
cluelesspersonsemitones, If something's out of place, it's usually because you installed something custom, but the package maintainers are usually pretty good about being clean.00:00
semitonesI have a few different desktop environments installed from failed experiments, and my partition is full, so I think fresh install is the quickest way to get it back in hand00:00
cluelesspersonsemitones, So, all you have to do is update /etc/apt/sources  to point to the new ubuntu release name, and perform,  apt update00:00
cluelesspersonsemitones, ouch, yeah, Agreed.00:00
cluelesspersonsemitones, I usually just dump my machine image into network storage, reinstall, then grab the things I care about and delet00:01
Bashing-om!upgrade | semitones00:02
ubottusemitones: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:02
Bashing-omsemitones: new .iso: http://ubuntustudio.org/download/ .00:03
cluelesspersontomreyn, so before, my ubuntu installation was barely touching swap,  now it's using half of my swap.00:04
cluelesspersonit's far more effective00:05
katronixHi all, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04, how do I update the Thunderbird it came with? I've done a new install of it locally but anytime I drag Thunderbird to the launch panel it runs the system one instead of the one I dragged to it.00:05
Bashing-om!info thunderbird focal | katronix00:07
ubottukatronix: thunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:68.8.0+build2-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 (focal), package size 41714 kB, installed size 174196 kB00:07
CarlFKhow do I tell what DNS my cable modem gave me, because this is surprising:   host billpay.schwab.com => Host billpay.schwab.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL)00:08
de-factoHow is the quality for support of extFAT in Ubuntu 18.04?00:12
rfmCarlFK, try "resolvectl status" if you have a reasonably stock Ubuntu DNS setup...01:01
ikarus987Hi plz how can i un-do this :\ https://docs.gns3.com/1c2Iyiczy6efnv-TS_4Hc7p11gn03-ytz9ukgwFfckDk/index.html01:11
ikarus987i wanna remove everything related to that from my server01:11
cluelesspersonikarus987, do you have the script?01:13
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sarnoldthat url gives a 40401:16
sarnolderr, the script url in that documentation gives a 40401:16
sarnoldthere's of course no guarantee that even if it loaded, it would accurate describe what it did to your system01:16
sarnoldI suggest a reinstall01:17
cluelesspersonikarus987, check out d  dpkg -l | more01:19
cluelesspersonsee what's installed and if anything looks abnormal01:19
cluelesspersonif  the script was completely malicious, reinstall01:19
TwistedBlizzardHi all, I'm trying to create a systemd service from an executable in a python virtualenv. Normally it requires you to activate the virtual environment with the source command. I saw on stack exchange that this will not work with systemd and that I should instead run the executable directly. Unfortunately, when I do this, it cannot find the other01:41
TwistedBlizzardbinary files it expects to be in the same directory. I've tried specifying the working directory in the .service file but it doesn't seem to work.01:41
sarnoldare you executing those programs with ./foo in your program?01:43
TwistedBlizzardI don't know, I'm trying to set up Evennia. I'd assume it's the case due to the behaviour but I can check.01:45
sarnoldthe current working directory is usually not in the PATH because doing so is a security risk01:45
sarnoldif your program is executing the other binaries with ./foo then it'll need the current working directory to be set correctly; if it is executing the programs via foo, then you'll probably need to add the path containing the executables to the PATH01:46
xaneoDoes anyone know how to /IGNORE in irssi? It doesn't seem to work for me.01:47
TwistedBlizzardAh right, that makes sense - cheers!01:47
TwistedBlizzardWhilst looking for the definitive answer to your question, I stumbled upon an undocumented .service template for Evennia on their GitHub repo so happy days!01:48
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: yay!01:49
sarnoldxaneo: try /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS   ?01:52
xaneosarnold: Yes, I did that and nothing happened01:53
xaneoI'll do it again01:53
TwistedBlizzardHmm, even running the supplied template, it still cannot find twistd.01:53
xaneoI have to wait for someone to quit now :)01:55
sarnoldxaneo: did you see sbetrium join a moment ago? :)01:55
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: dang, then it'll require a bit more work :/01:55
xaneosarnold: no, so I guess it worked this time around. That's just weird01:55
xaneosarnold: I didn't include NO_ACT this time around01:56
xaneoSeems to work01:56
xaneoThank you for the good help01:56
sarnoldxaneo: don't forget the /save command -- at least I tihnk that'll save ignores, too :)01:57
xaneosarnold: Yes sir, I did that01:57
sarnoldxaneo: I've also found the hide.pl script useful for knocking back which channels show up as 'active' in the active bar01:58
sarnoldxaneo: fwiw I prefer to have all joins, parts, quits, enabled all the time, so I can more easily spot abuse and deal with it -- and use the crapbuster.pl script to remove the noise when it gets in the way.01:59
xaneosarnold: you're probably an admin so it suits you more, I just have no use for this information02:01
TwistedBlizzardsarnold: Can I use WorkingDirectory=/path/to/venv/bin to allow the evennia binary to find the other executables?02:02
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: only if the program is using ./ while executing things. (It probably isn't.)02:02
TwistedBlizzardIt looks like it's using Popen(executable_name) in python02:03
xaneosarnold: perhaps you know of a script that allows for mouse scrolling the chat history?02:03
TwistedBlizzardThe traceback references subprocess: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nttmJ6cthG/02:04
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: maybe try find /home/josh/servers/FractureMUD/ -name twistd   -- see if that spits out anything?02:05
sarnoldxaneo: hmm, I can't spot anything on https://scripts.irssi.org/ -- I'm a bit surprised :(02:06
