
guivercRazva, what release of Ubuntu are you using?00:01
guiverc(all supported releases of Ubuntu use systemd as far as I'm aware)00:02
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xbfrogyesterday i was saying i lost my pager buttons and i created a guest account and the pager buttons are there00:34
xbfrogbut not in my logon00:34
xbfrogcan they be restored?00:34
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Wamphyrievery time i try and install ubuntu i get grub-install dummy failed?01:27
Tatohello, is it possible to install ubuntu server 20.04 with mate using desktopify without ethernet?01:32
ClockInstalled vnc, fired it up01:32
ClockTried to connect to it, despite the port being open and the application running01:32
ClockIt says...01:32
ClockConnection exited unexpectedly01:32
ClockDoes ubuntu do something to stuff it up or?01:33
Tatohow can I install ubuntu server 20.04 with mate using desktopify without ethernet on a Rpi4?01:35
ClockGood luck getting WiFi to work on ubuntu server01:36
IarlaffDiaporama is crashing for me on 20.04 and I see it hasn't been updated since 2014. Are there any other simple apps that take photos and an mp3 and create a nice video? I'm looking for something easier than KDEnlive.01:37
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=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
pyraindropis anyone running ubuntu 20.04lts on Ryzen 9 3900X here? What MB do you recommend?03:29
abhijitHi all. after yesterday updates, i lost my sound drivers in 20.04 and now only seeing Dummy output. what is it? how to fix it?03:34
abhijitsudo alsa force-reload fixed it.03:44
de-factowhy is gnome+radeon so unstable with chromium? e.g. closing a tab can CRASH the whole of Xorg?!03:46
de-factoalso gst-plugin-scan seems to segfault according to dmesg03:47
de-factowhich would be the most stable combination of desktop environment + graphics stack that would allow for a crash free browsing experience with chrome?03:48
abhijitde-facto, take a look at KDE Neon Distro.03:49
de-factois that more stable than gnome3?03:49
mrbirkov hi, is there a way to know if my HP Pavilion touchscreen is supported by latest kernel/ driver? I am on HP pavilion 1033TU03:49
de-factoabhijit, with which graphics stack behind it?03:49
abhijitnot sure about more than gnome, but KDE Neon is trying to give stable KDE experience03:49
abhijitde-facto, KDE is built using QT03:49
de-factoradeon? nvidia?03:49
abhijitshould work with all. ideally!03:50
abhijitcheck the distro support for that.03:50
de-factoyeah in an ideal world... yet gfx seems to be very unstable still with all linux distros03:50
de-factowhich would be the most stable stack?03:50
abhijitmrbirkov, you mean you are using same touchscreen laptop? why not just try using the touch pen to draw something?03:51
abhijitde-facto, cant compare. but i am just suggesting to take a look at kde neon once.03:51
de-factoyeah or Kubuntu or such03:51
abhijitkubuntu is not trying to do what kde neon does.03:52
de-factoevery single change in gnome makes me hate it more03:52
mrbirkovabhijit, yes, i have a touchsreen HP pavilion touchscreen and want to make it work in my Ubuntu 20.0403:52
abhijitGnome3 is my favorite and works well for me!03:52
de-factoi was always using Gnome3 but i hate it more and more over the years03:52
abhijitmrbirkov, have you already installed ubuntu ?03:53
mrbirkovabhijit, yes iam on ubuntu 20.0403:54
abhijitmrbirkov, touchscreen should work automatically03:54
de-factonever supported something functional like a task bar, notification tray, took away most useful settings so the "tweak" tool would have to provide basic settings, one of the most resource heavy DEs with still unstable shell, annoying popup spam which cant be disabled, now even desktop folders etc with nautilus were canceled, nautilus itself being very unstable crashing on remove fs like MTP or SSH etc pp03:56
de-factoand a browser should not be able to crash the whole thing03:56
mrbirkovabhijit, yes, thats why I am trying to figure out why its not detected and working03:56
de-factobut yeah now chromium-browser seems to be canceled itself i read in 20.04 only as snap, so maybe I really need to try some other options03:58
de-factosorry just in a bad mood because i lost data due to that Gnome3 crash, should not rant in here04:01
