
strycoreHi, I have uploaded the 0.5.7 release of Lutris to the PPA lutris-team/lutris but it doesn't show up anywhere. All I have is the 0.5.6 release. When I try to re-upload it tells me the package has already been uploaded. Anything to get this unstuck?03:04
sarnoldstrycore: check your email, some classes of launchpad errors are reported via email03:05
strycorethat's the thing, I usually receive an email when I upload a faulty package but here I got nothing03:41
sarnoldargh. I know I've heard of this one. what was it... missing signature? expired gpg key?03:43
sarnoldis the 'already been uploaded' message coming from dput? I think there's a way to modify a local file somewhere to cause dput to forget that it's already done the upload.03:43
strycoreooh, you might be on something, I did update my GPG key03:43
sarnoldaha! does launchpad know the new key?03:44
sarnoldtime for me to bail.. well, tha was 45 minutes ago. anyway.03:47
sarnoldhave fun, good luck, I hope that's it :)03:47
strycoreI didn't have the key in launchpad, if you have that trick to make dput forget about the upload that would be handy. Otherwise, no worry. Thanks for reminding me about the GnuPG key :D03:52
wgrantstrycore: dput -f04:02
wgrantIt's a purely local check04:02
strycoreawesome, thanks!04:03
strycorethe package is building. Thanks again!04:06
mvohey, I am trying to push a git repo of snapd to lp and I get "git push fatal: remote error: Path translation timed out.". I found https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/689269 that indicates this might be some sort of LP issue? or am I doing something wrong, I added a new rmote "git.launchpad.net/~mvo/snapd/+git/snapd-wip" (that does not exit yet) and tried to push to that09:25
cjwatsonmvo: This is a known issue being worked on in the general case, but maybe we can patch things up a bit in this specific case09:37
cjwatsonmvo: (requested on ~is on Mattermost)09:40
mvocjwatson: thank you, not super urgent right now for me. was just a bit confused if I did something wrong09:47
cjwatsonmvo: You didn't - our "clone new repository based on existing one" protocol just needs some design fixes09:50
cjwatsonmvo: See https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/188351009:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1883510 in turnip "Can't create new git repo: Path translation timed out" [Critical,In progress]09:50
cjwatsonmvo: Try now?  Sorry for the delay13:47
tomwardilloSoMoN: if you retry your snap builds, they stand a better chance of working now14:13
tomwardillfix for the bzr issue was just deployed14:13
oSoMoNtomwardill, did I retry too soon? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/+snap/0ad14:14
tomwardilltook a bit longer than I'd like due to an unfortunate conflict with upgrading jenkins.14:14
tomwardilloSoMoN: the fix literally just went out 5 minutes ago14:14
tomwardilloh, huh, that top one is more recent than that14:14
tomwardillmaybe give it 5 minutes and try again, if it still fails, let me know14:15
oSoMoNwill do14:15
tomwardillit's entirely possible it's an unrelated problem14:15
tomwardillwhich would be unfortunate14:15
tomwardilloSoMoN: so.... it's related to the same update, but it's a different problem14:25
tomwardilllooking at it now14:26
oSoMoNtomwardill, no worries, and thanks for looking into it. Do you want me to file a separate bug?14:26
tomwardillI'll file one in a mo when we've got a better handle on what's going on14:27
tomwardilloSoMoN: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/1886834 fyi14:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1886834 in loggerhead "Loggerhead web view downloads broken" [Critical,Confirmed]14:32
mvocjwatson: thanks, worked now14:44

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