
lotuspsychjegood morning03:09
gryhey lotuspsychje05:28
ducassegood morning06:15
grygood morning, ducasse06:24
ducassehiya there06:25
lotuspsychjehey gry07:03
=== dominic35 is now known as dominic34
The_LoudSpeakerThis is great17:19
joelcrumpi read about that a bit ago17:19
joelcrumpit sounds interesting17:19
The_LoudSpeakerWhere can I test it?17:19
joelcrumphttps://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-enables-linux-desktop-app-support-with-flutter <-- this might have the instructions, i didn't read the entire thing17:20
oerheksI joined cybersecurity https://twitter.com/msftsecurity/status/1280532025817079808   to ______  prepare a windows iso on usb20:24
=== akem_ is now known as akem
joelcrumpi download those ISOs in case someone i know needs me to make a usb drive for them, but definitely not for me to use20:29
tomreynhi TJ-, hoope you're doing well!21:53
tomreynqqqhhh in #ubuntu is affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1865293 - I noted coment #21 - do you think the acpi_osi trick could work there?21:54
tomreyn(qqqhhh is not one of those on the bug report, rather they posted to https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/hne80o/linux_freezes_r5_3600_at_idle/21:56
oerhekslook at https://superuser.com/questions/1547977/amd-ryzen-5-3600-ubuntu-20-04-problems21:56
oerheksdoes all core show up?21:56
tomreynoerheks: "all core", what do you mean?21:57
oerheks" with kernel parameter acpi=off but now system recognize only 1 core"21:57
tomreynwell, acpi=off is nonsense, i guess21:57
oerheksoh i see, type, all cores.21:57
oerheksyeah, it is not smart.21:58
tomreynbut maybe pretending to be windows in acpi terms would help21:59
tomreynbecause those stability problems always only affect linux apparently21:59
oerhekshe tried  "processor.max_cstate=1" too..22:02
oerheksi find no other bugreports and fixes..22:02
tomreynyou mean for this cpu?22:03
oerhekscstate 5 and cstate 3 are mentioned too.. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=24560822:04
oerheksi think you have more experience with ryzen than me :-(22:05
daftykinsnever forget being on current firmware to begin, also22:13
oerhekshe said he did upgrade.22:13
daftykinshmm 4 DIMMs of 16GB 2666... wonder if there's enough juice going to those22:17
daftykinsclaims of memtest clean, but that's once loaded a tad22:18
oerheksgood point22:21
lotuspsychjegood morning23:26

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