
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest13226
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jw55552hi.  just a note.   shouldn't https://lubuntu.net/  be taken down ?11:33
apt-ghettojw55552: Yes11:33
jw555522.  https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/index.html  is there a pdf or downloadable version11:35
apt-ghettojw55552: At the moment, there is no official pdf for the manual. But you can download the source code and build it locally.11:37
jw55552the source code is not complete here it seems?11:46
apt-ghettoI was speaking about the real source code => https://github.com/lubuntu-team/manual11:48
apt-ghettoNot about the source code of the site in the browser11:48
jw55552even the code on github does not seem complete ?11:59
jw55552compare to https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/F/keyboard_shortcuts.html11:59
kc2bezmaster and stable are not the same branch.12:02
jw55552stable  does not have it either https://github.com/lubuntu-team/manual/blob/stable/source/F/keyboard_shortcuts.rst12:03
kc2bezIt looks like there is an include at the bottom, you would have to follow that to get the rest of the page.12:07
apt-ghettoIt is the source code, the result is made from several source files12:07
apt-ghetto1. Install the build dependencies12:07
apt-ghetto2. Clone the repository and change into it12:07
apt-ghetto3. Create the html or pdf with make12:07
jw555552dc.   by "make"  do you mean a command12:28
kc2bezjw555552: make is a command, yes.12:29
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