
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic15:17
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (groovy), package size 2 kB, installed size 17 kB15:17
pikapikaIs there a simple way to revert to pure X if wayland gives trouble?20:16
pikapikaand is it true that next lts onwards wayland will be the default?20:17
oerhekscurrent LTS 20.04 is not wayland default.20:17
oerheksthere is no roadmap for next LTS, 22.04 ....20:18
oerheksand Groovy in development is Xorg default, still iirc20:19
pikapikaSo do you think it will be possible to easily change to pure X if needed if wayland becomes the default?20:19
pikapikaOf course, as you said20:19
pikapikathere is no roadmap for next LTS, 22.04 ....20:19
pikapikabut if you had to speculate20:19
oerheksSUre, i expect xorg as fallback, and such change will not be introduced with an LTS.20:20
oerheksthat could be like in 21.04 ..20:20
pikapikaThanks, I hope the people making ubuntu understand that some folks might find such a drastic change a bit scary20:21
oerheks21.04 - 21.10 - 22.04lts20:21
oerheksno, you will heave enough time to validate your system and services.20:21
pikapikaand thus supply an easy route to return to X if needed20:21
oerheksyou are doing that already, great.20:21
pikapikaam actually on 18.04 right now but yeah gotta be ready for the inevitable20:22
UssatPeople use GUI's on servers ?20:25
pikapikaon that note, is it feasible to assemble a desktop from the server edition if the desktop version is giving me trouble due to wayland and I find no easy way to replace it with x there?20:26
Ussatsudo tasksel install ubuntu-mate-desktop20:27
UssatI use that in a script if its needed20:28
Ussatserver install + that20:28
pikapikaI worry that the kernel may have been compiled rather differently for server than desktop (such as not prioritising mouse response as much, different scheduling settings etc)20:28
Ussatits the same kernel20:28
pikapikabuilt with exact same settings?20:28
Ussatscheduling can be changed without mucking with the kernel20:29
UssatYes, they are the same kernel20:29
pikapikaall in all I hope it doesn't come to that for me20:29
UssatJust different packages is all20:29
UssatIf I need to install a "desktop" I still use server image and that20:29
UssatI manage several desktops at work and hundreads of servers20:29
Ussatthe entire install is:20:30
Ussatsudo apt-get -y remove open-vm-tools20:30
Ussatsudo apt-get -y install open-vm-tools-desktop20:30
Ussatsudo apt-get -y insrtall taskel20:30
Ussatsudo tasksel install ubuntu-mate-desktop20:30
Ussatsudo systemctl unmask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target20:30
pikapikaat the moment the default config of the desktop editions is close enough for me that its not an issue, but any time in the future if it diverges too much from my needs/tastes its good to know I have the option to assemble mine own starting with the server edition20:30
Ussat   /rude drone20:31
UssatI dont like the desktop install, to much crap I dont care about at all20:32
UssatI ponly install what I need20:32
UssatIf I need something in there, I will install it20:33
UssatI believe in minimalist installs, only what you need20:33
pikapikayah its good to know I won't need to use some hipster distro if the need arises to assemble something a bit different20:33
pikapikathank god the server edition exists20:33
UssatI dont see it going away.20:34
UssatI have severl hundread servers w/centos and ubuntu20:34
Ussatand about 50 desktops20:34
pikapikakind of always have a gnawing fear inside me about what I will do if xubuntu changes too much from my needs, its a bit reassuring now to hear people have had success assembling desktops from the server edition20:34
pikapikaOf course, here's to hoping it never goes to that point etc etc20:35
UssatYa its really simple20:35
UssatI have that baked into an install script I have for servers20:36
Ussatif needed20:36

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