TwistedBlizzardsarnold: It's in /home/josh/servers/FractureMUD/env/bin/ - the same as the evennia binary.02:06
xaneosarnold: Thank you, though.02:07
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: try adding Environment=PATH=/home/josh/servers/FractureMUD/env/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin02:11
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: (I got the default path from systemd.exec(5))02:11
TwistedBlizzardThat would go below the ExecStart= line, right?02:12
sarnoldit probably doesn't matter if it is above or below the ExecStart line, but it will matter what section it goes in02:13
sarnoldimmediately next to ExecStart is probably good enough02:13
TwistedBlizzardThat got me up and running, thank you so much!02:14
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: it's started? :)02:14
TwistedBlizzardYup! :D02:14
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: so.. one last thing before you run, there's a chance you may need to fiddle with PYTHONPATH or something similar02:14
sarnoldbut I don't know venv things at all. maybe that's all taken care of already02:15
sarnoldTwistedBlizzard: so if you run into something busted when you try eg loading a new map or something, think of this moment, PYTHONPATH :)02:15
TwistedBlizzardThe evennia file has taken care of that :)02:15
TwistedBlizzardI have fewer worries about leaving this box unattended for the next 2 months now hooray!02:16
RingtailedFoxheya guys.. is there a way to manually display ubuntu's message of the day, after i already saw it earlier today?02:22
TwistedBlizzardRingtailedFox: sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/02:23
TwistedBlizzardThat'll get you the latest motd - not sure if there's a way to get the last one though02:24
RingtailedFoxoh, latest is what i wanted02:24
RingtailedFoxi added a local weather forecast to it and i just wanted to see if it worked, and it does :D02:24
TwistedBlizzardGreat! :)02:24
RingtailedFoxhttps://www.howtogeek.com/104708/how-to-customize-ubuntus-message-of-the-day/ followed this one... thoguh it does whine about --id (or in my case, -i) being removed soon02:25
RingtailedFox" WARNING: the --id option is deprecated and will eventually be removed "02:25
sarnoldRingtailedFox: if -i ever goes away you could look at https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in or similar :)02:26
RingtailedFoxi will02:27
RingtailedFoxi do love the idea of having current conditions in the MOTD02:27
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide02:30
RingtailedFoxthat's what i'm using, ubottu :)02:30
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RingtailedFoxoh!  no need for --id... just "weather CYQG" or "weather KDTW" :D02:34
Jordan_U /join #ubuntu-on-windows02:42
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viktor_i installed mariaDB, but "sudo systemctl status mariadb keep giving "active: activating (start)" instead of "active running". Anyone know why this is?03:19
viktor_\join #mariadb03:26
xbfrogthats why i always make changes in the server window, if i make a mistake no one sees it :)03:31
SrPx@Bashing-om is there no option to buy the developer edition of the xps 13 with 32gb of ram?03:59
Bashing-omSrPx: No idea as to xps 13 specs . maybe see what uncle Google can find ?04:01
SrPxit can't and the dell site is the worst thing ever made04:01
SrPxjust asked in case there is some obscure link i was missing you're aware of, ok?04:01
leftyfbSrPx: call Dell04:03
SrPxi will04:03
SrPxor not04:03
leftyfbthough it does say "Up to 16GB of memory"04:04
SrPxyea. weird that the non developer edition goes up to 32gb04:07
SrPxeven more weird, the developer edition goes up to 2tb, but not the non developer edition04:07
SrPxeven though all that changes is the OS that comes installed04:08
* SrPx shrugs04:08
SrPxtheir lineups are a complete mess04:08
leftyfbSrPx: https://imgur.com/a/7BJ26fj04:09
bobdobbsHi all. I'm trying to update the version of kdenlive on my ubuntu 18.04. I've installed the ppa using the command on this page: https://launchpad.net/~kdenlive/+archive/ubuntu/kdenlive-stable04:27
bobdobbsHowever, when I try to run 'apt-get install kdenlive', I'm told I already have the latest version. But this isn't true.04:28
bobdobbsI'm running 17.something on my system. And the latest version is 20.something.04:28
tatertotsbobdobbs: did you update04:28
bobdobbsTo be clear: after I installed the ppa, I did 'apt-get update'04:28
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bobdobbsAnd the update operation ran as expected and returned without error04:29
bobdobbsI've also tried removing kdenlive with --purge and reinstalling it04:32
tatertotsadding the 3rd party ppa didn't provide any newer version, may as well remove it04:37
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davido_What is the best way to profile what is happening when I bring the screen up from lock or power saving mode?  (It's taking a long time, lately)06:06
ducassebobdobbs: doesn't look like that ppa carries packages for 18.0406:33
tomreynmaybe one of those have "bionic" on the drop-down field: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=kdenlive06:46
BadGuyAlexapt-get install. Is there a way to specify proxy server or config file within a command parameter or environment variable? I do not want to modify existing files.06:47
tomreynBadGuyAlex: see the Apt::Acquire group in apt.conf(5) and the specific man pages referred to there. these options can be passed to apt via the -o command line argument06:52
BadGuyAlexThanks tomreyn. I'm going to check that out. Now I have to wait until apt-gi06:55
BadGuyAlexapt-get figures out there's no connection06:56
BadGuyAlexDamn Andie06:56
BadGuyAlexAndroid keyboard06:56
tomreyntry shouting "there's no internet" at it, i believe sometimes it works.06:57
tomreynor hit ctrl-c06:57
tomreynBadGuyAlex: https://computingforgeeks.com/how-to-set-system-wide-proxy-on-ubuntu-debian/ also lists the available options. i think that apt also uses the environment variables (unless overruled by its configuration or command line arguments).07:06
tomreynif you want to set the environment options globally, don't do it via /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh though, set them in /etc/environment instead07:06