byroniacde-facto: I'm sorry you are having problems. Did you do a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04? I dislike how "Big Brothery" and "Super Nanny" Gnome3 is getting, but I haven't had nearly the problems you are describing.04:02
de-factoi am still on 18.0404:03
TheJackalI can't seem to get Ubuntu 18.04 server installed with encryption04:04
TheJackalI don't see it on the Server Live Installer04:04
mrbirkovxinput not showing anything related to touchscreen04:21
rjwiiidumb Q: How do I  minimize all windows in 20.04?04:22
TheJackalAnyone know how to install Ubuntu with full disk encryption?04:23
quadrathoch2TheJackal it should be under adanced (when you decide how ubuntu gets installed04:24
rjwiiinm ... figured it out ...04:25
TheJackalI think the issue is that that's not an option on the server install, only desktop04:27
quadrathoch2TheJackal let me have a sec, and I boot up a vm04:29
TheJackalThanks, quadrathoch204:29
TheJackalYou are the greatest04:30
monkwitdafunkhello! if i install ubutnu 20.04 on the latest and greatest hardware, do you think i should just dual boot windows 10 home and ubuntu server?04:30
quadrathoch2monkwitdafunk it really depends on what you want to do with that pc04:31
TheJackalIf you really need a server, then I would use a different machine04:31
TheJackalIf you just need desktop, why not?04:32
monkwitdafunkpass linux professional institute exams at a pearson vue testing centre04:32
TheJackalTo pass an exam?  Ha!  Then dual boot04:32
monkwitdafunki really cant harden an operating system if i dont have the foundation04:32
quadrathoch2TheJackal https://imgur.com/a/euQyPx304:34
quadrathoch2monkwitdafunk if you really have a powerful machine, you could just fire up a vm, so you wouldn't need to dual boot (which for most people is tedious)04:35
monkwitdafunkjackal, do you play web browser games?04:35
monkwitdafunki wish i could fire a VM04:35
TheJackalWhere did you get that install?  Mine doesn't look like that04:35
TheJackalDo you have a link?04:35
monkwitdafunkim buying the cheapest laptop thats brand new. the best thing about it is that it has power-on pass04:35
monkwitdafunkif somebody tries to jack it, a pc tech cant refurbish it in a criminal manner04:36
quadrathoch2TheJackal that's just the normal live install 18.04 server install04:36
quadrathoch2TheJackal https://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.4/ubuntu-18.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso04:37
TheJackalThanks I'm going to try it again04:38
speeder39_Hello anyone around04:40
TheJackalI'm drinking Chilean red wine.  Happy birthday, America!04:40
speeder39_Hi TheJackal are you in the USA04:41
TheJackalYes, I am04:46
TheJackalI have traveled the world, but I live in USA now04:46
TheJackalI am dating a Russian woman04:48
TheJackaloh the joys04:48
lotuspsychje!ot | TheJackal04:50
ubottuTheJackal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:50
TheJackalhaha ubottu, I'm human04:51
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CaptainAmericato the guy who posted the 18.04 linux server link, can you please post it again?05:30
CaptainAmericaI'm pretty sure that's the one I used before05:36
CaptainAmericaWhich didn't have the encryption option05:36
CaptainAmericaIt may be due to hardware differences05:36
CaptainAmericaI'm trying to install on an HP Proliant Server05:36
CaptainAmericaAnyway, I'm going to try it again05:37
quadrathoch2CaptainAmerica, hardware shouldn't make a difference05:39
CaptainAmericaOh hardware can absolutely make a difference05:48
CaptainAmericadrivers are the biggest problem with linux05:48
CaptainAmericaIt's about the only thing better about Windows05:49
quadrathoch2well as the feature in the installer won't get hidden if you have 'special' hardware, it _should_ be there05:50
CaptainAmericaI don't have that feature05:50
quadrathoch2did you update the installer? or no internet?05:51
CaptainAmericaI wrote it out to USB05:51
CaptainAmericaThat was it, quackgyver05:53
CaptainAmericaerr quadrathoch205:53
CaptainAmericaGood job05:53
quadrathoch2CaptainAmerica :)05:53
* CaptainAmerica bows to quadrathoch205:54
CaptainAmericaAnything I could help you with?05:59
CaptainAmericaWash your car?   :)05:59
quadrathoch2lol :), if you ask it that way ;)06:02
