=== Eighth_Doctor is now known as Conan_Kudo === Conan_Kudo is now known as Eighth_Doctor [16:15] How do you release kernel versions? Is there a written process about it? I've a regression in 16.04/xenial which was introduced in the upstream stable 4.4.x, but also fixed later in upstream and wonder how long I've to wait to be settled down into linux-image-4.4. [18:51] lynxis: the dates for the sru cycle are on https://kernel.ubuntu.com/ and you can see the progress per package on https://kernel.ubuntu.com/sru/dashboards/web/kernel-stable-board.html === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [22:34] hi. i am new to kernel development. i am compiling focal using the master branch here: git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/focal and i notice that the master branch is at version 5.4.41, while a fresh install of the focal release image is at version 5.4.44. Why the discrepancy? [22:35] Or am I reading it wrong? Sorry. I am learning. [23:14] mathnewb: the master branch is outdated, possibly some tooling or process problem. but don't confuse corresponding upstream stable releases and our ABI versioning [23:14] so, we release a package that is versioned like 5.4.0-40.44 [23:15] the important bit here is 5.4.0 and -40, ignore the .44 after -40, which we call upload number and increase for every upload, trying to couple with the ABI, which is -40 [23:16] unfortunately, to add some confusion, that kernel has mostly all patches that are included in upstream 5.4.44 [23:16] the version that is included in the ISO would be 5.4.0-26, with upstream patches up to 5.4.30 [23:16] mathnewb: does it make sense? [23:36] cascardo: I was just eating some dinner. Thank you for writing back. I will read it now. [23:41] Ok. I think it makes sense, yes. In my VM (which I updated to latest after installing) a `uname -r` returns `5.4.0-40-generic`. the master branch is outdated, and building it gives me linux-*-5.4.0-39-generic*, which I believe squares with your explanation (master is slightly out of date). [23:43] and if I am understanding correctly, there is no exact "1-1" correspondence between an upstream ("mainline"?) kernel and an ubuntu release [23:43] the upload number just happens to coincide at the moment [23:44] (which tricked me into thinking there was a relation there that doesn't exist) [23:44] Does that seem correct? [23:44] it's certainly confused me in the past :) [23:47] Haha, I'm glad I am not the only one!