tomreynsystemd also loads per user environment variables from ~/.config/environment.d/*.conf07:08
leafhousewow, what a ghost town07:44
oerhekshi leafhouse do you have a support Q?07:44
leafhouseno not really just checking out irc trying to find active convo channels07:45
leafhouseis this support only?07:45
oerheksyes, see topic07:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:46
nsaundersI can't always get a virtual terminal -- why?07:46
leafhouseok cool, thanks!07:46
klu3anybody here ever used cloudflare's dns ?07:47
nsaundershow do I get a virtual console.  just text?  alt=f1?07:48
oerheksnsaunders, try ctrl-alt-f307:49
nsaundersoerheks: no go.  it's ubuntu 20.04   --- always used to work in the past07:50
nsaundersctrl-alt-f1 logs me out..f3 no result07:50
nsaunders(not log out, but to the login screen)07:50
oerheksit should not log out but give login on tty07:50
oerheksctrl alt f1 to reverse07:51
nsaundersit gives login to gui -- not terminal07:51
nsaundersf3 does nothing..which is quite odd07:51
nsaundersnow I'm just confused, because ctrl-alt-f4 did what I wanted.   what happened to the others??07:52
nsaundershttps://askubuntu.com/q/1255303/847449           if anyone is so inclined.07:55
nsaundersoerheks: thanks07:55
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CriticalDrinkerhey, could upgrading windows subsystem linux , frm ubunu 18.04 to 20.4 bring a performance boost?09:27
CriticalDrinkercause its slow as hell09:27
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oerheksCriticalDrinker, wsl or wsl2?09:34
CriticalDrinkerI thnk wsl109:34
oerheksno idea, there is a dedicated channel for that09:34
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide09:34
CriticalDrinkerif I upgrade to wsl2 will I lose all files?09:34
oerheksif you have no backup of your data, it is not important09:35
CriticalDrinkeroh x09:35
CriticalDrinkerfirst I have to find out how to backup it,  I guess like this exporting it as a file https://winaero.com/blog/export-import-wsl-linux-distro-windows-10/09:39
rymate1234Quick question -- is there a way to dismiss the gdm lockscreen from a virtual terminal?10:10
rymate1234For some reason it isn't accepting my password10:11
lotuspsychjerymate1234: if password doesnt get accepted, that has a reason, typed correctly? caps ON/OFF ?10:19
rymate1234I typed it correctly to get into the VT10:20
rymate1234hence why I asked...10:20
rymate1234like there was a very obvious error when the password fails10:20
rymate1234but when I typed the password right it displayed a spinner for like a second then did nothing10:20
lotuspsychjerymate1234: i checked dconf-editor but dont see a way of disabling or autologin right away10:21
rymate1234I didn't ask for it to be disabled10:22
rymate1234just a way of manually dismissing it10:22
lotuspsychjerymate1234: try this gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'true'10:25
rymate1234I'll give it a shot thanks10:26
rymate1234Nah that didn't dismiss it10:26
rymate1234https://media.rymate.co.uk/trastronous here's a video of what's happening fyi10:27
rymate1234First time is purposefully incorrect, second time is me entering my password correctly10:27
lotuspsychjethats weird10:27
lotuspsychjerymate1234: so in a tty your password gets accepted right?10:28
rymate1234And ssh10:28
lotuspsychjerymate1234: wich flavour are you on?10:28
rymate1234It's kubuntu but I'm currently using the default flavour desktop10:29
lotuspsychjerymate1234: what about trying to install another desktop like openbox, and try login into there10:30
lotuspsychjemaybe its a flaw somewhere in sddm10:31
lotuspsychjeRikMills: you saw this before ^ ?10:31
oerheksmaybe the disk is mounted RO ?10:31
rymate1234Nah the disk is read write10:33
lotuspsychjerymate1234: nvidia graphics?10:34
RikMillslotuspsychje: not aware of anything10:35
lotuspsychjeRikMills: ok tnx10:35
rymate1234Amd graphics10:38
rymate1234loginctl unlock-sessions worked10:48
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:06
miguel_cleannot really an ubuntu or even linux question, but any idea how to read this bank schemas: https://www.kingston.com/en/memory/search?model=78226&devicetype=3&mfr=SON&line=VAIO ?11:31
miguel_cleanmax mem 8gb, but no of the schemas adds up to more then 6gb???11:31
HamiltonIf I want to ssh into some remote box, I just need to do a "sudo apt install openssh-server", right?11:32
oerheksmiguel_clean, more a ##hardware question, but the obvious missing is 4 + 4 gb. that schema just shows the other options11:42
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amuronyone know where I can get the windows version of evince?12:16
oerheksevince is linux only.12:18
amuroThere is a windwos version I downloaded before12:18
oerheksNope, if you downloaded a evince.exe, must be malware12:19
coconutamuro, evince is a gnome app, and thus linux only.12:20
BluesKajoerheks, it's in the repos12:21
oerheksBluesKaj, the windows version?12:22
BluesKajnever knew that, always thought it was awndows app :-)12:22
oerheksclosest thing to evince, opensource, is calibre12:23
coconutoh... seems to be a windows version here https://www.fosshub.com/Evince.html12:23
BluesKajheh, no wonder I was confused it's agnome app12:23
oerhekscoconut, i don't trust that12:24
amurois hosshub safe?12:24
oerheksioh, also on cnet, goodluck!12:24
coconutoerheks, it has 30.000 downloads!12:26
coconutamuro, it's weird because they link to the gnome project website while there is not windows version. At the same time it is a respected website... i would try to find another app.12:29
amurothx all12:30
amuroI downloaded from cnet, thx12:30
amuroWhats up with the people in windows channel?12:31
amurothey are so unfriendly trying to mute me when I asking for windows version of evince12:31
coconutamuro, you do want to find a project website first before you just install a binary found somewhere.12:32
amuroOh I thought download.cnet.com is safe12:32
amuroI used to download a lot from that site like 20 years ago12:32
coconutWhat top program is used here? https://www.kali.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/release-2020.2-kali-kde-dark.png13:12
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gibson96coconut: What part in particular?13:18
