
lotuspsychjegood morning04:18
ducassegood morning06:11
marcoagpintothe demon is back!06:25
oerheks ɐloɔ06:37
oerheksinteresting, https://snapcraft.io/bridge-designer06:37
oerheksmarcoagpinto :-D06:40
tomreyn"Note: This Windows application runs on Linux using the Wine compatibility layer."06:59
oerheksi said interesting, not great07:06
oerheksthere used to be a bridge building puzzle game07:10
tomreyni think it's called tetris07:12
tomreynat least when i play it, i build bridges there all the time07:13
=== Ussat-1 is now known as Ussat
=== coconut_ is now known as coconut

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