[10:59] 👋! [11:10] Muy buenos días a todos! [11:24] facubatista: how're you doing? [11:24] Chipaca, all fine, you? [11:24] supercold here [11:24] not bad :-) [11:24] great [11:25] ah, here it's just decided to rain today [11:25] so the weather is miserable [11:25] but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [14:23] Chipaca, jam, here's a small branch in preparation for the "upload/push" one, thanks! https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/72 [14:23] PR charmcraft#72: Send user agent to the store, better log and messages, and other small improvements [14:25] facubatista: ooh, neat [14:53] Issue operator#357 opened: Add support for startupProbe checks [17:22] jam, there I addressed your comments in the PR, thanks!