[18:36] THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. [18:37] THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. [18:37] WELL... it's working... [18:37] @kc2bez [18:37] Noice [18:37] Miracle worker [18:37] well [18:37] not yet [18:37] it's running manually at the moment [18:38] i'm dumping it into a screen session for now [18:38] give it a minute and we'll see if it behaves [18:38] ... or maybe it's just working? [18:38] \o/ [18:38] amazing [19:03] @HMollerCl [that's strange, I don't see why lubuntu should be different than same ubunt, xub …], Not anything like problems but some app which gets glitch on lububtu but not on others [19:34] @Daksh [Not anything like problems but some app which gets glitch on lububtu but not on …], might be because of compition. [19:34] *composition [19:50] @teward001 [THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. THIS IS ONLY A TEST.], whats this for [20:03] @ItzSwirlz [whats this for], IRC-Telegram bridge [20:03] random filler text [20:03] @kc2bez of the Lubuntu Council pulled some strings to get me looking at it to fix it [20:03] (yes the Lubuntu Council gives me cash via my LLC to manage things as a third party admin :P) [20:04] tested bidirectionally :P