gunixif we have servers that can't reach launchpad because the IPs are blocked, who should we talk to?13:21
gibson96coconut: KDE Plasma, Dolphin File Manager, Neofetch (in the bottom right terminal), and something like htop?13:21
oerheksgunix, tried #launchpad ? uk office hourse13:23
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dreamerhmm, just upgraded my workstation from 18.04 to 20.04 and it seems I'm missing a bunch of fonts. and some of the ones that are installed are not rendering properly13:57
dreamerI use fonts-powerline in my terminals and everything looks weird13:57
KamarisI recently installer fiber internet, but I am not able to accomplish those speeds from my Ubuntu desktop, here is my current state of troubleshooting: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zNP38wQ6kJ/  Looking for guidance on what to try next14:03
kyle__That was between servers on your local lan, that has nothing to do with your internet connection14:12
Kamarisare you referring to the iperf?14:13
kyle__Without more details, I'm going to guess that's local lan at least.14:13
Kamarisi included that more as a reference to the server not reaching gigabit speads in general14:13
Kamariswhile other systems on the network are getting much closer14:13
kyle__You're getting solidly more than 100BaseT can deliver, just not up to the theoretical max speeds of 1000BaseT14:14
dodocrypto_h all14:14
dodocrypto_hi all14:14
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kyle__As for internet speeds, speedtest is included in the ubuntu repos.  It's a CLI version of the speedtest.net page.  I've got gig service as well, and I almost never test close to the advertised speed.14:16
Kamarisyes i used the speedtest cli and got even worse test speeds. i believe since i can do something liek disable network manager and get almost a 100 mb increase in speed test, that there are certain software settings i am unfamiliar with that might improve overall performance from that box14:17
leftyfbright now is the worst time for speed tests. Nobody is getting their full potential due to so many people working from home or just being at home and being online14:17
xaneoI'll cli-speedtest my setup now....14:17
xaneoDownload: 100.48 Mbit/s14:18
kyle__Kamaris: I'm not a fan of networkmanager either, but it shouldn't be slowing down your connection.14:18
xaneoUpload: 103.61 Mbit/s14:18
Kamarisif you look at the block of info where i test from multiple devices, you can see it's only the ubuntu system not reaching the speed thresholds, which is why i was hoping for insight on whether it was the antiquated hardware / build not handling the throughput well, or something else from a software perspective i can try14:18
kyle__That is the slowest I've ever seen mine test at :/ but it's also the first time I've run the test during the pandemic14:18
xaneokyle__: Would you say it's more beneficial to learn to set up the connection via the terminal?14:19
leftyfbKamaris: realtek has been known to have sub-par drivers which could cause issues with throughput/efficiency14:19
leftyfbxaneo: not really14:20
WaVSpeedtest CLI - Download: 142.78 Mbit/s / Upload: 10.75 Mbit/s ||||| speedtest.xfinity.com Download: 256.4Mbps14:20
xaneoOh nice, Chicargo. Went there a few weeks ago. People were shooting nearby all night lol14:20
leftyfbWaV: lets not14:20
leftyfb!ot | xaneo14:20
ubottuxaneo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:20
kyle__xaneo: oh 100%  It's just that the defaults in ubuntu desktop are to network-manager, and for a laptop, it's actually useful.14:21
kyle__My servers & hardwired boxes I just do it by hand.14:21
Kamarisleftyfb: oh :(14:21
xaneoleftyfb: OK mister police officer14:21
xaneoSee, this is why people leave IRC14:22
xaneoone slight thing off-topic and they're punished14:22
leftyfbxaneo: this is a support channel. All other topics are offtopic here. I don't see how giving you information is punishment.14:23
fakuveHi guys , I'm trying to temporary add an ubuntu repository , I'm trying to get gpg keys but it seems to be not working. Am I doing Something wrong? Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.YiWuXRiVwy/gpg.1.sh --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 54B8C8AC14:23
leftyfbfakuve: which repo are you trying to add?14:23
fakuveleftyfb: thisone  echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mkusb/ppa/ubuntu bionic main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mkusb.list14:24
xaneoleftyfb: You're may be giving me information, but in essence you're pointing out my wrongdoing.14:24
xaneoOK, I've had enough of this. I'll come back another time. Have a good day.14:25
fakuveleftyfb: it looks as if its processing but it's definitely stuck for more than 15 mins already14:25
leftyfbfakuve: undo everything you've done and run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa14:25
fakuvethanks leftyfb14:26
fakuveleftyfb: I dont have such a package in my repository (Kali rolling) add-apt-repository14:27
kbdlnx123Hey guys can I know why tracker is being used consistently?14:27
leftyfb!kali | fakuve14:27
ubottufakuve: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:27
fakuveleftyfb: thanks14:28
fakuveleftyfb: I posted in here cause as it was related to an ubuntu repository. Thanks14:28
* dododcrypto greet everyone14:28
kyle__Not to go too OT, but I thought kali was directly a debian derivitive?14:29
leftyfbkyle__: feel free to discuss in #kali-linux14:29
kyle__Point taken (and no argument).14:30
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slanck i got a kernel crash dump and would like to analyze it with GDB but the .crash file on /var/crash doesn't seem to have a CoreDump file when I unpack it using apport-unpack15:02
slanckand using the .crash file or the file generated on /var/crash/DATE/dump.XYZ with GDB gives incorrect file format15:03
slanckI would like to have the CoreDump file to analyze it using GDB, apport-retrace gives the error of missing files15:03
tmrolandhi, i have a drive on which i have 2 partitions, sda1 and sda2, sda2 is ubuntu and sda1 was created to copy sda1 so i can resize it to  take up the whole disk because i was running low on space on sda 1. i used ubuntu live usb to dd sda2 to sda1 and when i rebooted it boots and gets stuck at the disk detection phase in the kernel log buffer15:08
