[01:01] * stephencheng[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/UmJRfYpxKKIsZmUmAMaDKbmM > [02:44] kelvinliu: here's a small vsphere fix https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11800 [02:44] looking now [02:55] wallyworld: so this fix is to fix the workaround of /MyFolder/MyDC/vm/juju-root [02:55] but not fix the vm-fold sets to `juju-root`, right? [03:00] kelvinliu: i used the same logic from their on site patch - it's just for handling a vmfolder that is not a subpath of the DC folder [03:00] dcfolders.VmFolder.InventoryPath == /MyDC/vm but [03:01] the real dc folder is /MyFolder/MyDC/ [03:01] yeah https://github.com/nobuto-m/juju/commit/26ab58c38fb3bc41905f8085c6939bc3628181b5 [03:01] yeah, I know [03:01] that's just a workaround [03:02] the vmfolder should be able to point anyhwere though right? [03:04] with current fix, if the vmfold sets to juju-root, we will still get the error `folder path "/MyDC/vm/juju-root" not found` [03:04] so they need to set the vmfolder correctly [03:05] if an absolute path is needed, they should provide that [03:05] or no? [03:05] $ govc find | grep juju-root [03:05] /MyFolder/MyDC/vm/juju-root [03:06] vsphere API thinks the dc fold is /MyDC/vm/juju-root [03:08] I think this might be fix for their particular issue with the workaround, but we will need find why the API tells the wrong datacentre path [03:08] wallyworld: so we will just ask them to test ur branch or? [03:10] kelvinliu: yeah, we can ask them to test th edge snap. i thought juju just appended "jju-root" to whatever the folder ended up as? [03:10] yeah, that's what Juju does currently [03:11] the problem here is the root DC fold was wrong in the API [03:11] so i think this will be ok - they have the option of a relative or absolute path, their choice [03:11] i don't know why the DC fold was wrong [03:12] wallyworld: did u see petro's comment? [03:13] It seems govmomi is not returning the entire absolute path with [03:13] i did see them but don't understand the api enough [03:13] [/MyFolder/]MyDC/vm/juju-root [03:16] wallyworld: just approved to allow them to test it. [03:16] sgtm ty [03:18] ty for the fix === ionutbalutoiu_ is now known as ionutbalutoiu === mpontillo_ is now known as mpontillo