
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
jameshhmm. the gnome-3-34-1804 snap contains static libraries :-(01:33
callmepkgood morning02:23
marcustomlinsonjamesh: yeah that’s wrong. pretty sure we explicitly unstaged *.a07:21
jameshmarcustomlinson: I filed https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk/-/issues/3 about it07:22
jameshmarcustomlinson: they represent about 10% of the uncompressed size of the snap.  I don't know how much they increase the compressed size though.07:23
marcustomlinsonsomething from this list is pulling in static libs then: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk/-/blob/gnome-3-34-1804/snapcraft.yaml#L5307:24
dufluBelated morning jamesh, callmepk, marcustomlinson07:24
marcustomlinsonmorning duflu07:25
jameshhi duflu 07:25
jameshmarcustomlinson: snap/manifest.yaml inside the snap shows the expanded list.  Haven't spotted an obvious culprit yet07:28
marcustomlinsonjamesh: oh the fix for that may only be in candidate07:28
marcustomlinsonI think ken wanted it to stew there for a bit07:29
jameshmarcustomlinson: ah.  That makes things easier07:29
marcustomlinsonyeah this is why I was confused, because we fixed this precise issue 2 weeks ago :P07:30
jameshmarcustomlinson: I was investigating https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/trouble-with-the-gnome-3-34-extension-possible-version-mismatch-between-the-libgtk-3-so-0-and-libpango/18618 and was confused about why tab completion was showing .a files :-)07:36
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