
rtndoghi. you guys have any experience with xclip/xdotool? I'm trying to avoid using the mouse as much as possible, but I want to copypaste things into command lines.00:52
rtndogthx in advance.00:52
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rtndogim trying to get my ~/.profile file to work correctly with aliases...02:47
rtndog...when i type the following in the shell, it works perfectly: youtube-dl $(xclip -o)...02:47
rtndog...and when i alias it like this, it works perfectly: alias y="youtube-dl '$(xclip -o)'"...02:47
rtndog...but when i put alias y="youtube-dl '$(xclip -o)'" into the ~/.profile file, I am forced to then type . ~/.profile, otherwise the xclip portion of it "expands" to whatever its contents were at the moment I last saved the file. which is obviously not what im trying to do...02:47
rtndog...i want whatever is *currently* saved at this very moment within the copybuffer to be sent to youtube-dl as an argument....02:47
rtndogand im trying to save an alias to do so wihtin my profile, so i dont need to type  $alias y="youtube-dl '$(xclip -o)'"...02:48
rtndog...because: i have MANY shells open simultaneously, whenever im using linux. especially when im simultaneously downloading many videos...02:48
rtndog...any help pls? thx in advance! :)02:48
rtndogalso, where is the procfs located?04:24
guivercrtndog, the linux proc file system (procfs) is a virtual file system created at boot and exists in memory04:25
rtndogso there is no analog to it within the filesystem that appears in midnight commander, or in the shell? there is no way to view it by cd-ing to it and typing ls -la?04:26
guivercyou can `cd /proc` normally (unix/linux treats heaps of things as if files, 'everything is a file' in unix theory), but being a virtual file system, it doesn't exist on disk04:28
rtndogoh ok04:29
rtndogso when im viewing my "root" file system using ls -la or withing mc or some other file browser, and I see that dir called /proc, im actually looking at a dir that does not truly exist on disk, correct?04:30
rtndogbasically, the procfs is "mounted" to /proc as a mount point, correct?04:30
rtndogwell, the dir *itslef* probably exists as a blank dir called /proc, but i think you understand what im asking.04:31
guivercI would expect the /proc to exist actually (like you need to create a directory to `mount` something onto it), but it's contents are in the virtual-fs & thus contents won't exist on disk04:31
rtndogi get it now. thx.04:31
rtndogso now i understand that the procfs filesystem is "mounted" onto the folder called /proc, and that...04:40
rtndog...the /mnt files are located on other partitions, CD, DVD, floppy, usb, etc. drives04:40
rtndog...but only /mnt and /proc are special in that regard, right? or are there others?04:40
rtndogbut all the other dirs that are just one step away from / are real dirs, correct?04:40
rtndoglike /boot, etc.04:41
rtndogthose are all real? or are some of them "unique" like /mnt and /proc?04:41
guivercIf you `stat /proc` you'll note the directory itself appears as a normal directory; it's use case makes it special.  Likewise too with /mnt.  /mnt is often not used so you can `sudo cp` files to it and it acts like a normal directory... /proc however will be used on a normal boot of your system which makes it behave different04:45
guivercif you were to copy files to /mnt/blah/ when it wasn't in use, the files will exist on disk..  If you later mount a device called "blah" the subsequent mount will 'shadow' the contents of /mnt/blah/ and what appears from then on is the mounted drive... when you `umount` the device that was using /mnt/blah, you'll see once again the files you copied earlier in my example (if you follow me)04:46
guiverc(the shadowning of directories & their contents via `mount` can be useful and times, but also scary if you do something which causes data you put there to be shadowed & thus appears to disappear..)04:48
guivercs/useful and times/useful at times04:48
byte1what:'s up guys07:48
rtndogguiverc: oh thx07:58
rtndogguiverc: ive scared myself like that before.07:58
rtndogguiverc: especially when i first started out on linux (i started on gentoo, which does not automount anything, so therefore *I*, as a complete noob, had to do it by hand!)07:59
rtndogguiverc: needless to say, i thought that i had accidentally deleted important files.08:00
rtndogguiverc: i was praising God after I umounted08:00
rtndogguiverc: and noticed my files were still there.08:00
guivercgentoo!   a real newbies distro lol08:00
rtndogwell at the time i didn't know a distro from a hole in the ground.08:01
rtndogi thought "linux is linux".08:01
rtndogactually, there *is* a file you can change to make it automount upon boot08:02
rtndogbut those settings must be put into the file by hand, and at the time I was very confused about the nature of the Linux Directory Structure (I still am, actually)08:03
rtndogin any event, aparently the file doesn't always get read at boot. perhpas it only gets read if other files don't exist or something. i dunno.08:04
rtndogit some kinda configuration file08:04
rtndogso i changed the contents, and successfuly saved the file.08:05
rtndogbut it had no effect.08:05
rtndogso i ended up needing to always run mount and ntfs-3g by hand.08:05
rtndogevery day, every time i booted up.08:06
rtndogvery annoying.08:06
rtndogat the time, i had no idea you could script stuff.08:06
rtndogand when i first learned of the existence of "scripts" i kept referring to them as "batch files", which i still do very often.08:06
rtndogcuz batch files are a Winshit thing.08:07
rtndogI'm also a completely self-taught Winshit Power-User.08:07
guivercI had the advantage of using unix before windows was any good (windows v1), but this isn't support released and should be in #lubuntu-offtopic08:08
rtndogI used to run a Hardened WinshitXP, but I never allow it to touch the web, despite all the Hardening steps which I always follow upon a new WinXP installation.08:08
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xwindowshi there ..11:49
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n-iCehi guys19:11
santimir[m]<Pica "He probado ubuntu y xubuntu, per"> es fantastico21:22
ozzohi friends.. whast up?22:28
ozzoi installed compiz but it doesnt work perfect.. what should i do?22:29
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