === coconut_ is now known as coconut === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === tds4 is now known as tds [23:44] good morning