mrbirkovhi i got this issue. no sound after reboot. Had it working before but unsure what I did to make it working. after rebooting no voice again. sound card is detected and driver  loaded. using snd-hda-intel06:18
mrbirkovbeen hours figuring out this06:18
mrbirkovtried reinstalled alsa06:19
mrbirkovrestart and all06:19
john_rambo Hi, I am getting this while trying to stream an online music channel >>>> https://ibb.co/njctXft06:43
john_rambo Is there a way to solve this ?06:43
guivercjohn_rambo, have you enabled DRM content on your browser?06:58
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amosbirdErr http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease07:54
amosbirdErr http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease07:54
amosbirdIgn https://esm.ubuntu.com trusty-infra-security InRelease07:55
amosbird...., when building ubuntu docker image, apt errors07:55
amosbirdhowever I can definitely reaches those sites07:55
tomreyn!trusty | amosbird07:56
ubottuamosbird: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade07:56
tomreynpaid support is available (but not by the volunteers over here)07:57
amosbirdit's actually a docker issue08:02
ViperXL75good morning. I got an old 1Tb NTFS drive which i'm going to change to EXT4. First (dumb) question of the day. Which tool does Ubuntu have to do that? Do i have to dive into CLI ?08:09
ViperXL75or can that "Disks" Gui get the job done?08:10
BeavisOnFireDisks gets the job done.08:10
ViperXL75thank you08:11
ViperXL75aaaand the application closed/crash.08:12
ViperXL75gonna try to relaunch it as root08:13
overclockmkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx08:14
ViperXL75i guess that will make (in my case /dev/sdb) an ext4 immediately08:14
tomreynViperXL75: do you actually want the file system on the immediate disk, or do you want a partition table on it, too?08:15
ViperXL75not sure08:16
ViperXL75I'm not gonna boot any system from it08:16
ViperXL75it's just an old drive to download junk.... fool around with it.08:16
ViperXL75then delete the files08:16
tomreynyou'd want a partition table if you're likely going to have more than one file system (and partition) on it, want to use it with other OSes. other than that, what you're saying sounds like you'll be fine with the direct approach.08:18
ViperXL75Thanks it worked it seems08:18
ViperXL75now to re-mount it08:18
ViperXL75i used this 1Tb drive back in the old days when i didnt trust/understand the typical linux file system with rights etc...08:23
ViperXL75so i thought... "make it simple so linux can't lock you out of ur folders. Worse case scenario you boot an USB and grab ur files and RUN!!!"08:23
ViperXL7511 years later... totally in love and ready for a long-term commitment with something else than NTFS08:24
echoSMILEwhich tool (with GUI) can I use to set the monitor colors settings ?08:31
echoSMILEI already have Arandr for xrandr, is ther eany GUI for xgamma ?08:32
echoSMILEs/ther eany/there any08:32
ViperXL75the file system is mounted via FSTAB.08:37
ViperXL75UUID=aabf3af8-9a9f-473c-a253-a4891f30d39f /mnt/DaBoss     ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 008:38
ViperXL75I was able via CLI to even make a folder in there08:38
ViperXL75yet from the GUI it says that it is not mounted08:38
=== overclock is now known as blackgoku
Napk1nquadrathoch2 hey bud just wanted to tell you thanks for the help these past few days, and believe it or not the issue resiolved itself, yesterday i literally gave up on it10:05
Napk1nand half way through the day today it started working as if nothing ever happened10:05
GroboI'm trying to use vino under lubuntu. There isn't "vino-preferences" (from the wiki) and I don't see an option to "enable screen sharing". How can I get this to work?10:33
tomreynGrobo: vino is integrated into gnome/ gnome-shell (which is ubuntu's default graphical desktop). lubuntu uses a different graphical desktop and window manager. i don't know whether it works as easily and as well there.10:45
tomreynGrobo: which "the wiki" are you referring to? (URLs help)10:46
ViperXL75I'm a bit confused (as usual). I changed an old NTFS disk to ext4 using "mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx". Worked like a charm. The weird thing is, within 'gnome-disks' menu i see it still not mounted. If i try to mount it, i get an unknown error. If i go and manually add a line to fstab to mount it for em, it gets mounted fine, but 'gnome-disks' itself still sees it as not-mounted.11:34