tmrolandused dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sda1 from live usb and it fails to boot now15:09
tmrolandEFI still there, grub boots15:09
freebdshow do i completely remove an application installed in opt using "apt install appp_nnnn.deb"15:31
oerhekshow did you force apt to install in /opt/ ??15:33
freebdsit did it by itself15:36
oerheksthen why would sudo apt remove package_name not work?15:37
BluesKajis it a browser like chrome or a vpn client ?15:39
freebdsis an ibm server15:41
oerheks Why?15:42
* oerheks watches a fresh kernel appear in updates15:43
slanckit's working now16:04
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pmarthey i'm trying to backport a package from groovy to focal but it fails to build because it depends on debhelper 13. what is the right solution for that?16:16
leftyfbpmart: don't16:16
leftyfbpmart: groovy isn't released yet and not supported. That includes the packages from it.16:17
pmarti know but what about debhelper issue?16:19
ubottuUbuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) will be the 33rd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseSchedule ). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.16:20
pmarti build on focal not groovy16:20
coconutpmart, might well be but there is no support for it here.16:21
pmartno support for locally backported packages?16:21
coconutpmart, no16:21
BluesKajyou can't expect to mix and match apps from different releases and have success16:21
pmartBluesKaj: no i don't. i build from source16:22
BluesKajdoesn't matter16:22
TJ-pmart: did you try simply lowering the Build-Depends: to debhelper 12 ?16:23
pmartTJ-: yes i did it fails to build it uses some 13 features apparently16:23
TJ-pmart: sometimes the B-D is incremented 'just because' without a real reason - although the changelog or repository commit history might detail why it was set as it is16:23
pmartTJ-: no it was bumped on purpose there is a info in changelog16:24
TJ-pmart: if it comes from Debian upstream they usually maintain a packaging-only source repo which might give a clue16:24
TJ-pmart: ahhh, so, you would need to do some work to make it build then !16:25
TJ-pmart: is it related to using Python libraries or similar?16:25
pmartno it's written in Go16:26
TJ-pmart: urghh, urghh, urghh!16:26
pmarti wonder if things like pbuilder would help16:26
TJ-pmart: we generally use sbuild now, but yes, that will since it builds in a target release chroot16:27
pmartTJ-: but this focal chroot will have the same issue, no?16:28
TJ-pmart: as it is Go surely it is stand-alone and doesn't need rebuilding for 20.04? As I understood it Go applications aren't dynamically linked16:32
pmartTJ-: they might have some Go things linked statically but the resulting binary is dynamically linked to libc and friends16:34
Orcs53Hi guys, I am trying out multipass in a virtualisation use case. I have some questions, if anyone could assist me. I have configured a new instance, and I now want to access a server running within this instance from a remote machine. I cannot find any information in the documentation on networking, it appears different to typical virtualisation16:47
Orcs53approaches. I am looking for a NAT approach to access the server on the multipass instance. Any ideas?16:47
Orcs53Or, can anyone suggest alternative solutions to remotely accessing the server in the multipass instance?16:48
leftyfbOrcs53: try #multipass16:49
egrainisn't 16 somethng still x86 able?16:49
leftyfbegrain: what are you referring to?16:50
Orcs53leftyfb: Cheers, I'll ask there.16:50
egraini have x86 processor here. old person. firefox / music listening use case.16:50
leftyfbegrain: do you mean i386, as in 32bit?16:51
egrainsince you dropped 32bit, i'm wondering if the old ones are still good to use these days. i mean they are lts it says.16:51
egrainp4 x86 family 15 model 2, i think.16:51
egrainbrowser still works, just windows xp is crap.16:51
egrainso i thought ubuntu, as usual, but then i was sorely mistaken, when i saw you only have 86_64 going.16:52
leftyfbegrain: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso16:53
leftyfbegrain: that is the basic installer. During the installation, make sure to tell it to install the ubuntu/gnome desktop or else you'll just get a command-line server16:54
leftyfbegrain: you also need an internet connection16:54
egrainwhat? an internet connection?16:55
egrainaway with this devil work!16:55
egrainanwyay, thanks a bunch, my left handed facebook friend.16:55
egrainso that's bionic beaver?16:56
egrain18 something.16:56
leftyfb!yy.mm | egrain16:57
ubottuegrain: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle16:57
leftyfbegrain: Ubuntu 18.04 is codenamed Bionic Beaver16:57
egraini'm glad we are having code names. we have to protect our identities from the enemy after all.16:58
egrainanyway, thanks again for explaining.16:58
egrainwhy isn't there a normal not mini image for x86? i just looked through 18.04 and 4 and they are all x64.17:00
egrainwhy you hate x86 so much?17:00
kyle__egrain: It's an edge case by now, not hated, just not common.  Especially for desktop systems.17:05
egrainwell, i don't expect someone to throw away their perfectly good machine just because it's not 64 bit.17:05
leftyfbegrain: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2018-May/040307.html17:05
leftyfbegrain: you can buy a computer for $35 that will run better than what you have there. "perfectly good" doesn't really apply here17:06
kyle__Then they can use a distro that still supports 32bit, like https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/i386/iso-cd/17:06
egrainthat's still 35 bucks and what do you do with old one? throw away or use it to put your legs up?17:07
leftyfbkyle__: I already linked to the 32bit installer for bionic17:07
kyle__leftyfb: Doh.  I thought that was one of the announcements about depricating it :) My bad17:07
leftyfbegrain: we're into offtopic territory here. Feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic17:07
egrainleftyfb, all good.17:07
oerhekswhy you hate x86 so much > find developers maintaining packages17:07
egrainthat is a good reason actually17:08
egrainanyway, i'm off installing 32bit ubuntu!17:08
