
langjvIs anyone aware of any issues using cloud-init's #cloud-config YAML file format for a user-data file (from metadata service) on RHEL8? I have a simple cloud-config user-data that works fine in RHEL7 - but if i pass the same file in on RHEL8 - it doesn't read/parse it properly12:43
langjv(website said asking questions her was OK - let me know if that isn't the case)12:43
langjvI opened a bug for my issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1886428 Hopefully i'm just doing something wrong/incorrect :(13:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1886428 in cloud-init "Cloud-Init on RHEL8 cannot parse #cloud-config user-data" [Undecided,New]13:41
smoserlangjv: what cloud is this running on ?14:26
langjvVMWare VIO14:27
langjvI haven't yet reached out to them because i can "see" user-data, and it loads from metadata service fine/correctly, it seems more something on the cloud-init side simply not registering/parsing it correctly. I could be mis-interpreting what im seeing/troubleshooting though14:29
smoserwell. i'm surprised that it works on rhel7 but not rhel8.14:30
smoser2 things that'd be helpful:14:31
smosera.) collect the rhel7 (working) log also14:31
smoserb.) try with newer rpms at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/cloud-init/coprs/14:32
langjva was a no brainer - i should have done that initially. Working on "b" right now. will take a bit14:36
smoserit looks to me like maybe you don't have vmware tools installed14:36
smoseror maybe there is a systemd issue that prevents it from running.14:37
smosersee the "Did not find VMware Customization Config File"14:37
smoserhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1660713 seems related.14:38
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1660713 in open-vm-tools "[ESXi][RHEL8.0]Enable cloud-init by default to change the systemd unit file vmtoolsd.service" [Medium,Closed: currentrelease]14:38
langjvI can confirm my RHEL8 box has an 11.X version installed - and the "before" cloud-init line is appopriately in the systemd service file already.14:48
smoserlangjv: the key is DefaultDependencies=no14:53
smoserit needs that14:53
langjvit needs that removed?14:56
langjv[root@rhel8-base log]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service[Unit]Description=Service for virtual machines hosted on14:56
smoserhm.. that looks sane.14:58
langjvYeah - the comments in the thread seem to indicate to me that DefaultDependencies there, or not there, shouldn't matter.15:02
langjvI do have 20.2+90.gb923a9e3 downloded - working on adding that guys in and testing with him15:02
smoserthe thread is wrong15:05
smoseryou do need DefaultDependencies=no15:05
smoserbut you have it.15:05
langjvNow wondering if my issue is related to one/both of these (seem to overlap a bit) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+bug/1855458 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/166987516:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1855458 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init on Ubuntu 18.04 image does not run in VIO" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1669875 in cloud-init "identify openstack vmware platform" [Medium,Fix released]16:53
Odd_Blokefalcojr: Thinking about it a little more, I think the naming of that function is because I've been writing a lot of Rust recently, and using a _or suffix is commonly used to denote defaulting, e.g. https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/enum.Option.html#method.unwrap_or.17:52
falcojrinteresting, good to know17:53
Odd_Blokesmoser: Last call to opine on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/472 before I land it tomorrow. :)17:59
Alexey_TTTHi. I'm trying to use NoCloud provider, it successfully downloads user-data and meta-data from http server, saves user-data to /var/lib/cloud/instances/vm-debian/user-data.txt but user creation declarations in user-data doesn't seem to be respected. I'm unable to login via tty. There are no errors in log. What do I do wrong?18:00
blackboxswsmoser: while in the business of last calls, I think the vmware  folks have a reasonable default behavior for vmware VMTools config vs vCloud config for post-script enablement. I'm not certain if we should push more on the cloud-config options to fully disable something that they have two switches for already. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/44118:01
Odd_BlokeAlexey_TTT: Can you pastebin your user-data?18:02
Alexey_TTTSorry, sorry for not attaching it before. Current config - https://pastebin.com/q8V8W03i and I also tried this - https://pastebin.com/KTaB9Kt618:05
smoserblackboxsw: i honeslty do not know if they do have a reasonable default behavior or not.18:18
smosereither i'm to bone-headed to understand, don't have enough knowledge of vmware, or am to lazy to make an effort.18:18
smoserbut nothing said in that PR convinced me that it is behaving like i had hoped.18:19
smoser(some nice documentation woudl go a long way toward that)18:19
smoserIf I register a stock ubuntu image on vmware cloud X, then I need to be able to provide it with some user-data that says "DO NOT RUN THE ADMIN'S SILLY ROOTKIT"18:20
smoserOdd_Bloke: i responded there.18:20
Odd_Blokesmoser: Thanks!18:42
Odd_Blokefalcojr: You might be interested in reviewing https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/476, FYI.19:34
Odd_Bloke(And if any committers are looking for a few small PRs: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/475 https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/480 https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/481)19:35
AnhVoMSFThi folks, I'm trying to run cloud_tests on Azure platfrom from my local environment20:11
AnhVoMSFTI ran into some error with lxd even when I already set enabled: False in the platforms.yaml. What did I miss?20:11
meenaOdd_Bloke: what have i doneā€¦ https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/479/files20:15
Odd_Blokemeena: ... hm.20:19
meenawhat hath i wrought?20:21
Odd_Blokemeena: My guess is that RbxCloud is not being found because of that hardcoded datasource_list and the change in question does fix that problem on BSD (but causes major issues on other platforms :p).  I'm commenting now.20:24
meenaOdd_Bloke: i meant the if (not) variant.endswith('bsd')20:25
meenawe have two different things in that same file, and it should only be one (if not?)20:25
meenaOdd_Bloke: thank you20:41
mruffellHello! Sorry to be a pain, but is there any ETA of the cloud-init SRU in Ubuntu being released to -updates?22:24

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