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:34
ViperXL75morning BluesKaj11:34
BluesKaj'Morning ViperXL7511:35
ViperXL75I tried removing the line from /etc/fstab "UUID=aabf3af8-9a9f-473c-a253-a4891f30d39f /mnt/DaBoss     ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0".11:35
ViperXL75Then i can mount it from within GUI  'gnome-disks'.11:35
ViperXL75Does the 'gnome-disks' write changes to fstab on its own or something?11:36
BluesKajprobly only the default disk where the OS and boot files are installed11:39
tomreynthats possible. gnome applications often do not come along with a lot of documentation, so you'd need to read the source code or test what it does. that's probably one of the reasons many prefer to use better documented CLI utilities which traditionally provide better error messages than GUI applications do. and usually come with better documentation.11:39
ViperXL75hmm ok11:40
ViperXL75i would hate to say Ubuntu20.04 is behaving "funny"11:40
tomreynyou should read up more. in the desktop world, there are two ways to mount file systems. fstab is the classic standard approach for defining which file systems can be mounted and which should be mounted during boot. there's also gio and udisks which is used for user initiated mounts, such as through the graphical file browser.11:45
tomreynand there's the mount command which can mount what's defined in fstab, or mount other file systems at other locations as specified.11:46
ViperXL75And does mounting it through one system (in this case fstab) make it behave oddly when aproaching it via the Nautilus GUI of Ubuntu 20.04 ?11:47
ViperXL75cuz i can "see" the empty drive. I can manually make folders.11:48
ViperXL75But when it try to copy files from another drive to it, i get the error that its fully11:48
ViperXL75(just reformated the whole drive so it's rather empty)11:48
Spock_ncc1701Hi guys, what are the criteria to open the captive portal browser? I have a captive portal that does not causes the browser window to open11:48
tomreynViperXL75: these mounts may behave differently, whether one oif them is "odd" is probably up to you to decide, based on unknown criteria.11:55
tomreynViperXL75: if you want to access a file system as a restricted user, such as the one you'll run your graphical desktop as, you should either prefer mounting via gio mount/nautilus/udiskctl or use the "mount" command against a file system defined in fstab with the "user" option11:58
tomreynsee the "Non-superuser mounts" parapgraph in the mount(8) !man page on the latter11:59
theInspectorSo this might not be the right place for this, but is there a channel / place for Actiona help?12:01
lotuspsychje!alis | theInspector12:03
ubottutheInspector: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:03
theInspectorOh wow, thank you! I didn't know about this.12:04
Sven_vBon focal, I tried "nmcli radio wifi on && nmcli radio" but the only visible result was the connectivity table, with wifi still off. in syslog I found: audit: op="radio-control" arg="wireless-enabled" ??? result="fail" reason="Not authorized to perform this operation" ??? is there a way to make nmcli print the reason to stderr as well if it fails, and/or at least exit non-zero?13:09
sorcereranyone else have issues with running openarena (installed from apt like always) and 20.04?13:42
sorcereron both PCs im getting VM initialization errors?13:42
tomreynSven_vB: i can't answer your question, but note there is also the "rfkill" command, which - i think - does more or less the same as §nmcli radio"13:50
tomreynsorcerer: maybe this is bug 1651561 ?13:50
ubottubug 1651561 in openarena (Ubuntu) "openarena crashes upon starting or joining a game" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165156113:50
tomreynother bug reports are listed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openarena13:50
sorcereri found the bug no answer on it unfortunately13:56
sorcerergonna see if installing from src will work over the apt-get13:57
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks! Indeed I did successfully unblock all adapters in rfkill before the above scenario happened. I was wondering myself why wifi would still show up as off in the connectiviry table. in Xenial, NetworkManager was rather aggressive in synchronizing all those toggles, even annyoing me because it would not allow me to switch on/off different wifi antennae individually.13:58