kyle__It's hard enough for them to get good package maintainers for some packages that _are_ fully supported in 64bit.  Like atop.17:08
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egrainit says i can manually configure network, but i'm not allowed to put any IPs in.17:55
egrainhow do i set the nameserver then? there is no /etc/resolv.conf17:55
egrainalso i don't have vi.17:55
egrainoh, nano.18:00
Kristine86I was reinstalling Zoom, then all of a sudden external monitor stopped working. Now monitor doesn't show on display menu. I tried restarting laptop but didn't help. How can I fix this issue?18:06
Kristine86is this group active?18:10
oerhekshi Kristine86 , i have no idea about zoom, prop stuff18:12
Kristine86But aside from Zoom, how can I make external monitor work now?18:12
oerheksoh, their snap page have an issue url .. hopefull18:12
kyle__There's a snap of it now?  I think I'm going to switch from that.  I have it installed via a dpkg, and frankly, I trust them only slightly more than I trust facebook18:14
Kristine86Ubuntu isn't detecting external monitor all of a sudden18:14
kyle__Kristine86: That would have little to nothing to do with installing zoom.  Does xrandr even show you anything?18:15
kyle__Maybe you updated the kernel before the zoom install, and this was the first reboot after that, so you don't have your drivers?18:15
oerheksnvidia card? maybe the autologin issue..18:15
oerheksdepends what ubuntu version, actually18:16
Kristine86kyle__ yah that's very likely. I think issue probably  after restart.18:19
Kristine86oerheks I'm using ubuntu 20.02 lts18:20
kyle__Kristine86: Are you using a graphics card that requires a 3rd party driver with DKMS?  Like an nvidia or amd radeon?18:20
Kristine86I'm using gtx1050x, I'm not sure18:21
kyle__Probably then.18:21
kyle__uname -a to see the kernel version, mine looks like this: Linux leela 5.3.0-61-generic #55~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 22 16:40:20 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_6418:22
kyle__x86_64 GNU/Linux18:22
kyle__Grab the number part "5.3.0-61-generic"18:22
kyle__dpkg -l|grep 5.3.0-61-generic18:22
kyle__see if linux-headers-5.3.0-61-generic is in the list18:22
kyle__(replacing for whatever kernel you're on)18:22
Kristine865.4.0-39-generic #43-Ubuntu18:23
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egrainwoeahh... there would have been a 386 lubuntu 18.04 ready on the lubuntu side...18:24
Kristine86yep, I see this linux-headers-5.4.0-39-generic18:24
kyle__At that point I'd try "sudo update initramfs -k all -u", which should trigger the driver to rebuild its dmks module.18:25
kyle__(basically it rebuilds all the initramfs files for all the installed kernels)18:25
Kristine86sudo: update: command not found18:26
kyle__Sorry, typo on my part18:26
kyle__sudo update-initramfs -k all -u18:26
Kristine86ok done. I guess I should restart18:27
kyle__Yeah.  If it doesn't work this time, try dmesg -T|pastebinit18:29
kyle__I'm not sure if you can do journalctl -xb|pastebinit ?  Probably  That will help diagnose it as well18:29
Kristine86ok restarting, brb18:31
Kristine86it didn't work either. I'll try again later. Thanks for trying.18:36
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rajivmarshi guys, i am using ubuntu 20.04. the sound in 20.04 is is very low. the same laptop sounds very high when it runs windows. is there any solution to this?18:46
akemrajivmars, Try to change volume/pcm etc settings in alsamixer.18:48
rajivmarsakem, i m not see many options in alsamixer.18:48
sarnoldrajivmars: usually running pavucontrol is enough to figure out what needs to change18:49
rajivmarssarnold, installing it.18:49
rajivmarssarnold, what needs to be changed there is pavucontrol?18:50
sarnoldrajivmars: start audio playback, and then click around in pavucontrol, you might see one or another of the mixer sliders is turned way down, or needs to be turned above 100%, etc18:54
egyi've a binary with correct permissions, however i'm not able to execute it. any ideas ?18:57
egyls -la /usr/bin/ | grep welp18:57
egy-rwxr-xr-x  1 root   root    12521472 Jul  1 12:05 welp18:57
sarnoldwhat's the error message?18:57
egyunable to execute: no such file or dir18:58
egywith (and without) using sudo18:58
sarnoldegy: try ldd welp, probably a dependency is missing18:58
egysarnold: indeed, it doesn't work locally (on $HOME). `ldd` shows musl as a missing dependency. will re-install and run it, tanks a bunch!19:06
egythis is weird though. the error says: bash: no such file or dir. wouldn't bash use libc's fopen ?19:08
egy(i haven't installed musl yet, just rubber-ducking about the cause)19:08
sarnoldegy: heh, this is a *confusing* error message :019:09
sarnoldegy: err, :) rather19:09
sarnoldegy: the error message is coming from the execve(2) syscall: ENOENT The file pathname or a script or ELF interpreter does not exist, or a shared library needed for the file or interpreter cannot be found.19:10
egyoh! you're probably right! lemme strace that real quick19:10
sarnoldegy: most people who see this assume it's the "file pathname or script does not exist" part -- but this error number can mean three different things in this case19:10
egyi'm listening19:11
sarnoldegy: so, ldd should show the elf interpreter, dynamic libraries, etc, and if they are missing, which ones need to be put into place19:11
sarnoldegy: usually it's enough to install the loader or the library that is missing, and then you're on your way :) and once you know this one, you'll never *ever* forget it :)19:12
egysarnold: so i assume that it actually looks for something in the musl shared object, but it couldn't find it (so it returned no such file or dir) ?19:22
egy"it" being the musl library19:23
sarnoldegy: yeah; missing the libc that was used for the object file in question is the usual problem19:23
egysounds reasonable. i'd like to dig more into this but not enough time. thanks again for offering your help19:24
ioriaegy, have you run 'file' on that binary ?19:24
egyyes, a 64bit executable19:24
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[rg]can I contribute to ubuntu without ubuntu one? also do ppa's have to be hosted on launchpad?20:00
sarnoldyou can certainly answer questions on irc, askubuntu, etc without launchpad account -- but your options for contributing without a launchpad account are definitely limited20:02
[rg]can I send patches to someone with a launchpad account?20:07
freebdsi want to generate an access key20:11
freebdscurl -ki -u node_username:node_password -X POST https://localhost:9092/access_keys -d @access_key_config.json20:12
freebdswhat do i type in access_key_config.json20:12
tomreynthat's ubuntu related how?20:13
wingedrhinoIs there an alternative to .profile, that is executed on all shells when a new terminal is opened? I.e, I don't want to put it in .bashrc or .zshrc because I tend to use both. Would a `source .profile` be a wise choice on either of these files?20:14
[rg]wingedrhino: looking for a place to put env vars?20:15
wingedrhino[rg]: yeah lol and some function aliases20:15
[rg]ok that will depend on your shell20:15
wingedrhinoSo I personally use `zsh`, but the shell scripts I run tend to be for `sh` (when I write them) or `bash` (installers from the internet). I'd like something to work on all 3.20:16
tomreyneverything read .profile, just bash doesn't IF there is also ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login. so you can just put everything in .profile and not have the bash specific files.20:18
wingedrhinotomreyn: yeah but .profile seems to only be read during login; not while opening a second terminal when already logged in20:20
tomreynwingedrhino: and you need to do this because?20:23
wingedrhinotomreyn: because I frequently reassign variables while developing stuff?20:23
tomreynso export them20:24
[rg]yeah, you can place them in a script also20:24
wingedrhinotomreyn: they _are_ exported. Just that they don't seem to be loaded by .zshrc on startup20:29
wingedrhinoI mean by zsh20:29
wingedrhinoI added a `source ~/.profile` to the end of .zshrc to fix this. But wondering if there is a way to avoid this. A common .shellrc?20:30
tomreynfor environment variables there's a systemd wide default20:32
tomreynso you're right, i lied, zsh doesn't read .profile unless you make it do so manually20:35
geirhaand yes, .profile is only meant to be read during login, that's why it's only read when you log in20:38
wingedrhinoSo I guess as long as bash does it, I should be fine with adding `. ~/.profile` at the end of `.zshrc`20:38
wingedrhinogeirha: what about ~/.config/environment.d/*.conf?20:39
geirhaalso during log in, but read by pam instead of sh20:39
geirhaif you want to source .profile from .zshrc, you should make sure .profile doesn't append stuff to variables unconditionally; such as appending/prepending to PATH, else you might end up with larger and larger variables20:41
wingedrhinobah! I guess making my .profile idempotent and and sourcing it in .profile should do it.20:41
wingedrhino*in .zhsrc20:41
wingedrhinoSo yes $PATH is the one thing I'll need to worry about20:41
wingedrhinoWill google up some one-liner function I can write to test the presence of an entry in $PATH before adding it20:42
geirhacase :$PATH: in *:/some/bin:*) : ;; *) PATH=/some/bin:$PATH ;; esac20:43
wingedrhinoOr maybe there's a unix utility that can split $PATH by the ":" character, de-dupe it, and re-create it or something20:43
Dr_CokeCan someone tell me when the nvidia drivers will allow fractional scaling and 2560x1440 on ubuntu 20.04 and maybe even allow me to use wayland20:43
wingedrhinogeirha: ooh thanks!20:44
snordraacherso i've just found out my 18.04 server now uses netplan. fine by me but the relevant config files are missing. how do i configure my network settings now?20:47
compdocjust need one .yaml file20:50
geirhasecond example has incosistent indentation; uses 4 instead of 2 in the last object there20:51
snordraacherit's a feature that no file was created during migration?20:52
tomreynfrom kali to linux mint?20:52
snordraacheri'll create one, fine by me :) i just expected some place where i could find my current config20:53
snordraacherfrom previous LTS so 16.04 i think20:53
snordraacherubuntu server to ubuntu server20:53
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snordraachergeirha: thanks!20:57
tomreynsnordraacher: do you read release notes? can be worth it.20:57
snordraachertomreyn: pretty sure i did but it's been a while. just never rebooted20:57
tomreyni'd recommend reading them before you start a release upgrade20:59
snordraachersounds like a good idea21:01
snordraacherreading them now: The installer will generate a configuration file for netplan.io in the /etc/netplan directory.21:02
tomreyndid you run an installer?21:02
tomreynsnordraacher: hmm, it doesn't seem like there are instruction son what you should do about networking during / after release upgrade. i'm not sure what's supposed to happen. my guess is that if you have /etc/network/interfaces then it will continue to be used for backward compatibility.21:07
snordraachertomreyn: yeah seems like it21:09
kariAnyone alive?21:20
Dr_CokeHi kari21:21
tomreynhi kari, got any ubuntu support questions?21:22
weskraskojoin #nm21:23
kariI do indeed21:24
kariIs there any reason ubuntu would randomly freeze up, ram and cpu don't go over 30% or so.21:25
kariI had the same issue, a lot more frequently with my last OS, also debian based. So flattened that and installed ubuntu 20.04, ran fine most of the day, but then randomly just froze up. Audio bugged out too.21:27
snordraacherso i've set the opendns ips as primary and secondary dns servers. but i cant resolve anything21:27
tomreynkari: most of the time the reason is in hardware, sometimes firmware, rarely in linux. what's the hardware?  journalctl -b | grep DMI:    would tell21:28
snordraacherthey're mentioned when i run systemd-resolve --status, as well as the server's local ip. which i'm not sure of whether it should be there21:28
snordraacherkari: tried running a stresstest?21:29
kariIts turned off right now, but its an amp amd phenom 2, 8gb ballistic ddr3 1600 ram, gigabyte motherboard and radon r9 285 gaming 2gb21:30
kariWouldn't know what to do, but I'm open to suggestions and I can screenshot and try in the morning21:30
kariAm3 and phenom*21:31
kariWhat throws me is windows runs perfectly fine with no crashes, but linux goes belly up. Lol21:31
tomreynkari: try getting a full system log uploaded tomorrow then. journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999921:33