tomreynSven_vB: that's all i know about it, i'm afraid. if the hint on syslog about permissions is correct, this could hint to use sudo or that apparmor is getting in the way.14:05
tomreynsorcerer: i must have read it differently to you: there are statements in there suggesting that a file in the ubuntu package can be broken or incomplete.14:06
tomreynas well as suggestions on how to work around this.14:07
mfilipe[m]is there any good software to check the disk usage and which folder consumes more space?14:12
semitonesif you are in ubuntu mfilipe[m] look for disk usage analyzer14:13
semitonesit's pretty fast and easy to learn if you click around in it14:13
Sven_vBtomreyn, once I found the reason, I retried with a user that is in the netdev group and it worked. so the only problem is the bad feedback, silence + return value 0.14:15
tomreynSven_vB: maybe worth filing a bug report. if there's not already one on the *current* bug tracker.14:18
Sven_vBmaybe later :)14:20
mfilipe[m]semitones: tks :)14:20
PetfroggI need to "fake" that the machine needs a reboot is "sudo touch /var/run/reboot-required" all I need to do?14:27
quadrathoch2Petfrogg why would you need to fake a neededreboot?14:33
kentWine complains of lack of wine gecko, but there seems to be no gecko deb package in the archives?14:38
quadrathoch2kent as long as you don't need that package, I wouldn't bother14:42
kentquadrathoch2: seems I needed it. I installed wine from winehq instead.14:43
quadrathoch2kent only because wine complains about it, doesn't mean you need it14:43
kentquadrathoch2: well, you are correct.  But the program I tried to run opens up a webpage which is blank, so I think I need it..14:44
quadrathoch2kent well that could be14:44
louis771Anyone running U20.04 on X1 Carbon 8th Gen already?15:02
coconutlouis771, only on an X1 extreme gen215:02
louis771any issues with wireless?15:03
coconutlouis771, nope what worked out of the box with ubuntu mate 20.04(only needed nomodeset on live usb, but that was due to graphics card i believe)15:04
louis771had kubuntu installed and wireless broke after a few days. couldn't get it running again no matter what. now I'm running stock ubuntu and got the first error after about 20 hours15:05
louis771hope it was a one-timer, otherwise I've to go back to Fedora 3215:06
coconutlouis771, i am running 20.04 ubuntu mate since 06-06-2020 without issues here.15:11
louis771glad to hear.. nice machine btw. since when do you have it?15:13
coconutlouis771, begin of June15:14
louis771and happy?15:14
coconutlouis771, yes, although my last macbook pro 10.1 had it's display *a lot* better(the colors)15:15
coconutbut i am happy with it15:16
louis771switch from a mbp too, just glad to not be stuck in the a$$le ecosystem anymore. however, yes the screen and audio is hard to beat15:18
coconutlouis771, oh... btw, i have the x1 with the uhd(4k) panel15:22
nonix4reasonably priced high quality panels are somewhat rare... prefer ones that ship with factory color calibration reports included, unless you have color calibration eq.15:24
coconutso it might be that the carbon has it's display less great than the optional display(4k) of the extreme (i have not checked)15:25
coconutnonix4, i had the option for calibration the screen not enabled on my order(i assumed that it would not be calibrated for me anyway since i would go away from windows to ubuntu)15:31
AquaL1tequick question, why doesn't ubuntu use selinux, like fedora? i know the differences, was it perhaps that selinux was too much work because it's more complex to manage?15:36
quadrathoch2AquaL1te because ubuntu uses AppArmor15:37
AquaL1tequadrathoch2: i know, but why?15:38
quadrathoch2why not? it's just another implementation that restricts the access15:38
quadrathoch2and selinux has it's history with a 3 letter agency, so some people think there could be holes in it15:38
AquaL1tequadrathoch2: just trying to understand the reasoning. because on paper selinux is stronger, downside is that it's more complex to setup. but i thought, if fedora already did it, then why use something weaker15:40
quadrathoch2AquaL1te and why do you think it's weaker?15:40
quadrathoch2also on the side, fedora+rhel are the only distributions using selinux (on the larger scale) so there is a reason why all the other ones avoid it (probably, never really looked too much into it)15:43
leftyfbAquaL1te: feel free to ask here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-hardened15:43
AquaL1tequadrathoch2: if you enable selinux withour proper rules, it won't boot because it restricts functionality. i have apparmor on my raspberry pi, but only includes some rules for e.g. cups. you can't just protect cups with selinux. it's a full system implementation. that's why i think it's stronger. if you would compare it to iptables, apparmor seems to have the default chain behavior on 'accept', while15:45
AquaL1teselinux has it on 'drop'. so you have to allow things with selinux, and deny things with apparmor. that seems a weaker design. because allowing behaviour you want is easier than trying to guess everything that shouldn't happen.15:45
lotuspsychjequadrathoch2 AquaL1te lets avoid polls here, go with the advice leftyfb mentions, or #ubuntu-discuss to discuss15:45
jak2000hi how to remove, chrome ask a password?15:49
AquaL1telotuspsychje: true (i'm also theming my irssi at the moment, so i also needed to test colors for mentions and other theme stuff with this convo :)15:49
=== paperhawk is now known as Guest86757
Sven_vBwhat program do Ubuntu and Xubuntu focal use to persist clipboard content after the program that copied it exits?16:16
* Sven_vB found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClipboardPersistence16:22
ViperXL75damnit. I literally can't get rid of an old NTFS mapping on my machine16:31
ViperXL75i formatted the drive to ext4 hours ago.16:32
ViperXL75Even removed the whole 'ntfs-3g' from my machine with 'apt remove ntfs-3g'16:32
ViperXL75Yet when i type "mount -a" i keep getting: mount: /mnt/DaBoss: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-3g'16:33
ViperXL75And if i remove that folder/mountpoint "/mnt/DaBoss" the damn thing pops up after a reboot.  -_-16:33
quadrathoch2ViperXL75 sounds like you have an entry in /etc/fstabl16:34
ViperXL75removed it from there too.16:35
ViperXL75thing is, now when i try to mount the "reformatted" drive to that point, from within Gnome GUI, it spits out errors. Which are probably due to that mountpoint already being in used by some mysterious process still kicking it alive.16:36
mfilipe[m]how could i force zfs to write the data into the harddisk? sometimes when i reboot my pc, sounds like i get the older state of the filesystem16:36
ViperXL75Turns out i was trying to comment out the old fstab lines using semicolon ";" instead of the hash "#".16:37
ViperXL75Hours of my life that i'll never get back.  :(16:37
quadrathoch2ViperXL75 eh, lesson learned :)16:38
ViperXL75hey i have a rather weird question maybe16:47
ViperXL75but when i do an "ls -l", the months on the file listing appears in some strange language16:47
ViperXL75août juil. mai16:48
ViperXL75supposed to be August... July... May16:48
zutatViperXL75: what's the output of "locale"?16:49
ViperXL75funfact is that the rest of the CLI responds in english (as i wanted it to)16:50
ViperXL75it's just those months that keeps showing in that strange language16:50
zutatViperXL75: what's the output of "date"?16:51
ViperXL75And if i ssh into it or login locallly and open the CLI from the GUI, it will show the same16:51
ViperXL75dim. 05 juil. 2020 18:51:39 CEST16:51
zutatyour LC_TIME is probably set to some latin-based language16:52
ViperXL75u just gave me the right nudge in the right direction there16:53
ViperXL75hold on16:53
ViperXL75found it. Region settings. The "Formats" was set to French.   wtf?!?   lol. Changed it to UK now. Thanks man.16:54
Salatwurzel"juil" is french for july afaik16:54
Salatwurzelah, nvm16:54
Salatwurzelyou got it :D16:54
ViperXL75well zutat gave me the right nudge16:54
Sven_vBhttps://ppa.launchpad.net/rolfbensch/sane-git/ubuntu/dists/focal/Release tries to use an SSL certificate that certifies hostname private-ppa.launchpad.net, and thus is invalid. So I try https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/rolfbensch/sane-git/ubuntu/dists/focal/Release but that's a 404. I know I could just use http://ppa.launchpad.net/rolfbensch/sane-git/ubuntu/dists/focal/Release because why protect the transmission when the expected17:42