kariNc being netcat?21:35
kariSounds good. Will give it a go tomorrow first thing21:37
kariThank you kindly21:40
tomreynkari: also install memtest86+ and reboot to it (select it from grub menu) and run it overnight.21:44
kariI have it installed, dont think my girl woild lile the pc om all night. Lol21:47
kariIt wouldnt hurt to just rrplace the ram, right? Its quite old now, and i can imagine it being a problem21:48
tomreynwell, the journal is a good start21:48
kariyea, ill give that a go21:49
tomreynreplacing possibly broken dumms by other possibly broken dimms doesn't solve a problem. ;)21:49
tomreynI mean to write 'DIMMs' twice, sorry21:50
kariWas just gonna buy some new ddr3 hehe21:50
tomreynmeanT, hah21:50
kariyou on a phone, then? Lol21:51
tomreynjust a bad typist21:51
kariHaha fair enough21:51
tomreyni would not recommend spending money on this system anymore really, phenom is ooold.21:52
kariyeah, i knowwwww21:52
karihad it for like 7 yeads21:52
snordraachertomreyn: /etc/network/interfaces which says to use dhcp is appearantly still being used. i'm getting an ip via dhcp21:53
kariRight, you gonna be here in about 10 hours?21:53
snordraacherthink i can safely rename it? no physical access..21:54
tomreynkari: unlikely, but certainly *someone*21:54
kariOkie dokie, thanks for the advice21:54
kariLaters folks21:54
tomreynsnordraacher: the only responsible answer to that is the one you can make up yourself21:55
snordraachershit haha. ok some other time then21:55
snordraacherthanks for the advice!21:56
tomreynyou're welcome, kari + snordraacher :)21:56
SrPxhey. after a 15 years programming career and a few weeks of research i finally ordered my first ever ubuntu machine, a dell xps 13, migrating after 8 years of pure macbook / OSX22:16
sarnoldwoot, congratulations22:17
kk4ewtSrPx; Welcome to the FOSS side22:17
SrPxI hope I adapt to linux and don't miss anything from the apple ecosystem. a little bit anxious about things like build quality (like the trackpad), and things that I take from granted (time machine, airdrop, seamless integration with iphone & stuff). not 100% sure ill love it. but i love customizing things and perhaps it will end up working very well. in the worst case it will be fun22:19
SrPxthanks \o22:19
SrPxthat means i'll be bothering you with a looooooot of questions when it arrives so get ready c:22:20
Bashing-omSrPx: Help is what we do - so long as you put some effort into that learning curve.22:21
kk4ewtSrPx; you may find on most things Open Source is better than Apple22:22
SrPxI hope so, but it is fine if some things don't work as well. It is hard to compete with the most profitable company in the world and I'm not expecting everything to be better nor easier22:39
semitonesHey all; i thought I'd take another shot at downsizing my ubuntu installation instead of fresh installing23:15
semitonesi'm installing synaptic and I'm going to look for packages to remove23:15
semitonesOk just to doublecheck: it's sudo -i synaptic?23:17
Bashing-omsemitones: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install synaptic ' :D23:20
quadrathoch2semitones as long as you are on Xorg,  sudo synaptics should be enough23:21
sarnoldsemitones: the 'orphaner' tool from the deboprhan package is pretty handy23:25
semitonesthanks sarnold!23:26
semitonesAlso looks like if you open it through the gui it automatically asks for root23:26
semitonesso much of my 10 GB installation is taken up by snaps23:27
semitonescan I remove ubuntu-standard?23:35
sarnoldsemitones: if you've got a good enough reason, yeah, that's probably fine; another option is to use the 'equivs' package to fake up whatever it is you don't want, so you can keep the meta-package23:37
Bashing-omsemitones: ^ in for a worls of hurt - see: ' apt show ubuntu-standard ' .23:37
sarnoldsemitones: just be aware that upgrades to new releases may require a bit more work23:37
sarnoldsemitones: re ten gigs of snaps, you could ask it to keep one, or perhaps even zero, previous versions of snaps23:37
semitonesI don't need to mess with ubuntu-standard then; I'm on ubuntu studio, which I think uses xfce?23:39
semitonessarnold, I'm pretty new to snaps: how can I do that?23:39
semitonesand how can I see which snaps are installed?23:40
sarnoldsnap list23:40
sarnoldsemitones: https://snapcraft.io/docs/keeping-snaps-up-to-date#retain23:42
semitonesok, set that to 223:44
semitonesI still have 8.6 GB on my filesystem; still looking for wood to chop23:45
sarnoldncdu is handy23:46
sarnoldI love how "find things to remove" usually means people suggesting their favourite tools to install :)23:46
semitonesI'm thinking that I might have manually installed another desktop environment at some point23:47
semitonesif Ubuntu Studio is the one I want to keep, is there a main ubuntu metapackage I can safely remove? Not sure if that would be ubuntu-standard or something else23:48
sarnoldsomewhere there's a scary looking script that does a *lot* of grunt work in removing unwanted desktop environments23:48
semitoneslike i have 1.8 GB in /usr/share, but most of it isn't in directories so I don't know what is taking up that space23:50
Bashing-omsarnold: This one ? https://github.com/aysiu/purebuntu - semitones will have to adapt to his use case :D23:51
semitonesthanks :)23:52
sarnoldBashing-om: hmm, I had a thought that it was several times longer. this is close but I'd really want to closely examine what it suggests to do before blindly doing it :)23:53
Bashing-omsarnold: old but there is: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu .23:54
semitonesIn your version of ubuntu software center, are you able to select multiple items, and then remove them all at once23:55
semitonesI can select multiple items, but I can only then add them to folders, not remove them23:56
sarnoldBashing-om: oh wow those are broad :) all those poor little font packages ..23:56
Bashing-omsarnold: :D What a web we can weave for ourselves . easy to get in - ouch to get out .23:57
sarnoldBashing-om: hah, so true23:57
semitonesI have 330 MB of icons alone23:59
semitonesin usr share :P23:59
sarnoldthat's a lot of icons23:59
semitoneslike, why. How did this happen23:59
sarnoldoh I wonder, are they appstream icons?23:59

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