Sven_vBcontent is signed, but still, why the strange server config?17:42
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: contact the maintainer of the ppa?17:43
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, I doubt they control the webserver :)17:43
* Sven_vB checks if there's a Launchpad channel though.17:44
Sven_vBfound their FAQ forum. :)17:45
Sven_vBand found the bug ticket, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1473091 .17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1473091 in Launchpad itself "default PPAs to HTTPS" [Low,Triaged]17:47
rr123if i chose to encrypt the whole hard drive, will it be accessible for single-user-mode17:57
oerheksrr123, yes17:58
rr123trying to make sure nobody can change root password: 1. lock down BIOS(no usb/cd/pxe boot). 2. lock down grub menu 3. make sure hard drive is not readable unless you have tke ye17:59
rr123s/tke ye/the key/17:59
oerheksbios password, some machines give a boot password option17:59
rr123just realized my kid use single user mode to unlock root so he can install all those games17:59
oerheksalso in single user mode you still need the key18:00
rr123grub can mandate a key for boot into single user mode18:00
rr123when you say 'in single user mode you still need the key' do you mean the harddrive encrypt key?18:00
rr123if only I know the hard drive encrypt key that I might not care about single-user-mode, as long as the hard drive is encrypted without my key, the root can not do much18:01
rr123ubuntu should have this option at installation to make sure unless you have the root password you can't do single-user-mode or change root password, the only way to change is livecd or usb boot, which can be controlled in BIOS and it's beyond ubuntu itself18:03
rr123going to try this thing in a virtualbox18:03
oerheksone cannot change root password without the key.18:05
oerheksbut go ahead, test  it.18:05
quadrathoch2rr123 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks#Password_protection_of_GRUB_menu18:07
oerhekshe found that option already18:07
tomreynSven_vB: as !alis could have told you, there's also #launchpad (but note the /topic there)18:08
quadrathoch2ahh okay18:08
rr123thanks, vbox--ing18:08
Sven_vBtomreyn, yeah I found that. it just took a moment for me to remember that even if LP might be supported here, the more specialized channel could nonetheless be worth a look. :)18:09
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
tomreynSven_vB: !PPA 's are generally unsupported (except maybe by their maintainers), and the Launchpad platform itself (as a technical infrastructure) isn't supported on this channel. So, yes, #launchpad would be more suitable, but they prefer different channels for support (as you probably read by now).18:12
Assidis there  a way i can customize a live ubuntu desktop.. one thats booted over pxe18:21
oerheksAssid, sure, there is Cubic https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image18:24
Assidcan i not make my pxe boot as persistent. do the changes i need to .. and then remove the peristent flag18:25
oerheksno, that is not how it works.18:26
oerheksyou can use mkusb to use the empty space as writable.18:27
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striveI'm completely stumped over this: https://ibb.co/1XFdSHZ19:43
monkwitdafunkhi users of ubuntu channel on freenode dot net. what is ubuntu core?19:47
monkwitdafunkthank you BeavisOnFire19:49
monkwitdafunkif i have a window manager, then does that mean i can use a mouse?19:49
monkwitdafunkwhat kind of window managers can use? i dont have any hardware right now19:49
monkwitdafunkim buying one next month19:50
monkwitdafunkdo i need a window manager to use Xorg19:50
monkwitdafunklinuxcollections.com is sending me ubuntu server by mail so im excited19:50
=== teej is now known as teej_
tomreynstrive: "no such device" isn't the same as "no such file".20:51
strivetomreyn: noted! Thanks for that. I figured out that I didn't have a floppy controller on the VM...my mistake :(20:51
Rob_Joneshow do i change the command line display name21:15
Rob_Jonesmine currently says rob@127:~$21:15
EriC^^what do you want it21:15
Rob_Jonesideally Rob and the path I am on21:16
Rob_Jonesif its not easy for path21:16
Rob_Jonesthen just rob will do21:16
EriC^^Rob_Jones: type PS1='\u:\w\$ '21:18
EriC^^if you want it "Rob" then do PS1='Rob:\w\$ '21:19
EriC^^Rob_Jones: then add it to your .bashrc to make it run it automatically when you start a shell21:20
kentis there some way to tell if a computer has room for another harddrive without opening the chassie? Sort of like seeing if it has a free ram-slot, but for hardrive..21:45
jeremy31Kent, if it is a laptop, it might be doubtful21:47
kentits a stationary computer.  But I would rather not take the chassie apart,  :)21:47
kentdmidecode might have done the trick. It says 2 SATA slots. Just not sure if its detected drives, or usable slots21:51
SpeConHello, i have a real dumb question about the file manager in Ubuntu. For example when i join a folder wich contains files. How can i show those files in Preview like in windows ? For example if the files doesn't contain a logical name its hard to find the file i'm searching. In windows you can select preview mode so you can see little tumbnails of the files. Then its easier to find the picture or file i am searching21:59
SpeConfor example picture1.png ( its just the name you see an not a little preview of the picture)22:00
freemintCan someone explain me the inst coloumn from https://popcon.ubuntu.com/unknown/by_inst ?22:03
oerheksline #4 <inst> is the number of people who installed this package;22:04
SpeConnevermind i'm going to install dolphin wich has a build in preview mode22:04
freemintOver what time frame?22:05
freemintThis month? Since 1970?22:05
monkwitdafunkhow do you restart inti on the command line?22:06
oerhekssince 4.04 ?22:06
oerheksnowadays ubuntu uses systemd, not sure why you want to restart init?22:08
monkwitdafunkpid 1 i mean22:08
monkwitdafunki spent $300 on ebooks and i dont have an x86 64bit computer to install until i wait a month22:09
monkwitdafunki was readig linux pocket guide22:09
monkwitdafunkthe distro fatdog64 has the ability to restart the desktop enviroment by killing a process tree so im wondering what the command would be22:10
monkwitdafunkit would also prevent zombie processes and having to use ps to look at the Z state processes that tells you so22:10
monkwitdafunki cant wait until i get my ubuntu DVD and laptop22:11
monkwitdafunkall i can do now is read and chat22:11
monkwitdafunkhelp would be very much appreciated, thank you22:12
Jordan_Umonkwitdafunk: You don't want to restart pid 1. Also, any form of "restarting" (it can't stop, or you'd get a kernel panic) would not help with zombie processes. Zombie processes are either caused by parent process (which are *not* PID1) failing to reap children or by a process stuck in a blocking system call. Neither is the fault of PID 1, and can't be fixed by PID 1 either.22:26
monkwitdafunkJordan_U: does seccompprevent any need for a child process to turn into a zombie?22:37
Jordan_Umonkwitdafunk: Not in any way that I'm aware of. Is there a reason you're so concerned about Zombie processes?22:54
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monkwitdafunkno i just want to make ubuntu like fatdog64. i have to check out docs for systemctl and find out how to run casper23:16
monkwitdafunki dont have the ability yet23:16
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cyberbootjeHi all, i'm having an interesting issue with my touchscreen laptop. The touchscreen is not working when booted but if i suspend the laptop (or does it automatically) and awake it again the touchscreen does work. Any clue how to fix this?23:35
PeppiI'm trying to install 20.04 LTS on an old laptop. I've burnt the usb stick but for whatever reason I can't get the computer to boot off of the USB stick. Is there any way to tell where the problem is?23:41
Bashing-om!md5sum | Peppi Did you check ?23:45
ubottuPeppi Did you check ?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:45
EriC^^Peppi: when you say you cant get it to boot, what exactly do you mean23:48
Biessiemy ubuntu server isn't resolving DNSs ... my ZNC can't connect to freenode but im on the same network on my mac and it connects just fine23:49
Biessiei tried both sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean start AND sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches23:50
Biessieany suggestions?23:50
Biessiei just did an upgrade also.. think that may have been the issue. it was working before the update23:54

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